「放心。根據目前所掌握嘅資料顯示,佢嘅死同妳無關,況且妳對綁匪所做嘅野,嚮法律上亦只算得上係自衛。」傅探員邊說邊轉動筆桿,然後以嚴厲眼光面向Billy說:"I'm gonna let her leave now. Are you OK?" 一身潮男打扮的Billy正以輕佻眼光打量潘瑋晴全身上下。
"OK, sure! Rachael, go and get some sleep! Winnie will contact you when it is necessary……...Oh, by the way, do you need a cab?"
「好。Thank you.」潘瑋晴尷尬地答道。
“It’s so fucking weird that the kidnapper was found dead inside the garbage dump of a nearby biowaste recycling plant…. it is SOOO disgusting! 我唔明 ”
“Coroner said no drugs were found inside the dead body.” Billy說話時將目光集中在傅探員胸部。
“What do you mean by 昅人? Oh, I see…...relax, I just wanna make sure Rachael was telling the truth, though her body looked really HOT inside the video!”
“Since the fire broke out in the basement, CSI retrieved video record of the CCTV installed by kidnapper. Now that the video has been repaired, here is the high-res showreel of the crime scene!” Billy邊說邊展示他手上裝載著綁架案地下室現場第一手片段的手指硬碟。
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