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The Chrincoles of Rollover Creek: "The Baby"


We all have heard or read about the mystery of Bigfoot. Maybe even the Loc Nest Monster. For as long as We have been on Earth, Tales of Creatures have intrigued us. Here in Bryant Town, near the Crystal Coast of North Carolina, we have our own Mysterious Creature. The locals call it "The Baby". Here is the story..........

                  Chapter 1.              
     The Blizzard of 1983 hit Bryant town hard. The Goodman's Family Living Room was packed with sugar filled Cousins, who always gather at "Mue's" House every chance they got. Usually on the weekend, Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays too. First We got big head Juju and his big brother Martin. Tall Paul, And his little brother Man-Man. Pico and Jump Shot Shooting Terrell.  The Tv Show:"Hee-Haw" is playing on the floor model RCA Television.
"There's about 20 inches of snow on the ground" said Pico. "Can we go out and play in it". Juju yelled, Egar to have a snowball fight.
While gazing at the Snow thur the back window, Jump Shot Shooting Terrell screamed; "Mue"; the Hogs broke out their pin! "Again"! She replied. Tell Ray and Mitch their pigs on the loose again. A minute later Uncle Ray and Uncle Mitch out their chasing pigs in the biggest blizzard Coastal Carolina has ever seen. Slipping and Sliding it was hilarious. Soon the Snow stopped. The kids were allowed to play outside. While having the long anticipated Snowball fight, Pico and Man team up to ambush Juju, Against all odds, Juju takes off an runs thur the snow into the Corn field beside the house. Maybe four or five rows deep in the corn field he trips over something and falls to the snowy ground. (Black out). "Bloods everywhere!" Martin screamed. "That's a hog. What happen to it"? Man-Man uttered. Everyone stared at the mangled corpse in amazement and disbelief.  We better tell" Mue" quick! So Everyone dashed thur the snowy cornfield back to the house.

Chapter 2

     The locals caught wind of the pig attack and figured a pack of Bobcats got to the poor hog, which eased off during the infamous pig break-out. "I dont know, cant say that I've ever seen anything eaten that way before." Uncle Ray said to Mue. Seems that most of the damage was done to the back of the pigs' neck. Ate to the bone. They had searched for any sign left by the Animals that killed the poor pig, but none were found. No footprints, No trails of any kind. After a while, seems like talk died down and Bryant town forgot about the incident. 
     Two Weekends later all of us were back at Mue's house. While playing or getting into things outside, Pico rides up on a two seater bicycle. "Wow were did you get that"  Juju said with great excitement. "Uncle Gus took me to pick it up". Pico replied. Everyone wanted to be the first to ride. "Two people on one bike, riding having fun. I cant believe it" young juju yelled.  Once it was time for juju to ride with Terrell, both kids hop on. Terrell was steering and juju on the back. Grinning from ear to ear everything was going great riding up the dirt road passing family houses on the street. Suddenly: (Dogs barking) oh no, Uncle Gus blueticks are loose. Juju yelled at Terrell! Peddle faster juju, pedal faster, Terrell repeated. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Juju hopped rite off the back of the bike and dashed into the corn field to his right. Fearing for his life the young boy attempted to hide in the field among the corn stalks.(sounds of CornStalks being snapped are getting louder and louder.) All of a Sudden a Two Foot Tall, Baby like Creature wearing a dirty cloth diaper with a huge Forehead and One long strand of  Hair sticking up in the top of its Head Appeared. The Child froze in Fear and Disbelief. Once Juju gained his Composure, He took off sprinting thur the field to anyone who could save him. " Its a tall, ugly baby with a long strand of hair on top of its head after me" Juju repeatedly yelled at the top of his voice. Terrell had made it back to the house, wondering were the hell juju was when he heard him Screaming and Crying coming thur the field. With a Snotty nose and broken speech Juju tried telling what happen but no one could understand the rattled child. "Come on Juju" Martin said. "Lets go tell Mue". In Mue's arms Juju explained how the dogs started to chase them on the bike, so he jumped off an ran in the Cornfield. Then he said " A old, Ugly Baby held his hand at him in the Cornfield. Filled with disbelief Mue called her Sons and Brothers and told them the same story Juju just told her.  In no time the yard was filled with Shotgun carrying Men searching the area for the Creature.  Juju over heard his Granddad telling someone, "I Guess it came back, last time it was seen round here i was a boy". (Men exit.Walking into the woods) Juju couldn't believe what he just heard. "Pop seen it before too" the boy told his cousins. "When he was a boy he saw it, I heard him tell someone". "Stop Lying" Man man said. "Im not, ask him". Juju replied. So they waited for the Men to return.

