Chapter Three- Michel 708Please respect copyright.PENANA2PDaWVRSQ6
Michel walked away confused as fuck. He had walked in expecting the girl inside the cell to be some sort of government agent sent to clean up the streets, it wouldn't be the first time the government had use teen agents to try solve the problem of street gangs. He thought maybe that she could be a member of a rival gang sent to deal with both his gang and the F.T.H. But she was just a girl that had being at the wrong place at the wrong time, it wasn't that that was an unusual explanation, it happened all the time with territory battles. What confused him was the killings. The girl had killed five people and what's more she had killed them with the expertise he believed could only belong to someone with expert training. But he had seen her expression when he told her she had killed those guys, it was like she didn't even know it had happened, she had being shocked, devastated like it was the news of some horrible family death.
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He walked into the common room where the squad that had gone out to complete the battle where waiting along with some other kids that liked to hung out at the base there were also the three members that where part of his top command. Out of the eleven guys he had sent out to complete the battle he had six left, he had lost 2 runners 1 catcher and a commander, Ramone. He hated territory battles they were pointless and almost always resulted in the loss of lives, they were meant to be discussion but always ended in a gun fight.
"So who is she" Jason asked, Jason's was one of the commanders and had being sent along with Ramone to lead the battle, Michel couldn't even begin to think about the kind of pain Jason was in Ramone had being like a brother to him and now he had lost him.708Please respect copyright.PENANAxsTxi31cdT
"Apparently she's just an innocent bystander" he answered taking a seat in one of the chairs
"You're fucking joking me right, she killed two of our own like a friggin sniper" that was Tyrone one of the runners sent on the mission, he was a tiny dude but was loud enough for someone twice his size. He had lost his partner in this battle and Michel could tell that he would like nothing more than to walk into that cell and kill the girl right there and then.
"What did she say" said May another of his commanders, she was acting level headed but Michel knew she wanted the same thing as Tyrone
"She said that she was on her way to the shop or something, she had no clue what was going on, and she was even shocked when I mentioned the killings"
The room erupted with noise as everyone voiced their opinion. Michel rested his head in his hand…he hated this.
"SHUT UP" that was Quincy his white face had gone red with the heat in the room, out of all his commanders Michel trusted him the most, Quincy had being there from the start and was the wisest person Michel knew. "Anit no one gonna be able to hear if ya'll all be screaming like that".
"We should just kill her" said Tyrone, the other runners and Catchers muttered in agreement.
"I agree" said May
"It's it up to Memphis not you" said Jason given May a side woods glare, May chose to ignore it.
Michel sat back in his chair, they were right killing the girl would easiest, and she had killed two of his men she deserved it. But there was something about the girl, something special. He thought about the way she had stood up to him and how she had being clever enough to use his need for answers as a chance to get information from him. Then he thought about the way he had killed those boys, one shot, dead in the centre of their heads, it was the kind of skill that Michel didn't have in his gang baring Ramone…but he was gone now. Michel sat up he had made his decision. "We're not gonna kill her"
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The room exploded with shouting, Michel had had enough "SHUT UP!. EVEYONE THAT'S NOT A COMMANDER GO HOME NOW!" The room went silent with his shout and then all the runners and Catchers started to leave the room, Tyrone was last, he gave Michel a hard glare as he walked out. Michel glared back, the boy was slowly turning into a problem.
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The minute that the last footsteps where out of ear shoot and she had no reason to act proper anymore May made her opinion on Michel's decision clear "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN WERE NOT GONNA FUCKING KILL HER, she fricking killed two of our guys, we don't know where she came from and we don't know what she wants and you just want to let her walk out of here"
"I never said I was gonna let her walk out of here"
"May calm down" said Quincy "I'm sho'nuff thet Memphis has some explanashun fo' this hyar decishun… don't yer Memphis" he said giving Michel a look at told me him didn't think he actually had one.
