When Freddie reads of hauntings at Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park in Ontario due to a mysterious lullaby, "Lucilla", he drags the gang on an unexpected canoe trip, where he's determined to prove that not only do ghosts exist but also that not every villain hides under a mask.
Freddie, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy are leaving soon for college, which causes them to fear that their mystery-solving days are over. As the gang leader, Fred takes matters into his own hands and tracks down one last mystery for them to solve--the legend of the Ghost of Ontario in the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park.
While canoeing on Lake Anima Nipissing to search for clues, the gang runs into an amnesic hermit who claims he's only ten winters old and has never heard of the Ghost of Ontario; yet, whenever he's around, strange things happen, such as unexpected storms and angry spirits. It looks like he may be the gang's biggest mystery yet, but is this mysterious hermit a masked villain or something more? And what is this "Lucilla" that everyone in the provincial park keeps discussing?
It's up to the gang, Scooby, and one brave young man to solve this mystery--for all of Ontario.
*Don't ask... LOL!**FYI: This story is based on a TV show, so expect a screenplay-like writing style.**Moral Lesson: "Some people are not what some people think they are."
Prompt Used: #91 - No one believes you. But you are the only one who can solve this mystery--for all of them.
When life is hell, heaven's just around the corner. Chlyce Esastella is just an average everyday girl cursed with a below average life--OR IS SHE? When mysterious but enchanting Joshery Cristo shows up giving her wierd warnings and dire proclamations, a mystery is unfolded right at Wayvale High. Soon Chlyce finds that there's more to life then she ever imagined, and that she might not be so average after all.
The saga begins now, but fare warning to all passengers--this ride's guaranteed to give you dark dreams and a broken heart.
A woman shatters the silence in the night with a bloodcurdling scream that awakens Tre. At first, he shutters and pulls the covers over his head, praying that whatever he heard was a figment of his imagination. After a few moments of heavy breathing, he hears the sound of the woman again, shrieking as if she’s been torn apart piece by piece. Tre begins to breathe faster and harder as each second passes. Underneath his legs, he feels the wet sheets soak in urine; the putrid smell enters his nostrils. He waits, terrified, whimpering like a prey cornered by its predator. The woman lets out one more screech, but this time cut off, followed by a thud and an eerie silence.
Tre stayed hidden for a time, listening and hearing nothing. He doesn’t hear any movement, no creaks from the weight of an intruder on the floorboards, no more screaming or even the slightest hint of life on the other side of the door, absolutely nothing. He waits a little longer and then begins to lower the covers from over his head. All of a sudden, blue and red lights start flashing, getting brighter and brighter as each second passes. He takes the covers off and swings his legs over the side of the bed, trying to quietly place his right foot and then his left on the wooden floor. Tre begins to put all his weight on the wooden floor, and it starts to creak as he takes each step toward his bedroom door.
Once he reaches the door, he leans in; his ear rests on the wooden surface and listens for anything, indicating life on the other side. Tre hears nothing, so he opens the door and pokes his head out before entering the hallway. He finds a bloody handprint to the right of his door that is smeared and leads around the corner to his parent’s bedroom. Before going around the corner, he waits a few moments before passing the hallway to the kitchen. He looks on both sides of the wall and sees a trail of blood leading into their bedroom.
As Tre passes the kitchen, he can see a police cruiser and its lights flashing in his driveway. He wants to run out and get the police officer but instead decides against it. The boy makes his way into the vicinity outside of his parent’s bedroom and sees the door slightly ajar with blood smeared on the door handle. His instinct is to call for his parents, “Mom… Dad…” Neither of them answered. “Mom… Dad… Are you okay?” The gut feeling Tre had was gravitating toward the worst possible explanation imaginable. After not receiving a response again, he begins to cry as he steps closer and closer to their room. “Please, answer me.” He goes to push the door open and jumps as he hears the sound of hard knocking at his front door. “This is Officer James. We received a 911 call from this address. Is there anyone home?” Tre doesn’t answer, and he can’t answer. He’s stricken with fear.
