Chapter Theme Music: Spring Morning ~ Adrian Von Ziegler112Please respect copyright.PENANAnzCqiR9szW
<10/28/2011 - 09:31 | 77 Cloverleaf Trail, Dahlonega, GA, USA>
112Please respect copyright.PENANAd8tGNCALRR
As all three buses landed, we took our turns getting off one by one. Even after everything I tried to envision, my eyes were not prepared for the stunning beauty of the massive camp. We ended up in the recreational center first and foremost, so I set down my heavy bags to pan all around me, absorbing the view and the frigid air around me.112Please respect copyright.PENANA7yll1vdQ0r
112Please respect copyright.PENANAVQFML4w8s6
The cold made me feel more alive than ever, while the new scenery took all my attention to process. I'm not one to leave the house much, so going anywhere new was always a fun and fascinating experience. Knowing I would be here for the next three days refreshed all the excitement I had been building up before.112Please respect copyright.PENANAcSDlJPURtL
112Please respect copyright.PENANAbtwNKmxSeP
All of the other students and teachers started walking by me in the background, but I stood almost stone still, admiring the view even from the simple entrance location. The sun was struggling to shine behind some strong incoming overcast, failing to warm the place up to levels that would bother me. Despite being hundreds of miles from home, I felt like I could belong here at any moment. The sights really are breath taking... I'll periodically use some of my telepathy to share the visuals with you, since words are not enough.112Please respect copyright.PENANAknB4ohCMgR
112Please respect copyright.PENANAOh6IKviYpi
112Please respect copyright.PENANAcaskbYGbcc
112Please respect copyright.PENANAUJIzSObfQD
112Please respect copyright.PENANALs5GjRzykX
It's like some veritable oasis of life packed snug into surrounding woods of nature, much of which I have not even seen yet. I wanted to keep my pace so slow and easy, but in less than a minute, I was already being interrupted by the voice of someone certainly older than me.112Please respect copyright.PENANAdd4AJFMTGu
112Please respect copyright.PENANAAuGnS5GoCs
"Hey Reed?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAEurWWfIykf
112Please respect copyright.PENANAELo3zPXjwD
I turned around, unsurprised by who was calling out my name. "Ms. Quaker. Looks like we're finally here." I'm glad we all made it here without any issues. I didn't ask this teacher what she was doing with all of that heavy looking loot in her arms, slightly covering her face from my angle. I didn't ask what she wanted from me either, since I wasn't expecting anything from her beyond my thoughts on this camp.112Please respect copyright.PENANAhEePV8iOEL
112Please respect copyright.PENANApLGvu0FWNN
"Yes, it's quite the enjoyable experience." Ms. Quaker eyed me up and down, realizing that I had placed my own valuables on the floor beside me for a brief rest. "Here," she offered, placing all of her loot into my arms without even asking. I reached out to grab them, only because I didn't want her to drop her own belongings, though I was confused on why she wanted me to carry them at all. "Can you do me the favor of delivering all this stuff to Ms. Ray Ray? She kind of just left it with me and forgot to retrieve it."112Please respect copyright.PENANADBi8PLveMH
112Please respect copyright.PENANAaXyAJns9yw
I was already over-encumbered by the weight of the suitcase and two stacked binders, so my voice was being squashed by the effort I had to use to hold them up. I knew already that it was a little too late to refuse the favor, but I didn't mind too much. I knew already that Ms. Quaker trusts me enough not to misplace other people's things or do any harm, but I don't know where Ray Ray would be. What about my things? "I don't mind, but what bus did she get off of?" I knew it wasn't my bus, because I never saw her anywhere, despite being told she was attending as another chaperone.112Please respect copyright.PENANAvKFIXCMHAE
112Please respect copyright.PENANAgJK8K2eQh7
"I think she got off of Bus C. Don't worry about your things. I'll keep them safe with me until you return. I didn't find her when I checked the other bus, so I presume she's already on her way to the other cabin, over there on that field." Ms. Quaker pointed to where I would have to go, to a large open field separated by a small yet beautiful bridge over a river, populated with only one single cabin and a tetherball court.112Please respect copyright.PENANA4yMc7ycf8K
112Please respect copyright.PENANAZOJj9FQH1y
It looked like quite the distance to travel. I was only able to make out what I could thanks to my far-sided vision. The suitcase and binders were not too heavy for me to carry, but I was soon aware why Ms. Quaker didn't want to transport this stuff herself. She wanted to rely one somebody more trustworthy and fit with energy. Being the good Samaritan I was, I didn't refuse after a second of thought. "Alright. I'll deliver these to her for you."112Please respect copyright.PENANAddeuglfxDj
112Please respect copyright.PENANAjy0mVmx28C
"Thank you so much Reed! It's nice of you to help us out."112Please respect copyright.PENANAbAk7y02MkL
112Please respect copyright.PENANAGagp0dSthb
I started walking away already, too bothered with the stuff in my hands to turn around and acknowledge her. It's not really that big a deal. I really don't mind going out of my way to help others when they ask for it. I've had an interesting time in school lately, following rules selectively, only when I find them suitable for me, or when they come from teachers and instructors who are chilled out to begin with. I can't always have such fortune in getting relaxed teachers, so I don't go out of my way to help those I can't stand. Of course, of all the rules I've broken so far, it's mostly just been me ducking class to be with Lumina, or to hit the Library in order to keep up with my other work. The point is, this isn't unusual for me. I know Ms. Quaker enough to trust her not to lose my things in return.112Please respect copyright.PENANAR0YQsaoppO
112Please respect copyright.PENANAAcUIcMw6pC
Before I could get to that small bridge, I had lots of students passing me by, going towards or away from me in many directions. I knew already that they have some protocol for the central field to use bell tolls to roll call everybody in one place, but as for now, everybody must have been settling in or exploring. The process made general traffic around me quite heavy. I didn't even get to ask where we're all staying and unpacking... Oh well. I'll just ask somebody when I'm done with this delivery. I happen to have a physics class with Ms. Ray Ray, so I was doing two people a favor for the price of one, and it gave me my own excuse to explore randomly around.112Please respect copyright.PENANAddDW2uJeO8
