1884, Town of Spades, The Celestial White Kingdom, half past three, is where she met him. The mysterious investigator.
Zurine carefully placed her feet in the middle of the metal circle outside the doors of the Cepheus Observatory tower.
The branded symbol on her palm, a crescent-shaped eye with a sun as a pupil, burned brightly, opening a wound that dropped its blood onto the circle.
Some inner gears could be heard grinding against one another upon contact with the blood and eventually, the result was the mahogany doors in front of her slowly creaking open.
Zurine shifted the messenger she carried on her shoulder, muttering a “finally” before flying through the doors.
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The Cepheus observatory tower was a sanctuary for those given the acceding privilege.
Its domed ceiling was a tapestry of midnight-blue hues bearing every constellation known to man (truly a breathtaking resemblance to the heavens - Not to appear as a hopeless romantic but it was the type of starry night that acts as a backdrop in a terribly passionate novel.
The tower walls, besides the clean marble you could see your reflection in, had stained glass windows with each pane paying homage to every revered astrologist in history. From Dr. Orion’s image with his soft gaze and endless rambling (who sat right across his celestial orbit chart) to Darling Cassandra depicted in her typical eccentric gown dripping in pearls, rubies, emeralds, and really any object she could find. All their legacies loomed over the tower when the morning light spilled through to remind visitors the knowledge brought into the world seldom leaves completely.
And course, the rows and rows of books that even bled into the upstairs telescope floor - which I might add is a rather dizzying climb with far too many stairs and far too many landings. Some novels were ancient tomes that had to be held in securely locked cases as even the slightest touch of air would strain their brittle pages. Others were new research topics cultivated by the brilliant minds of new astrologists.
Stepping into the Cephus Tower was like stepping into a dream and like a handsome dance partner in a ballroom, once you step inside its world, you are ruined of anything else.
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Professor Avastar’s study, though, felt like whiplash to any newcomer for how utterly dull it was, and what was even more perplexing was that Professor Avastar preferred it to the rest of the tower’s magic.
He was well into, what Zurine supposed was, his second cup of coffee when she knocked on the open door.
“You’re late.” Professor Avastar drawled.
Zurine stayed silent: it took her two days into this understudy job for her to recognize Professor Avastar was against any apology or excuse, he needed action. “I’ll leave my house earlier tomorrow,” she said
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“See to it that you do.” He said flipping to the next page of his book before scribbling a few words in the adjacent notebook.
After a few moments, he looked up from behind his spectacles, pieces of grey hair sticking to the glass. “Start shelving the books near the entrance and then code them into our database.”
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Zurine nodded before leaving. She was glad to have a more simple job that day, she was exhausted from her nighty-killing outings the night before.
Other times she may have had a book or article analysis job which would include typing up a detailed academic paper for Professor Avastar which he would then revise, scold her immensely for some silly mistake, and then publish. At first, Zurine was thrilled by this idea for she was getting her name out there earlier which would in turn make her eventual debut as a full-fledged astrologist that much easier; she sorely figured out that her name would only be briefly mentioned in the acknowledgments and that all credits would purely go to the respected Eldrin Avastar.
Some of you might tell her to report the professor and though she did, she was only one PhD student and he was the renowned keeper and head astrologist of the monumental Cephus tower and was rumored to be in cohorts with the king. It was her meek voice against the bellowing ego of Eldrin Avastar.
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Luckily that day, she was not forced to labor for his reputation but rather only complete the monotonous task of: Climbing one of many ladders in the tower, finding the book’s placement based on alphabetical order, and shelving the book, all before writing its title and author down on her clipboard
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The books were crisp, their spines and pages well intact, so Zurine didn’t care for them. She preferred older books that were well broken into mostly because the ideas of older astrologist were much more fascinating with their mythological concepts and flowery language than the scientific methods of modern-day articles.
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Zurine had finished her job and was seated at the round table by the entrance, making slips for every book she’s shelved to add to their file cabinet when Caelum sauntered towards her.
