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As the elevator opens Maxwell is the first to exit. He rushes to a flight of steps that leads to Sylvia's room while the others wait downstairs. As Max walks through his sisters place of residence he sees the unopened mail and boxes of mementos similar to the gate at Maxwell's house. Max reaches his sisters door.
*knock knock*
Maxwell: Sylvia?..
*knock knock*
From behind the door Sylvia pops her head up from her bed. She notices her brothers voice but doesn't answer. Max can hear movement behind the door, so he talks.
Maxwell: Hey first off. Im sorry for not seeing you earlier. Dad and mom would've killed me for that...I hope you could forgive me for not being here.....Sylvia if you don't wanna see anyone maybe you can just hear what I have to say...
Sylvia sits up and listens to her brother.
Maxwell: This is kind of funny. You'd never believe this but when you got a little older and you started hanging out with dad I got jealous of you. Mom and dad used to help me train back then. Mom would put me through the wringer with her training routine. Then dad would have me studying. And later in the day wed watch old movies from their time, eat noodles together and play board games...I loved those days, just seeing them together....Then mom got killed and it was just me, you and dad. You got older and started showing interest in all the things he was making. I remember dad telling me, "I know what Im doing now." Like I didn't need him anymore. Its funny because in a way he was right, but now days here by myself training and studying made me hate my situation. I thought I was too weak to protect mom. And then I thought dad was favoring you over me. Dumbass kid right? When I got older I realized how stupid that was. I should've been happy with what you had with dad. Because I had that with both of our parents....314Please respect copyright.PENANAFgYU0QgmOx
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Well any way sis hope I can see ya...Im gonna be hanging out around here for a little bit. It looks like some cleanings gotta be done.
Maxwell walks downstairs not knowing his sister has herd the words he said to her. She was just wiping her tears away. Sylvia gets up from her bed and preps herself to go outside and face her day.
Maxwell is met with Sarah as he reaches the bottom steps.
Sarah: So how'd the conversation go?
Maxwell: There wasn't one. It was more me just talking to her.
Sarah's expression changes from hopeful to dejected. She tells Max, "Sorry I just thought you being here would help. I..."
Before Sarah can finish her sentence Max interrupts telling her, "No, no you did help! I needed to get out and Sylvia needed help. Its not healthy staying like this. Im glad you did this." Max gives a smile and to her surprise hugs her. He then tells Sarah he'll be in the workshop cleaning up. Sarah Tells Max she's gonna try and bring his sister out the room again.
Max walks into the room their father used to call the "workshop". A place where tech was tinkered with when the assistants went home. A lot of the tech that came out this room became staples in the world today. Max takes a look at all the past creations his father and sister made to better the world.
There were Boots that can make you run on water and walk the sides of buildings. The Caine tech smart glasses which are also available in visor form also are described as a "smart phone" that sits over your eyes. Its also looked at as the early form of the panoptes lens invention. It could tell you basic things like weather which way the wind blows and even more complex things like a persons vitals.
Then after admiring past creations from his family. Max notices perhaps both his father and sisters final creation they both collaborated on. It was the aiutu 11. A greenish glow is lit underneath the towel its chamber is covered on. Before Max approaches the chamber he notices a familiar box on a counter. It was the supplies Elias was bringing back from their time in Edenn. Max opens the box. 1 by 1 he pulls out familiar things he knows his father kept. The clothes. The unique plants he was telling his kids that could be used for medical purposes back home, Diwata's Noodles but the instant kind. And a picture with Sylvia Elias Kapurma, Diwata, Victor and him.
Max looks at the picture fondly. He starts to remember their time in Edenn. He remembers Elias casually telling everyone whenever he left here victory was always guaranteed. Max then starts to tear up. He puts the picture picture down and reaches for the nearest thing he can throw at any direction. It was the instant ramen and it is instantly thrown at the aiutu 11's chamber. The bowl smacks against the chamber pressing the release button from the aiutu 11's chamber and rolls back to Maxwells feet. He looks down and picks up the bowl. Max remembers all the various lessons his father taught him while eating a bowl of noodles. Whether it be school or life lessons the day would always involve a bowl of homemade ramen dishes and sometimes the instant noodle kind, when those lessons required you to be outside. Instant was the way to go for Elias. Max picked up the bowl and smiled. He read the name off the bowl as he smiled.
As soon as that word was spoken the green light from the aiutu's chamber changed from a light green to an intense red. It catches the eye of Maxwell. He stares at it as it begins to shake.
Back over to where Sarah was headed. As she reached the top of the stairs. She catches Sylvia finally out of her room. Shocked at finally seeing her. Sylvia was the first to talk.
Sylvia: Hi...
Sarah: Hey...You're out.. What's up?
Sylvia: sigh* Yeah! Max isn't the best with words but its sweet that he's here. Thanks for bringing him.
*Sarah blushes*
Sarah: Yeah um I brought it up to Victor.
Sylvia smiles.
Sarah: What?
Sylvia: Nothing, just...Thank you for checking up on me everyday....
Sarah: Look don't say you're sorry. I already told the other Caine there's no need to apologize for grieving you father.
They both take a seat at the top of the steps and Sylvia asks how Victor is.
Sarah: He's been with that Amaro Midas guy. Last thing he told me was to check up on you. And if I do get to talk you ask you about the aiutu 11. That green light means its ready to go right? Its meant to be a guardian right? I understand not wanting to activate it and test it. But that's the thing that gave you and your father peace right? Tinkering with your creations and perfecting its purpose.