      Chapter 3

     "We didn't find anything. But back there on the Creek banks we found carcasses of different animals all eaten behind the neck". Pop told his wife, Mue who was egar for the Men to return." Its back". Keep the kids in the yard. All right she replied. "Juju come here"Grandpa stated. He sat the young boy on his lap and preceded to tell him the story of when he was a boy and had an encounter with the Creature.(story) He also shocked Juju by saying the Creature will not hurt him or anyone else. Juju then ran to tell the others what grandpa had told him. (Kids standing in circle,juju in the middle)Grandpa said his dad had goats in a field, that were eaten by the Creature. Way back when he was a boy. He said his dad caught the thing in a bear trap and it broke loose by pulling its little legs thur the trap. His dad told him there once was a Indian Tribe settled here who were robbed and murdered. There women were raped and made to pic cotten. The creature baby was born to a indian slave after she was attacked by the whites. They threw the newborn baby in the creek to drown but it somehow survived. Over the years alot of pets and livestock would come up missing. But noone has ever been hurt by the baby.  "Granddaddy 86 years old. This thing been a baby for that long."  Pico said in disbelief. I guess so. Juju replied. Lets go ask him.(running in the house to grandpa) Granddad confirmed Juju's story and the kids went back outside.
                Chapter 4

     The next day: Just before sunrise Juju was awaken to help gather fire wood. Grandpa loved showing His Grandkids all the things he had learned Over the years. "I wanna go too" a sleepy voice said. Ok Man Man get on up and freshen up with Juju. Yall meet me at the wood pile, I'm heading on out. Minutes later Juju and Man man are loading fire wood with grandpa. "You think the Creature Baby is out here Grandpa" Man man asked with fear in his voice. "I doubt it, Grandpa said: With all the dead animal corpses down on the Creek. Maybe It live there. Juju instantly asked "Can we go to the Creek"  Grandpa replied " The way you were crying, running out the Corn field i didn't think you would ever want to see it again. "Well i do, Grandpa" Juju said.   "Don't go searching for trouble, Juju." Do i make myself clear. "Yes Sir" both boys replied, at the same time while giving each other that sneaky look. "Lets hurry boys so we can go warm up inside", Grandpa sputtered. "Go ahead inside to warm up, Grandpa". Me and Juju will pull the wagon full of Firewood to the Backporch. "No I'll help son, lets go". Grandpa stated. Grandpa enjoyed a hot cup of coffee while the boys unloaded the firewood." Juju: I hope your not thinking of going down to Rollover Creek" Man man said quietly. "I have to." Juju whispered.......

                      Chapter 5

     Later that Day: After helping Uncle Gus wash his car, Man man wondered. " How this creature baby lived so long in the woods on the Creek" and "where is juju"?  "Ouch" Man man suddenly screamed. Pico and Terrell hands full of PineCones, Ambushed the young boy. "PineCone fight!!!" Everyone yelled, running with their hands full of PineCones. Seems everyone teamed up but Juju and Man man, so they quickly team up and Attack. Good thing about Tuscarora, Pine Trees are everywhere. While gathering more Pinecones at the edge of the woods, Pico seems to be a sitting duckling. Martin and Tall Paul slowly make there way towards Pico. Pico says "I see you guys plotting on me!"  So he dashed into the woods. Paul and Martin let him be and returned to the yard.  Pico suddenly screamed and ran with the speed of a track star in the house. Whats wrong with Pico, Paul ask Martin and the others. Im going inside to see. Martin said. Once inside they all saw Pico holding a warm washcloth to his cheek. "What happened?" Juju asked. The Baby hit me with a PineCone! Everyone laughed!! What? Terrell repeated. I was running away from these clowns thur the edge of the woods thats when i saw the baby and it threw a PineCone that struck my cheek. I took off then. "Yeah after screaming!" Paul sputtered while laughing. "Whatever!" Pico replied. The kids retreat back outside with the exception of Pico. He's traumatized.  "Everyone Round up!" Martin ordered all the kids. "The Baby wants to throw PineCones, lets give him an encounter he will never forget."  Juju get your Daisy bb gun. " I'll get Picos pellet gun!" Tall Paul said. "Ok everyone else load up on PineCones, we got a Baby to find." said Martin. 
     Tall Paul Drew up a plan in the dirt," We gone have two teams. Team Martin and my team, Team Paul. Everyone split in equal sides and let's go."Martin,Y'all go in here- we will go in the woods over there. Walk straight back and we will meet up at the Creek.  Deep down those kids really wanted to get "The Baby" for hurting Pico.

