~In the Edenn Dimension~
The sun in Edenn beams down on the enormous inekium mountain the people of the shadow village are enjoying their day. In one particular place, the day is being enjoyed the most and that place is Diwata's restaurant. She's added new choices to her restaurant's menu that have been hits with her patrons. One of those is "The burger".
However, despite all the enjoyment. There are a few patrons who aren't as excited about the new additions to the menu as most others are. One patron particularly. His name is Paul. He's been coming to Diwata's spot since it opened. He approaches Diwata telling her, "You know what miss Diwata. I've been coming here for years now. Love your recipes when it comes to cooking Ramen. I have to say though your new additions to the menu seem out of place to me." Diwata smiles and says, "Where are you getting at Paul?"
Paul explains further to Diwata saying, "Okay I give music classes to kids for 8 hours of the day to provide an artistic expression for the children of the shadow village. One of my favorite things to do after my day is to come to my favorite quiet spot that serves noodles and enjoy it with a nice iced coffee. Now, these days I can't enjoy the quiet at my favorite spot because the kids are here for your burgers! It's like I'm still back at the school!"
Diwata smirks then looks around. She says, "Well I guess you're right huh? It sure is a lot busier here than it once was." Paul then suggests to Diwata, "Why don't you just open another spot that serves just the burgers and all its variations?" Diwata says, "My customers love the multiple choices they can make Paul." Paul nods in understanding and notices Zachary walking out from the kitchen holding what looks like a Hi-tech cooler.
Paul catches Zach's attention stopping him and tells him, "Zach! What do you think about my idea of making a separate burger joint from the noodle bar? Maybe you or Kapurma could run it?" Zach smiles and says not my call. She's the boss (pointing to Diwata). Paul throws his hands up and says, "Gosh! Well, I tried. Guess I gotta get used to the mayhem here then." Diwata tells Paul, "Hold on maybe not Paul." Paul asks, "What do you mean?" Diwata tells Paul, "I will be opening another location. But it won't just be Ramen it'll be all my recipes. So maybe the noise will settle down with an extra location." Paul tells Diwata, "That's great! Who will be running the place? Kapurma? Or is it you Zach?" Both Zach and Diwata shake their heads.
Diwata tells Paul, "It's going to be one of my students." Paul says, "Students?" Diwata replies, "Yeah, just like you Paul. I provide an artistic expression for kids of the shadow village. You might remember seeing me with groups of kids looking for ingredients for my dishes." Paul nods and Diwata continues to explain, "During my short time away from Edenn one of my exceptional students took over the shop and ran it pretty well. When I came back with my new recipes and ingredients this place got busier than usual. Luckily we were already planning on opening a new spot, and we're thinking about giving it to the same student who ran it while I was away."
Paul asks, "What's this student's name?" Diwata replies with a smile, "Miko." Then out of nowhere an arm of a loud charismatic person puts his arm around Paul. It's his brother John another music teacher. He tells John, "Hey bro! Leave the busy lady alone. She's got customers man!" John looks over to Zachary and asks, "where are you going Zach? Why aren't you helping out the misses? What's that thing in your hand?"
Zach lifts what he's holding. To John it looks like a mini fridge. He says with a confused face, "A portable fridge?" Zach says, "No it's a mini freezer." He then says with a smile, "And chill bro. Diwata is sending me to do a delivery."
Curious at what's in the freezer he asks, "So...What are ya delivering?" Diwata tells John, "It's ice cream." John's eyes immediately perk up and he says, "Ice cream!? Are you doing delivery now Diwata!??"
She replies, "No but that's actually a good idea. Zach's delivering a package for Kapurma. It's a new flavor of ice cream I want him to test out. Kap has got a knack for helping me improve my dessert recipes. Especially when it comes to ice cream."
John nods and says, "Well I can't wait to see the new addition on the menu when it's perfected. Enough with the chit-chat now. My food is gettin cold." John puts his arm back over his brother and says, "Let's leave the boss alone now brother they got things to do and we got food to finish."
As the two brothers begin to walk away John tells him, "Hey seriously next time we go here you gotta try the burgers. The sides that go with it are amazing! They're called fries. They sound waay more appetizing than the sides you always get with your ramen. What were they again?" Paul replies to his brother, "Seafood balls?" John pauses then says, "See!.." John and Paul then agree to try each other's sides out. Diwata hears John say, "Great! Trust me! It'll be like experiencing a new genre of music! Plus it goes great with ketchup. I like to eat them plain though!"
As the two brothers leave Diwata looks toward Zach. They both smile affectionately toward each other. Diwata tells Zach, "So where does Kap have you meeting him now?" Zach says, "Palaver Hall, He's having a meeting with the Kingdom right now to discuss our findings on Victor in Edenn."
Diwata is now surprised. She raises her eyebrows and says, "The kingdom? It must be serious then if he wanted to meet with all of them." Zach replies, "It was them that wanted to meet with Kap. Allies have been beaten to a pulp on all sides. I just hope they understand if it is Victor there will be a compromise and some understanding that things might not seem what they are."
Zach pauses showing a clear look of uneasiness on his face. Diwata notices this then reaches out and positions Zach's face to meet with her eyes. Diwata then says to Zachary, "Look don't worry. Everyone in the kingdom has been Kapurma's friend for decades now. There's a reason why he's called "The wise one" out of the group. If he talks, they listen." She kisses Zach on the lips and continues to say, "Now hurry and deliver the Ice cream to Kap and get home. We can start those VCU films you keep telling me about back home." Zach's spirit is instantly lifted. He says to Diwata, "For real?" She says, "Yeah Miko offered to take over for me." Zach replies, "She's amazing. She's perfect to run the new spot."
