The aircraft descends to the Cauchemar floor. Kapurma and Supremeo tells the crew they'll be staying in the ship while they entertain the king.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAXl3OCIGc9j
Diwata: What? Why?
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhwgp86NIdg
Supremeo: No telling how the citizens here would deal with other metal life forms being made outside their boarders. Whether they be robot, cyborg, android, and battle droid whatever. Most of the citizens here felt the world dumped them here when they didn't need them anymore. And I don't blame them. The entire robot population is down here. Don't worry I won't be doing nothing while I'm in the ship. I'll be scanning the island for Amaro's whereabouts with my panoptes lenses. Flying over these lands or docking is forbidden unless you have an invite by a high ranking official from the king's office. We gotta find out who's given Amaro his invite.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAvWi4hf8IXb
Kapurma: And me, well I'd hate to draw attention for being a talking tortoise and Supremeo could use the company.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA6WBVFI2010
Sylvia: I'll be staying to Kap. The fuel tanks and force field tech needs some tinkering on this ship so you'll have extra company.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAWevJwQi3uk
Kapurma: Oh that's great!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAJVtvLeR4fj
Diwata nods in agreement with the plan. A loud *Thoom* then follows. The ship has landed.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAxsM0SFxI3S
As the doors open our crew is greeted by a platoon of what Richard would call royal droids with their leader Bast in the middle. "She is a part of the 4% human population here", Whispered Richard.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAYGCy0qWqTs
Before he could continue. The leader speaks.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAwipAmpACk0
Bast: Our esteemed gusts have arrived. Greetings! I hope the ride here wasn't too troublesome.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAfwivr8XHWE
Richard replies, "Thank you. The ride here was fine. Nice to finally meet you all. Not that it's a problem but the platoon of droids, is all that really necessary?"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAa6FqN0xYKK
Bast: A very necessary procedure I assure you. Some citizens here tend to get a little too feisty when they see new guests. These soldiers behind me will serve as reminders that you are guests of our King and are not to be harmed.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzm5L7tX9Ch
Zachary: Hell yeah! Don't mess with us!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGWxdkczL04
Sarah: whispers* Zach. Shhh!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGuxW2gE4I8
Richard looking to Bast nods and tells her, "Okay general lead the way."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQNlOlMHQWv
Bast points to a Colosseum type structure in the distance. It's on a large hill that peeks over the lot their ship landed in.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA8P1dk8fIMB
Bast: We will be heading there.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAySfkaherIP
Shocked Richard asks, "What? Not the castle?"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAerwHq3Csdm
Bast: No the entertainment always happens outside of the castle. Will that be a problem?
281Please respect copyright.PENANA0kWd3BrmCM
Richard tells the general, "no not at all" as he looks at Bast. Her armor looks as if it's made of solid gold. Her helmet is in the shape of a panther. The platoon of droids add to the intimidating aura that surrounds Richard and his friends. Richard thinks to himself, "dad what have you got me into."
281Please respect copyright.PENANA8iwY54nKg7
Everyone heads out to the Colosseum. The royal droids accompany our crew in a strategic manner. They are guarded from every angle. Bast continue to guide the crew and assures them they wouldn't have to walk all the way there.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAbTUhkv7leG
Zachary: Thank Gawd!!
281Please respect copyright.PENANABoZwxXvlpg
Richard: Zach you're a pretty tough guy. But when it comes to walking that's something you absolutely hate.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAoP7ByrZ2ip
Zachary: Yeah it is! I'd rather be dropped right into the fight. You know what Im saying?!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAesaQVu8IBY
Bast turns around with a look of confusion towards Zach and Richard's conversation and they both realize that. So Richard "corrects" himself. Nervous that she'll find out they're more than just "the performers" Richard speaks.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsRJz3spG1L
Richard: Ha! Ha! You're so intense man! Looking at this like a real fight!? Gosh no wonder you guys are so amazing to watch! Ha! Ha!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAVxY7CJthim
Nervously Richard holds his arm behind his head till Bast turns back around. Richard gives Zachary a "mean look" to remind him they don't know they're also looking for Amaro.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAbj6SycCeHu
10 minutes pass as our group walks a trail headed to the Colosseum. The pathway is visible but also covered in tall grass. They are encountered by a robot in the middle of the road. It's missing a portion of its leg. He's able to stand with a rifle he's also using as a cane. Bast stops the crew and moves forward to talk to the robot.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAgM3BGF3PP3
Bast: How's it goin old timer? What're you doing down here?
