Amaro hovers above his foes, with War Hawk beside him and Julius standing on the droid's palm. Julius looks at his enemies and says, "Ahh! Glad you're all here! Taking you all off the board would make everything so much easier!"
Julius looks over to War Hawk and says, "War Hawk! It looks like they made more of those Aiutu droids. Your Eyas droids should be able to take them out. They are on the ship, safely protected in their shells waiting for your command. The explosion I created was split down the middle of the ship to not only to send out the rest of our dragons to our enemies. But to make a statement. And you sending out your birds to f*ck these things up so we can harvest their parts would add to that statement. And that statement is this is our place now and we'll do whatever the hell we want here!"
Through the flames and smoke of the battlefield, War Hawk's eyes glow a vibrant orange. Then War Hawk says, "As you wish..." Next, from the rubble of Julius Edson's ship that's scattered around the pirate nation's lands, a rolling sound can be felt reverberating through the grounds. From the high-tech protective homes of the citizens in these lands. A few folks from the pirate nation peer out the window to see what the cause of this noise is.
And to their shock, a young citizen can see a large metallic wing break through the walls of the fallen ship. Then, an Eyas droid from another angle of the fallen ship crashes its break into the citizen's window, slightly cracking it from the outside.
That Eyas droid is struck down by a bolt of electricity from Rainer's armored gauntlets. He tells King Erik, who is close by, "No worries, I struck it down!" King Erik hesitates with his reply only to say, "I don't know if the structure of these houses can hold up against the dragons and now these bird droids. We can keep striking them down one by one if we want, but eventually, we'll get tired. And they'll overtake us when our momentum slows down."
While fighting off the dragons surrounding him, Rainer thinks to himself saying, "As much as I hate to admit it. He's right. The virus within my body lets me know if there's another holder of a virus around. And from the looks and feel of it, Amaro has pushed the capabilities of his virus to the next level. And now, looking at our numbers, it might call for me to do this as well. If the information on the machine viruses I've read is correct, I'll be losing a piece of what makes me human. Making me more machine than man is the purpose of this virus. It will take me, along with anyone else who foolishly pushes the boundaries of this man-made sickness, and turn us from warriors of free will. To slaves who will be at the command of the virus's creator...Lucky for us. The creator of the machine viruses is dead..."
Rainier's armor begins to gleam with a lively blue aura. Then, bolts of electricity shoot from his eyes, and waves of electricity begin to emit from his armored gauntlets. And like darts. Thousands of small bolts of electricity shoot out of Rainer's gauntlets and bolt toward the many fallen Golden Dragon battle droids. The electric bolts pass into the fallen droids' armor, allowing Rainer access to their systems, which eventually revives all fallen droids and puts them on the side of our heroes.
As the fallen droids rise, Rainer's comrades notice they're all gleaming with the same glowing blue aura from Rainer's armor on their bodies. All of Rainer's companions are shocked as they see this. The Eyas droids all rise with the dragons. Then, with a scowl on his face, Rainer yells, "Alright! Let's go and finish this!" Both opposing sides charge towards each other with savage intentions of winning their battle.
Back To Julius and Company
While on War Hawk's palm, Julius says to his foes, "After today. We'll finally put this patch of land to good use. Even Elias knowing his ancestor Cyrus Caine, crashed the inekium starship on these lands. Which left a building-sized chunk of inekium ore here. He still chose to leave these people alone. It makes sense for him to forget about the inekium. Who the hell in this realm would know what to look for even if they knew about inekium right? And even if they found it. No one would have a forge strong enough to shape the metal how they'd want, right?"
A look of surprise is on Supremeo and his friend's faces after hearing Julius give all that information he thought only his closest friends knew. Julius then begins to say, "What? How'd I get this information? None other than your old friend Victor Hawkins. It took a while but we broke him. He told us about it all. She's not here. But Sharon Franklin, the daughter of the man who made the modern droid, she helped out a lot in getting us to this winning position. Face it Supremeo, Max, And you to Sullivan. We just have a better team than you."
The cries of Eyas droids can be heard from a distance. Both sides look and see the Eyas being attacked by the revived dragons that are now controlled by Rainer's electric tethers. A few Eyas escape and make their way toward War Hawk. The unfortunate ones are knocked to the ground instantly stopping their way towards their destination.