The officer knocks again, “If you don’t answer, I’ll be forced to enter the premises. Is there anyone…” Tre’s attention gets pulled away as he hears a snarling behind him. He becomes paralyzed, refusing to turn around and confront what lies behind him. Gradually, he begins to turn his head and sees a beast staring at him with bright yellow, a goldish iris surrounding its pupils. He continues to scan the creature from head to toe and notices blood dripping from its mouth, “Hello, Tre.” The beast smiles and reveals its teeth, soaked in blood. “We warned your parents, and they refused to give you up. They ignored our demands and showed no fear when threatened.” The beast's hands clenched, its claws digging into his palms. “My masters will not be ignored if they ask for anything; there should be no hesitation or resistance in getting what they want.” Tre stood there, unable to move, unable to speak, as he watched the beast’s blood dripping from his palms.
“Since I’ve removed your parents from the equation, I suggest you come with me.” The two stared at each other, allowing the silence to fill the ever-shrinking hallway. His fear turned into defiance. His parents had risked and lost their lives, refusing to give him up. Even though he was just a teenager, Tre knew he had a choice, and he would rather die than be taken away, giving this beast and its masters the satisfaction of getting what they wanted. The beast grinned, tilting its head sideways. “I ask you not to be foolish and believe you have a choice. Make this easy on both of us; no one wants more blood to be spilled.”
Suddenly, the front door was kicked in, and he saw a flash of light. “Holy fucking shit! What is that?!” Bullets started flying towards Tre and the beast; multiple bullets ripped through it while a stray hit Tre in his left arm. “This is Officer James!! I need backup at—”. In the blink of an eye, the beast dashed forward and slit the Officer’s throat from ear to ear. The Officer's eyes grew wide with shock, and fear spread across his face. He reached his neck with both hands and fell to his knees. He tried to speak, but only gurgling from the blood filling his throat was audible. The beast walked up to him and placed its hand around his, pulling his hair back and exposing the neck as blood poured faster and faster from his wound. The last thing Tre saw was the Officer moving his lips, mouthing the words “Run.” The beast then pulled upwards, removing the Officer’s head from its body, and with a loud thud, the Officer hit the floor, and Tre sprinted for the back door.
Daniel Matton wasn't ready for an adventure, not until 3023 sent him into space on a journey to prehistoric times. The prehistoric animals test his patience, but Dan must endure all the pain and suffering to return home safely. ***
Seventeen-year-old Daniel Matton, still grieving after his mother's death five years ago, is given the adventure of a lifetime when he's selected as the Star of 3025's PPMC Project for a journey through a black hole, wormhole, and white hole to prehistoric times. Now, does Dan want to be the Star? Heck no, but he has loved paleontology ever since a bittersweet memory with his mom twelve years earlier.
Programmed to resemble Dan's mother's personality, PPMC vows to keep him safe on his journey, but it's difficult when the stubborn teen constantly gets in trouble, not just with himself but also with prehistoric anomalies: volcanic eruptions, eight-foot-long millipedes, terrifying saber-toothed cats, and, above all, disaster.
Now nearly trapped in time, Dan and PPMC must work together to escape the geologic time scale before Dan's love for paleontology and the mighty Quetzalcoatlus prevent him from learning how to truly trust PPMC and "let go" of the burden that's weighed him down for five years.
A teen, a starship, and Becca...
Have you ever wanted to see where life first began?
*First Draft Written: 8th grade*
*The story behind the award-winning short story, Messummer!*
*Includes slow-burn world-building and epic adventure in prehistoric times!*
“Love can be dangerous, Ray. And we both know,
Dark… evil… demented…
That’s what Raven Magicae fell for…
The exact definition of monster.
In her nightmares, she’d dream of him standing over piles of dead bodies… eyes so dark they looked black… and he’d be smiling as his victim’s blood trailed from his lips… staining them a bitter red…
When he looked to her for the first time, she knew from the beginning that he wasn’t normal.
His eyes held no mercy.
Not even for her.
And now that Malachi had her life twined between his fingers…
All her nightmares would come true.
But deep inside the monster… was there a light…? Or was his soul completely covered in shadows?
She knew he was her captor… a monster… but she couldn’t control herself…
And she had to remind herself of who he really was…
But who was hereally?
(part of the enchanted realm)
Live according to Christ, These myths ain't the perfect sacrifice, If people care they gon pay attention, If evil is in the air they gon pray for ascension, Not talking about everybody, Not walking with everybody, Now you the enemy cause I got the energy.
Spiritually disciplined cause I'm biblically heaven sent, Repent with a pure intent, Don't be bent in the impure ascent, You free to invent but I don't consent, New tea to blot the sin rent I'm content, The prophecies must happen, No time for capping.