112Please respect copyright.PENANA5xkyG58Amp
All of the sights I took in on the way there were so insightful. The changing angle gave me some visual access to some of the other fields. There were basically three large fields, two of them open with little on them, excluding the central field. There were rough but visible paths leading into specific routes in the woods in some areas. I knew already I was going to have to mentally map out this entire place to avoid getting lost later.112Please respect copyright.PENANA73ybG6CLL5
112Please respect copyright.PENANAJfoTGElvJE
"Scuse me." Another random student tried to go around me from the front, as I barely avoided bumping into her impatient movement. I had no trouble seeing over the top of the binders and suitcase stuck in my hands, but the materials were heavy enough to hinder my own movement and walking speed a bit, so I did my best to avoid getting in anybody's way.112Please respect copyright.PENANAdmKi0hxblH
112Please respect copyright.PENANA0C8EtJfeoG
When I reached the overhead bridge, I had to slow myself down on purpose, admiring how amazing it looked, both the bridge and the river flowing underneath it. Just sitting on this bridge itself would be a source of serenity for me, and I began to fall evermore in love with nature. I crossed this small structure of beauty, as it separated the central field from the field I had to reach. The other open field also had another separate bridge just like this one connecting the two.112Please respect copyright.PENANANc37heZBym
112Please respect copyright.PENANA6ceIP3VBOi
112Please respect copyright.PENANABna7RvfrXy
112Please respect copyright.PENANAzXYNW3EzxQ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAHtxkuL1Ttv
As I walked deeper into the field, I approached the only large structure in sight, one of the many cabins stationed around the camp. It looked a lot like some kind of lodge house built entire out of worn-out timber. The natural wear and weathering of the building gave it an attractive appearance and texture to me, displaying its standing history in all the years it must have endured the great outdoors.112Please respect copyright.PENANALh5ZgOaNi5
112Please respect copyright.PENANAk9qLXz7y3Q
"Where's Ms. Ray Ray?" I panned around again as I was near the steps of the entrance to the cabin, hoping to see some adult I could ask, but the only people walking nearby were other female students. She must be inside. I turned around, preparing to walk up these steps without losing my balance or dropping the suitcase in my hands. I reminded myself how big of a favor this was, since the materials seemed heavy. I only assumed them to be learning materials and a change of clothes or something, since I didn't peer inside to find out. I thought nothing of anything when I reached the cabin door, pushing the cracked wood open to let myself inside, expecting to find Ms. Ray Ray.112Please respect copyright.PENANA8INWQWoZnk
112Please respect copyright.PENANAOUqLI9u7P9
I wasn't expecting the noise level to suddenly be so loud, but the sights in front of me were more surprising. I stood here still, admiring a wondrous scene of many other students, whom have obviously settled in long enough to play and fool around. Some of the girls were just casually walking around and unpacking their personal belongings, but many others were jumping around on their beds, slamming each other with various pillows, and enjoying their horseplay enough to laugh so strongly.112Please respect copyright.PENANAcufEhrFwXd
112Please respect copyright.PENANAsSdDjncXQY
The first thing I felt was left out, only because they seemed to be having so much more fun than I was currently having. As I quickly reminded myself what I would be doing with Lumina later, I didn't let it bother me too much longer. I still wasn't expecting to see everybody so hyped up, including Banarus and some of the other friends she had, all of which did not notice me yet. I decided to stick with the assignment, since my arms were getting tired. I panned around the room impatiently, waiting to see if my target was in sights. "Where is the teacher?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAQKDcyn5Ngx
112Please respect copyright.PENANAUfEO9lpiLS
"Reed?! What are you doing in here?!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAd7QbscWmNl
112Please respect copyright.PENANAmIRyM0bUmT
"What?" I found Ashly already. I didn't know why she looked too surprised or shocked to see me, and I didn't care either. "I'm trying to find Ms. Ray Ray. I have all this stuff for her."112Please respect copyright.PENANAI4weyC2qGo
112Please respect copyright.PENANAb9DTddvWm7
"Who let him into the cabin?" By now, the others became aware of my presence, killing their moods quickly. Several of the girls were giving shocked or panicked looks, which only confused me further.112Please respect copyright.PENANA7a20AKJbsJ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAEVv3UGevFs
Another random student I didn't know announced something right after, lifting a cloud of fog that shielded my mind. "Hey! We have someone changing in the other room. He can't be here!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAATOCbffcug
112Please respect copyright.PENANAPTXBrvCbxd
"Wha—" was all I could get out, as the epiphany hit me a little too late. It was only now that I remembered the fact that both fields as well as both main cabins were gender divided. It explained why this cabin was only inhabited by only female students. I quickly began to panic inside, since I realized I was totally unwelcome here.112Please respect copyright.PENANAIbI1CgREht
112Please respect copyright.PENANAMAMqxkyWqH
"Reed?! What are you—" The teacher cut herself off, unable to conceive of the very sentence she was about to finish.112Please respect copyright.PENANAZv2GZl8iG1
112Please respect copyright.PENANAfP6xInjhfD
At last! I found Ms. Ray Ray, standing between a side entryway leading to some separate room of the same cabin, the same room that other student warned about. The fact that there were or might be other students changing nearby registered in me next, making me more nervous that I might have made somebody upset. I lifted up her own luggage, absolving myself of any other possibility. "I... Ms. Quaker asked me to deliver this stuff to you."112Please respect copyright.PENANAX6DH9PCE7H
112Please respect copyright.PENANAwYAJrb50VF
