A new adventure begins! Alissia and the Supreme Primordials depart from Earth, guided by a mysterious escort, while those left behind face their own challenges. Embark on an exhilarating journey with the Primordials as their universe unfolds in an epic new saga!
The Second Coalition War (80-98 EH) was fought 265 years after the conclusion of the First Coalition War.
Due to the the unification of Upper Empyrea into the Umbracresti-Estrinite-Glacian-Narcissian Archregion (UEGNA) under Archcountess-Khatun Vega Calliope Ego by marriage, inheritance and alliances, the other regions dissolved UEGNA seats on CEDA and formed the Cerulean-Vorantine-Aqulio-Pheasantine Union (CVAPU) in response.
After Vega abdicated in 78 EH, her twenty year son is crowned Archcount-Khagan Urlic IV & I Ego-Estrin-Romanakov of Umbracrest, Estrin, Glacier and Narciss. Urlic is more aggressive than his mother and the other regions declare war on the Archregion....
The Grand Army requires some understanding for this book to make any sense to you (the Grand Fleet is simply 308 Airships / Aeronautical Craft divided into 7 Fleets of 44.)
■ Combatant Command = 10 Million troops under the Marshal of the Grand Army.□ Army Group = 2.5 Million troops under a Grand-General.● Field Army = 625,000 troops under a Lieutenant General.○ Corps = 156,250 troops under a Grand Warlord.▪︎ Division = 31,250 troops under a Warlord.• Brigade = 6,250 troops under a War Brigadier.° Company = 1,250 troops under a Captain.Platoon = 125 troops under an Ego Lieutenant.Troop = 25 troops under a Lord Sergeant-Major or Colour Sergeant.Squad = 5 Troops under a Lance Corporal.
■ Combatant Command (Marshal Blücher):□ Western Army Group (Grand- General Augereau):● 1st Western Field Army (Lt. Gen Ridge):○ I Corps ○ II Corps○ III Corps○ IV Corps● 2nd Western Field Army (Lt. Gen Kirova):○ V Corps○ VI Corps○ VII Corps○ VIII Corps● 3rd Western Field Army (Lt. Gen Hossian):○ IX Corps○ X Corps○ XI Corps○ XII Corps● 4th Western Field Army (Lt. Gen Zhao):○ XIII Corps○ XIV Corps○ XV Corps○ XVI Corps□ Northwestern Army Group (Grand-General Massaena):● 1st Northwestern Field Army (Lt. Gen Tatè):○ I Corps○ II Corps○ III Corps○ IV Corps● 2nd Northwestern Field Army (Lt. Gen Montgo):○ V Corps○ VI Corps○ VII Corps○ VIII Corps● 3rd Northwestern Field Army (Lt. Gen Duvè):○ IX Corps○ X Corps○ XI Corps○ XII Corps● 4th Northwestern Field Army (Lt. Gen Redd):○ XIII Corps○ XIV Corps○ XV Corps○ XVI Corps□ Northern Army Group (Grand-General Carrier):● 1st Northern Field Army (Lt. Gen Tanknori):○ I Corps○ II Corps○ III Corps○ IV Corps● 2nd Northern Field Army (Lt. Gen Ghost):○ V Corps○ VI Corps○ VII Corps○ VIII Corps● 3rd Northern Field Army (Lt. Gen Fenic):○ IX Corps○ X Corps○ XI Corps○ XII Corps● 4th Northern Field Army (Lt. Gen Devo):○ XlII Corps○ XIV Corps○ XV Corps○ XVI Corps□ Northeastern Army Group (Grand-General Grosso):● 1st Northeastern Field Army (Lt. Gen Navarro):○ I Corps○ II Corps○ III Corps○ IV Corps● 2nd Northeastern Field Army (Lt. Gen Harrison):○ V Corps○ VI Corps○ VII Corps○ VIII Corps● 3rd Northeastern Field Army (Lt. Gen Hawk):○ IX Corps○ X Corps○ XI Corps○ XII Corps● 4th Northeastern Field Army (Lt. Gen Petrov):○ XIII Corps○ XIV Corps○ XV Corps○ XVI Corps
With that out of the way, you can expect: politics, battles, strategy, death, marriage, destruction and many other things.