Old folks turned foes coming out the woodworks. Gold yokes burned by the blows of good works, They want to see if you still have the light of Christ, They hunt you in the night of sacrifice, Loved ones and close ones tuned goats, The doves sing heart notes.
Being real means walking in love with no fear, Being healed means walking with the dove in any year, Biblical discipline is your spiritual insulin, The walk in Christ is everlasting, The talk in Christ is ever fasting, Repent cause the enemy won't relent.
Crop the cake, Stop being fake, I'm appalled by people's actions, The fly on the wall is the evil attraction, If need be everyone is required to repent, If the seed is free everyone is wired to intent, Think right, Think light, Don't blink in the night.
Training ground, Graining ground, The crops will yield with practice, The drops will heal with brackets, You watching the game, Who's watching the name, Society keep acting like they sleep but faking like they woke, Try to lie to me but the truth I soaked.
We all need Christ for everything, The seed of Christ is not a play thing, Baptized in that holy water, Better act right if you a starter, Used to play bench, Now they confused cause I broke the wrench, Power of the lion, The hour where the world is dying.
Make sure your thoughts are obedient to Christ, Don't take the cure of the cults cause the ingredient is a sacrifice, They quake in the drought cause you're defeating them with the price, God's love is free, God's dove is free, No more chains, No more stains.
Destined to walk in my spiritual service, Investing in my walk by biblical worship, Lean not on your own understanding, Behind the scene the thunder is landing, Love is not in bondage, The dove is not in carnage, See first then you can heal the thirst.
Times of refreshment and perfect peace, The crimes of enmeshment and worship of the beast, I know history is rough, But the victory ain't bluff, Jesus really paid the price, Deceivers thought they really played the Christ, He still rose. God is who I chose.
Speak your voice, Speak your choice, All in righteousness, All in Christ is blessed, Stop rejecting God, Stop injecting your bod, Don't fall victim to the deception, Don't fall for the rhythm of the inception, Can't play games, Thank and pray for the names.
Determined to free the captive, The sermon is the key to be active, Better wake up, Can't wife her if she caked up, Love ain't lost, The dove ain't lost, You ain't looking within, You cooking with sin, Now they glitching and switching, Stay out the kitchen.
God made a way, God paid the way, Perfect atonement, Worship no opponent, Eternal life is real, The journal of a wife will heal, Then came Jesus to deliver the world from deceivers, Simulation like a museum, Any situation you can't fuse them.
They reminiscence on the past, They lost heaven's kiss when they were cast, God don't play with sin, God won't play with sin, This simulation is temporary, This situation is in the sanctuary, The temple is within, The sample is opinion, I bless not guess.
You can try to fulfill biblical prophecy but only God can do that, You plan to try to pull the will of spiritual privacy only the fraud would do that, The meek is available to help by love, The meek is unfailable to melt the bluff, Toxic not exotic.
God's precious grace is written on my face, Had to learn to give people their space, Had to learn evil can be erased, Must give credit to God, Trust the medic of God, You are healed, You are sealed, Indebted to Jesus, They inverted lukewarm believers.
Had to learn the hardest lessons to recognize they can't burn my harvest blessings, Focus on the now, That hocus is not a vow, Be careful what you say in your mind and mouth, Be thankful of how God is kind with no doubt, The law of truth, It's raw in truth.
God don't deal with stupidity, God don't deal with cupidity, We weren't given a spirit of timidity, We're living in a spirit of infinity, I know eternal rules, Don't enroll in the inferno schools, My journal is the views, The lab of the infernal is news.
Can't steep the rust, Can't sleep with lust, Wake up to what's coming. Can't fake up what they summon, I know they messing with me, But they ain't the one who blessing me, Only God, You know your heart holy when they act odd, We don't play no joker card.
My attitude is integrity, My gratitude is eternity, Roll with the punches, Bowls of fruit in my lunches, They know what they do, The day is soul what they do, See through their features they only worship creatures, Lip service, Can't clip my purpose.
People can't handle the lion, The evil in the candle is dying, You think it's a joke, You think you woke, Holy spirit got them shook, They only fear it cause you know the Book, I don't do the autograph pertaining to the art of craft, Justice or wrath.
Just admit you signed a deal to reject Jesus, I don't trust no habit to blind the real believers of Jesus, We see with clarity, We see with charity, They want you to be part of the system, They don't want you to be set apart with wisdom.