"Okay, I'll take that, but you can't be in here!" I've never seen Ms. Ray Ray get so stern and upset with me before. She seemed to be more in a panicked rush than she was angry though. "This is the girl's cabin, and it's on their side of the field! Go!" She pointed behind me, directly to the door from which I came.112Please respect copyright.PENANACoOlKfhTTl
112Please respect copyright.PENANAK2rKtivS2U
I swiftly nodded, and turned myself around faster than ever before. "Right. I didn't remember that till now."112Please respect copyright.PENANADEMhiqm6qH
112Please respect copyright.PENANAH5obh7eErz
"Just hurry on back to the roll call area before you get into trouble." I could hear the rush in her voice, but I kept my eyes forward, realizing how awkward this was only to now realize it.112Please respect copyright.PENANAAI7qZxRofz
112Please respect copyright.PENANATvf7fOOKO2
With no arguments, I hurried myself out, getting a few meters from the stairs of their cabin before I felt a little more relaxed. The brief exchange didn't give me time to think until now. With Ray Ray's things returned to her, I can at least tell Ms. Quaker I was finished. I get it now. They gender divide the cabins and fields so that the girls and boys can sleep separately, and also so that they can change. Wahsega doesn't really have a specific changing room, and the strange bathroom buildings they do have aren't big enough to support that role either. In all, this was the one detail I blocked out from my mind earlier, mainly because I wasn't looking forward to spending any time with the other heathens on my side of the open field.112Please respect copyright.PENANAu2DnPcH16h
112Please respect copyright.PENANAHd091NtoOB
"You are in deep trouble young man!"112Please respect copyright.PENANArxVPRuwLTZ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAs7RUmt63Tk
"Nyah!"My body trembled inside as if an evil spirit were about to eat my soul! As I nervously turned around, I saw one of my other teachers, towering over me with an angry glare as she held her hands on both hips. I knew already that I was seriously about to be in one hell of a pickle, especially since this is Ms. Dang; she doesn't go easy on anybody for anything.112Please respect copyright.PENANAPpNsoD7tOO
112Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZiITtjdD6
"You can't be on this side of the field! You're coming with me to have a discussion with—"112Please respect copyright.PENANAwjf5MoGXEy
112Please respect copyright.PENANA2JqY7GeD0z
"Ms. Dang! Stop it!" One teacher was abruptly interrupted by another, as I now saw Ms. Quaker, struggling to get her legs over here as fast as she could. "I already told you that I'm the one who sent him on an errand!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAIB2vWBpVy2
112Please respect copyright.PENANALM0FDSielV
It took everything inside me to try finding out what was going on here. I didn't expect Quaker to have caught up to me at all. I wondered why I didn't see Ms. Dang before I got here, and pondered why she was so quick to find me. If I had to guess, Ms. Dang might have found out where I was from what Ms. Quaker told her, and promptly freaked out from that moment on.112Please respect copyright.PENANA3E6QyCCsrI
112Please respect copyright.PENANA0bfLKOrTuy
Ms. Dang turned to address Ms. Quaker, as the two of them started getting into a heated argument with me just standing here confused and upset. "I don't care what kind of errand you sent him on. That's no excuse to break the rules! Didn't you use your brain to think what could have happened? Or have you forgotten about the peeping incident they had here two years ago?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAN31bBSdgxa
112Please respect copyright.PENANAy6sgbNWN3P
While Ms. Quaker was getting an earful, she focused on me before continuing to be chewed out by the other superior. "Sorry about this Reed. Please just go back to the recreation center." She was practically begging me to leave in her tone, out of desperation and regret.112Please respect copyright.PENANAnupRj3kBmn
112Please respect copyright.PENANAlRjnNr4Mlu
"Yeah... Sure..." I delayed myself slightly, while the two adults continued ripping into each other about what happened. Once I started walking back to the bridge over the river, I had some time to think about what just happened back there.112Please respect copyright.PENANAaJDIWr1quk
112Please respect copyright.PENANAlSPGbJmEpK
It all makes sense at least to why a superior like Ms. Dang would be so upset with the scene that would have gone on. From her perspective, a boy entered onto the other field, entered the female cabin, and left shortly after. Of course, Ms. Quaker literally asked me to do so, during which moment I wasn't thinking about all that other stuff. I know already why she asked me to do it too.112Please respect copyright.PENANAKdlfnYRKMc
112Please respect copyright.PENANA2xYTB2EX2V
Ms. Quaker and I go back a few years. We don't know each other too well on a personal level, but she's seen my good and polite side enough to favor me for errands or general chitchat. She's also seen another side of me that most teachers in my school don't understand themselves, that side of me which respects women and our manners to the tenth degree, while lacking any hint of masculine desires, or as I call them, heathenism traits. I only show off my polite side to those who return the sentiment before or after, but Ms. Quaker is calm and collected herself. It explains why she entrusted that strange errand to me rather than anyone else. She could have chosen any other female student for the task. Sadly, a majority of the other students would have likely turned down her request, or at the very least been too untrustworthy to handle somebody else's property. After all, I take perfect care of everything I own. She chose me, because Ms. Quaker knew I wasn't the type of person who would go to the girl's side of the field with any ulterior motive most other boys would have to the idea.112Please respect copyright.PENANAdM96QQi0wj
112Please respect copyright.PENANA0jPs8tNptc
But even as I realized this on my way back to the central field, I quickly became upset with how all of that went down. I made Ms. Ray Ray and Ms. Dang upset with me, and got Ms. Quaker in some kind of trouble too. "Why send me on an errand, only to turn around and have people yell at me for completing it? I am so not in trouble for this!" I don't care how angry Ms. Dang is with me now. It's not my fault that this happened, and I refuse to be punished for it!112Please respect copyright.PENANAnOrNZ8Jk4G
112Please respect copyright.PENANAymHJk0y0Up
It figures something like this would happen. What's that saying again? No good deed goes unpunished.
