~ 1 hour ago ~
With the machine virus now reaching new levels within Rainer's bloodstream. The power overflows through his eyes. And can be seen by Amaro when Rainer hears him walking up behind him.
With a fierce and piercing glare, Rainer looks over his shoulder. Blue bolts of electricity emit from the corner of Rainer's eyes. Then, with a grin on Amaro's face, he tells Rainer, "Finally! I get to meet another virus barer with the same title I once held, general. But correct me if I'm wrong. Aren't generals supposed to have armies they lead? You've stolen my army of droids, while your other friends seem to be leading themselves."
Amaro balls up his fists as he sees Rainer turning toward him. Next Amaro says, "Ahh, yes! Let's see what the great Victor Hawkins's replacement is made of. Victor picked you personally, right? You know I handled a fight with him easily. Maybe his young apprentice will put up a better fight!"
Rainer gives a vengeful scowl in Amaro's direction. While Amaro grins and taunts his foe, telling him to march forward. And that's what they both do. Once both generals are within inches of each other, a medley of violence begins.
Both generals exchange attacks at such an intense pace, that bolts of electricity emit from both fighters after every collision.
Each block and landed blow both generals land causes bolts of electricity to emit and fade into sparks. Red bolts hit Rainer when he blocks the first two strikes from Amaro. And blue bolts of electricity clash Against Amaro.
The two leaders exchange a blinding series of attacks that ends with Amaro attempting to slam Rainer on the ground. This is stopped when Rainer reverses Amaro's hold on him and then slams Amaro on his back.
A loud thudding boom echoes through the battlefield notifying droids and allies from both sides of the fight.
Dirt and rubble cloud the area Rainer and Amaro are fighting in. Luckily for Amaro,
he can see his opponent clearly because of the machine virus running through his bloodstream. Rainer sees Amaro with a deranged grin on his face. He then says to Rainer, "Yess! Good move, you can fight. But can you use the advanced tech while executing your fighting skills!?"
Before he can answer Amaro's question, Rainer is instantly grabbed by an Eyas droid. The droid flies straight up at an extreme speed. Next, the Eyas crushes the engines on Rainer's armored boots to stop his ability to fly. Then, it flings its enemy into the air. Now Rainer begins to fall back to the ground.
Amaro gets back onto his feet. He can see Rainer falling to the ground. So he summons the glider he stole from Maxwell earlier.
With the deranged grin still on Amaro's face, the jetpack-turned-glider flies over the mad soldier's shoulders and makes its way toward the free-falling Rainer Sparta at high speed.
Rainer sees the glider coming his way. He thinks to himself, "Damn this thing is from Caine tech. I'm pretty sure if I try blowing it up. It won't work. Option 2 would be calling over those battle droids to help stop that thing from crashing into me. I wonder if zhekumium is strong enough to stop inekium, especially if it's flying at you at 500 mph. Oh well. There's no better time to try than right now!"
The blue bolts of electricity emitting from Rainer's eyes begin to spread through his whole body. Then while Rainer continues to fall, the glider is miles away from him. Until it's stopped for a moment by none other than 3 of Rainer's revived golden dragons!
The dragons hold back the inekium vehicle with all their might until the engines of the glider prove to be more powerful than all 3 of the battle droid's strength. Because the vehicle blows right past all 3 droids breaking the middle dragon in half.
The glider blows through the dragons and continues to make its way toward Rainer, who is now nearly 5000 feet away from the ground. Rainer tells himself, "Well now is the time to try this out." The bolts of electricity emitting from Rainer's body begin to form a sphere. Rainer tells himself, "Let's see how this electrical force field works with a thunder strike attack on this level..."
Next, while Rainer continues to fall. He can see the glider in his way now closer than ever. As he faces the glider, Rainer's shield of electricity begins to balloon at an extreme pace. Rainer tells himself, "I only used this attack when I'm on the floor. And not at this level while the machine virus is ramped up this high. This move helped me against many powerful foes. Let's see how it can do against a high speed inekium glider. If this doesn't work I could end up cut in half like that golden dragon earlier."