"I believe her" Michel said. May started to say something but Michel raised his hand to stop her "she wasn't lying, believe me I know, I saw her face when I told her about the killings, she was horrified she genially had no clue she had killed them"
"Then how'd yo' explain th' way she killed them, like she was a goddamm expert" said Quincy
"if she was there to kill them then how come she didn't have her own gun she was using Ramones, Jason said she looks like a deer caught in the headlight when he found her, why would a trained professional get caught like that, she was covered in blood as well not even a runner would let evidence get on them like that. If you can explain all that to me then I will walk in there right now and kill her myself" The room went silent. "Good" said Michel "so we're in agreement"
"No" said May" we simply can't argue we you, I still think we should kill her she's a massive risk"
"I'm sorry I agree with May" said Quincy "she c'd be a massive problem"
Any other day Michel would have listened to Quincy without hesitation, but not today, there was something about that Girl, it was more than her amazing dark eyes, or her that cute smile he had glimpsed when she had giggled. There was something special about that girl Michel wasn't gonna let die. He turned to Jason
" what do you think Jason you haven't said anything" Jason was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room he had being staring at Ramones gun in his hands, he looked up to answer Michel question, so he had being following the conversation
" This gun meant more to Ramone then his own life... if that girl was an agent of some kind, there's no way that she would have managed to get a hold of it" the room went into a tight silence Jason was right and no one was gonna argue with him. It was May who broke the silence "well if you're not gonna kill her what are you gonna do, you really can't just let her walk out"
Michel sat back in his chair, he was aware that no one in the room was gonna be over joyed with what he was about to say, but once he had the idea there was no way he was gonna let it go ... there was no way he was gonna let her go "I want to make her part of Memphis" everybody starred at Michel even Jason head snapped up and gave him a look like he had lost his mind.
"Yer joking right" said Quincy " why'd we do that"
"You saw the shooting she did in that alley, if that was a heat of the moment adrenalin thing imagine what she can do with real training... With Ramone gone" Michel saw Jason twitch in the corner at the mention of Ramones name "we need someone with that kind of skill"
"This anit right Memphis" said May "I aint just gonna stand by quietly while you let the killer of two of my boys get all chummy with us... No matter how much you want to fuck her" Michel felt a nerve snap he shot up from his chair and headed toward May with full intention of slapping her around the face but Quincy got there before him
"Ya'll need to calm down" Michel stopped walking and glared at May, she glared back at first, rage on her face, but then she turned away and glared at the floor instead. Michel turned back around and sat back down in his seat
"Contrary to May's belief I do not want to fuck her, I want to improve my team and I feel like I have just being gifted a unique opportunity, here I have a strangely talented girl that has no ties to any other gang and is not attached to the government sitting in a cell down the corridor. I would be a fool to let her go.
"So your just gonna tell her everything, where are bases are and our intel?, we know nothing about her, we can't just trust her with that" said Quincy
"I don't plan to, I want to train her and see if she is really of any use to us." Michel paused and thought of how he could carry out his idea in a way that would keep everybody happy… well as happy as they were gonna get "I propose that we train her at the Wembley base but before we bring her to any of the bases we blindfold her so she doesn't know where we are, we don't tell her anything till we trust her. Any objections?" no one said anything "Good" Michel got up and headed towards the door, before he reached he stopped and turned around "by the way Jason the girl happened to hear Ramone's last words" Jason's head snapped up
"What did he say?"
"He said that if he had a choice he would totally bang her" there was a moment of silence before his three remaining commanders erupted with laughter Michel turned and began to walk back to the cell glad that his friend Ramone could bring some laughter even after his death.
While checking his phone Michel turned left heading toward the cell he had left "Jade Gold" in, he like the name it had a regal ring to it but it contrasted with the girl that had it, the name was so bright for such a dark girl. When he reached the cell he looked up and stared in to the glass cell. Jade Gold was gone "WHAT THE FUCK!" this girl just got better and better.708Please respect copyright.PENANAmyxYYsDISI