112Please respect copyright.PENANAcz35EBk01v
<10/28/2011 - 10:12 | 77 Cloverleaf Trail, Dahlonega, GA, USA>112Please respect copyright.PENANAW6SV5ioU54
112Please respect copyright.PENANAPBZESfzcoA
On my way to the cabin I was supposed to be going to, after retrieving my own belongings which Ms. Quaker left unattended in the recreation field, (as I called it the central hub), I got to pass by a few more interesting sights of nature. I knew I would be exploring a lot more than what I had already seen, but there was quite a fascinating river flow we had here. I stopped by to absorb the visual memory of it, bathing in the beauty that's always existed. Nature is a wonderful work of art.112Please respect copyright.PENANAb9T1O4LHri
112Please respect copyright.PENANARxeJMrvgRH
112Please respect copyright.PENANAu8Dd5TPiYG
112Please respect copyright.PENANA1f2IMhFJN4
112Please respect copyright.PENANAA7OnbNEwNA
Breathtaking, isn't it? All the fun and games ended when I reached my side of the field, the boy's section of Wahsega, as well as the boy's cabin. Going inside, I picked out a bed as my own in the far corner, using the space on the wooden ground to unload all that I brought for myself. I wouldn't need the rain boots yet, but I have a feeling we'll be walking through some of these rivers as time goes on.112Please respect copyright.PENANAeWXe2Uk3gC
112Please respect copyright.PENANAYXH1f5BJbq
I still had some time to relax before the cafeteria building starts to serve us lunch. After that however, the male chaperone assigned to our unit will be taking us around the camp to begin the less exciting educational activities.112Please respect copyright.PENANAxSIyho1qfU
112Please respect copyright.PENANAA7n6bb0sNX
The teacher, whose name I can't be bothered to care for, was still just outside the open entrance of the door, guiding the stragglers in and introducing the way things will work tonight. "Yes, this is the men's cabin. Make some room and comfort, because all of you will be sleeping here tonight."112Please respect copyright.PENANAFOUJwZtCgj
112Please respect copyright.PENANAzDXFgbDSYV
"Huhu! I got dibs on the top bunk." Many of the students who were already trying to settle in began roughhousing, even though it was far more aggressive than what I witnessed earlier. It allowed me to briefly draw a comparison between what one side of the field was in for, and what hell I would be in for.112Please respect copyright.PENANALDV5MhmDg9
112Please respect copyright.PENANAAehEfLQfoK
I sighed loudly, cursing my luck for putting this barrier in my way of fun. So it is that I will be delivered this cruel fate, to be surrounded all day and night by a bunch of stupid heathens. Wonderful!112Please respect copyright.PENANA0WiBDLBh35
112Please respect copyright.PENANA6nAFBkGfPU
I could care less about the fact that I wasn't allowed on the girl's side of the field, even though the thought has been constantly on my mind for the past half hour following some absurdity. After overhearing what Ms. Dang said about some peeping incident, more of the puzzle pieces for why they had that rule slid into place for me. They divide the fields not because of people like me, but because of people like them! My fists clenched just looking at the ugly sight of the other heathens around me. At one point in time, probably long before I was even born, enough male idiots decided to be perverts for places or events like this, leading to the need for such a division. I wasn't angry that I wasn't a girl in this situation, but I wasn't too thrilled to be part of this other pack either. I'm nothing like them. I'm not associated with any part of their behavior. The fact that Ms. Dang assumed that was my reason for being on that side of the field is what infuriated me the most; that somebody, anybody would ever assume I'm that kind of man, that kind of disgusting heathen that would ever intentionally defile other women with lecherous eyes.112Please respect copyright.PENANAGaIGbksZG4
112Please respect copyright.PENANAH5PIL3UzCK
It was worse now that I had to somehow find a way to separate myself from all of these idiots. If there's anything I won't do, it's spend the next three days with all of these vile creatures! My exaggeration was but objective truth. There wasn't a single person currently in my cabin who one could look at and call well-behaved, well-mannered, or non-toxic. Of all the lousy cards to be dealt, I couldn't figure out why I had been so unfortunate to be paired with these people.112Please respect copyright.PENANAclXToNM1dd
112Please respect copyright.PENANAbWUb4vbBgU
The constant reminder only chipped away quickly at my deteriorating mood. I had been so excited all this time since on the way to Wahsega, and I still should be. Sadly, there are some truth bombs about this place that I didn't see coming. In all, it reminded me most about the very reason and purpose I came here to begin with! I'm supposed to be having fun with one plus person. Yeah, she's a girl, but I don't think the chaperones will chew me out if they never detect her presence in the first place. I knew from before that the temperature had gone up, just enough to disable telepathy, but I knew already how this weather system works. Despite the time of day, those thick clouds rolling in are bringing colder winds. In a matter of an hour or less, I'll be able to contact Lumina again.112Please respect copyright.PENANARNzAd5U0N9
112Please respect copyright.PENANAMCcONttCEv
The only reason I didn't call her sooner was because I wanted to unpack here first. I'm not to complain, due to the weird weather shifting up and down. It's better for me to wait until it gets cold again before contacting her, since it will strengthen the connection, lower the psionic load stress between us, and give me time to mentally prepare myself in showing her around, even through the learning experiences.
