Fyre teleports everyone back to Terran City. A large golden salamander stands before them. “What now?” Fyre groaned. “I notice that you have beat that black traitor but for a traitor like you, Fyre. I won’t let you, I will test you first to see if you are worthy,” Turrainge growled. “Fine, if you ask for it. Stay back, everyone,” Fyre said. Everyone steps away, Fyre shifts into a dragon. Fyre charges at Turrainge with his horn, Tauron notices them and watch from afar. “Tauron! He came!” Amy yelled. “Nice try, Fyre but you can’t beat me with that kind of attack,” Turrainge growled. His horns throw Fyre toward several buildings, citizens screamed as the building fall. “Fyre!” Amy yelled. Fyre stand on his feet and he rammed Turrainge toward buildings behind them. Fyre roars furiously and he rams Turrainge toward several buildings. He slams his horns toward Turrainge, knocking him back. Fyre rams Turrainge recklessly. “Hold on!” Wolfe shifts into a wolf and howled loudly, summoning several wolves to attack Turrainge. Turrainge shocks Fyre with a lightning and wolves caught up to Turrainge’s feet. Turrainge shakes them off from his feet with a thunder attack. Fyre casts dispel on him and Turrainge revert back to himself. Fyre revert back to his original form and he traps Turrainge on the ground. “I still won’t let you enter the town!” Turrainge said. Fyre pulls up Turrainge’s head. “Well, I will force you to do it. Disable the barrier, right now!” Fyre yelled. Turrainge refuses to disable the barrier and Fyre roars impatiently. “Fine, I will do what you say!” Turrainge disabled the barrier. Fyre drops Turrainge’s head and kicks him away. “(Scoff) we will soon meet again, Fyre. See you back in Hell,” Turrainge vanished away. Everyone enters the tower. Inside, a giant humanoid bat-like monster with twin horn, three stinging tails, and monstrous fangs standing fiercely. “A Valkyrie type monster...Pretty scary--” Amy commented and Fyre finished her comment,” But no, it’s not smart”. Fyre and Amy scream together and everyone jumps away from the monster when it swings its claw at them. Amy sticks her knife in the wall as she jump to the wall. The creature gets a grip on Syphoon’s tail and pulls him. “Syphoon! Fyre, trap him with Fire Wall and use your Oblivion Flame. I will save Syphoon, now go!” Amy yelled. Fyre nodded and do what she said. Amy takes out her rapier and she throws it to the eye. “Syphoon!” Amy called him. Syphoon freed himself with a screech and flew on her left shoulder. “What is this thing? It’s so huge,” Len asked. Meanwhile, Xansel commanded the spear to keep attacking it. “What are you guys mumbling about? Hurry up and get rid of this thing already!’ Xansel exclaimed. Fyre pulls the rapier from its eye and he gives it to Amy. She embeds her rapier with Fyre’s flame essence and Banishment magic. “Begone!” She throws the rapier to its head. The Valkyrie monster disappears, leaving the rapier on the ground. Amy drops down from the wall and picks the rapier on the ground. “What was that? Did you just banish it?” Wolfe asked. “I did. We don’t have much time to beat that monster so I send it away back to where it came from,” Amy turn toward Husky. Husky looks at his tomahawk and complained,” Damn, I haven’t used this axe yet”. “Come on, Husky. You can use that tomahawk for later, don’t worry,” Amy encourages him.