Simply describe a book in three (3) words and then explain it in only one sentence. Sounds easy, right? Give it a try!
Let's have an interesting contest that will challenge your creativity as a writer!Write a story about a boy who saw an ant in their backyard.What happens after the boy saw an ant? Well it's your job to make the scenario more thrilling.RULES:The short story that you'll write is not less than or more than 100 words only.Any genre will do except for R18+. Horror is accepted.Feel free to have your story a title.BEST OF LUCK WRITERS!
Write about a teenage/child going trick or treating for the very first time!It could be scary, funny or any genre you like!Have fun and good luckk
Write a story using Dialogues Only.
You can go as far as issuing G-13 content.
you can write anything that you want to write.
While reading this/a/the book (your wish mention the name/or not), I realise...
•Not more than 5 to 6 lines.