As the entire crew witnesses this attack. Julius glares back at his opponent, then tells Amaro, "Just like you, my friend. It seems like that soldier decided to push the limits of Sigmond's Machine virus. I know you probably want to challenge him alone. But with all due respect. The B-rated soldier controlling our droids irritates me. If you don't mind, could you please beat his ass, while I try to gain back control of these droids? War Hawk can handle whoever decides to stay back with Supremeo."
Amaro smirks then says, "I agree. It'd be fun to see how our techniques clash together." Julius laughs then says, " Alright! We're close to ending The Battle of New Tortuga in our favor. War Hawk! Dispose of these men and Supremeo. Amaro and I will take care of the minor nuisances, and wipe them off the board. Just lend me an Eyas droid so I can take control of the dragons."
War Hawk replies to Julius saying, "As you wish." Next, 3 Eyas droids land next to War Hawk. They quickly gather pieces of material around them to create a makeshift sling for Julius's injured shoulder. Those materials that made the sling were broken pieces of armor from the golden dragons and a piece of the severed metallic woven cable. Julius gives one last look to his foes then flies off while hanging onto an eyas droid's arm. Amaro also rides off along with Julius while still on Maxwell's glider.
Seeing his enemies flee angers Maxwell. Bernard Sullivan sees the anger in his comrade and tells him, "Be patient, Max. Supremeo needs us here first. The moment we take out an Eyas droid can be when you head out and take down Julius and Amaro. And I'm saying it has to be you because you're in a mech suit with enough firepower to take on an army. Rainer will be occupied with Amaro while it looks like Julius will be trying to regain control of the rived Golden Dragons. Even with the Eyas droid by His side, Julius still has half of the Golden Dragons that still are operating under the programming. There's no telling how many of those droids will head the way of their creator once he shows himself out in the open. Point blank. The number of potential opponents requires a mech suit of this level. I'm sure Julius installed a program in their system to protect him."
Max replies, "I agree. So what's our next move?" Then, through Supremo's thoughts, he communicates with Max's Ivo Supremeo suit for Maxwell to know the next plan of attack. He tells his creator's son, "Launch your arms towards an Eyas droid's wrists and hold him steady. Then I'll handle the rest."
Maxwell launches his arms towards an Eyas droid, Then grabs it by the wrists just as Supremeo told him to. War Hawk turns to the Eyas droid and is surprised at the sudden attack his foes have made.
Then, to his surprise, War Hawk hears Supremeo's voice screaming towards him to get his attention. He turns his head back towards Supremeo and then hears him say, "You're losing your touch Victor! Just like when you told Elias! NEVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF YOUR OPPONENT!"
To War Hawk's surprise, Supremeo now has two arm cannons pointed directly towards him and the Eyas droid. That's because, through the abilities of his tech, Supremeo can change the function of his hands by making either or both hands into this powerful modern-day weapon. Plates of inekium slide out from around his forearms then, more inekium plates slide out, and begin forming a protective-like cylinder" around Supremeo's hands. That's because, when his arms are in this state. Supremeo's inekium fists are now flooded with raw energy. And a "better weapon" is needed to launch it.
Next, the new sunstones implanted in Supremeo's chest and hands, proved to be a more powerful source of energy, than his previous gemstones that were stolen. That's because, through the use of his arm cannons he launches two powerful beams of energy to War Hawk and the remaining Eyas droid's face.
As the scorching rays of energy crash through their targets, this attack leaves War Hawk with nothing but slight burns on his armor. But for the Eyas droids next to War Hawk their vision is now obscured. Because of the heat of that attack, the lenses for their vision are now cracked. And because of the aftermath of the attack, the smoke from the burns on their bodies adds an element of shock to War Hawk and his Eyas droids.
War Hawk sees the state his companions are in. Then, he is surprised when The Eyas Droid next to him gets shot to the ground by Sullivan, who flies in on Supremeo's glider.
Next, Supremeo withdraws both of his arm cannons and then launches his arms toward the remaining Eyas droid that had been captured by its wrists by Maxwell's Ivo Supremeo suit.
Supremeo grabs the droid by its ankles, then looks toward Max, then screams, "Launch yourself like a cannonball through its body!" Maxwell does this instantly.