Caelum was a fellow PhD student, also from the Lyra Academy and, unfortunately, was Professor Avastar’s first choice for an understudy. Zurine was just a throw-in because the Academy pressured him to at least take a second student, and even then, it was Caelum who recommended her, for a reason she never bothered to pry out of him.
She always skirted around him never daring to get too close to his atmosphere; she had had enough of blonde-haired boys with grinning faces who spent their spare time and coin feeling up the skirts of undergraduate girls.
She certainly did not want to be his next project though luckily she found he went for pale girls and she had a nice brown complexion that leaned to the darker side.
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“Avastar wants to see you.” He smiled leaning into the table. “He did not say why but I have a feeling you did something to annoy him,”
In Caelum’s mind, it was a simple tease, to Zurine it was a cruel remark that reminded her where she stood in the Professor’s eyes: second best.
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The professor’s study was never a warm place but Zurine a true chill, not only because she never stayed in the study long enough to comment on the strange lack of heating in that small section of the whole tower but because the professor was the only one who resided in the study - a familiar face.
This time, upon simple entrance Zurine’s body burst into goosebumps as a shiver slithered down her spine, leaving her rooted to the spot until the feeling rushed away - it didn’t.
The professor stood, his brows’ furrowing much deeper than they were used to, and gestured to the man sitting in a black trench coat on the seat right to the desk.
“This is Montclair,” he said simply as this strange man’s name was common knowledge. “You’ll be working with him for the duration of 7 months.”
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The man stood up and turned. Bile immediately started to pool in Zurine’s throat, threatening to spill over alongside her breakfast.
He did not look human. He looked nearly corpse-looking with pale skin, sullen eyes, hollow cheekbones, busted lips, and bright staring eyes as if he was well acquainted with “the light”. When Montclair extended his hand to shake mine, parts of his hand had its skin peeled off, the flesh exposed; slightly blackened in some regions while having yellow bumps, no doubt full of pus, in others.
At some point, he retracted his extended hand to wipe the snot from his sniffling nose before returning it to shake my hand.
Zurine mechanically shook his hand, looking down as his eyes bore into her head. She could not help but shudder at the image of him looking at her with those lifeless eyes. When she looked up again, he seemed to be smiling
The feeling of bile in her throat, which calmed for a moment, had returned in full force. His gums seemed okay yet his teeth were rotten with a few having been chipped or appearing to have holes drilled in them.
Despite all this, his attire had the certain caliber befitting a noble. A fitted waistcoat adorned with gold buttons hugged his lean frame over a crisp white blouse. His trousers were neatly pressed dress pants that lacked a single crease, while the long black trenchcoat cascaded around him, adding the finishing embellishment to his ill-suited clothing choice.
It is clothing meant for a person of wealth, not some humanized ghost.
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As she stood there looking at this man, a thought crossed her mind:
What if this man truly is a corpse; a person I had killed who had not joined my entourage of shadows but rather had come back to haunt her? To force me to atone for her sins.
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This supposed Montclair’s next words did not soothe this thought. “I am Montclair, the king’s guard dog on my worst days but his top detective on my best of days.” he said in a slow nearly purring voice, and at Zurine’s tilt of head and furrow of brows, he explained, “The Lorewyn King. I am a Wynfolk.”
Montclair then proceeded to bow “I am pleased to meet you, My lady.”
“This will serve as a double credit under the Academy and I will still supervise you.” Professor Avastar said cooly, his face a blank slate.
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Eventually, Zurine found her tongue, if only to say “I am confused.”
A smile bloomed across his face, serpentine, and lingered just long enough to unsettle. “Your kingdom has failed - miserably- at finding this killer that has been leeching through your streets and so I have been sent to deal with it accordingly. However, I need someone who knows the terrain better and is well-versed in the astrology that your country holds so dear. Hence, where you come in.” He explained calmly as if he were speaking of recent weather patterns and not the unveiling and butchering of the most notorious killer.
Unveiling and Butchering of her.
