This story follows Mizuha’s daily life at her new high school, including her friendships and the challenges she faces. It also features the stories of her friends, exploring their backgrounds and past experiences.
Daniel Matton wasn't ready for an adventure, not until 3025 sent him into space on a journey to prehistoric times. The prehistoric animals test his patience, but Dan must endure all the pain and suffering to return home safely.
Seventeen-year-old Daniel Matton, still grieving after his mother's death five years ago, is given the adventure of a lifetime when he's selected as the Star of 3025's PPMC Project for a journey through a black hole, wormhole, and white hole to prehistoric times. Now, does Dan want to be the Star? Heck no, but he has loved paleontology ever since a bittersweet memory with his mom twelve years earlier.
Programmed to resemble Dan's mother's personality, PPMC vows to keep him safe on his journey, but it's difficult when the stubborn teen constantly gets in trouble, not just with himself but also with prehistoric anomalies: volcanic eruptions, eight-foot-long millipedes, terrifying saber-toothed cats, and, above all, disaster.
Now nearly trapped in time, Dan and PPMC must work together to escape the geologic time scale before Dan's love for paleontology and the mighty Quetzalcoatlus prevent him from learning how to truly trust PPMC and "let go" of the burden that's weighed him down for five years.
A teen, a starship, and Becca...
Have you ever wanted to see where life first began?
*Moral: Accept where you belong.*
After reconciling with one another, Kota Mizushiro and Akiko Chisai are back again. With getting to know one another again, will they ever stay strong with each other?
Fifteen-year-old Tawny Matthews is a poor student who receives a scholarship to attend Ivoree Gates, an elite private school attended only by the children of the wealthiest in the nation.
While at the boarding school, Tawny meets and gradually falls for Professor McCurdy, her handsome, enigmatic English teacher.
Tawny also runs afoul of Dylan, the hot, arrogant, most popular rich boy in the high school and also the most feared, and he makes her life on campus a living hell.
Will Tawny rise above the cliques and class structure of her new environment, and prove to the other students that money isn't everything?
Heavily inspired by the Kdrama BOYS OVER FLOWERS
Ivana se seli u novi grad kako bi započela novi život. tamo upoznaje Marka, zagonetnog i karizmatičnog mladića koji je u lošem društvu. Na prvi pogled, privlačnost između njih je očita, ali njihov odnos pun je izazova, sukoba i ljubomora dovode ih do granica, njihova ljubav prema Crvenoj Zvezdi i zajedničkim interesima pomaže im da prevladaju teške trenutke. Uzbudjenje i opasnost koja okružuje Markovo društvo uzrokuje da se Ivana oseća sve nesigurnijom, ali Marko ne odustaje od svoje namere da je zaštiti. Ipak, kad Ivana bude oteta, Marko će odlučiti rizikovati sve kako bi je spasio. U konačnom obračunu s protivnicima, Marko će se suočiti s tragičnom sudbinom, a Ivana će morati pronaći hrabrost u sebi da se suoči sa sudbinom koja će ta tragedija imati na nju i njen život. Ovo je priča o ljubavi, prijateljstvu i hrabrosti u svetu u kojem se prava vrednost često nalazi iza tamnih i opasnih ulica. Hoće li Ivana uspeti prebroditi sve prepreke koje joj život stavi na put? Pročitajte ovu uzbudljivu priču o mladim ljubavnicima koji se bore za svoju ljubav i svoj život, otkrijte hoće li uspeti preživeti i biti zajedno nakon svega što su prošli.
After the loss of her father, Claire and her mother make the move from their bustling life in Florida, to a more humbling one in the small town of Winterset, Iowa.
Rule Number One of singing the blues...
You must hurt in a soulful way. The way that binds you to another. I was into the blues far before I knew what it meant. Far before you taught me how to listen.
Your blues turned into my own. I did all I could to control it, to tame the way in which your dusk colored eyes peered into mine....
But you were persistent, and all I had so, I made the most out of it. For you. For me. For us..
Matt Jones is on a slow path to self-destruction. Haunted by his mother's death and bullying throughout school, he's hesitant to open himself up to love.
Enter Vanessa Adams. Quiet and shy, she believes she is unworthy of attracting the handsome, mysterious stranger. Outspoken Addison Miller and Vanessa's best friend, introduces the two and what ensues is romance, heartbreak, drama and the makings of a love triangle.