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"I'm sorry girlies but we could only get you 8's, apparently all of the X's were sold out" Catalina Inform's us while handing us our new 'phones'.
"It's fine" I say. I don't know about Nadessa but It's not like I'm gonna use It very much anyway. Even though Catalina showed us the basics earlier on how to text and call It's still a little bit too much for me. I guess I'll just have to figure It out In time.
"Thank you" Me and Nadessa both say before falling back down onto the couch. Nadessa begins to open her's Immediately, I just put mine to the side so I can continue our movie Cinderella.
"I'll help you two set them up later my loves" Catalina promises "After dinner."
"Cant wait!" Nadessa replies excitedly.
"Thank you Catalina." We both reply once more.
She shoots one last smile before disappearing around the corner to go and begin dinner.
Sitting back, I begin to wonder If she'll mind me coming to help cook. I mean the movie Is cool and all but my mind Is else where. I can't stop thinking about the boy from earlier, When I do I get all warm Inside then my heart starts to race. I don't know why I'm being like this but It's making my head hurt.
Usually when I get like this It's a bad thing happen so I don't like It at all, It Irritates me.
I haven't been able to focus at all since we found Catalina and Tristan. In the car, all I thought about were those eyes, While we ate lunch, his hair, While Catalina taught us how to play that one strange game called Uno that I never got the hang of, his scent. If I wasn't thinking about him then It was school, which start's In two days. I've come to peace with It but I'm still not ready. Catalina told us more about the school that we will be going to and so far I've learned that It's a human school but still highly werewolf populated. Also two packs attend, Not just the Hunter's moon pack but the Red bloom moon pack as well and according to Catalina our pack's are close so they shouldn't give us any problems.
After sitting and staring at the tv screen for a while, Not really paying attention because my mind keeps wondering, I decided that I need a distraction. Standing up, I decide to go to the kitchen to see If Catalina needs any help. I walk around the couch and up the winding set of stairs that lead to the hallway. As I exit the theater room I turn right and walk twords the end of the hall, stopping for a second to look out of the window before me, The moon Is out, Illuminating the snow that blankets the ground and thick forest trees. I watch as tree branches blow In the wind. It's so beautiful. So calming.
It shines In an almost blue light that I appreciate greatly as I guides me through the long and dim hall.
Their house Is pretty large and crazy beautiful. I look up at the wall where precisely placed pictures are hung up high, there's so many yet all so different and I find myself scanning through them all. I see smiling faces, groups of people surrounding fires with sticks and white blobs, I can almost hear the laughter and smile myself.
When I come to the mini table that sits directly In the middle of the hallway I stop and look at the three photos that sit In front of a flower vase filled with large white flowers that hang, so pretty. I move aside the petals for a better look at the hidden faces and see one that really catches my attention.
Three young boys all dressed up, smiling bright and standing tall next to King Damien who has his hand placed on the shoulder of the boy In the middle. He's the tallest yet the other two darker boys pack more muscle so they look bigger. It's Intimidating but the boy stands with his head held high, his black locks In a high ponytail and his......hazel green eyes shining so much confidence.
I place the picture face down on the table and proceed to the kitchen. I came out here for a distraction but here I am Imagining boys and getting that stomach weird feeling all over again.
"Hey Catalina?" I whisper while poking my head around the corner.
She looks up at me a little surprised "Oh Is there something you need Honey?" She furrows her eyebrows.
"Not really.....do you need any help?" I ask entering the kitchen fully. It's dim and calming In here, the sound of food sizzling fills the air. Long shiny black Counters surround the kitchen, another counter with four chairs and the sink sit In the middle. To my right Is an opening.
"Well no" She begins "Not right now at least, but you can watch and help me when I start to make plates" She smiles to me.
"That's fine, do you mind If I look around?" I ask.
"Of course not" she assures continuing with her work.
I go to the right of me, curious of whats there. Looking In I catch sight of the full wall widows that surround the room, Bringing In the natural light from the moon to shine onto the long glass table and smooth white floor. Tiny bubble looking lights hang from the ceiling above the long table. I flick them on then quickly flick them back off after being blinded by the brightness of the light.
"Hey auntie" A males voice come from the kitchen. I don't know who It Is but they sound familiar.
"Hey baby." I hear Catalina greet him so I turn around and go back up the stairs to take a peek.
"What you cooking?" The male voice asked "It smells amazing".
"Shrimp spinach fettuccine and garlic bread" She replies with a chuckle.
"Well Imma need you to speed that up" The voice says while snapping as they both burst out laughing.
"It's almost done now just need to make plates Donovan now Is there something that you need?" She asks.
"Uh Chris might be coming over later you cool with that?"
"You know I don't care Donovan but thanks for asking."
A couple of more minutes go by, them talking and me looking and touching things In the large room when Catalina yells "Honey It's time!"
I wait a couple of seconds before coming around the corner to keep It from looking like I was spying on them, even though I wasn't that's weird to me. But when I do I look for him, He's standing In the door way leaning on the frame and I instantly remember him. He's one of the boys In the picture. He's really tall and strong looking with long curls held It a high ponytail with brown eyes, tanned skin, and a built body. I look away down at the floor and begin to walk over to Catalina when he notices me staring and winks.
"Honey this Is my nephew Donovan, Donovan this Is Honey" she Introduces.
Donovan? Donovan like the one that hurt Donna Donovan?
"Hi Donovan" I whisper still not turning to look at him.
