"Initiate!," master Sazronos yells at me. I spring up like a greased pop-up doll.
"Yes, Sir!," I bellow out - as much as my young and frail body can bellow anything. I’m the lowest caste of demons, a succubus. And I’m not even a good one. Normally I should be able to transform into the form most desirable for my victim, but I haven’t ever been able to do that. I’m just… me. All my five feet of height, two feet of puny thin tail and my meager small flappy excuse of wings. I can’t fly. I can probably glide a foot longer than just jumping or I could probably slow my fall down enough that I wouldn’t get seriously hurt. That’s it.
I have to admit that being a succubus have given me a nice enough body and my jet-black hair goes really well with my maroon, almost wine-red skin and my yellow eyes. I stand up as straight as I can as Sazronos makes his way towards me. I brace for a scolding - not an unusual action coming from him, I might add.
"Initiate Ther’ezen," he says as he towers over me. My lord Pit Fiends are so scary. He’s like 10 feet tall at least and his hooves are the size of my torso. He’s breath smells of sulphur and his horns are bigger than my feet. I just have tiny little cute… knobs… on my head. I snap out of my thoughts and stare at him. Did he say Earth?
"Come, initiate," he says and turns to walk away. I ran after him as fast as I can to keep up with him. "They asked for you, so I’m sending you. I don’t know what’s so special about you, but here we go," he says and points to the east. From the middle of the Dead Forest rises a spire of impossible height.
The Cursed Stairs. Made out of the bone of dragon and blood of angels, the stairs connect our world with the Earth, he domain of humans. I have a secret that I have not shared with anybody. I like humans. I don’t want to dominate them, I want to live with them in peace. That probably makes me the worst demon in existence, but I can’t help it. I run towards the spire as he commanded, still knowing nothing of why and where am I going.
Minutes or hours later, I reach the bottom of the stairs and the welcoming committee almost breaks my mind. I fear Sazronos enough already, so a whole bunch of higher-up demon generals and an actual Marilith Commander at the center. I almost stop and my breath wheezes in my throat. I walk slowly and nervously towards them. The Marilith slithers to me and looks down at me. She’s almost twice my size and my ass is smaller than one of her boobs. She stares at me through her cleavage and clears her throat.
"Ther’ezen," she says and my blood freezes. Her voice is so cold, so hard. "Your missions is to go to Earth and expose a Divine Spy send to Earth to sow discord, lies and plant seeds of destruction. Seek her out and destroy her. Only then will we be able to execute our plans and destroy the Divine Host once for all. She holds the key to our plan. Do not fail us," she says. The Marilith points towards the stairs. "Walk," she says coldly. "Walk and don’t come back before your mission is over."
I brace myself, take a deep breath and start climbing the stairs. I glance back at them, fiddle nervously with my tail and ask quietly "Who is my target, how am I supposed to find her?"
"That’s your problem," the Marilith says. "All I can say, is that her name is Aniel."