Feel like I'm in the lion's den, They steal time in the Cern to destroy your lens, For the elect's sake the days will be shortened, For disrespect sake they pray for abortion, Solar eclipse is it a hoax or do you regard the notes, Dunk talking, Monk walking.
Make the most of your life in righteousness, They take the ghost to give to the scientist, Keep seeking God's face, Keep meeking God's grace, We're universal expressions of love, There's no reversal impression of the dove, Live fully. Don't live unruly.
Live for the glory to God, Give more for the story of God, Alpha and Omega, No laughter in the soul breaker, Seek mercy and justice, The meek they will try to curse thee with substance, Be sober minded, Game over don't be blinded, Transcend, They can't stand.
The reflection in the mirror, The dimension is clearer, Transcension is nearer, Matrix ain't set in stone or in code, The ancients didn't bet on the bone in gold, Some cast lots on the innocent, That's why they didn't last when they did the realest sin.
You can only control how you feel, You can only control how you heal, Give people their space, If you live evil you will be erased, It ain't what if I have grace, You can't trust the devil, You can dust the devil, Bone collector, Throne protector.
Your birth name details your life, The earth game is like retail for life, Get out of the rat race, Get out of the cat pace, Be set apart from society, Be set in your heart as priority, Be a winner not a sinner, Pay them no mind, Pray for your mind.
Grace covers my every heartbeat, Space covers my every star treat, Crucify your flesh, Who's fly in the test, No crash landing, No trash banding, The sun is rinsing to erase what they claim is convincing, The Almighty rules, In light they think you a fool.
If they idol looking, I'm Bible booking, Keeping my heart on the verses, Deepen my heart on the verses, You realize all this is due to transgressions, We will rise when they fall due to confessions, This ain't race laced, This is grace based.
So many errors, So many terrors, Still got to walk right, Still got to talk right, Can't fear if it ain't God, Can't hear if it ain't God, I know the dread they have, I know Jesus bled to save from the wrath, We don't sin at jokes, We win at cracked yokes.
How did it go from eating potato chips to now brain chips, If you go past your limit, Then you will be the last to mimic, Microchips and hydro clips, The world scared to return to nature, But they prepared to relearn the danger.
I ain't take no oath, Thank God for the quote, There's a message in every line, There's a presence in every mind. There's a blessing in every sign. Final four horsemen, Don't be idle in the core of the endorsement, Christ stamped me, They price is to vamp me.
What's headed to this earth got them dreaded by the birth, The flesh withers, The blessed rivers, A lot of people talking the equation, But how many people walking in the ancient, God is King. Scars on my wings, World turned to a mess, To Jesus I confess.
Class lootings, Mass shootings, Third temple, Word ammo, Earthquakes and disasters, Birth rates and the pastors, No need to read faster, No need to speed faster, I lasted through the doubt, Don't be without the juice casted out,
Live in grace. Given space, Righteous standing, Crisis landing. Always be ready, Always be steady, You must be born again, Trust the world won't be sworn again, This the last go around, The past is going to the ground, Loud and clear, The crowd I don't fear.
Book of Amos, Look for the angels, Shook cause they see the bengals, They took to spend gold, There will be a great revival of hearts, There will be a great arrival of hearts, Jesus is Lord, Visas for the cord, Christ is Sovereign, The price was the offering.
Don't bash the covenant, Don't trash the government, That don't mean to bow down, That won't be the sound now, You acting unruly, I'm attracting truly, Return to your heart, They want to burn you in the dark, Be concerned to play your part.
Improve the faith of your heart, Remove the hate from your heart, Keep your love in God, Peep the dove in the squad, Obedience is better than sacrifice, The ingredients is the letter of the act of Christ, No this ain't fake, Jesus thought of you on the stake.
Wait expectantly for God, They hate heaven's tea for the heart, I'm encouraged in faith, Their sin is nourished by the grave, Close mouths don't get fed, Rose doubts don't get bread, Why deny love if it's truly real, Why deny the dove if you truly healed.
I say no to idolatry, They see the glow they doubting me, Can't take the soul out of me, I know the deception, Folks mad cause I declined their reception, Diabolical schemes, Psychological dreams, The game is froggy, Jesus name is the reason they mock me.