281Please respect copyright.PENANAEJXK1cHUxb
The robot speaks, "I just wanted to take an early afternoon stroll."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAwVJCIEj8zP
Bast: Here though? What's your name old timer?
281Please respect copyright.PENANAxfFrp5JYFk
The robots face changes to anger, "My name is Cibor. And what's wrong with here as a path? I'll have you know girlie I served in that war your people couldn't win without us!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANA1NoJz3izl9
Bast backs off the old robot she says, "Hey I didn't mean it like that. You're by yourself. Other robots have been ripping parts from each other. I'm just concerned for your safety.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA8DzreGvD5Y
Cibor replies, "Let them come! I've been long overdue for some entertainment! I'm not scared of them. I've been ready to die!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAUrkT6DA6WD
Bast now trying to calm the robot war veteran down. She hears grass rustling behind her. She turns around and sees combat droids approaching the royal droids, "HEY! DEFEND THEM." yelled Bast. She looks over at Cibor now scared he tells her, "They made me do it. They said they'd take my other leg and sell the rest of my parts." Bast looks at Cibor with forgiveness and turns to the fight.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAKdLWWhYcSm
Bast tells herself, "From the looks of things there seems to be about 50 of these guys. 50 vs 20, these royal droids can handle those numbers." She runs towards the fight as the royal droids make their first attack.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA8l3j65gBj6
They slam the attacking battle droids and start to form a protective circle around the crew.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAMdHUR4yhBN
Maxwell begins to reach for a button to start his tech suit up but Richard reaches for Max's hand and shakes his head. He tells max, "Let them do their job." The rest of the crew see this and follow the order.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAuM2sBj8nmb
The battle droids start to fly over the protective circle the royal droids formed only to be caught by the royals and slammed. Some are thrown so hard they break apart. Maxwell sees this and tells himself, "They haven't even used their weapons yet."
281Please respect copyright.PENANA0lxG32O3qt
Then Bast appears outside the circle revealing her weapon. A doubled bladed staff both ends are laser blades. Her panther helmet sends down a visor protecting her exposed face. Bast gracefully swings her staff attacking anything that doesn't look like a royal guard slowly breaking the crowd that surrounds the circle of royal droids.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAFMmEghNaDN
Bast splits her staff in two now attacking with a double laser sword.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAe6yJ5fYXXV
She's hit with a bullet behind her back. It does not phase her.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA0YrfWahioC
Bast flips 1 of her laser blades over and a grapple beam shoots out and grabs a robot. She pulls it in and slashes its head off with the other sword. And proceeds to use the headless droid as a shield. While she flips her other blade it's revealed that it doubles as a gun.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9lHEvjvO6J
1 by 1 Bast lands headshot after headshot.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAs3xEuCIFMW
The robots begin to disperse till there are only a few left standing. Instead of fighting they run away from the battle.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAG5wb6nBygX
Bast Stands in the middle of her slain foes covered in wires, oil leaked through stabbing the attacking droids. She tells her companions, "Alright let's keep going."
281Please respect copyright.PENANASIlmJuW65A
The show Bast put on made Maxwell and Richard aware just how dangerous things could get if their plans were exposed. They continue to walk the path.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhWOR6nXg6a
As they walk onward Cibor thanks Bast for getting rid of the attackers. He bows his head and begs for forgiveness.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQG4xa720U0
Bast tells Cibor, "There's no need for that old timer. Just stay safe and clear of areas like this."