112Please respect copyright.PENANAq64j0Frlm7
<10/28/2011 - 11:32 | 77 Cloverleaf Trail, Dahlonega, GA, USA>112Please respect copyright.PENANATkpI1GGelS
112Please respect copyright.PENANAW5DL0NKbVn
As I walked around aimlessly absorbing the view while my mind quieted down some more, I made my way to the cafeteria building, since the bells activating were indicating lunch time. Since this was in the recreation area of the fields, there was no gender division on where to eat. I was simply glad to have the calming time and space to think, since I felt a little overwhelmed hours ago. Even though I was preparing to defend myself for something that wasn't my fault, nobody approached me about the almost incident. I was clear of any blame, since I was asked to deliver things in the first place.112Please respect copyright.PENANAGOKA2mxdOr
112Please respect copyright.PENANAjQv10bceYS
But I didn't let those thoughts loom over me for long. All I could think about was contacting Lumina before I get myself something to eat. I went to the massive building that I needed to get to, observing its similar wooden design. There was a space far behind and underneath the stairs of entry that obscured the view of many.112Please respect copyright.PENANAe7JohkAs4i
112Please respect copyright.PENANA4WudeNcfKI
There was more than one reason I didn't contact Lumina in advance when I could have. The temperature earlier, which fluctuated for a while was only now stabilizing in the cold of fifty-three degrees Nixus, and I knew it would continue to gradually fall throughout the day thanks to a helpful weather report. Reason two was, I wanted to unpack my things first, getting myself comfortable. Reason three for my delays, is that contacting Lumina at all takes a bit of work and concentration on my part. As much as I try to hide my actions, I've noticed that it's virtually impossible to mask my visual behavior when projecting signals strong enough to reach my fiancée. If I were to try it with other students or teachers lurking around, facing me from the front, it would be obvious that I was doing something strange.112Please respect copyright.PENANAj0ROPJuX4X
112Please respect copyright.PENANAMW6jJNNwJx
Not wanting to be suspicious to anybody, I ducked under these stairs and found a good hiding spot that was out of view for most people. From here, I took note of my surroundings to make sure I was in the clear, before changing my stance for balance, and closing my eyes for the devotion of focus. The rushing cold winds around me made it easy for my body and mind to understand that I was in a cold environment, one that would make telepathy fully viable. I tried not to get too excited just yet, since I needed to concentrate on calling her first thing.112Please respect copyright.PENANA2OrEzXDak2
112Please respect copyright.PENANA34z6PAlj8r
After about ten seconds or so, on flooding my thoughts and emotions deep into that part of myself that can psionically project, I heard Lumina call my name, as she desperately tried to take hold of the link and stabilize the connection for both of us.112Please respect copyright.PENANANnPfVr36OE
112Please respect copyright.PENANAHxcSNZa9cz
"Reed!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAhBesFI8Sya
112Please respect copyright.PENANAdN1oPBTwnX
"Lumina!" My body suddenly quivered as I moved to cover my own mouth, looking all around me to make sure nobody heard my excited chant. I knew Lumina was just as happy to hear from me again, but I shouldn't take the risk of outing myself. "Lumina."112Please respect copyright.PENANAIJ1XwGgzDU
112Please respect copyright.PENANAHI75LHFwwA
After a soft giggle to my own mistake, Lumina reminded me of something I didn't need anymore. "Use your brain, not your tongue."112Please respect copyright.PENANAdnuFFdjNOJ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAFsbqa4oK0X
"I've arrived!" Changing the subject to show her around, while I stepped back into better view, I let Lumina absorb the wondrous views all through my eyes, knowing there would be much more to show her later.112Please respect copyright.PENANA9Th51Mcr97
112Please respect copyright.PENANAGcmCOhQ7Mx
"I can see that. It looks really amazing!"112Please respect copyright.PENANApl696Zdyc5
112Please respect copyright.PENANAgW5AjVoM0E
I felt like staying outside forever. All of the cold windy air around filled me with some strong exciting sensation as well as belonging. I started associating the feeling of cold air with Lumina a long time ago, so it felt really good to be outside in this with no jacket on, inexplicably so. The sensation almost threw me into a trance, while my body felt like it was surviving in a brave new way.112Please respect copyright.PENANA5Do4RnyPlm
112Please respect copyright.PENANAFmiF1cnNLf
"I'll show you around some more, but right now, I have to go inside and get some lunch. I'll tell you about all the things I've seen already while I'm standing in line." I couldn't even wait one minute to chat up a storm with Lumina. I've been waiting for this very moment all morning, and now she's finally here with me!112Please respect copyright.PENANA750FfMaH3M
112Please respect copyright.PENANAnMruuAD6dA
In agreement, Lumina waited the patient minute it took for me to enter the building with the others, preparing to pick up a tray and gather some food. I was initially too slow to do anything though, since I needed to absorb the sight and design of the cafeteria building. It looked bigger and more spacious on the inside than the outside, an impressive display as expected.112Please respect copyright.PENANABloDJ1SSOT
112Please respect copyright.PENANA1KXpB0MX5d
As I slowly decided on the food I wanted with only minor wait time to take my turn, I could hear the many loud conversations going on around and beside me. Naturally, I tried not to pay attention to most of them, since it was just random noise.112Please respect copyright.PENANAm3rbBgm3cb
112Please respect copyright.PENANAhvuPLp9Qk0
"Yeah, I'm telling you, that's exactly what happened! Any more than a few seconds, and she would have accidentally shown everything to him."112Please respect copyright.PENANAQpogvJByoq
112Please respect copyright.PENANASpQS2CieTh
