5 years later...The war has caused much death of both BeastMen and Human casualties. None survived the war and Human has nearly gone into extinction, few uninvolved in the war survived. Amy was one of the last of her kind, hunted by the Beastmen. Aware of this, she set traps around her house to prevent any BeastMan from hunting her. Encouraged by Lila the Siren, she transferred to Infinite Magic School where many myth animals were humanoid. When Amy entered her class, a canine-eared boy named Siberian Husky approached her together with Cheyenne, Len, and cat-eared Platinum.
“Hey there, I’m Siberian Husky. What is your name? You don’t look like one of us Beastmen, aren’t you?” Husky asked.
Amy shakes her head.
“I'm Amy Symilton and I'm a human,” she said.
“You're that new transfer student, right?” Cheyenne, the boy with the white wind hair asked behind Husky.
“Yes I am,” Amy replied with a nod.
Cheyenne steps forward and introduced himself.
“I’m Cheyenne Sky, this Fairy is Len, and this BeastMan is---“before Cheyenne could finish, Platinum cut the conversation by telling his name.
“Platinum,” he said.
Husky and Cheyenne look at him with annoyed faces.
“Goodness, Platinum...Don’t cut our introduction like that,” Husky said toward him.
Amy looks at Platinum and feels familiar with his face.
“Hey, you look familiar. When was it that I met you?” she asked while she tried to remember.
Platinum stays silent and walks away from them. Amy lifts both hands and shoulders in midair. Meanwhile…Lila was searching for plants used for food when she met a man carrying a spear. The man was so surprised that he pointed his spear at Lila’s face.
“Aghh! Who are you, Siren? Are you here to eat me?” the man asked while pointing his spear.
“Calm down. I’m not going to eat you. My name is Lila. I was looking around the forest for food. Who are you, Sir?” Lila asked while motioning her hands to calm down.
The man lowers his spear and clear his throat.
“My name is Līn Ma Tīong, call me Līn Ma. I’m just taking a walk around here,” the man said.
“Why?” Lila asked.
Līn Ma lowered his head a bit.
“Well…I’m actually looking for someone who I can teach to fight with weapons or bare-handed,” he said.
Lila raises her eyebrow and had an idea.
“Is there something you want me to do?” Lin Ma asked.
“Could you...teach my daughter named Amy?” Lila voiced her intention.
“You want to teach me your daughter? Gladly but are you sure about this?” Lin Ma asked in doubt.
Lila nods with a convincing look on her face. Līn Ma gives a nod of understanding.
“Very well then, I will start teaching her tomorrow morning,” he said.
The next day, Lila brings Amy to Līn Ma who was already waiting at the door and Lin Ma teaches her in the front yard of his house. Amy was excited about learning from her teacher how to wield weapons and mastered her weapon. Though Lin Ma has expertise in staff fighting, he also teaches her a combination of some martial arts he had learned in his adolescence years as a student of mixed martial art.
By the time Amy turns eight, Amy nearly beats Lin Ma who uses Bo staff but not before Lin Ma counterattacks her by flinging her feet upward. Amy falls to the ground and Lin Ma points his staff at Amy’s neck. At first, Amy feels intense but Lin Ma stops and gives her his hand to help her stand.
“Well done, kid. You almost beat me in that fight. The three years of training almost paid off. Another five years and you should be able to hold off on your own,” he said.
“Teacher…I had a question,” Amy said.
Lin Ma looks at her.
“What do you want to ask?” he asked her.
“How old were you when you learned martial art, Laoshi?” Amy asked.
Lin Ma put his staff vertically and lean his chin on its end.
“How old was I? I learned martial art when I was in my teen years. Oh…that was the good old times before the War began. I was lucky that I didn’t participate in fighting those barbaric Beast Men on the battlefield. I wouldn’t be here if I did and now because of the war…. we humans almost gone extinct. Humans like you, me or those who weren’t involved in the war now struggled to stay alive let alone turning things back to the old times. Not all Beast Men evil but watch out for those who love to look for trouble. This applies for both Human or BeastMan,” Lin Ma told his stories while also giving advice at the same time.
Amy gives a long silence after listening to Lin Ma’s story and he put both hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t worry, you will be fine. I know you do,” he said to her.
“But…how can you be so sure that I’m going to be fine?” Amy questioned.
“Your face tells me of an innocent kid with high hope and morality. You will be alright. Besides…. you are not alone; you still have your mom. Well…foster mom since she adopted you or maybe friends out there who will be by your side when you need them,” Lin Ma assured her.
Lin Ma pauses when he looks to the right before he turns his face at her again.
“Do you love your mom?” he asked her.
Amy nods at him sincerely.
“Yes, I am. She’s my mom,” she answered.