Sylvia is silent. Sarah assumes she wants to change topic but Sylvia answers why she wont activate the aiutu 11.
Sylvia: See that's the thing. Id love to activate it. But its much deeper than this aiutu 11 being our final collaboration...You see during our last time in Edenn my father wore a piece of tech on his head almost the whole time there. What it was doing was copying every lesson in life he's learned. All his beliefs, memories and personal preferences basically its his mind into a chip. And he put it in this aiutu 11. He planned to be an extension of the aiutu's consciousness acting as a father figure till he passes. The tech he wore on his head took 1 year to complete the micro chip because of the complexities of the brain. Especially with my fathers mind the helmet needed every bit time that was available. That's why he decided to use it in Edenn. He named the tech the soul tether. There' s 2 pieces of this tech 1 for the livings head. And the other for the intended target to build the micro chip and bond it to the machine. The range is multi dimensional. So if more than 1 year is required you can literally go anywhere for the chip to finish. When its finished its automatically dropped and bonded to the machine. This is looked at it as a form of reincarnation. Only with this form you know who you were before.....As you can see with him not being here. Its been kinda hard to think about the aiutu that can think like and act like my father. I have no idea how it'll act once I activate it. Since my father was shot in the head will this aiutu feel the neural damage and will it be on the chip. That would be a hell to wake up to. Will he wake up with extreme rage toward his killer and seek revenge making him evil. So many factors in turning on this machine since my father died. His mind was intended to be a gift for this aiutu. No telling in how it will react towards a human that took his fathers life...
Sarah:......Wow that's amazing. So Elias made a device that can reincarnate people?
Sylvia: Yea...
Just then both Sarah and Sylvia's attention gets caught by Kapurma. He's close to the bottom of the bottom steps and tells both Sylvia and Sarah, "I hope Im not interrupting anything too important." Then says, "Um Sylvia!? Your brother could use your help perhaps.."
Sarah: What is it?
Kapurma: The uh project you and your father were...
As soon as Sylvia herd "You and you father." She jumps up followed by Sarah. They both enter the workshop to see the light in the room now glowing an extreme white.
Sylvia yells, "What did you do!?!" Maxwell doesn't answers and tells his sister, "Hey nice seeing you sis?! Whys this activation so extreme?" Sylvia answers.
Sylvia: This Robot is literally going to be powered by the suns in its body. As well as the sun in the sky. The suns are encased in a body of unbreakable metal supported by technology from 2 generations of the greatest minds earth has. Its only natural that this would be extreme. I would've brought the chamber on the roof. What did you call it after you pushed activate?
Maxwell: What, call it??? I pushed the button on accident?!!
Sylvia: What do you mean???!
Maxwell: I threw one of Diwata's instant ramen at that direction!
Diwata: What!?!
Maxwell?: No not like that! It was just the closest thing I grabbed!
Sylvia: So what did you say after it hit the chamber!?!
Maxwell: What? Why does it matter?
Sylvia: Dad designed it to be called by the first word it hears when its activated!
Maxwell thinks to himself what did he say after the bowl hit the chamber and instantly remembers.
Maxwell: Supremeo...
Everyone looks at Max confused. His sister replies with a confused, "What!?".
Max repeats what he said, " I said SUPREMEO!"
The chamber shatters and the aiutu breaks out of the building floor then flies to the top of the building. Maxwell grabs the boots that allow him to run on sides of buildings and chases after the aiutu. The rest of the crew take the stairs.
Once at the top Maxwell sees the aiutu looking over the city. As the robot looks over the area info on every building, vehicle and persons facial ID is available through the aiutu's vision. The robot notices Maxwell at the roof of the building. And also notices the reflective paneling on the building. The aiutu flies towards it to get a closer look at itself. Sylvia and the rest of the crew reach the top of the building as well. Sylvia stares the final creation she and her father made. The sun gleams on the inekium metal its body is made out of. The aiutu turns to the crew and scans them with its panoptes lenses on its eyes. He lands with his 2 feet on the roof of the building. Then the aiutu speaks to Max,
"Max...thank you for waking me and giving me my name...Can I ask you why was this chosen as my name?"
Maxwell: Um..I was remembering a story told by my dad when he was with my mom.
The aiutu looks toward Max. He continues with the answer.
Maxwell: Im just glad I didn't pick up something else like a block of cheese or something. I mean you don't have to be called that right?
The Robot smirks and tells Max,
"Its in my programming to accept the first word I hear as my name once the chamber is activated. And I kinda like it."
"Plus I think its cool to be named after a moment they both shared."
The robot extends his hand for a handshake and says, "So Supremeo it is."
Max shakes Supremeo's hand.
Supremeo then asks the whole crew a question and replied with why. The answer would shock everyone on the roof.
Supremeo: Would anyone know where I can find Victor Hawkins?
Supremeo: We need to go now.
Maxwell: What's the rush man? You were basically just born a minute ago....
Nothing could prepare the crew for what they herd next.
Supremeo: I know who killed Elias Caine, and Victor might need our help!
The eyes of the whole crew widen in disbelief. As they hear the news dropped on them. The first person to speak was Max... With his head down and a more serious demeanor says, "Let's all head out, Sarah can you contact Zac and Ryan? Then well get that son of a b!t€h!"