Diwata tells Zachary, "I agree now hurry up! I know you like to hang around the guys and gals from the kingdom also. So don't be too late and forget about me." Zach laughs and tells Diwata, "I'd never."
As Zach heads out to Palaver hall he looks to the sky and remembers Richard. He says to himself, "Miss you buddy. Life's been good lately. For instance, I asked Diwata out months ago. Now we're 11 months in going strong man. I know you would've been proud of me for that. Wish you could see how Sylvia's doing as well. She's been hitting the pavement hard running both companies. Every day we're closer to finding out what happened to Victor." Zach smiles and shakes his head then says, "We're refusing to lose hope man. I know you blame your father for where things are with all of us right now. I promise you well close that chapter for you and him."
~Moments Later~
Zachary steps out of a vehicle parked on the other side of the inekium mountain. He approaches a large black door, then proceeds to knock on it loudly.
The sound of the huge door being knocked on echoes through the wooded area and inside the halls of the hallowed out side of the mountain. Zachary says loud and clear, " Empat Satu!! It's Zach! I got a package for Kap! Open up!" As Zach waits he approaches the door knocker again until he hears a voice approaching the door. The voice says, "Wait kid! Don't go banging that thing again.! I'm here! I'm here!"
The door swings open and what greets Zachary would surprise most people, but not him.
Out of the doorway steps, a literal water buffalo standing on its hind legs. The Buffalo looks toward Zach and says, "Ahh what's up my man!?"
Zach replies, "Not much Empat Satu just got this package for Kap to try out." The buffalo replies, "Hope there's something for me too!" To that Zach answers, "Of course! Diwata put something special in my backpack for the weaponsmith of the shadow village!" Zach takes his backpack off and rummages through it. Then he pulls out a big box. He tells Empat Satu, "This is a king sized salad. We know you aren't a dessert guy like Kap. So here it is. All the greens and other ingredients are freshly grown and picked by Diwata and her students." Zachary opens the box for Empat Satu. The buffalo's eyes widen in excitement at the food before him. Empat Satu says, "Amazing it looks heavenly! It's perfect timing also my friend. The rest of the kingdom is in a meeting at the round table right now. I could use a break to refuel myself with sustenance." Empat Satu Sits down by a nearby table and begins to eat his king size salad.
Zachary heads down a hall toward the meeting. As he makes his way to the round table he tells himself, "Man I'll never get tired hanging out here. Although Empat Satu kind of gets annoyed with all my questions. At the end of the day, he knows I just want to learn what he knows. And he's waay stronger than Kap when we spar. His punches from smithing all day combined with the mechanical inekium fists are no joke to take, even with my armor on. His kicks are something to be afraid of as well."
As Zach continues to walk the hall he can start to hear voices coming from the end of the pathway. He approaches the end of the hall and says, "Hey guys how's it going!?"
Kapurma is the first to answer. He says, "Hello Zach! We were right in the middle of discussing the Situation with Victor. Feel free to have a seat and converse with us."
Zach hesitates until a nearby voice says, "It's okay sit, boy."
Zach does as he's told. He says to himself, "That's Yahess the former beast king of the kingdom of Edenn. A freaking scary and strong fighting Lion."
He looks around the table and greets every member.
Zachary: Hey, Kapurma got your food here. ( Tortoise)
Kapurma: Nice! Nice!
Zachary: Onyx nice seeing you too. ( Rhino)
Onyx: Great to see you as well Zach.
Zachary: Giri how's everything going at home? ( Elephant)
Giri: Everything's going well at home Zach.
Zachary: That's nice to hear. How about you Adhela? (Hippo)
Adhela: Same old same old. you know Empat working all day and night.
Zachary laughs and says, "Not surprised. He's on his lunch break right now."
He looks around the table and tells himself, "This never stops to amaze me. The Kingdom, a group of the most powerful beings of Edenn gathered together to help maintain order in these lands. Empat Satu the powerful water buffalo who helps create weapons for the people of Edenn. Yahess the mighty lion. Crowned the former beast king who holds order for the carnivores, now just the big cats. Onyx, the mighty Rhino in charge of the landscape of Edenn. Giri is the powerful and wise elephant, who's in charge of creating pathways through Edenn and maintaining the forests. Adhela the queen of hippos. Of course, Kapurma is the wise one. But most of all..."
Another figure walks through the halls that lead to the round table. It's a tall man. He unstraps a gauntlet from his wrist and says to the group at the table, "Lost the culprit. Whoever he is. He's good!"
The figure looks up and notices Zachary then says, "Ahh You're one of Victor's boys right!? What's your name again? Please forgive me. In my old age with my condition, it's been hard to remember new faces."
Zachary now at a loss for words at the person in front of him says, "Z...Names Zachary sir. Zachary Ohara."
The figure tells Zach, "Please, Bernard is just fine. Now let's get down to business. Okay you guys?"
Everyone at the table nods as the figure takes his seat.
It's revealed to be a large man sporting a handlebar mustache. Zachary says to himself, "Man I always can't believe it when I see him. I've been a fan of this guy forever. The last hero of the old world and the first of the new. Bernard Sullivan!"