Lin Ma gives a short smile at her answer.
“Your answer is very sincere. You are lucky that you have a loving family, Amy. Who knows what person you will turn into if you hadn’t been raised by someone who really cared for you?” Lin Ma said.
He raises his head and put the staff to the side.
“Well…let’s continue the lesson, shall we?” he said.
Amy nods and the two starts swinging their staff at each other in a friendly fight. Though Amy was unsure of what comes at her, Lin Ma’s assurance gives her confidence in herself.
“I can do this, I will live,” Amy convinced herself.
Several weeks later, Amy comes to Lin Ma’s house to train. She knocks on the door and called him.
“Teacher!” Amy called.
No answers come from the house and Amy starts thinking.
“Hmm…he must be asleep. How can I get up to see him from that window?” her eyes focused on the opened window slightly near the roof.
She tries to stand on the tip of her toes but couldn’t reach higher as the opened window is above her head.
“I can’t reach higher, I’m too short. Is there anything I can use to climb on?” she wondered while looking around.
Amy walks around the house looking for a big object to climb on when she notices several junks behind his house and closes her nose.
“Eugh! Did he throw this trash again? Aha! I see an upside-down table among the junks. I can use this to climb and look at the window,” she said.
Amy turned over the upside-down table and drag it under the opened window before climbing on it. As she looks around from the window, she sees Lin Ma sleeping soundly on a bed.
“There he is. He overslept again, hmm…” Amy had the idea and gives a smile of mischief.
She uses the toy bow and real arrow she is carrying in her right hand and shoots the arrow near Līn Ma’s head on his pillow from the window angle. When the arrow pierces through his pillow, Līn Ma wakes up in shock.
“AGH!! What was that?” he screamed and notices an arrow on the pillow.
“Hm? This was near my head earlier. Oh, it’s her again!” Līn Ma pulled the toy arrow and unlocks the door.
“Amy……!” he called with an annoyed tone.
Amy tries to hide but Līn Ma saw her immediately.
“Get down here, little lady!” he commanded.
Amy climbs down from the rooftop and jumps down from the table only to have Līn Ma messing her hair for what she did.
“Did you know that what you did was dangerous?? If that arrow went further, it would have hit my head! You naughty student, come here!” Lin Ma exclaimed while grabbing her by chokehold and messing with her hair.
Amy frees herself from his chokehold and takes a distance from him.
“I’m sorry, teacher! You overslept earlier so I had to wake you up,” Amy explained but gave a guilty grin at the end with both hands crossed behind her back.
“Oh you…alright, alright, at least you did the right thing. Come here,” Līn Ma gives a hand motion to her.
Līn Ma didn’t go overboard with his anger because he knew that Amy just wanted to play and he taps her back.
“Next time, use an arrow toy instead of this real arrow. Understand?” Līn Ma reminded her.
“Yes, sir!” Amy said but overreact afterward and ended up accidentally uppercuts Līn Ma’s chin with her right fist.
“Whoops, sorry...,” Amy said.
She grins at him.
“That’s alright,” Līn Ma said.
However, when Amy looked away, Līn Ma slaps the backside of her head.
“Ouch!” she yelled.
“Hm, hm…you deserved it,” Lin Ma said while giving a mischievous wide smile.
Amy looked at smiling Līn Ma while rubbing her wounded head.
Back at home, Lila also gets mad at her for being brash toward her teacher.
“Why did you do that? What if that ends up fatal to your teacher?” Lila scolded.
Amy looks down while her right foot’s motion keeps going left to right and vice versa.
“I’m sorry. It was to wake him up. I wouldn’t do that next time,” she said.
After Amy explained everything to her, Lila gives a pity look on her.
“Aww…poor you. Come here, sweetie. Mommy forgives you, there, there,” Lila hugged and soothe her daughter.
The next morning, Amy goes to Infinite Magic School for the first time.
During break time in front of the school, Amy moves her head closer to Husky.
”Hey Husky, aren’t you curious about what those students are doing in that school?” she said to him
Husky turns his head at her and widened his eyes.
“What? Amy, don’t! If we snuck into that school, I don’t know what will happen to us when we approach that school,” Husky pointed his finger at the school while showing a serious face at her.
Amy gives an underestimating face while rolling her eyes.
“Oh…come on, I just want to see what they are doing...Cheyenne, don’t you feel the same?” Amy asked.
“I am. Oh come on, Husky. Don’t be a coward!” Cheyenne persuaded.
“Stupid couple,” Husky muttered.
“Alright, fine! I will go with you,” Husky grumbled.
Amy turns her head at Platinum.
“You too, Platinum,” she said.
Platinum nods and the gang heads to the Twilight magic School.