281Please respect copyright.PENANA1IUaLXRoId
She continues to say, "The King has a soft spot for the ones who served in the war. So do I. I'm glad I helped out."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAlrarFbPKMx
As they begin to move onward Cibor screams out to the general, "Allow me to pay you back!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAwEm2yfzWZR
Bast turns around and asks the robot what he could offer.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA67J5sAwjVK
Cibor replies, "I was built a medical robot. My strength has been dampened a little bit, but with your help I can be valuable!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANA86SN85quYn
Bast replies, "So I should help you again? That's 2 favors."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhPw1G8eol3
281Please respect copyright.PENANABzkNdd2TGY
Cibor continues to say, "You said the King and you supported the robots who served. If that's true please allow me to work with you! Anything would be better than rusting to death in this hell."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAL3uaDiGFYM
Bast looks to Cibor with no emotion, as Cibor anxiously waits for a reply she then says, "Come along then. I will introduce you to my King."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAyC9yxylOeB
Elated Cibor travels with the group and hobbles along with the crew.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAKlBcgK37mn
Our group reaches the end of the pathway.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAx5XAhgcY9d
A gondola lift attached to steel wires is parked on the floor in front of our group.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAa8yTKu9Tn6
Bast: Alright guys well be riding this up to the Colosseum.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAkhZD02N8N8
Zachary: Cool! No more walking. Just 1 question though.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAE0E0yhx4dc
Bast: Yes, what is it?
281Please respect copyright.PENANADpHlTf3XGb
Zachary: You don't have no giant flying dinosaurs or birds that live here that can snap these wires do you?
281Please respect copyright.PENANAoSiDdOaC3O
With a look of confusion Bast replies, "No."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAIGID3ZbqkT
Zachary: Really? Cool!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQ07qd2OWOS
Zachary strolls in the lift while the others follow.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAptNgjXrmrf
As the gondola rises to the top of the cliff the Colosseum gets bigger and grander the closer they get. Once the lift stops they step out.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAuidTSUpt4v
Richard then asks his friends, "Alright guys! You all ready to put on a show!?"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhNlt8ksvJJ
Richard asks Bast for a moment with his crew and she agrees. The group proceeds to run down all the events they plan to do.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAdr282h75mv
Richard: You guys set on what were all doing right?
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhdLArNyMdr
Diwata: yes I'll go first and showcase my famous ramen.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQPVXS4x0pz
Richard: Yes enjoying food was built in all robots as an extra source of fuel for them. And for them to experience flavor.
281Please respect copyright.PENANALRU7eHEmdw
Ryan: And I'll be up next with an original poem.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAHpOwYehZ1d
Zachary leans over to Ryan and asks, "Are you sure about this?" Ryan replies, "Trust me man just wait and see."
281Please respect copyright.PENANASCzOGoIFR3
Richard: Hey Zachary you'd be next with Maxwell. You guys found out what you'd be doing.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAmWHSJ7Czqg
Maxwell: Yes, were sparring in our armor.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAovj1nhrOos
Zachary: Martial arts are a part of the arts to. That's what we were thinking.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAs2gqilHg7G
Richard: That's fine. Great idea. How about you Sarah.
281Please respect copyright.PENANARrQYWbb8B5
Sarah: I'll be playing an instrument. The electric guitar. Victor gave me one for my birthday a while back and I've gotten pretty good at it.
281Please respect copyright.PENANARAF1hk4qtE
Richard: Haha! Awesome were set then. That should be enough time for Supremeo to track down Amaro. Let's get ready.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAG2TD5GzBjc
Richard heads towards Bast and lets her know they are ready to perform for the King and the royal council.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAhASHLyQmaB
Inside the Colosseum an hour and a half later.
281Please respect copyright.PENANADmTfY5NhbK
A long table is set at the center of the Colosseum floor while a stage is off in the distance. An aircraft arrives and parks itself at the top of the Colosseum. Bast explains to our heroes the King shall watch the entertainment from a box seat in the Colosseum stands. While the council shall enjoy the show up front.
