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  • Writer
    This is more of a learning experience for me than anything. I want to specialize in Fantasy Romance and have written a few short stories here and there. This is me dipping my toes in the water before I decide what the next step should be. I encourage all sorts of criticism. As a reader I know how dramatic we can be, but at the end of the day the readers are what make this community thrive.

    Info Dump:

    ~ Reality shifting is my fascination and is what inspired the main theme of the core story. If I could travel the universe I'd do so in a heartbeat.
    ~ I have 2 dogs that are my children and motivate me to keep doing what I do
    ~ This story has been brewing for 16 years
    ~ I don't know what I'm doing. Like...ever
    ~ I'm always open to convo about the "other side" cuz I'm genuinely petrified of the unknown and would like some comfort
    ~ I ramble
    ~ Some[allthetime]times I write smut
    ~ My inspiration comes from random ass songs that usually have NOTHING to do with the chapter/scene, the music and beat are just that good and make me see things
    ~ Sour candy is my absolute favorite, except I don't like gummy sour candy cuz it gets in my teeth
    ~ I'm autistic :D
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24 yr old Rella was found unconscious outside the city of Neoridia with only a journal and a single message, "I give what you desire." After 3 months in a coma she awakens with no memory of who she is or who had left her. In a world where supernatural creatures coexist with humans, she eventually learns her magic and memories have been sealed by an Incubus. Soon she realizes that the magic needed to unlock the seal is only practiced by the local University's headmaster, Arkadiy. At first he objects, but Rella won't back down without a fight. She's desperate to know the truth and is willing to do anything. At the admission, the Headmaster agrees to help so long as she follows his one rule: 

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