"Hello" His voice Is deep.
"Okay now, Donovan help Honey set the table so we can eat" She tells him and when I hear him approaching I look up to him and find that his eyes were already on me, he looks at me with a lopsided smile before breaking our contact to reach up to the high cabinets for the dishes.
Dinner turned out amazing, I loved every bite. Even though It was a bit awkward with Donovan there, well for me at least. He was on his phone for the majority of the dinner. Catalina and Nadessa did all of the talking, Mostly about school though so I didn't pay much attention. She also set up our phones which I guess Is cool. But I to busy talking to Buggy and Kenny, Catalina and Tristan's son, most of the time. Right now buggy's playing with my hair and Kenny Is currently eating what was left on my plate. The food was great believe me but I could only eat like five or six bites before I got full. Kenny and Donovan on the other hand, finished In like five minutes.
"Ouch..."I wine a little when bug pulls my hair a bit to hard.
"I'm sorry..." He apologizes and kisses me on the side of my head, causing me to chuckle.
"Your so sweet!" I kiss the side of his face then bite his hand that rest on my shoulder for play and he giggles as well. He's so cute and so happy that I cant keep my hands off of him, I tickle him and shower him In kisses every chance that I get and he tries to do the same but I always win.
"Ahh!" He giggles again as when I start to nip at his cheek and neck, He lets go of my hair to protects himself so I pick him up and place him In my lap to blow a raspberry on his cute little tummy and he screams while pulling my hair.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He apologizes frantically and everyone at the table laughs along with me. He kicks his little feet In the air and starts to pull at my ears when It becomes to much for him so I pull away to plant a thousand kisses all on his face.
"Stop It H-Honey!" He giggles/screams while trying to get away from me but I hold him In place, not yet done and It takes Catalina to stop me.
"Honey let him finish his food please." She asks In a scolding tone so I let him go. He slides Into his chair next to me while holding his tummy and sticks his tongue out before yelling "No more!" so I play reach for his foot and he screams.
"Honey." Catalina warns again and I put my hands up.
"Sorry." I apologize and stick my tongue back out at him. He brings his little hand up to muffle his giggles and play mad but when I blow a kiss he breaks and we start to laugh as one.
"Damn mamma that smell's amazing" Tristan calls from the kitchen.
"DADDYYY!" Kenny yells after jumping out of his seat to go and meet his father. It makes me smile because of the cuteness overload.
Catalina stands up, a wide smile playing on her lips "Donovan baby could you please put up the dishes for me?" She ask's while hurrying twords the kitchen no too far behind Kenny.
"I guess." Donovan sighs as he slides his phone In his pocket and begins gathering plate's.
I start to get our's together and hand them to him. He grabs them but doesn't say anything, he just turns and starts making his way to the kitchen.
Honestly he's scary, like really scary. Even though he didn't say much all of dinner and he wasn't aggressive or anything like I expected him to be he still scared me. But then again It's mostly because that's how I thought he would be after hearing what he did to Donna, I mean they were training so she was bound to get hurt, She Is big and strong, but she should have known better.
When done me, and Nadessa then make our way back down to the theater room while Bug goes back up stairs to play with Ken and settle down for the night. I kind of wanted them to stay down here with us but Ken had other plans and Buggy Is ready to follow him to the end of the earth. It's cute and they get along well so I let them be.
"I think he likes you" Nadessa grins at me as we plop back down on the couch with a big smile.
"No doesnt he LOVES me." I gloat.
"Not buggy Honey" She rolls her eyes.
"Then who?" I ask puzzled.
"No he does not!" I protest Immediately.
"Yes he does he took a picture of you!"
Wait what?
"What's a picture?"
Nadessa rolls her eyes at me before motioning me to come twords her and pulling out her phone.
"He took a picture of you I saw It while we were eating."
I lay on the side of her and rest my head on her shoulder as we Intertwine our legs to get comfortable as we always do.
"See look you can take pictures on your phone like this" She lifts the phone up above us and smiles while tapping the little circle on the screen .
"See?" She says while showing the screen to me. It reflected us.
"I know. Now look" She taps again and the camera turns around then she turns It to the tv.
"That's what he did he kept pointing It twords you I saw It!"
"Oh" Is all I say.
"He li-" I cut her off.
"Can we not talk about this?" I beg. I don't really know what any of this means but It's making me uncomfortable. I don't want to think about him like that, for some reason It just doesn't feel right.
She lets out a sigh and drop's her phone on the couch "I guess."
It goes quiet for a couple of seconds before she speaks up again.
"Wanna watch YouTube?"
"What?" I ask when I look up to her.
She grabs her phone again and turns It on to navigate through the phone with ease. She pulls up a mini red app and starts to type with her letter board.
"So....how did you figure out how to use your phone so well already?" I ask. I barley even know how to turn the thing on let alone use It as easy as she Is. In reality It shouldn't be that I hard, I've had a whole tablet before but the mini version Is a whole puzzle. Within the couple of hours that I have had It, I see that there's way more than one stinky old Icon and It's a bit overwhelming.
"I've had one before" she states like It's nothing.
"When?" I almost sit up, she had a phone In her cell?
"A long time ago back before I was taken." She reveals with a soft sigh.
I sit up completely to look at her because she said It so calmly but there's not a hint of sadness on her face. Should I press It or Is this a conversation for another time?
"It's fine" she says almost like she read my mind "It was a long time ago"688Please respect copyright.PENANAklB184o30G
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