“You shall tend to this man accordingly.” Professor Avastar said, cutting into the little staring challenge they had.
Montclair’s eyes were black. She could not even identify a pupil despite the study’s bright lighting, like a starless sky; it made pulling away from them so very hard. He had to be dead, there was no other explanation.
“And if I refuse?” Zurine said firmly finally having the strength to look away from the strange man’s eyes.
The lines on the Professor’s face deepened, “That is not an option,” he said “Caelum must stay there and tend to more pressing duties.”
He was my first choice after all.
The words hung in the air. He did not say them and he knew he did not need to.
“Not performing these duties, comes out of your Academy credit, job experience, and sleep time for staying here means doing hours of paperwork and research,” Avastar said pointedly, looking at the young woman from above his glasses
‘I already do that’ She wishes to say but holds her tongue. The situation was already bad enough, and stoking the professor’s rage would certainly not aid her cause.
Montclair was now playing with his gloves but upon sensing Zurine’s gaze his head snapped up, and that Godforsaken smile was already back onto his face.
“Naturally, my lady, the choice is yours but I would repay you well for your assistance,” Montclair said bowing his head a bit.
Professor Avastar scoffed taking a swing at his coffee. “She does not need any more repayment. If anything she is getting far too much as it is.”
Zurine’s shadows (the dead that had joined to make her entourage) came closer to her. They were sharks in an ocean taking in the scent of blood every time any feeling of despair or fury took root in the heart.
“Are you going to allow him to speak this way to you,” they said in unison. Of course, they were creatures born from every impure hatred she had cultivated towards a person, only she could hear their taunts. Little devils, they were, edging her on to finally gain permission to consume her and turn her into that inky black creature that knows nothing but the word “kill”.
“Yes,” Zurine whispered to the shadows and Montclair. “I see I have no choice.”
“Excellent!” Montclair clicked his heels “I shall meet with you here tomorrow” he said before bowing to the both of us and leaving swiftly.
Zurine gave Professor Avastar a particularly ripe frosty look before leaving his study, hoping it would be the last time she would have to see that graying man.
Caelum was waiting by the front desk, leaning on the front desk flipping through The Cosmic Tapestry book by Lyra Carver. A Book in which Lyra, the very woman their university academy was named after, describes the universe as the weaving of a tapestry. The novel explains how the world and the universe were made by comparing it to the way a thread and fabric id created. She addresses many questions about the universe but since her text is based on mythology, mixing in ideas of the different countries her lovers were from (or so she was rumored to) and theory, her work is no longer cited in academic papers but it is a must-read for all first years. Not for credibility or proper learning but to understand the poetry of the world beyond and the many romantic notes it carries in its creation.
Zurine had a copy under her pillow that was well loved with some of the pages actively falling apart but not quite yet as destroyed at a few hundred pages Zurine had to tape back together. She refused to get a different copy. Her grandfather had gifted it to her, signed by Lyra herself. Zurine did not wish the book jealous by getting a ‘cleaner’ version of it and her grandfather’s notes in the margins of her copy brought her much comfort.
The fact that Caelum stood there now flipping through the pages like they were nothing more than idle words on a page made her feel so small. Insignificant.
The amount of love she had put into her future occupation was overshadowed by Daddy’s money and now Caelum was going to be given favor and achievement while she was held back for not even having a functioning Father.
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Caelum looked up lazily but he straightened up upon seeing Zurine. “So…are you in trouble?”
She ignored him grabbed my messenger bag and finished packing up her quills and ink bottle before striding away from the Cephus tower.
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Peonies were - are - Zurine’s mother’s favorite flower. She said it was because it was the first flowers she picked when she attended a picnic with Zurine’s father.
Moonflowers were Zurine’s father’s preference. He would talk about how they opened at night, submitting themselves to the moon, demonstrating their loyalty to the moon despite not having the appeal the sun had in which other plants bent to.
“Just as I bend to your mother.” Her father would remark with a look at her mother who would playfully swat his arm.
