Julius stands in the open battlefield. Looking above him, he sees his Eyas droid companion. The Eyas droid flies in view carrying a revived but defeated Golden dragon battle droid. It's easily seen as one of the revived Dragons because a group from Rainer's side of dragons flies after the Eyas droid. They chase the Eyas droid in hopes of retaliating an attack they witnessed on their fellow golden dragon, which the Eyas now carries dead again in its arms.
The Eyas droid drops the defeated Golden dragon in front of Julius. Then the droid begins to take out the dragons that followed it 1 by 1.
As the defeated dragons drop around Julius. He picks up the first captured dragon by the arm. Next, he types a code on the fallen dragon's gauntlet. Then the dragon's gauntlet detaches from the droid. Julius picks up the piece of armor and straps it to his wrist. Then, a hologram touchscreen appears.
Julius grins and then tells himself, "Maybe at times I can be too overconfident. But this situation proves I was right to do so. I was right to equip every 100th Golden dragon I manufactured with a communication device that only activates when the tech placed in the armor senses our fingerprints. And thanks to the Eyas ability of Hawk-like vision, they're able to see which one of those droids has the communicator and can capture the target ASAP."
Julius looks at the screen on the newly equipped hi-tech armor he attached to his wrist. He touches the screen. After it turns on, Julius maneuvers his fingers across the screen in a way that it starts to call for the golden dragons to gather toward Julius.
He can see them flying in. One by one they take out the attacking dragons and help the Eyas droid. Then, they land side by side with Julius as he walks toward Rainer and Amaro.
Julius tells himself, "With most of my armor being lost because of the fall. This is the next best step. The dragons cannot sense me as a warlord without my helmet but with this hi-tech armor on my wrist. It will call the nearest Dragons. Making those dragons view me as a leader of one of their fleets. This results in them protecting me for the time being."
With a line of Golden dragons protecting him, Julius marches forward towards Amaro. One by one they take out the droids controlled by Rainer. Until Julius stops in his tracks. This is because Maxwell Caine has landed his Ivo Supremeo suit in front of Julius and the enemy droids.
Before the droids or Julius can make a move, the Ivo Supremeo suit reveals two arm cannons on its hands, and unleashes powerful blasts of energy toward the golden dragons. Then Maxwell launches his suit's arms like rockets while his arm cannons are still unloading the energy blasts.
In a straight line, the arm cannon's energy blasts instantly set all of the enemy droids on fire, leaving Julius in the middle, shocked but untouched.
Julius stares down the Ivo Supremeo suit he's facing off against. He smirks and then laughs to himself. Then with a confused look on Maxwell's face. That also shows through the Ivo suit. Maxwell asks Julius, "What's so funny? Have you lost your mind? You know I said I wasn't gonna kill you right?" Julius answers, "Ha ha! No. It's none of that. It's just the irony of my back being this far against the wall, and it's against my son's final invention, A mech suit. It's almost like he's stopping me from my goals from beyond the grave...but it won't be that easy."
The burning dragons begin to move forward toward Maxwell, but before they can take their 3rd step. Both lines of burning droids are alerted of incoming projectiles headed their way. The projectiles are the Ivo Suit's arms. With both arm cannons called back, and the suit's hands are balled into fists. Maxwell ignites the arm's fists from his suit.
Next, both arms crash through the dragons, sawing them all in half. Then fly to the Ivo suit to reattach themselves to the mech suit.
Julius looks at the burning heaps of metal that were once a part of the golden dragon army he created. Then he hears Maxwell tell him, "I guess inekium and Sun Crystal energy overtake Zhekumium armor huh? Or maybe it was the engineer who made these droids?"
This hits a nerve with Julius. With a scowl on his face, he tells Maxwell, "Alright, you're gonna take me in alive? I won't go without a fight. And the Mech suit just seems a little bit too much don't you think? Or maybe you don't think you could take me on man to man?"
The Ivo Supremeo suit stands motionless. Then the hatch for the pilot pops open. Maxwell steps out of the hatch and tells Julius, "Yeah, earlier when I said I wasn't gonna kill ya. I meant it! But with the way you've been talking. I think I'm gonna have to knock you out cold before I take you in. So yeah, you're right. The suit in this fight would be a little too much right now."
Maxwell jumps from the hatch of his mech suit to the floor. Julius gives his foe a grin. Both ball their fists up and run towards each other. Once they collide with each other, fists begin to fly.
Punches land, they are blocked, slipped, and dodged as well. Until Maxwell lands the first solid blow. This causes Julius to reel backward and think carefully about his next move. Julius hears Maxwell yell, "Are you tired old man!? I could show you a few exercises that can get your wind up! Haha!"
Maxwell's comments enrage Julius. So he chooses to charge at him. A few Eyas droids on the battlefield choose to help Julius until They're shot down by the Ivo Supremeo suit. Even though the suit is currently without a pilot, it defends its captain in a state called "Sentry mode," which targets any incoming enemy that flies towards the piolet aggressively.
