Today Bella and I moved back with Charlie because are Mom New Husband Phil is going back on the road because he's in a major baseball league and we didn't want to go but only if they knew why I didn't want to go then they would understand why the way I am. If only i knew going back to forks would my worst fear come true I again.
We laned in Forks back with Charlie we all made small talk not really knowing what to say
Charlie: you cut your hair. he ask bella
Bella: No it just grow out.
Aurora: Hey dad when do we start school.
Charlie: Today but right now we should just get home and get settled for right now Aurora.
Aurora: Okay Dad.
Aurora POV
We got to the house it looked the same from when we were 4 years old that's the last time when we were in forks for christmas then we just want back to Phoenix to live with are mom that's what i regeted most I loved being in Phoenix but after what happen I never want to go back were 17 years old and just coming back let's hope for a fresh start New friends,New school,New boyfriend?
Charlie: Aurora this is your room I did red I knew that was your favorite color.
Aurora: Thanks dad I really love the red I'm going to sart go get ready for school now
Charlie:Okay and bellas this is your room the lady at the store helped me with it.
Bella: Thanks dad.
Aurora POV
That when Jacob and his dad came I reamber Jacob from when we came here when we were 4 we used to have so much fun togethter then we moved back with are mom Charlie called me and bella to come down so we did.
Charlie: Aurora and Bella you guys remember Billy Black and Jacob don't you. Aurora Bella: yeah.
Jacob: We used to make mud pies together.
Bella: yeah but Aurora didn't like that we used to pick on her beacuse she thought it was weird.
Jacob: Yeah i reamber.
Aurora: Guys stop I was 4 year old and so was Bella and you guys made fun of me all the thime. she said with anger in her voice
Bella:Aurora stop being rude we were just joking .
Charlie: Well Bellas how do you like your new truck.
Bella: Really this is mine why tho.
Charlie: Yeah it's you're and your sisters but I know she won't dirve it to save her life.
Aurora: Dad we should get to before we're late.
Charlie: Yeah you guys should get going have a good day and Aurora don't get in any kind of trould.
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thant's the end of this chapter the next on will be out in a few day maybe trw buut I don't know.
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