Through thick and thin, Truth is they only click when the land sin, The world is sick if you tapped in, Pray for the lost, Don't play for the cost, We don't gamble. We don't ramble, Spiritual warfare, Biblical hardware, Paid up. This ain't made up.
Open your spiritual lens, Hoping the world gets a biblical cleanse, What happened to society, They capping salvation is not the priority, The vibe is low, The hype is glow, Who shine with Christ, Who grind with Christ, Who mind on Christ.
Love and peace and faith is key, The doves ban the beast and save the free, They keep lying, Pray we keep flying, Where's the reciprocation of kindness, There's anticipation of sinus, Spread the name Jesus, Daily bread in the name of Jesus.
Subconscious threat, Obnoxious bet, They know you know, They want to slow your flow, The glow real. The crow steal, Conqueror and a champion, Not a wanderer in the mammon, They hate God not you, My fate in God not you, Try to cripple me, Christ delivered me.
We lift your name, No myth for the game, Walking with Jesus, Talking the gift of Jesus, Healed by love. Sealed by love, Fully in peace, They unruly in the beast, Kindness is a plus, The finest is a must, They try to slay the meek cause we pray at God's feet.
Prayed the name hard, Played the game hard, Money don't define me, Honey don't rewind me, Lord, change my heart finance, Don't break the cord of the heart's silence, We're like a mere vapor, I don't fear labor. Love thy neighbor.
Still amazed by God, They still in a haze cause of the flawed, Thinking I would fall short, I don't want the ball in my court, Stand tall cause life is short, Pray she don't call to abort, Christ paid the penalty, The sacrifice wasn't for vanity.
Point blank I'm been dealing with pride period, Anointed thankful I cried in healing had to bury it, Humble my mind cause they want to crumble my mind, Once in a while my eyes see women with lust, I know it's my flesh cause God said to be free of that bust.
Pray for the world, Don't play with the Word, Lost and I was found, The cost is the sound, Do you hear God, Do you fear the odd, It's clear life is hard, Ain't got peers cause they fraud, You can't trust no one on earth, You can't plus no one of birth.
Love God and your neighbor, Love hard with your favor, The truth is precious, The truth got a message, I walk in the power of peace, They walk in the power of the beast, They fear the energy, I don't fear the enemy, The test is to make you the best.
Calculate your steps, Calculate your reps, Don't be where your enemy is seated, Don't be where your energy ain't needed, Wrong place wrong time, Strong grace strong time, Yes we will succeed, Be still the seed, No pill for deceit, Can't blame me or flame me.
I'm not on the sixth power, Heart free watch how I shift the power, Love is foreign, The doves is mourning, God takes care of me even when they pretend like they there for me, Feel the animosity, This is real like varsity, You can't hide, Jesus is my guide.
Higher energy, I got the fire for the enemy, In the pulpit is the heresy. The culprit is the pharisee, You got the audacity to play, They can't part the sea cause they don't pray, To our King who is God, True wings even when it's hard.
My heart is in service to God, When it start they get nervous cause it's hard, Spiritual warfare going wild, Biblical warfare going dialed, Answer the phone, They try to censor the stone, Wisdom over fame, The system like the game, Know your light and right.
Strong pressure, Stay fresher, They thought I would crumble, In the drought I didn't fumble. Remain humble, The rain couldn't make me stumble, Love is the x factor, It ain't made up no actor, It's already explained, Are you ready for the next rain.
My heart got to renovate cause in the dark they bending weight, Elevate your soul, Generate your soul, By God's power, It's not hard to get devoured, It's odd to not see the world is sour, Stay present in love, Pray the blessing of the dove.
I know what's hidden in the temple, I glow cause of what's written ain't for example, This is the real, Her kiss is the deal, Babylon seducing minds, Singing songs reducing minds, This is spiritual warfare, It's beneficial the more you bear.
This is the last go around, They try to blitz cause I'm not who you want to play around, Ain't nothing being rebuilt, They do what do thou wilt, Can't succumb to the pressure, My soul ain't dumb when it comes to the measure, The gold ain't numb all treasure.
Not trying to fake who I am, They shocked I ain't dying for their mistake of who I am, Folks seen my light, The yokes been in the night, Break the chains, The earth quakes in the rain, For the sake my life won't be in vain, No flowers and cake for my pain.
If you wake up with evil your mind, Then why you trying to say it's illegal to be kind, I hope you pray your ego don't make you blind, God should be your first thought, The devil should be your worst thought, Be holy cause God is your only.