“Not in front of the children.” she would whisper to which my father would give a chest-filled laugh whilst saying “It is too late for modesty now” addressing Zurine and her twin brother.
That memory slipped away like water flowing from a leaky jug when a nurse, wearing a long high-necked blouse and simple white skirt that gave her a more unfriendly air (but also a concerned air as one could swear she was finding breathing quite difficult with that neck design) than her tight-lipped face did, tapped Zurine on the shoulder.
“They are ready to see you,” she said cooly.
Zurine stood gripping the two types of flower bouquets on either arm before following the nurse down the corridors of the cold hospital.
Zurine imagined that a sad note from a piccolo would be playing if there were was ensemble prepared to add a backdrop of every detail in her life; they were passing into the section described as “the mad”.
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Zurine’s parents had a room of their own. When she appeared, the window was open letting the remnants of the summer air come in. Autumn was to start and her mother was bound to weep. She disliked the dying of flowers and then her dutiful husband (even in madness) would curse the stars. This cursing practice was why, Zurine hypothesized, the nurses disliked her parents so.
Her parents were huddled together in their bed, whispering and giggling like children. Zurine took a deep breath before knocking on the open door. Their eyes shot up like young folk being caught doing something exceptionally scandalous.
Upon seeing Zurine, their eyes softened.
When Zurine’s parents went mad 11 years ago, she thanked the stars they still remembered who she was.
“Zurine, darling,” her mother said beckoning her over.
Upon sitting on the guest chair they gazed at the flowers like little children being offered a treat. Zurine handed them each other carefully, content at their happy faces.
She let them fuss over her for a moment. Even at 27 years old, in their eyes, Zurine was their baby girl. At least that’s what Zurine let herself believe, and not the truth - that her parent’s minds stopped working when she was that little girl and moody teenager they fussed over and warned about boys before sending off to school with her twin brother.
“Where’s your brother?” Her father asked, smiling but his eyes were empty.
Zurine didn’t have the heart to remind them this time - or anytime for they asked and kept asking year after year - “He’s not here right now. He’ll stop by another day.” Zurine fibbed instead.
They nodded, with a few “ohs” before settling into silence.
“Listen. I won’t be able to visit you for a while. I have a new job, and it means I have to be away but…I’ll write you letters.” Zurine said, her throat closing up.
“Oh darling that’s amazing! Do not worry about us! We’ll be just fine!” Her father said to which her mother overenthusiastically nodded along.
“Okay…” Zurine said, and not wishing to cry in front of her parents - it would only lead to an explanation and she was tired of lies - she got up and took up her messenger bag. “I have to get going…”
She gave them quick hugs and kisses on the cheek with them doing the same for her, before she, more or less, sprinted out the door.
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That night, on her cot within her university dorm, Zurine held her father’s old handkerchief to her mouth as she cried reading through Lyra Carver’s “The Cosmic Tapestry”. The words were blurring from the tears but having had the 500-page novel extensively Zurine did not need the physical words to know what Lyra was rambling about.
That night, her heart was heavy, and the novel, which should have been her solace, was not doing what it should.
Zurine hoped that the stars had not stolen this as well. First was her brother’s death, then her parent’s mind, then her own sanity and morality, and now perhaps her precious comfort read.
How odd Fate was, making the killer herself work with some rotting flesh of a detective to find her own self. Zurine could have laughed; Zurine did laugh.
The shadows crowded around her closer, giving their version of a hug.
“Please, either seek revenge and hate me or love me,” Zurine whispered to them and they hesitated before unanimously pulling away.
“Tomorrow I shall go with Montclair and let the stars rule my fate. If they wish to destroy me then they can. I’m already so tired.” Zurine whispered into the room.
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She challenged the stars, and from their place among the other celestial beings, some of them tittered, others gave disapproving looks, and the rest simply ignored the girl’s existence—though, dear reader, I have a theory that those uninterested stars will soon become enamored with how fate has weaved this young woman’s story.
Fate truly is a funny one.