I plopped the goopy scoop of food on my tray with a small sigh. "I see the mash potatoes are the only thing to look forward to today." I didn't take into account how picky I can be with food. The cafeteria here isn't much better than the ordinary school one back home.112Please respect copyright.PENANAjLRTHdkxnk
112Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4xb5wXrd0
"Quit complaining! We both have all day and night to enjoy this." Lumina quickly got all excited again; I could even feel her shaking a little with impatience and bliss. "To think, we're actually on a field trip so far away from home! It kind of feels like a honeymoon."112Please respect copyright.PENANAYzbGVO1aCR
112Please respect copyright.PENANArGO0CCBjit
I was little match for Lumina's romantic mood. Hearing the mere suggestion made me blush while imagining our days as she was trying to. In some strange way, she wasn't mistaken. I'll never get a better chance to have this much fun than this weekend. The idea of hanging out with Lumina while knowing we wanted to make it more romantic flooded my mind with dopamine, happy as I was already. "Maybe it will be. Nobody said the honeymoon has to happen after the wedding."112Please respect copyright.PENANA5Cucn2f7s2
112Please respect copyright.PENANAkx19ZtKexW
"He's standing right there!"112Please respect copyright.PENANANlmRtVtRZb
112Please respect copyright.PENANADqzHI9EuCo
"Huh? You mean Reed?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAfmNN1uZDR0
112Please respect copyright.PENANA3icr6qXkWT
"Wha—" "Yes?" I turned around, confused by whatever commotion was going on behind me. I saw Laura and some other chick I didn't know giving me the stink eye, but I wasn't aware of their background conversation, since I was so focused on Lumina.112Please respect copyright.PENANAv2M1ifKqgG
112Please respect copyright.PENANAPcwHbF4A82
"Uh..." Laura, who looked as if she was seeing some kind of illusion, nodded a little, shaking away whatever thoughts she kept to herself. With the frown of legend on her face, she pointed her rear thumb behind her, towards the table she was sitting at. "Come sit with me when you get your food." Then, she just stormed off.112Please respect copyright.PENANASA6mAr7jmL
112Please respect copyright.PENANAZyRa1VrORt
"Okay?" Before I had a clue to what was going on, Lumina made her own passive observations.112Please respect copyright.PENANAI5Tt3LPGB1
112Please respect copyright.PENANA9nSujm5XTV
"Looks like you're already getting popular here."112Please respect copyright.PENANAbGN2bMuk28
112Please respect copyright.PENANAinDBTAwFQz
"... No. Something's wrong. That didn't seem normal if you ask me." The way Laura looked at me, as if she couldn't decide whether to be upset or concerned told me something wasn't right. Plus, it was rare for me to ever see her without that laughing smile. Laura and her friends joke around so often, those giggling moods are what they're known for. "But whatever. I was going to ask you how the meeting went anyway, after finding somewhere to sit."112Please respect copyright.PENANATpR9TlYd3B
112Please respect copyright.PENANAmpDsoC1Fa7
Lumina answered my curiosity as I slowly walked over to their table without a care in the world. "The Queen accepted the invitation! She's going to be the one who declares our marriage herself."112Please respect copyright.PENANA8twlQ0Opwr
112Please respect copyright.PENANAf9trizUoZh
"That's awesome! We actually have the queen's blessing on this one. So then, where is the wedding going to take place?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAJLTK3aRd9h
112Please respect copyright.PENANAo36UTX4y08
"In the Altiri Temple of course. They're going to redecorate their throne room just for this event. I've never seen them redecorate for any other reason. This will be a once in a lifetime thing!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAknFDDCahay
112Please respect copyright.PENANAyMo1HWTSpy
"Awesome!" I knew I could trust Lumina to set things up properly. Knowing that the queen was on our side, after the laws Lumina broke in the past was also quite refreshing. I'm so excited, I can barely stand! In a month from now, I'll actually be married to Lumina!112Please respect copyright.PENANAiDh1ZaHqlu
112Please respect copyright.PENANAEGStiNR80a
"So absolutely no headaches this time!" Lumina hollered her warning to me directly, as if it were a problem she expected to have come up.112Please respect copyright.PENANAHRK3i8JWNV
112Please respect copyright.PENANAkjXNPeg6qM
I wasn't surprised she would worry about that detail. I myself was worried about such a conflict. My headache condition never did improve from before. I've been using Aspirin to deal with the recent ones, but Aspirin isn't working as well as it used to. I think I'm building up a tolerance to that medication. If I am, I'm screwed, since there is nothing else. "I promise, no headaches. I'll also make sure that day is cold in advance, just so we can be certain."112Please respect copyright.PENANAHydRDAfH72
112Please respect copyright.PENANAm34LiFH5qG
"In just a month, we'll be husband and wife. It feels so perfect!"112Please respect copyright.PENANA8qQBTWGXZd
112Please respect copyright.PENANAwGgEBjlbQe
I know Lumina, I know. I can't explain why it's so incredibly exciting for us to be getting married, but I wouldn't have it any other way. "That energy and spirit of yours has already just made my day. I love seeing you this excited Lumina. And I love you as well."112Please respect copyright.PENANAPLDQzsh4iq
112Please respect copyright.PENANAf679kZ4iFS
"Awh! I love you too Reed!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAjQA07b4k4q
112Please respect copyright.PENANAIRcO6TVrxE
I felt like I was floating in air by the time I managed to sit down at the large table. A few of the girls I knew were in front of me, plus a few strangers who were mostly not paying me any attention. I almost zoned them all out instantly, wanting to wrap myself in Lumina's happiness for eternity.112Please respect copyright.PENANABOCvoT64oN
112Please respect copyright.PENANA5osPyywbWP
"Hey Reed." Laura greeted me again, with the same demeanor she held before. The tone in her voice wasn't a happy one; I could tell she wasn't happy to see or talk to me, which kept me out of my imminent trance for a new curiosity.112Please respect copyright.PENANA9kvra9aiJF
112Please respect copyright.PENANAA1pIHVQmdu
