"What’s wrong, Annie," she said but I barely heard that. My mind was filled with the words ‘pure’, ‘light’ and ‘wings’ going around and around. I stared at the book, then turned my gaze towards Tessie. She looked at me. She looked so concerned I almost just kissed her. But…
"Tessie…" I said and took a step backwards. "Look," I said and spread out my wings. The ridiculous floppy noodles of brightness curled away from me and twirled brightly in the room. "Light and Wings," I said. "It doesn’t make sense, unless it’s true."
She looked at me with her mouth open for a while. I realized we were both still naked, and it didn’t help my embarrassment one bit. But then my mind picked on something that I heard and a metaphorical log hit me squarely on the head. I gasped and looked at her startled. "Tessie!," I almost yelled, "What does the rest of it say, quickly now!"
She looked at me alarmed, but nodded and turned back to the book. She quickly found the place where we left of and continued. "Alright, let’s see.. This was the bit with the wings… Here:
"If it comes to pass, that… the object, aka, Angel… is found to be… dirty? Unclean? SPOILED!, yeah. If it comes to pass that the Angel is found to be spoiled, the… Heaven of War… what. Oh, I guess that’s the entity, so.. Angel of War? Archangel of War, what you said his face was, Thyme-something… shall awaken? Come forth? Appear. Yeah, that’s probably it.
"It’s a slightly funky word that one. Anyway… and the… That’s just The Great Sword in any context, it’s probably a name… will smite the… no, that’s not right, that word doesn’t mean unclean.. it’s a… well, it literally means ‘the one who made the mess in the first place’, or guilty, or as Hell puts it ‘blame it one someone else’… yeah.. that about it. " She looked up and faced me and her expressions changed to that of concern. I was staring at her with my hands on my mouth, wings shivering and eyes large.
"Tessie…" I said. "Did…did you catch that?," I said. She looked at me and tilted her head slightly sideways. Her brow furrowed and she appeared to be thinking hard.
"Let me rephrase that to you and see if you catch that," I said and cleared my throat. "If it comes to pass that the Angel - me - is found spoiled - not pure anymore, in other words - then Thymiel will pop out of thin air and smite the one who… touched me," I said and took her hand in mine and put it on my chest, between my breasts.
"I’m not a pure Angel, anymore, Tessie," I said. "I have been touched by Hell and if Thymiel is on their way here, guess who was the one who made me so….?"
Tessie gasped and slapped her hand on her mouth. "Oh my pits!," she yelled. "Lord of the Flames, we’re in deep shit!," she said.
I nodded at her and stepped closer. Our bodies mingled and I felt her skin everywhere on mine. It was so good. She put her hands around my waist and looked into my eyes. "What are we gonna do now, my little Angel?," she said.
I shook my head. "I don’t know," I said. "I really don’t know. Other than I won’t ever leave you, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. We don’t even know if Thymiel’s gonna be here in the next five seconds, or after a few hundred years. I don’t know anything about any time regarding this thing," I said and scuttled closer to her, our bodies coiling around each other.
"All I know, is that—," was all I could say before the world went white and I got thrown sideways.