Then, it's almost as if the Eyas droid was made of paper. Because it's defeated instantly as Maxwell crashes through it.
While Max breaks through the enemy droids, he slows down. Then spins the mech suit around and commands his arms to reattach to his suit. Then launches two powerful attacks at War Hawk before getting away.
War Hawk looks to his right and sees Bernard fighting the Eyas below him. Then looks to his left only to see a trail of smoke left by Maxwell's suit. Then to Supremeo in front of him. The Aiutu tells War Hawk, "Now it's just me and you Victor. We can end this. Now!"
War Hawk tells Supremeo, "I agree. So let's end it!" War Hawk draws its claws and ignites its flames. Then launches the blades from its wings towards Supremeo.
The Aiutu flies through the barrage of bladed feathers while charging a blast from his arm cannon. Once both advanced droids meet face to face War Hawk gets kicked in the chest by Supremeo. And unleashed the blast towards his enemy.
War Hawk blocks the attack with its claws. The purple flames absorb the energy from Supremeo's cannon causing the flames to glow with bolts white and lighter purple aura around it. Supremeo tells his foe, "Not like this Victor. Dammit! You don't have to die for this battle to end."
War Hawk replies to Supremeo telling him, "With what we do. Someone always has to die Supremeo. Did Elias forget to add that in your programming? At the end of the day guys like me are soldiers. And what do soldiers do? They obey the orders of their commanders. Your creator, Elias, was an engineer for us during the war. He understood what we were doing with his inventions, and that was keeping the ideals of our commander alive. You were made to protect what goes against your commander's ideals. Why aren't you fulfilling your purpose?!"
Supremeo's brow furrows as he maintains the intensity of his attack. Then he tells War Hawk, "Because I know this is a complicated situation. And I know how precious the experience of life is. Not just for me but through the love Elias put in creating me. And through the experiences he shared in my programming. Experiences like love, kindness, and friendship are rare in a world like this. And are too valuable to just toss to the side. I can sense your pain, Victor. I know you want it to end. It can end! But I refuse to let end in another death! Earlier, you said I wasn't fulfilling the purpose of what Elias built me for. Well, technically, I am. Elias believed in a chance at redemption. And I know, just like you. That's what he was working on. So please Victor. Withdraw your weapons, and let us both continue on this road to redemption."
Victor scowls from behind his helmet. He pushes the strength of his absorption technique to its limits, while Supremeo does the same with his arm cannon attack.
Then, through the lens of Victor's helmet, a screen pops up telling him, "Warning! Charge is at 100%!" Victor appears slightly annoyed. Then he spins out of the way of Supremeo's arm cannon blast.
The stream of energy bursts through the sky. While both Supremeo and War Hawk watch the blast tear through the sky. Supremeo tells War Hawk, "Your energy absorption reached its full potential huh?"
War Hawk says, "Yeah....It did." War Hawk draws his claws once again and ignites them with the power of his Sun crystals. The purple flames emitting from his claws now have shown the added bolts of energy that were absorbed from Supremeo's cannon blast earlier. War Hawk tells Supremeo, "Would you like some of that energy back?"
Supremeo smirks. Then tells War Hawk, "I was just asking. Because I can use the same technique. But I can take in way more energy than those purple sun crystals you have. So, War Hawk, we can continue to fight. But I guarantee you it won't lead to anything, but with me gaining the upper hand. Julius and Amaro are occupied at the moment. The quicker we work together the sooner we can end the fighting here. Trust me..."
War Hawk looks around the battlefield. He sees Bernard Sullivan holding his own against the Eyas droid he's fighting. He sees Amaro and Rainer locked in a fight. Then he looks toward Julius's direction and sees Maxwell heading toward that way. War Hawk looks back to Supremeo then tells him, "Last time I put my faith in anyone to stop a secret group from rising to power I left that fight more as a droid and less as a man. If we lose this one. I'll have nothing left to give. So, in a way, I'd still be getting what I want. I ask just one thing Supremeo. In any case, if we lose. I hope you or Sylvia find a way to kill the explosive power of this bomb." War Hawk withdraws his talons and extends his hand for Supremeo to shake.
He tells Supremeo, "Deal?" Supremeo shakes his hand and replies, "Deal..."