While falling, Rainer's arms begin to glow a sparking blue. Rainer tells his foe, "Amaro! Earlier you questioned why I didn't have an army to lead. That's because Victor didn't want that for me, and I did! I just wanted to learn how to get stronger to avenge my best friend who was killed by the pirate captain. So I accepted being mentored by Victor. I only took the job as general when he was out on solo missions. Yes, I did steal your army of droids, and yes, my allies are all fighting on their own. I wouldn't have it any other way. Because I don't have to worry about anyone else but me!"
Rainer grimaces as the blue sparks appear to charge from within his arms. Rainer then says to himself, "Victor would always laugh if I ever gave him any attitude when it involved me working with other people. He'd call me the lone wolf. And give me some sappy speech about needing to be more social. Living things need other living things to grow and be strong is what he'd say. Plants need rain. The creatures need the water. Just like how the sun and moon can both influence life on the original planet. People need other people to become stronger. I can't remember anything else from that conversation, but I gotta admit. He was right... because losing Vic would mean losing a person who saved lost souls like me without hesitation over and over again. And that would be a huge loss to humanity...So hold on tight Victor. We're going to set things right with you!"
The sparking blue light surrounding Rainer's arms now glows in a solid white that shines with the same intensity as it was when it was blue.
Rainer says to himself, "I made this attack based on the nickname Victor gave me, and he liked it. Through the use of the virus in my veins I can pull in the atmospheric electricity from the air and manipulate its ions into a powerful attack. What started as a bolt of electricity became a powerful and constant attack through training. I know the blueprint of the virus says that through constant use, it will give strength to the nanobots in the bloodstream to mold a magnetic link to the virus's creator, making them obey all of the creator's demands. Luckily for me, Sigmond is dead. So I guess I can go all out like Amaro can."
Rainer extends his arms forward and tells himself, "Wherever you're at in this battle, Victor, I hope you will see this. These bolts of electricity will come out fast. And form any shape I want. I usually choose to make a giant wolf to crush my target, but since my target is an inekium vehicle, I can now run this attack for a longer length of time. I'll try a pack of 50 wolves. Maybe I can cause a malfunction and make it crash."
Then the white bolts of electricity shoot out from Rainer's arms. Then split into 50 bolts of electricity that make their way toward the inekium glider. The bolts of electricity then expand and take the shape of wolves, just as Rainer said.
Next, while the bolts of electricity are still tethered to his arms, the other end, now formed into 50 wolves, heads directly to the glider.
Bright sparks and the crackle from Rainer's electric power light up the skies. The wolves bite into the glider. They bite into the engines and bite onto the wings. All while the glider still tries and pushes its way towards Rainer. Then, as if the tethers were chains on the electric wolves' necks.
Rainer decides to pull the tethers towards him while the wolves bite down on the glider. The electrical tethers are flung over his head and swung behind his back along with the inekium vehicle. Then the vehicle is slammed onto the ground. This sets off a loud thunderous noise that echoes through the skies and ends with the battlefield trembling from the impact of the inekium glider.
The wolves and tethers fade away from Rainer's arms as he lands safely on the ground due to the electrical force field he created. As the force field fades with the electric tethers and wolves, Rainer gets into his fighting stance along with Amaro. Amaro begins to grin.
Electricity begins to emit from Rainer's fists. Then he asks Amaro, "You ready to continue?" With a sadistic grin of excitement on his face Amaro simply says, "Of course!"
Both warriors dash toward each other. Once they meet, they instantly start trading blows. Every connected and blocked shot sounds like lightning striking the battlefield.
As the fight continues between Amaro and Rainer. Rainer can't help but think to himself, "Wow Amaro really is an amazing fighter. And the capability of both these machine viruses is extraordinary. It's a shame both Amaro and Sigmond chose these paths for their lives. Their brilliant minds could have benefitted humanity and many generations after. But they chose to be selfish."