A little bit of Geography now:
UEGNA Regions:
The West - Umbracresti Commisarate
The Northwest (Archipelago) - Estrin Dominion
The North - Glacier Electorate
The Northeast - Earldom of Narciss (Capital region)
The East - Second Pheasantine Republic
The Southeast - Meritocracy of Aquiloria
The South - Technocracy of Vorantis
The Southwest - Theocratic Confederacy of Cerulea
The first two chapters are set slightly before the Second Coalition War started.
- Doc
The battle begins! Viraa informs Alissia and the others of a unique method that may help even the odds against Avarice and his group. Meanwhile, Avarice and his group finally begin the final phase of their agenda. Can Alissia and her friends prevail against such a powerful force or will they fall, unable to prevent the disaster to come? Either way, the epic conclusion to the Earthly Ties Saga is promised to change the world forever.
In The Void There Was Nothing, The Only Beings Were The Gods.
"Lost Files Log Seven, We Failed. The Reality God proved too strong, sadly enough he didn't just have only monstrous strength like we were lead to believe...he harbored extreme cunning...something we were not prepared for...his abilities were too vast...I leave this in hopes our plan works..in hope that there is a chance....We are not alone, in the universe. There was a reason we always feared the dark.....don't trust the gods...never trust the gods...they brought Mortals into their squabble..we weren't ready...trust your humanity before them. We needed more and they gave less..Good Luck...May you be more fortunate than we were. End Of Log." A man placed down his recorder into the hand of another being, they looked disgusted by the words this man spoke.
"It isn't our fault you know."
"It's what you want us to believe, if you have even a semblance of memory of all this...be better next time."
"This won't be a reset...much grander..a complete wipe. The scale will start from the beginning...it will start from scratch. We can't allow him a second to understand anything, if he does...we lose."
A being who radiated a blue glow sat down in a meditative state as the universe began to rupture and break, the rips and tears begin showing as they stand in front of a black hole.
"Hurry up!"
Another being shouted as he rose his hand and chains began to fly into the black hole imbued with a Magenta energy, the other beings began to do the same but they saw a black mass emerge and shred the chains as a boy floated there his eyes oozing a black substance and his pupils glowing blue.
"The End Of The World Isn't Yours To Determine False Gods." He spoke to them, they were enraged as a red feminine looking being shouted.
"Who are you to talk to us?! A Forsaken mortal, you have no place in our affairs!"
"And yet."
A voice boomed and a large arm emerged from the dark void of the black hole and reached out grabbing the fabric of reality as it was, The One began to exit as the boy moved out of the way. His entire body began to be engulfed in the black substance covering him like armor.
"All of you, due to your weakness. Use mortals, to enforce your plots." The One emerged from the void and looked down on the beings before him, he glared at them and then grinned.
"Oh? This was the best you could think of?" The beings began to rush him in union attacking him from various angles however he and the boy began to effortlessly fight against them all, working in far better coordination to defeat and decimate them.
"Get. Him." The One pointed to the one mediating, the boy nodded and flew at him.
"Mortal!" The Red radiating one shouted and rushed after the boy but was grabbed and slammed into the Magenta one as a green beam was fired at The One and he evaded it, instantly a black being rushed him and began swinging but was effortlessly evaded while The One harbored a smile on his face the entire time.
"How does it feel? To be the scapegoat." He smacked the beings punches away, he glared and summoned a scythe swinging it. The scythe harbored heavy necrotic effects along with being cosmic infused, he would swing it furiously at The One as he spoke more.
"The Second Family Failure?"
"You speak with a forked tongue, unlike you I wasn't Forsaken and never will be!"
He swung as The One evaded and back handed him viciously causing the entire void to shift and tear with just the impact. The Black one stumbled and seemed to weaken, The One grabbed him by the throat and glared at him.
"Yet like me, You Are Foolishly Believing They See You As An Equal." Another green ray flew at The One as he turned his head and raised a hand catching it. He then proceeded to slam it into the Black being's chest, sending him flying away.
"Heads Up." The boy slowed down as he turned and evaded the flying being.
"Such power." He spoke as he turned to face The One as the others seemed terrified of his very presence, a green barrier was made by a green being to defend each of them as best she could but with just a wave it was broken.
"Curses.." She took a deep breath and stood up prepared and looked toward The One."We both know you will not succeed, you should know this better than anyone."