281Please respect copyright.PENANARkJLVFW8Dq
As everyone takes their seats the first one up is Diwata. The royal droids serve the council 1 by 1 a bowl of ramen. And the machine King has a bowl given to him as well. Diwata explains the dish to the council.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA9HlaaxI8JY
Diwata: This is my famous Supremeo noodles. Everything in the bowl is handmade and handpicked for perfection.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAeWgIq1fwnh
A council member looks at the bowl and says, "Hmmm my smell sensors are saying this is good. I don't know about the name though. What the hell! I'll give it a try."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAfAuPRcczi3
The council member proceeds to open his mouth and pour the entire meal in its wide robotic mouth. The next thing to happen would give Diwata pride on her dish. The council member loved it!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGDeqVyvcZr
He proceeds to say, "Amazing! Just amazing! The broth has the right amount of herbs. The pork cuts are soo tender and so are the noodles. Only a master would make something like this!!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANATFjE31aN2J
The rest of the council all look to the box seat to see what the King's opinion on how good the meal is. Behind the veil the shadowy figure gives a thumbs up.
281Please respect copyright.PENANANAMDSVAx0o
The council screams in enjoyment and chants, "MORE! MORE! MORE!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAexGmxmmbmY
Next up was Ryan. He pulls out a sheet of paper and begins to read what's on it with passion, anger, sadness and joy.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAbQDgxtqQIW
The council cries, claps and cheers while they all enjoy their 2nd bowl of Diwata's famous noodles.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA4f9U2AcutJ
The King also gives a thumbs up from behind the veil.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAiq0SEAvuM0
Next up is Max and Zachary with their sparring match.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAC20cufoT8Y
They both step out armored head to toe.
281Please respect copyright.PENANArgaw5a2Sjq
Richard explains, "These guys are very popular fighters from the outside world the intensity of their blows and intelligence of their strikes magnifies when they wear this armor.
281Please respect copyright.PENANATv5AzRzRDo
Richard nervously thinks to himself, "Maybe if it's just hand to hand combat the King and his council wouldn't expect them being more than fighters. They said it themselves. The only arts they know how to do is expressing themselves through punches and kicks. Hope this match can buy enough time for Supremeo."
281Please respect copyright.PENANALKN8JXKRY7
And so the match begins Zach throws the first punch Max dodges and lands a shot to Zach's ribs. Loud OOoo's can be heard from the council as they continue to eat their 3rd serving of noodles.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAFN75oXAO02
Maxwell kicks only for it to be caught and him to be thrown down. Zachary proceeds to let his hands go but pulling back on the power so it wouldn't hurt Max too much.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAGmcrYZp8fk
Max puts up his guard and sparks fly as the armored fighter's metals fists clashes against the protective armor on Max's arms.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAKpQMGhos8C
Max manages to get out from underneath Zach and they continue to throw blows.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAjK1lTjrz26
From behind the veil the King now leans forward. Entertained by the two armored fighters.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAnfu88fYk84
Then perhaps out of excitement. 2 consecutive blows land on Max breaking his helmet. Revealing 1 half of his face. The council cheers at the intensity of the battle. For the King it was not so much the excitement of the fight but the cracking of the helmet. The King of machines tells Bast who is outside the veil, "I think I know that person..."
281Please respect copyright.PENANA5QZ3NvZO1P
Bast replies, "Is that a problem boss?"
281Please respect copyright.PENANAvsQ7kfC9bm
The machine King Smiles and says, "Not at all."