Before Maxwell went out of the suit, he activated Sentry mode to leave him and Julius alone for their fight and to target any aggressive droids and terminate them on sight. With a smirk on his face, he tells Julius, "It's just gonna be me and you till one of us drops, old man. And I don't think it's gonna be me!"
Julius taps the device on his wrist which allows him to call in any nearby golden dragons to help him. And that's what they do.
However, while the dragons fly in at Julius's command. They're taken down by the Ivo suit still in sentry mode. Panic begins to show on Julius's face until more dragons appear.
They're shot down one by one thanks to the energy from the sun crystals in the Ivo Supremeo suit's palms. Things seem to go Max's way until a few dragons begin to slip from the Ivo Supremeo suit's vision. And start to inch closer toward Maxwell and Julius.
Maxwell sees this while fighting with Julius. Luckily for Max, the panic in his eyes quickly disappears. That's because he can see Bernard Sullivan flying through the sky of the battlefield on the jet pack-turned-glider Supremeo lent to him.
Bernard Sullivan rapidly fires off shots from the rifles attached to the glider. The projectiles pierce through the incoming dragon's armor.
While aiming the rifles at the next batch of approaching Golden dragon droids, he's shocked as he realizes the rifles have run out of ammo. He says to himself, "Well damn! This is a bad time for a reminder of how long this fight has been going." Bernard looks at the lent vehicle he's on and notices the front of the glider is shaped like a giant blade. The vehicle is made of inekium, this makes Bernard think of ramming the vehicle into the enemy droids in hopes of slicing them in half.
Bernard grits his teeth and begins to rev up the glider until he can hear a beeping noise from a communicator attached to the vehicle. He activates it and a hologram screen appears in front of him.
It's none other than Sylvia Caine from the other end of the screen. She tells Sullivan, "The readings are saying your rifles are out of ammo. Before you run them over you should use the center cannon. It'll be much safer for you. Just push the center panel between your feet."
Maxwell does what Sylvia says. Then to his Surprise, the panel flips open. And just like Sylvia mentioned earlier. A center cannon pops up in front of him. Bernard quickly grabs control of the new weapon and targets a line of enemies. He lets off a blast from the cannon, it shoots out a powerful laser.
The projectile of energy hits its target. This blows up the enemy droid, the explosion takes out other enemy droids by its side as well. After seeing the impact of his new weapon Bernard lets out a big laugh. He says, "HA! Well, I'll be damned! I should have started with this weapon! Not that I am complaining, but what's the point in having those two rifles. When I could just use the center cannon."
Sylvia replies, "Sullivan, It's because the cannon was built to take down ships. While the rifles were made to mow down enemies. And not blow them up. That's in case any of our comrades would need a weapon. Then they can just pick one up from a fallen enemy droid."
Bernard Sullivan replies to Sylvia, telling her, "Ahh, makes sense! Your acumen in these inventions is equal to what your father could do. Can't wait to see what you'll accomplish when you reach his age."
Sylvia replies to the legendary hero telling him, "Thank you for those kind words, Bernard. That means a lot coming from you. I'll be in the air space of new Tortuga soon. I have squads of aiutu droids ready to help our comrades or these citizens of the pirate nation."
Bernard Sullivan tells Sylvia Caine, "Alight. Well, we're not going nowhere, haha! See you soon!" Sylvia tells Bernard, "Alright see you soon!" Then signs off. Sullivan then continues to separate the enemy droids from Maxwell and Julius.
~Back to Maxwell and Julius's fight~
There is a look of worry on Julius's face as he sees the legendary hero Bernard Sullivan lead a handful of Golden dragons and Eyas droids away, leaving him alone with his fight against Maxwell.
Maxwell tells Julius, "What's with that look Julius? Need a break? You look like you need some time to think. Unfortunately, I can't do that for ya. You got somewhere you need to go and I got things I need to do. So surrender or I'll finish giving you the rest of this ass whooping!"
Julius is enraged at Maxwell's comments. He charges towards Maxwell again. This time they both exchange blows. At first they both block, parry, and counter every shot thrown at each other. Until Julius Surprises Maxwell by backhanding him in the face with the forearm of the golden dragon tech he strapped to his arm earlier. The golden dragon's zhekumium metal grazes across Maxwell's face as he pulls back at the last second.
Julius instantly pulls forward landing a headbutt. Then instantly swings back his zhekumium armored forearm hitting it clean across Maxwell's jaw. This series of attacks rocks Maxwell and takes him off balance for a moment.
As Maxwell regains his balance. He wipes blood away from his mouth. And because of the "dirty blows" thrown earlier, Maxwell glares at Julius in disgust. Julius laughs and says, "What!? Do you think this is a sports match? Didn't your father tell you what you should do in a REAL fight!? Oh, that's right! You take more after your mother, and your sister takes more from your father. This battles just as good as done."