Banarus teamed up against me too, getting to the point rather quickly with a stern attitude. "So... See anything fun earlier?"112Please respect copyright.PENANA5geSfoCFQf
112Please respect copyright.PENANAZLUUDU1Lz7
"Huh?" I didn't want to directly ask what this was about, but I knew there was some trouble brewing.112Please respect copyright.PENANAoeE8o92zDT
112Please respect copyright.PENANAosJyuxAEmR
Banarus folded her arms in front of me before touching her food, her eyes staring daggers into mine as if I were hunted prey. "I know you think you can try to blend in with the girls, but if you think you can go peeping around, you've gone a mile too far!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAS11lcQbPDQ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAaF1cwYVEhc
"Reed? What is she talking about?" Lumina was growing concerned too, finally realizing long after I did that something wasn't right with this situation.112Please respect copyright.PENANAVVJmNAYz14
112Please respect copyright.PENANABa6xEwP6cz
"What are you all blabbing on about?" I didn't mean to come off as rude, but this was quite annoying. However, before Laura or Banarus could dig into me any further, the background thoughts I pushed back took the spotlight, reminding me what happened earlier, while lining up that event with their mysterious context. "You mean— Oh, come on! You know damn well I wasn't doing anything wrong. I didn't see anything, and I'm not some creep!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAc6pkPsqD2P
112Please respect copyright.PENANAfJ7LIzVctT
When did this happen? I forgot to consider that while the chaperones managed to figure out I was technically innocent, the other girls of the cabin may not have been given the same context. I've seen just enough TV to know this won't end well, not if the entire school thinks I did something when I really didn't.112Please respect copyright.PENANAeUjqr3my8T
112Please respect copyright.PENANAeXYhjHys8g
"Weren't you trying to deliver something?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAiGgr7GMSVF
112Please respect copyright.PENANADeO6Bovlwy
That's right, Ashly was there too. She was the first person to recognize me, and she certainly spotted me holding all of that luggage in hand. Now that she's here at the same table, I have real support for the alibi. See? Not everyone is a headless drone.112Please respect copyright.PENANAozqxtNEYqP
112Please respect copyright.PENANAUzxkIMq9PH
"Reeeed?!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAjfzbUsrnG7
112Please respect copyright.PENANA1PMJv4AYlZ
The last thing I need is Lumina to start losing her mind, but I have to explain myself to the humans first. "Look. I was specifically instructed to hand deliver some things to Ms. Ray Ray, her personal belongings or whatever. I don't know what it was. All I did was locate her and deliver everything. I had no idea what else was going on around me besides that. Honest!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAZQlPdFYExE
112Please respect copyright.PENANARx9Xrv3u6D
"Oh no, no, no." Lumina face palmed gently as she listened to my brief summary of what happened.112Please respect copyright.PENANAy5tyxusMYD
112Please respect copyright.PENANAFUiqp1W8Mh
"So then you were ordered to?" Laura let out a visible sigh to relax. "Ooof! That's a relief for a lot of people here."112Please respect copyright.PENANApZ9nIU8GD7
112Please respect copyright.PENANA44shuP28jq
"Come on, is that what people think of me?" If this is all it takes to make all the girls on this trip hate me, when it wasn't even my fault to begin with, then I'm going to have a bigger problem with the world here.112Please respect copyright.PENANAMWpeG20Bpg
112Please respect copyright.PENANAszPguCDdDJ
"But who would even ask you to deliver something like that?" Banarus brought up a good point, something I didn't consider when I agreed to the task earlier, but I could just as easily answer that. It wasn't worth it to me to protect Ms. Quaker considering the possible punishment I would face by covering for her.112Please respect copyright.PENANAoRLhIk2OiW
112Please respect copyright.PENANA51vIVwznEU
"One of the teachers who knew me well enough to trust with that kind of thing. Still, Ms. Dang chewed me out the moment I stepped back outside. I was completely ambushed into that crap, so I don't want to hear any more about me trying to do something I know I would never do. The way I see it, I nearly got into nuclear trouble simply for doing what I was told." Ms. Quaker might be in nuclear trouble herself, but I only hope she's not. I get that she messed up, but she doesn't deserve to be punished for it. She knew I would never-ever think about taking advantage of other people, to any degree.112Please respect copyright.PENANAbcknFTUTvy
112Please respect copyright.PENANAqVuBjkHaP4
"So let me get this straight!"112Please respect copyright.PENANARjhQ1rdfEM
112Please respect copyright.PENANAoghMfKMK5l
Uh oh!112Please respect copyright.PENANAdpYiococB1
112Please respect copyright.PENANAi0gUb0kPwM
Lumina projected her voice as loudly as she could, slowly summarizing so that she could understand the stupidity of this morning, while I was certain to be in the doghouse for it. "You've only been here for one hour... And in the time I was gone, you just walked right into the girl's cabin?! Right where any one of them could have been changing clothes? Do you realize how much worse this could have been for you?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAnQLvF5dtxg
112Please respect copyright.PENANAvIBfn7Jo6h
Without addressing to the others why, I felt myself sink down with every sentence that she yelled into my brain. Lumina sounded most like my own mother right now, when she was most angry and upset about something I did to disappoint her. But she must know I'm not lying! "Lumina! You know I would never–"112Please respect copyright.PENANA57BimfCvCS
112Please respect copyright.PENANAsGf8mG8dM5
"I'll just stop you right there Reed. I'm not mad at you. I know already that you weren't trying to spy a glimpse."112Please respect copyright.PENANAs8tTXiE60x
112Please respect copyright.PENANANPMUdCE8qF
"Oh..." So she already believes me then? I know it sucks, but why is she so mad at me for it? Her near screeching voice told me she wasn't simply over it.112Please respect copyright.PENANAmn5jD99HRc
112Please respect copyright.PENANAswRYxTsxBV