281Please respect copyright.PENANABpD3ltre1i
As the sparring match continues Richard notices the figure from behind the veil starting to stand up. He thinks to himself, "Oh no he's board. We need all the time we can get."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAkDuZ4EDaRa
That was far from it though. The machine King pulls back the curtain and steps out into the sunlight. No one has seen his face but the council and Bast. So showing himself in this manner catches everyone's attention except for the performers Max and Zachary.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAiXzFmnsywv
The rest of our heroes look on still unable to see his face in the rays.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA7dyG6UL9Ic
The King jumps down in the middle of the Colosseum stopping the match. In full view he looks at Maxwell and says, "Have a spar with me boy. Your friend can join the match to if he'd like."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAnlDkUWjryY
Having seen the King's face Max and Zachary assumed he was entertained and wanted to participate. He was a giant figure with a half human half machine face. He looks over to Richard and he nods as if he was saying, "Go for it."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAIHJbr1J2Mh
Max and Zach both charge at the King only to be slammed head first breaking the rest of Max's helmet as well as all of Zach's.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAXznq9fZcoa
Richard screams, "Whoooa Hey!!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANA739eAzs81u
Max gets up to dust himself off and the King speaks to him, "I knew you looked familiar. You even fight the same as him. You're related to Elias right?...
281Please respect copyright.PENANA2BFB78YfB0
Shocked and speechless Max doesn't say a thing.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAFarAF8GY9I
Richard is at a loss for words as well.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAikRRmxjnGC
He looks over at Sarah and she's pale in the face and speechless.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAfILtMWuA6c
Richard screams, "Hey you guys! We gotta think of something."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAsjBBhl7OWc
Back to the fight with the machine King.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAPZDihTU2eL
Machine King: Your father was one of the people that exiled us here. And our land was surrounded by shooters that picked us off boat by boat. You mock me by being here. A swift knee to the gut puts Max down. The King picks Max up by the throat and a 5ft blade pops out of his wrist. The blade begins to ignite with extreme heat.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAdqMhXjd2GU
Richard looks to Sarah and asks what to do. While the King monologues Maxwell while he's bleeding out.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA2NM1SaUOEL
Sarah: I...I...don't I can't...
281Please respect copyright.PENANAC9ts7e9oay
Richard: What why!?! He's gonna kill him! Sarah I'm not a fighter! But I'll help if I have to!
281Please respect copyright.PENANAX9b3ur3mBe
Sarah's pale face holding tears back she tells Richard, "I don't know how this happened but that my brother....The machine King is my brother!"
281Please respect copyright.PENANA5nvV7MpYpO
Richard shocked is left speechless. Just then a loud " THOOM" is herd.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAHOaZBTDsnn
It was Supremeo he holds the blade intended for max. The machine King flashes another smile and says, "Ahhh I was wondering when you'd show my fellow mechanical friend.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzVeh5spAzZ
Holding the blade Supremeo tells the King, "No one will die today!" He replies, "Are you sure?"
281Please respect copyright.PENANATSvJObc861
While Supremeo holds the blade he has a charged up star flamed fist ready to strike the King but before he can deliver the blow Supremeo is shot behind the head knocking him down and out.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAc9GBfshOvZ
Everyone looks to see who pulled the trigger it was none other than Cibor. With an intense look on his face he repeats, "I will earn my Keep! I will earn my keep! I WILL EARN MY KEEP! "
281Please respect copyright.PENANAgItQp8D2fR
The machine King acknowledges Cibor with a nod then says to himself, "Where was I again? Oh yeah I was gonna cut this guy's head off and put it on the top of my shelf."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAzi7A2crMS1
The King approaches Max with his blade drawn then a scream is let out. It's Sarah she yells the machine King's true name.
281Please respect copyright.PENANAcXlGde9bX3
" YAFEU!!!!!!!!! "
281Please respect copyright.PENANAQPTLhBy8L4
That catches his attention no one has called him by his true name in years. Yafeu the machine King looks over to see who yelled the name and his curious eyes turn wide as he sees his younger sister for the first time in decades.
281Please respect copyright.PENANA8Fxxxu5yNy
She asks her long lost brother, "what happened?...How did you get here?...."
281Please respect copyright.PENANAUbUXalvxsw