C'mon you dammit. Get it fvcking together. Its been 8 hours and she hasn't responded. Her tracker is not showing her location and she isn't picking up her god damn phone.
I heard a knock on the door. "S-sir. We have located where she is." My eyes shot up when i heard these words coming out of my partners mouth. I grabbed the keys to my car and loaded a gun with some bullets and a spare pack in my belt bag. Just in case. I had never driven so fast. 100. 180. 200... the thoughts of seeing Bridget dead made me furious and upset making me drive faster. Who ever did this to her, WILL pay his life. And i'll MAKE SURE it happens. A tear slid down my face thinking about losing her.
I finally arrived. I got out the car and signaled my team to stay behind and not come further until i tell them too. Every step towards the ugly door made my heart beat faster. I reached it. The time has come. I take Bridget and kill the person who did it to her. After a minute of making up my mind i finally did it. I barged open the door with a good thrust of my foot. BANG. I shot the person dead, and ran up to Bridget, holding her close to my arms.