"It's just..." Lumina held the entire top of her head with her arms in pure frustration, letting out a panicked groan. "Sometimes, you can be so incredibly naive with things that it surprises me, and I'm supposed to know you best by now!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAuoRuLHEjs9
112Please respect copyright.PENANArGvpAhDUn9
Naive huh? I hated being called that. It wasn't the first time I've heard such a thing. I can't fully argue back on her with this one; that's exactly what happened and why. "Look, I wasn't aware of the entire situation." If I had been more awake or given it more thought before agreeing, maybe I would have seen the light of reason sooner.112Please respect copyright.PENANApkBaRmXCS7
112Please respect copyright.PENANA5ixAJi5BoK
"I figured as much. You agreed because you're always so helpful and polite. Your teacher probably knew you were not one to ever give into those kinds of urges; I'm betting that's why she tasked you with something so strange."112Please respect copyright.PENANA3eYIlv1wde
112Please respect copyright.PENANAlbF9p8MGV7
Wow. Lumina read into this much faster than I could have, and she hasn't even met Ms. Quaker!112Please respect copyright.PENANAYemLsEmYhA
112Please respect copyright.PENANAZsN12DqIYY
"It's not good though Reed, even though it isn't your fault. Ms. Dang and Ms. Ray Ray probably don't see you the same way. They see most boys the same way most boys behave, as heathens or perverts. You're lucky you didn't get into any real trouble. Of course, if you did, you better believe you and I both would fight through hell to make sure you were absolved."112Please respect copyright.PENANALA1qHVzUsa
112Please respect copyright.PENANAzJfMX4yPo6
"But I'm not a heathen! The only person I would ever let myself see naked is you! You know that!" I felt a little odd saying that last part, but I knew it was true. Ever since Lumina came back from the first summer, my general interest in any and all other women have been sent to zero, romantically speaking. Lumina of all people knows that I'm nothing like that at all, nothing like a heathen!112Please respect copyright.PENANAkS8OqACam9
112Please respect copyright.PENANAjexu6MFgme
"I know Reed, but... You and I seriously need to have a talk later tonight. You're too old to not know about certain aspects of humanity."112Please respect copyright.PENANAiVGvOVLQPs
112Please respect copyright.PENANAiYNDnRZA1F
"I've already had the talk." I don't need Lumina to try and educate me on what sex is or why people have it. I've known for enough years already.112Please respect copyright.PENANAsktDs6oIGe
112Please respect copyright.PENANAk2x3BdMwYX
"I'm not talking about that talk. I'm talking about everything else related to it. Sensual cues, flirtatious language, even all the naughty words other kids your age tend to use, but most certainly all the situations that people think of when it pertains to this kind of stuff. You confuse and amaze me at the same time Reed. If it would have been anybody else, any other male being asked to deliver that luggage into the girl's cabin, it would have been obvious to anybody what was wrong long before he could get to the other side."112Please respect copyright.PENANAZjwHtMfiUV
112Please respect copyright.PENANA8lblAX4WDn
I just sighed in defeat. I didn't want to admit Lumina was right, not after she was telling me how naive I was, or about how much I didn't know. With the tone she was using now, I knew there was no way to convince her that I was getting by good enough... There have been enough times when the others have used new words in front of me, laughing at my own ignorance, only for me to find out much later. But was it really such a big deal?112Please respect copyright.PENANAQVTP3ig8kZ
112Please respect copyright.PENANAT4ie6oBFqP
Banarus planked her plastic cup down on the table, reminding me that she and the others existed as I was having an invisible conversation already. "It's a really good thing that we know you were only there to drop some things off. If it were anyone else getting involved like this, Laura and I would have had to give you a black eye."112Please respect copyright.PENANAQn8uiljcEU
112Please respect copyright.PENANAlhrugkkJR3
"Thanks?" Conflicted between their combined threat and affirmation of my own innocence, I shrugged at them both, my smile faded beyond the troubling seriousness of it all. I figured this was a big deal before Lumina let me know. But if Lumina thought it was important, I had to reevaluate everything with stronger scrutiny.112Please respect copyright.PENANABZ66SDrVoY
112Please respect copyright.PENANACunEwLwDHA
"It's not really a compliment," Lumina reminded.112Please respect copyright.PENANAXopHdBD7DW
112Please respect copyright.PENANA2WgNgmX05E
"I figured that much. It's good that they know I'm not lying. Banarus and Laura might not be my actual friends, but I trust them enough not to spread lies about me knowing what really happened. Still, I could do without the insults."112Please respect copyright.PENANAVw4q3JQ6CW
112Please respect copyright.PENANAKyw45jWloi
"As I said before, you're too naive. But that's okay, because when I'm through with you tonight, I'll never have to worry about it again. You'll be reborn, knowing every sexual reference or euphemism!"112Please respect copyright.PENANAcDzaShXgFX
112Please respect copyright.PENANArZlFTcR7m1
"Right... What is a euphemism again?"112Please respect copyright.PENANA8nwgfCGYVv
112Please respect copyright.PENANAor74p2Htfh
With another sigh, Lumina shut her eyes and nodded left to right. "I need a drink. Reprogramming you is going to take all my time and effort."112Please respect copyright.PENANAcCE85FFPIt
112Please respect copyright.PENANAlLAs0vb7FJ
"But what about all the sights and events and stuff?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAuvIhx6A1bL
112Please respect copyright.PENANAHd8YzaPXQk
"Divide and conquer Reed. There's no reason why we can't do both at the same time. With the amount of thoughts you have in your head at once, I know how much you can keep up with. It's not optional either you know. You're going to learn all the crazy things I learned through previous clairvoyance; no matter how uncomfortable it makes you."112Please respect copyright.PENANAbBLQqfxgaX
112Please respect copyright.PENANAzAkySUBqBQ