                 Chapter 6

      Tall Paul, Man Man and Jump Shot Shooting Terrell quickly walk through the Winter Forest in search of The Baby. "If we see the baby creature I'm sticking to you like glue". Man Man told Tall Paul.  The boys all laughed! "I wanna see if it talks"  Terrell said. Creature Babies don't talk, I think. Man Man said under his breath. Well I wanna find out, What do you think about it Tall Paul.  "I think we need to focus on finding this thing before we end up like Pico."
      Meanwhile, the other team lead by Martin with his only teammate Juju, was coming up on the Creek when a pinecone struck the back of Juju's coat. "Who threw that?" Juju said slightly worried. "I don't know" Martin said. "You see anyone; Juju? "No, do you see any of the other guys?"  Juju asked. Feeling As if he should have stayed home with Pico, Juju seems a bit rattled. Martin aims his Daisy BB Gun in every direction, senceing their not alone. "Man Stop playing!" Martin saw Man hiding behind a pine tree. Hands full of pinecones, Man Man stepped out and targeted the two boys.  On Rollover Creek part 2 of the pinecone fight insued. Being kids they all laughed and threw pinecones at each other, forgetting about the purpose of there expedition. "Awe!" Terrell yelled! Hit by a pinecone that seemed to be thrown by Joe Montana. "There it is !" Martin screamed. "Play-Fight, Play Fight", The Baby uttered! " It talks!!"  Man Quickly said!  "No don't shoot it, Martin" Juju yelled! "" I like play fight", I not hurt you." The baby said in broken English. "You hurt Pico"
Terrell yelled!  "Wait a second everyone, hold up, hold up." Tall Paul screamed. "It likes us. Do not harm it! While the kids wrapped there minds around the situation, The Baby begins to speak. "I know your kind, I am one of you........". The baby went on to say that he was threw out in the creek on a hot summer night as a newborn.  Left for dead, the father of his mother secretly Never threw him in the creek, instead he disappeared with the baby and raised him on the Outer Banks of Rollover Creek. The locals just thought he was ashamed an ran off. Living off the land, eating wild animals. One day, his Daddy left to find food and never came back. From that day on he has been alone. Until he befriended a bobcat with a craving for turkey necks. He explained how on the day of the blizzard he was able to capture and take with him a hog he said The bobcat went for there necks and left them for dead. It angered him and they parted ways.  Since that day, he wanted to understand us better. When the baby hit Pico with a pinecone, he was only trying to fit in with us. "Let's take him to Grandpa" Martin said.  "Ok let's go boys." Tall Paul said.

                   Chapter 7
(Back at Grandma's house);  "Pico, where's the kids?" Grandpa asked. Awefully quiet round here. "I think they playing in the Woods, Grandpa". Pico said.  "They were told not to go into the woods, Hardheaded children just will not listen." "It's my fault I spoil them to much, spare the rod, spoil the child". "That's what the word say." Grandma Injected.  "There they are Grandpa!"  Pico uttered. Walking up the field, Grandpa could see the kids approaching. "Lord Jesus, they have the creature baby with them."  Grandpa said very lightly. In disbelief; Grandpa thought back to his childhood when he encountered The Baby. ( Thoughts)
     It seems as if The Baby was born an old man and has been getting younger everyday since. Today it's known as "Progeria" or the Benjamin Button Disease.  When he was born, it was thought that he was a demon. One night a mob of people demanded the baby be killed. The Mother wanted to keep her child, but the Mob grew Angry. Her Father stepped in to say he would go to Rollover Creek to drown the demon baby.  He was never heard from again. The Baby was embraced by the Goodman's and they lived happy for the rest of their days.