"Wouldn't that be a blessing beyond for you all, be happy you're all still alive you parasites."
"Defend Me Fools!" The Blue one shouted as he then broke his meditation and evaded his siblings.
"I've plotted for this for eons and none of you are impressing me, your claim to power is weak." They rushed The One and all he did was wave his hand and suddenly they were paralyzed and felt their bodies begin to break down and be destroyed.
"Now. I give this realm, this reality, this entire universe and all that be. Oblivion." He raised his arms and suddenly a large slash was given to his back, a blade tearing through him.
"Did that even hurt?"
"My Liege!" The boy shouted as he turned, The One grabbed the boy and threw him away as his entire body was engulfed in a storm of blades slashing and tearing through him. A hailstorm of bones imbued with magic was summoned and fired down upon The One however The Man seemed to change again...for a few moments.
He changed again and again, evolving, adapting...losing like an endless cycle each time he was damaged he evolved to a higher state before the damage could root, he healed...however The One was too far beyond...an endless cycle meant nothing.
Finally it ended with his arm torn clean off.
"AUUUUGGHH!! Ghn..haaa...haaa..Damn..even after all we've done and even after all that.. you're still standing. Barely even a scratch too...Welp.. I'm at the end of my line. I know when I've been beat. All this power and I still feel short.."
"Oh don't sound so down, I am the epitome of what The End is. But know this, I always found it commendable, no matter what timeline you always stood up to me. In a way no other could.."
"Well damn..thanks. Well..goodbye. You're still an asshole."
"....Eh heh...eh heh EH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA EH HEH HEH HEH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" The One began to boom with laughter for a few moments before it ceased and he began to speak"On second thought, I give you all One Last Chance. To do something, absolutely ANYTHING to make amends for what has happened. If not well then, all shall cease to be. Fair isn't it? But this will be played with a menacingly clean slate. Remember this, you live. Because I Allow It."
Reality began to break and shatter as everything finally Went Black. The One then turned to the boy, the Boy seemed conflicted, he seemed troubled, he seemed lost...suddenly The One fired a beam through his head which sent the boy falling into the black abyss like a lifeless doll.
".....You'll understand, when it all settles you will understand." The One watched as the multiverse began to combust upon itself and close in, he smiled and closed his eyes..to slumber..in the farthest reaches of it all.
Yet another post-apocalyptic marching band story, featuring relatively the same people/names as my other one "ashes of eden" but with a completely different plotline.
Story summary:
When a young girl named Madeline's entire family was brutally killed, it made the young, promising princess simply...snap. She hunts down and kills the murderer of her family, but there is absolutely no evidence other then her eye witness.
(And it is well known that her specific species more often then not will go insane after a death of a family member)
And only evidence she killed him, so she is taken into trial.
Madeline expects and even wishes to be executed, wanting to be with her family.
But things get turned on there head by the king's odd decision...where he chooses her unexpected fate.
To be his indentured servant.
Wow! I had this idea for a story a looong time ago, and it's one of my first ever story ideas! Unfortunately a lot of my old files sadly got deleted :( So now I'm re-writing it from scratch! It's really fun, and tbh I like this story a lot more now!!! All of the things I post for this particular story will be first drafts, because I wanted to see what everyone thought of this, then take everyone's opinions into consideration when I do the final draft!Edits/reviews are very, very welcome! :D
A little boy, named Arthur unfortunately was a member of The Donnor Party...and was forced to eat his own family to survive. And...a tragic circumstance had a tragic result.
(Content warnings: Cannibalism, violence, murder of infants, starvation, The Donnor party, death, starving to death, turning into a wendigo. This is told by the adult Arthur, over a century after a helpless little boy was changed forever.)
As the story continues, Alissia begins to see the downsides to her power while her group seeks the final two Primordials and builds an alliance with the Watchers to counter Avarice's forces. Meanwhile, Tymon and Za'Fia focus their efforts on personally making Avarice's favorable position much worse, however, Verin has malign plans of her own. As each individual moves forward with their agenda, the war between the groups is finally sparked.
It's the end of the world and creatures haunt the streets, cloaked in shadows.
This is the story of a high-school marching band trapped in a zombie-apocalypse after their competition bus crashes, forty-six miles away from their home town.