For the next 20 minutes nothing but the sounds of combat can be hard between Rainer and Amaro. The silence is a sign of respect between the two. The respect is shown not only in their fighting but also in their beliefs and for the ones who instilled those beliefs in them. For Rainer, it's Victor who gave him a bigger purpose after losing his best friend. And for Amaro, it's Julius who gave him a reason to live after losing his city and the army he once led.
Both fighters are proud men. Both have fought in many battles losing many loved ones in the process. They both have been fighting for their beliefs for so long. They both have a refuse-to-lose attitude. And that's precisely what's been happening between the two. They've never lost...
Until they've met each other today. Because both are refusing to let up on their attack until one falls. Then, through the medley of combative techniques shared between the two generals. Amaro is the first one to notice a crack in his opponent's arsenal of attacks.
Amaro ducks under a punch thrown by Rainer. The mad soldier quickly dives in and grabs Rainer by the waist. Then he slams Rainer to the ground. The sound of the thudding boom that follows is as if Amaro's intention was to throw Rainer through the planet!
The mad soldier then jumps on top of Rainer and proceeds to land armored fists on his opponent's face. With every punch Amaro lands, flickers of blue electric sparks spill out from Rainer's armor. The mad soldier wraps his hands around his opponent's neck. Then, with a sadistic grin, he leans in and says, "That's it!? Empty threats and parlor tricks!? Ha! Ha! I can't believe I thought I'd have a challenge in fighting you!"
Amaro notices a smirk appearing on Rainer's face. This angers Amaro. He tightens the grip on his opponent's neck and screams, "Have you gone insane!? You think this is funny!?"
Rainer tells Amaro, "No you damn fool. You've lost the fight. And you don't even know it."
The look of madness disappears from Amaro's face. This is because he can feel that he's being watched not by 1 but many eyes over his shoulders. Then, as Amaro turns around, he sees he is partially right. He was being watched not by peering eyes but by golden battle droids.
The shock of being surrounded causes Amaro to loosen the grip he has around Rainer's neck.
After Rainer lets out a cough and clears his throat. He tells Amaro, "Make a move if you want. Just a warning. If you try to kill me. The dragons I control will light you up in an instant, and won't stop until you're burnt to a crisp. And if that doesn't happen. I simply just reabsorb the energy they throw back at us, and I kick your ass all over the pirate nation. Also if you're wondering about the dragons I don't control yet. Supremeo and my group are shrinking those numbers down as we speak!"
Amaro scowls as he looks around his current situation. Then he smiles and says to Rainer, "Okay, I'll let you know right now, though. The only reason I'm letting you take me in. Is because when I get back out. I wanna see the look of fear on your ally's faces when I'm back on the other end of the battlefield against them."
Rainer tells Amaro, "And I'll be there every time to stop you..."
Rainer unlocks a compartment for a device on his waist, and then shackles and chains pop out from the compartment. He begins to reach for Amaro's wrists to subdue him. Then a humming reverberation can be felt on the battlefield grounds.
This feeling is so strong it stops both generals in their tracks. Then right in front of their eyes, both generals are stunned by a blinding light that appears before them. As the light gets closer it creates dust clouds that are swept toward the generals.
With both generals frozen in dismay, they snap out of it quickly when they realize that the blinding light approaching them is an explosion of epic proportions. The generals, along with their companions and their foes, turn to their protective measures to withstand the pounding force of the explosion blanketing them.
Once the explosion stops. The battlefield is left scorched with aiutu droids and the pirate nations advanced mobile houses beginning to put out the fires.
Surrounded by a circle of Golden dragons set ablaze by the explosion, Amaro is left visibly shaken. Rainer screams, "What the hell was that!?"
With a slight tremble in his voice, Amaro is heard saying, "He did it... He actually did it. Julius blew himself up, to set up one final grand explosion..."
Rainer's eyes widen in horror as he hears what Amaro says.
END of Chapter 35
Chapter 36: LAST WISH
COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!