I triumphed over the curses, I high jumped over with the verses, Wake up from this illusion, Take up your cross in this confusion, Second coming, They begging to summon, They reckon the drumming, This is the last session but this ain't the last blessing.
My energy warn folks, My enemy yarn folks, How you claim love and hate at the same time, Now they claim the dove and fate for game time, God is justice, The fraud lack substance, Turn from your sins, Learn from your sins, Point of peace, Can't join the beast.
Fast so you can erase the past, The world is cast so it won't last, Raise your vibration, Grace is my hydration, Folks plotting, The yoke's rotten, Don't taste the fruit, Don't waste the truth, We don't play no tournament, The glow is permanent.
Mental ranking wisdom, Central banking system, Love is the math, Doves know the path, I ain't going for that nonsense, I'm glowing cause of my conscience, Deceivers brought us into the night, Jesus brought us into the light, Earth is for God by the heart.
Since you carry the light, They rinse in the berry of the night, World is shook cause you know what's in the Book, The verses break the curses, Stay in the holy spirit. Try to play me cause they fear it, Jesus is in God's will, Increase our love to heal.
Fix your heart finance, Don't mix the rock of violence, New kix for the walk of silence, Folks don't get that, So they try to bet that, No time for a bracket, Gold lime for the packet, They mad cause you're really in Jesus, Don't be bad in the seasons.
My heart's symphony is telling me win for me, I don't you want to sin for me, They taunt you cause you're a kin to the story, Jesus died and rose, We cried and chose, To walk with God forever, Truth unlocks faith when it's hard morever.
Foks changing their tune from auto to lotto, My tune is the motto, Only God Knows, Lonely when the heart grows, Loved ones turned to foes, Dove'd suns burned the woes, They want to vex you cause they can't next you, When's the last time they text you.
Please don't sleep on the powers that be, Please don't sleep on the hours that be, Heart of truth the Bible hit different, They start to soothe the idol to get in shifting, People pretending, The evil they defending, The light got them shook, Lamb's Book.
I got the main ingredient, I'm at the spot cause I abstain from the expedient, The powers that be shook when you walk in Christ The flowers ain't a crook in the price, Daffodils and Roses, Laugh and heal with Osmosis.
Be legit, Be enriched. Be a glitch, We don't switch, My heart ain't stitched, Covered in Jesus name, Love her in Jesus name, It's up to you to live right, It's up to you to give light, To the nations, Truth is ancient, The Lord rebuke you satan.
They trying to interfere so you can enter fear, Just understand the end is near, Repent in the holy spirit clear, They only scared cause they don't know the year, You can act tough but God had enough, Every heartbeat is real no bluff.
Specifically I'm biblically spiritually, Typically I'm vividly dimensionally, State of emergency, Your faith is currency, The earth belongs to God, The rebirth is the songs of the heart, The light disrupts the program, The night corrupts the soul lamb.
I adjust on the fly, I suggest you don't lie, Cover all your corners, They are lovers of mourners, Have a contrite heart, Better act right it's only the start, I ain't scared to say Jesus, God spared me from the prey of deceivers.
Praying to The Most High King who is God, They playing with the ghost of the one eye thing that is the pod, Look with your heart, Read the Book for your heart, Talking about the verses of biblical codes, They walking in doubt of spiritual modes.
If your ministry is race based then you might be called a worker of iniquity, If the industry was grace based then the light would be a worker of divinity, All is welcome to receive salvation, Wake up call for all nations, Jesus saves, Don't fear the grave.
Where I'm from I don't love sin, Don't be scared of the drum when the doves sing, You got to get rid of your ego, Still say Jesus even when they try to make it illegal, I'm not here to debate, I'm not here for the hate, Christ the Rock is my faith.
Sinners crave the grave, Winners is saved from the grave, Meaning death can't hold them, They scheming cause they was told the gem, Keep your heart purely love, Peep your heart if it's surely the dove, Rebirth to be in peace, Free earth in peace.
Contrite and meek, Act right it's you they seek, We not on dreaming time, We not on demon time, Take a deep breath, They fake cause they keep death, Life is your birth right, Your wife should be your earth light, There will be a revolution in execution.
The trail has been set, The grail has been set, We must live according to God's standards, We must give supporting the heart's manner, God is King, Love is everything, My heart opened to peace, The dark hoping for the beast, Whoever you are. Know you a star.
