Chapter Five-Michel
Once Michel found the flooded paper by the door it’s wasn’t hard to work out how she had got out, he had told her too much and he had being too careless with the door. They put the tunnels on lock down and sent Jason out to search for her there where only so many places she could hide, supposing that she was still in the tunnels.
Michel sat down in the cell and waited for Jason to find Jade Gold. Quincy and May joined him.
They stayed in silence for a while May avoiding making eye contact with him and Quincy pacing up and down the cell. After about ten minutes he stopped and walked up to Michel “this is a pow'ful stupid idea”
“Why?” said Michel “we get a new member and on top of that we get a super talented one, I’m failing to see the down side”
“Of course thar’s a bad side, we know nothin' about her. An' even eff'n yer right an' she’s jest a civilian, thar’s no guareentee thet’s she made fo' this type of work”
“She just escaped a cell undetected and has managed to stay hidden for” Michel looked at his phone “fifteen minutes now, and it’s her first time, if that’s not badass I don’t know what it”
“Escapin' fum a cell an' puttin' yer life on th' line is two mighty diffrunt thing's.”
Michel waved his hand in a dismissive motion “I’m doing this at that’s the end of it”
Just then Jason walked in with Jade Gold in tow, even in this situation her face was one of defiance, she studied the room and then sat in the chair when instructed to. Jade Gold studied the two other people in the room, then she turned, looked him straight in the eye and told him “Memphis is a ridiculous name you know” Michel burst out laughing. She was right it was a ridiculous name. Truth be told the name had no significance what so ever it had being his gamer name on world of war craft, Quincy had suggested he used it when he started the gang, stating that as the leader of the group everyone was gonna be after him and he would be a fool to use his real name” other than Quincy no one in the gang new Michel’s real name and besides he had never felt that he needed to tell anybody.
“I have a proposition for you Jade.” Michael said he looked at Jade and waited for a response but she just stared blankly back him, he decided to continue “how would you like to join Memphis.” Now it was Jade’s turn to laugh but it died down when she noticed the stern expression on Michel face, she turned to look at the other three faces in the room expecting one of them to revel the joke.
“You can’t be serious.” she said “I mean this must be a joke.”
“I wish it was.” May said under her breath Michael paid her no attention
“You showed an interesting skill defending your life in that alley tonight, we would like to use that skill and in return we won’t…” he paused trying to think of a better way to phase it
“Kill me” Jade beat him to it Michel nodded “so how does this work” she said sinking down into her chair
“ we thought we would train you a bit first, every Saturday you will get down to Wembley central station for 9 am we handle the rest from there. Are you ok with this?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really”
“Well then I’m ok with it"
“Right that’s... “
“So can I go now?”
“I just need to tell you that obviously you’re not to tell anyone about this , if you do will have to…”
“Kill me”
“Well yes you need a cover story for your little disappearance tonight you’re not aware but your mother already has a search party looking for you”
“Fine… any ideas”
“I have one” May rushed forward quickly reaching into her waist band, pulling out her hand gun. She swung it round in her hand so the hilt faced upwards, then she raised her hand high before bringing it down sharply on top of Jade Gold’s head knocking her out cold
“For gawd’s sake May wy’d you do tat!”