I watched the snow slowly flutter to the frozen ground, my eyes captivated with the beauty of each flake that was so unique in its design. It was my first winter in Vermont, and it was absolutely beautiful. I had always loved the cold and spent my nights as a child dreaming of what it would be like to play in the snow. Until that moment, I had never experienced this wonderful phenomenon. What was so fascinating about it, I wasn't sure. I'm not sure that I'll ever know, even if I were to spend millions of winters in that old cottage in the countryside.
The dazzling snow stopped all too quickly, much to my sadness. Glancing at the time, I realized that I had been watching the snowflakes fall for a little over an hour, and the sun was beginning to set over the snow-covered horizon. I smiled at the magnificent sight. The many different shades of orange, red, and pink gleamed off of the sparkling snow, making a picture-perfect moment.
My husband joined me in the window seat and wrapped his arm around my waist. "It's divine, isn't it?" I asked him, not taking my eyes off of the large, snowy field in front of our new home. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him nod his head. Looking up at the white, fluffy clouds in the distance, I observed a large, grey cloud. Below that cloud was millions and millions of petite snowflakes fluttering to the ground in circles. It was something that a person only witnessed in pictures or their wildest dreams.
By the time the wind blew the clouds to our sanctuary, the sun was cut through the middle by the horizon. My husband stood as the snowflakes began to dance along the perimeter of our house and soon returned with two coffee cups of hot chocolate. He handed one of the cups to me, and I sipped on it lightly, humming my thanks to him. The hot chocolate tasted extraordinary. Milk chocolate flavor burst across my taste buds when the first drops touched my expectant tongue. It was just the right temperature for this snowy, cold evening.
I stood quickly and retrieved a thick, fuzzy blanket from the couch in the heavily decorated living room. After throwing it over my shoulder, I sat cross-legged at the window and gazed out it once again. In the short amount of time it took me to retrieve my blanket, the soft flurries had turned to an angrily whirling blizzard. The gentle beauty that I had witnessed before now evolved into a harsher, more rigid beauty that was a new type of elegance that I had never even heard of at any point before in my life. Words could not describe how awestruck I was.
Pulling my blanket tighter around my narrow shoulders, I took another sip of the hot chocolate that was given to me. Stars began twinkling in the sky as the sun began the end of its journey across the sky. The stars were harder to see than the snow had been. They were tinted grey because of the thick clouds above the house, but they still held much more mystery than seemed physically possible. I wondered to myself how it was possible to have so much finesse in one night sky.
Too soon, the sun finished its journey across the sky and below the horizon. The snow continued its angry spinning around our home, though. I could hear its light tapping against the many windows and doors of our quaint home. In the distance, I could still see the stars twinkling as much as they could manage through the massive expanse of clouds covering the once clear sky. It was then that I knew that this was a beauty that I would enjoy for a lifetime.