Heavenly Father, I pray I don't bother, May I have a cup of that holy water, Thank You for Your love, By the riverbanks with Your dove, The women by the well, I know they looming cause I won't sell, I know it's booming cause the truth I tell.
I speak to everybody even if I don't speak for everybody, They want to see you at every party, I'm not in that realm, I unlocked the heart of the lamb, No matter your race you can be saved by grace, God doesn't want you to perish, Get it by the dozen of fish.
See through the matrix with the eyes of love, Free through the ancients with the wise of the dove, Fight through the fear, Light truth clear. The night is near, Live right in every year, The mistake of sin, They kissed the cake to win, I ain't fake within.
I done seen God came through, I done see life is hard what it do, Rainbow is a covenant the sky is blue, I'm like an angel suffering cause my heart won't die in the truth, Just know I walk in perfect peace, Just know I won't worship the beast.
Every level is repentance, Cause the devil is relentless, They tremble at the sentence, It ain't got to be an example to be in the mentions, All that ramble can't take you to ascension, Feel like they gamble with the inventions, Free sample for dimensions.
You reap what you sow, Pray you keep your soul, Humble your heart, Don't fumble your heart, Trust in God. We're the dust of God, Need that boost, Duck duck goose, Don't push your luck with the truce, The name of Jesus. I don't play games with deceivers.
We attract peace and prosperity, They distract with the beast and austerity, If you playing with the charade, Then I know you be throwing shade, Life is not the arcade, Light of Christ can't let my heart fade, Night of rights won't let my heart wade.
In the Book of Revelation, Got them shook cause of my elevation, It's better you know, The weather brings in a new soul, You can't bathe in the grave. They fear you when you're saved, Yes you must be pure and endure, Bless the dust to cure the impure.
We must be unstained and blameless, They trust the untrained and shameless, Don't let the crown tilt, I won't let myself do what thou wilt, Fearfully and wonderfully made is how I was built, They against me tooth for tooth, We in the sense of truth for truth.
I been real with God since the start, That's why God healed my heart. Still some kinks, But no more links, They trying to throwing the kitchen sink, The world is dizzy, The Word is busy, Service of the worship, The biblical verses uproots spiritual curses.
Look at what's taking place, They shook at the awakened grace, Bills of Mary got them stocking up, Military coup is locking up, Now they entering the stage do it or get punished, To God I'm surrendering to gauge the new tip of the nourished.
I'm from the living heart, I'm from the giving heart, In the Book of Psalms, Within they shook cause I keep calm. They want me agitated and vexed. They want me aggravated and hexed, Still got righteous indignation, They still got crisis by inclination.
The gifts bestowed upon you is beautiful, The shift of the free soul is a miracle Vibration is on the next, Hydration is not for the flex, Give thanks, Living by the riverbanks, The natural atmosphere is love, The actual last of fear is known by the dove.
What I may say is to repent, I got to pray to invent, Instruments of peace, They are insolent cause of the beast, We're all in a moment of reflection, There is a component to the intentions, Your temple belongs to God, The example is biblically strong in God.
Your mindset and the biblical minds is not the same, The vine net is to bring in the spiritual minds cause it ain't a game, We need all believers of Jesus on one accord, Don't plead with deceivers cause I know all they want is war, Without God we're all poor.
State of affairs, They hate cause I care, Live great and there will be stares, The crate of gold is the market shares, They did a lot of damage, But God didn't vanish, Took me under love's wings, The Book thunders when the doves sings.
Many different backgrounds have mapped into the Bible, Many gifted who act sound have tapped into the Bible, I say that cause there's the right hand and left hand, I pray that the stars light the plans when in the theft ban, God is King, Doves always sing.
I really shouldn't be here, I freely couldn't when I had fear, Now God is the only one I dread, Now God is the only one I ask for bread, We must leave this flesh one day, They grieve the rest everyday, Believe in the test for the berry clay.
Success is being holy in Christ, They obsessed in fleeing of the only price, Will you repent or be planted in cement, This world is temporary, The Word is legendary, Biblical commandments, Ain't no spiritual amendments, Be light or get lost in the night.
They be trying to make the matrix unglitchable, They be lying cause grace is unwishable, Whoever you are God loves you, The river of the heart dubs you, The victory is in Jesus, The mystery is in Jesus, The history is in Jesus, The symmetry is in Jesus.