"Nandi, wake up! Prince Alu is outside!" Ewe's sharp voice cut through the air, jolting the other girls from their slumber.
"What?" Nandi grumbled, still clouded with sleep.
"It's already bright outside. Everyone’s gathered for breakfast, including Prince Alu. Apparently, he arrived last night while we were asleep!" Ewe explained, her tone urgent.
Renny rummaged through her toiletry bag for her toothbrush, a hair bonnet snug on her head. Surprisingly, she had slept well—no nightmares, no disturbances. It was a strange but welcome feeling.
"What time is it?" Renny asked.
"7:30 a.m., but the sun is already high in the sky. The Sahara is really something else," Ewe replied.
"Let’s freshen up and join the others. Where’s Joanna?" Nandi asked, glancing around. It was only then that Renny noticed Joanna’s absence and turned to Ewe for an explanation.
"Joanna and I woke up early. She’s already outside with the other students," Ewe said.
"Alright, where are the washrooms?" Nandi asked, adjusting her bonnet.
"Follow me," Ewe said, standing up. Nandi and Renny grabbed their essentials—soap, towels, and toothbrushes—and followed her.
A three-minute walk to the left of the girls’ tent brought them to a wooden structure. Ewe pushed the door open, and the girls stepped inside, their eyes curious. Delicate stone slabs paved the floor, and several cubicles lined the walls.
Ewe turned to her right and opened another door. Inside, several large water tanks were neatly arranged.
"When we came here earlier, a woman overseeing the place explained that these tanks are filled weekly. Water is scarce here, so it’s expensive to transport. She said the washrooms are only open in the morning and evening. If you miss your chance, you’ll have to wait until the next day. Here, use these small jerrycans to fetch water," Ewe explained, handing them two containers with wide openings.
"That’s great," Nandi said, heading to the tank to fill her jerrycan. Renny followed suit. After fetching water, they stepped out and headed to the sinks on the opposite side.
"Alright, when you’re done, come find me with the others. Be quick—you don’t want to miss today’s instructions and activities," Ewe said before leaving.
"I can’t believe I overslept," Nandi muttered as she squeezed toothpaste onto her brush.
"After such a long journey, it’s no surprise," Renny replied. She hadn’t taken her antidepressants, but the peaceful night’s sleep had left her feeling oddly refreshed.
"You’re right," Nandi said, brushing her teeth. Renny followed suit.
The two then entered separate cubicles to bathe. Once done, they returned to their tent, sprayed their braids with a moisturizing solution, and dressed in light pants, T-shirts, and turbans before heading out to join the group.
In the distance, about twenty people sat under a large open tent that shielded them from the blazing sun, though the heat was still palpable.
"Look, Edi and James are sitting with Alu," Nandi noted. Renny spotted them too. The two girls made their way toward the group.
"Renny! Over here!" Ewe whispered, motioning for them to join her. Nandi and Renny quickly took their seats beside her.
A large carpet had been laid out on the sand, and the group sat around it, sipping tea from kettles and nibbling on bread and apples.
"Have some tea. There’s bread and apples too," Ewe whispered, opening a basket beside the kettle. Nandi and Renny, who had only eaten lightly the day before, gratefully served themselves.
Nearby, Edi and James seemed to have just finished speaking with Prince Alu, who sat on a cushioned platform slightly apart from the group. Edi joined the girls.
"So, what were you talking about with Prince Alu?" Ewe asked eagerly.
Edi chuckled. "James was assigned to coordinate the students, and he suggested I assist him. Prince Alu was just briefing us on today’s schedule."
"Will he be joining us for the activities?" Ewe asked, her eyes hopeful.
"Of course. I was surprised—he’s very down-to-earth. He spoke to us like we were equals," Edi said, pouring himself a cup of tea.
"What do you mean by that? Prince Alu’s reputation speaks for itself. If he weren’t as kind as he seems, it would mean I’m a terrible judge of character—and my instincts are never wrong," Ewe retorted, her sharp gaze fixed on Edi.
"I didn’t mean it in a bad way. He’s just different from most high-class people, that’s all," Edi replied, amused.
"Chedi seems to be getting along well with your other roommate—Olami, was it?" Nandi observed, glancing to her left. The others followed her gaze. A few seats away, Chedi was deep in conversation with the bespectacled boy, their discussion seemingly intense.
"They discovered last night that they share similar interests," Edi explained with a small smile.
"Which are?" Ewe asked.
"Discovering ancient things," Edi replied.
"Good. Maybe he’ll stop bothering me with his endless questions," Ewe said, casting a pitying glance at Olami. At that moment, Olami looked up, catching Ewe’s gaze. His face twisted in confusion.
"Good morning, everyone!" a loud voice called out, silencing the chatter. The group turned to see a tall, strikingly dark-skinned man standing beside Prince Alu’s platform. His skin had an almost blue-black hue under the sun, and his sharp features—chiseled jawline, sunken eyes, and piercing white gaze—made him undeniably handsome.
"My name is Aden. I’ll be your guide in the Sahara. Many activities are happening here, like the Green Wall project to combat desertification and archaeological studies on ancient shark remains. Tourists are scattered throughout the area, so stay close. We don’t want to lose anyone—few survive if they wander off," Aden warned.
"Thank you, Aden. He traces his roots to the Kingdom of Kush, in present-day Sudan, and has spent half his life guiding tours in the Sahara. Trust his judgment," Prince Alu added, standing beside Aden. Though Aden was taller, Alu’s regal bearing and commanding presence held their own.
The group applauded, and Aden and Alu stepped aside. Moments later, they returned with two others carrying boxes.
"These contain water, sunscreen, and sunglasses. If you’re missing any of these, come forward and take what you need. The tour begins in ten minutes," Alu announced.
The students and staff quickly formed an orderly line, grateful for the supplies.
"What can I do? Someone might take advantage of my prince if he keeps being this generous," Ewe lamented, prompting laughter from Nandi and the others as they joined the line.
Alu’s generosity was undeniable, but Renny couldn’t help but wonder if that was his true character. Even the devil was once an angel of light, she thought, glancing at Alu as he sat beside Aden, deep in conversation. She quickly looked away.