It was a fine autumn day. Hope Devin, age 7, was excited beyond measure. Next week would be her first day at school, and her moms had promised her that she could get both ice cream AND pancakes at the same time. Hope loved pancakes. Hope adored ice cream. Having both at the same time sounded better than anything.
If it would also mean that both moms would spend time with Hope at the same time, it was going to be the best day ever. Hope loved her moms. She didn’t know what they did for work, as they spend most of their time at home, but they weren’t poor either. Not filthy rich, but not poor. If Hope didn’t get something she wanted, it was not because of money. Most of the time it was because she had acted like an ass and was being reprimanded.
T-mom was really good and reprimanding her. Hope called her T-mom, just because ‘Theresa’ had been too hard for her to pronounce. The other mom was called Elina. E-mom, just for balance’s sake, anyway. Hope loved balance. Hope loved balance so much, that she hated one-sided stories, even if they meant the "good guys" would win. In Hope’s little mind, everyone was good and bad at the same time. Everyone needed an equal chance.
Currently, Hope was playing outside in the autumn grass. It was still green and the sun was still shining, so it was warm outside. Hope ran in the grass with only her small dress on top of her undies.
Hope liked running. But most of all, she loved it when she was able to ‘let loose’. E-mom was adamant that Hope should never do it if there were other people around, unless it was really, really important. T-mom just nodded and whispered afterward that as long as nobody saw, it was okay. Just don’t tell E-mom.
Hope looked around her. They lived in the middle of nowhere, so as far as she could see, there was only plains and forests. Her school was miles and miles away and a taxi would come and pick her up once school started.
Hope looked around again, saw that there was nobody around, and grinned. She dropped her dress on the ground and jumped into the air. Wings of pure light sprouted from her back, wings that Hope had seen E-mom also had, but that she kept hidden most of the time. A dark red halo floated above her little horns, just like T-mom’s. She speeded into the sky faster than a jet. She loved flying more than anything.
Hours afterward, Hope returned home. She smelled something good when she opened the front door.
"Annie, Hope’s home!" T-mom yelled. Hope didn’t really understand why E-mom’s nickname was Annie, but she didn’t care. Moms called themselves with odd names all the time. Names like Annie, and Tessie. And Angel and Demon. Sometimes T-mom would tease E-mom a lot and call her Destroyer, which would piss off E-mom a lot. It was weird. E-mom was a kind and gentle person, as far from Destroyer than the sun was from earth. Impossibly far.
"I’m home," Hope yelled and ran to the kitchen. "What you cooking, E-mom?" She asked. All she got was a gentle smile and a nod towards the table. Hope climbed on the chair and peeked. Angel Rolls and Deviled Eggs! Yeaaahh! Hope loved those.
"Thank you mom!," she said. "Can I eat now?," she asked. She got a head shake. Hope pouted and ran to the bathroom to wash her hands like she should have done in the first place.
When Hope got back, T-mom had come to the kitchen too. E-mom was hugging her and kissed her gently. "I love you, Tessie," she said to her then smiled at Hope. "Done now, darling?," she asked. Hope nodded at her and shower her hands to her.
"Good girl, my little Hope," E-mom purred and patted Hope on her head. She dropped to her knees and took Hope into a tight hug. "I love you too, my Hope," she said. "I love the both of you so, so much," she said.
Hope hopped onto the chair and took a bunch onto her plate. She looked at her moms who were standing side by side, their hands wrapped around each others’ backs. They were both smiling at her.
"I love you both," Hope said to Annie and Tessie.