Maxwell cuts Julius's comments short by interrupting him. He tells him, "I just made a mistake thinking you'd finish this fight with honor. It's clear now you were never my father's friend. But if finishing a fight this way is what you expect. I can do that." Maxwell quickly charges into Julius's space for an attack. He lands a powerful punch, but this time, he adds an elbow to the strike and follows it with a headbutt.
This series of attacks knocks Julius down on one knee. With his vision unstable, Maxwell picks Julius up only to knock him down with a thunderous right hand.
Maxwell continues to tell Julius, "As I was saying earlier. You were never his friend. You were more like a fan who took all his lessons half-assed. That's because if you really knew what my father was capable of. You'd take into account his unbreakable will, being tied to his intellect was an unbeatable bond. It fueled everyone around him so much that he shared it with everyone around him. As you know, everyone became greater at what they did when my father formed his group. They became better engineers, chemists, fighters, better at WHATEVER! Then there's you. You've just always been a mastermind at making explosives. Nothing in history says anything about your fighting skills or your ability to make droids or mech suits. And you think you have the right to judge me?"
Maxwell holds Julius up delivering another powerful blow to his foe's face. He continues to hold Julius telling him, "Oh yeah. If you're still awake in there wondering why more backup hasn't come yet. That's because Supremeo has convinced your droid War Hawk to eliminate what's left of your golden army. So your little experiment in thinking you could break Victor is over. The living embodiment of Elias Caine's creativity and will has just taken your most powerful weapon off the board."
Hearing this brings a look of shock to Julius's face. With his vision still blurry from Maxwell's attacks, Julius spits out blood. Max drops and then kicks Julius to the floor. Max disarms Julius of the golden dragon tech on his wrist, then ties his hands together. He tells Julius, "I'm gonna use the suit to carry you and bring you in. I hope you like riding with the top down."
Julius sits up and spits out more blood then smiles. The evil blood-spattered grin confuses Max. Then he hears Julius tell him, "It isn't over you damn fool. Like I said earlier. This isn't a sports match. This is a fight that can change the trajectory of humankind for the next 1000 years. A fight on this level of importance would involve life or death situations, buddy."
Maxwell interrupts Julius telling him, "I already told you. I'm not gonna kill you. And you're clearly in no position to harm anyone right now, are you?!"
Max looks around in case any enemy droids are coming his way. He sees nothing and then looks back at Julius, who is still showing his evil, bloody grin.
Julius replies to Maxwell saying, "I know. But there's always the option of me killing myself! See, I hate your father so much I'd end my own life without hesitation if it meant leaving a permanent stain on your family's name. Taking a fraction of the respect your family name has would STILL be leaving you guys with waay too much respect you deserve. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Your sister will have to deal with the aftermath...Geez I wonder how she will turn out dealing with the loss of her brother after shortly losing her father. For instance. You turned out to be a decent fighter. But her? What will she do when the sons and daughters of the Great pirate king are also killed in my greatest explosion!"
In a surprise turn of events, Maxwell is tripped by Julius. Julius runs and picks up the tech he was disarmed of earlier. While holding the Zhekumium golden dragon tech in his hands, Julius tells Maxwell, "You're too damn respectful, kid. If you put my hands behind my back I'd Probably wouldn't have done this!
To Maxwell's surprise, Julius rams the dragon tech into his chest. At the end of the screen was a blade-like dragon claw made of zhekumium which pierces Julius's heart.
Maxwell rushes toward Julius only to be met with him forcing the tech deeper into his chest. As Julius coughs up blood, he looks toward Maxwell with hatred in his eyes.
Then the Ivo Supremeo suit sweeps in grabbing Maxwell Caine and pulls him off Julius Edson. Maxwell is forced back into the cockpit of the suit. Frustrated, Maxwell says, "Suit, I know sentry mode was to protect me, but WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET ME!?"
The suit shows a reply on the screen saying, "Bomb."
Julius, now with his mouth dropping blood, thinks to himself, "Dammit! That suit you made really is amazing son. But damn. It looks like this explosion won't take him out... Oh well. The next one will...So much for voice command. I'd rather die than be a prisoner to anyone from the Caine family. See you in hell, Elias...."
An explosion of immense proportion happens! Then a blinding white light coats the entire battlefield as Julius Edson's body blows up and disappears from behind the light.
The explosion scorches through the battlefield. Luckily force field tech, flight, and the aiutu's came in handy for all our heroes and their friends. But reality quickly hits them when they all realize that they don't have enough energy left if they need to absorb another hit this size. But that wasn't it. Bad luck seemed to pile up on our heroes because the explosion wasn't strong enough to disturb or destroy the functions of a golden Zhekumium battle droid. That's because those battle droids emerged instantly from the flames attacking our heroes.