Reap what you sow, Keep how your glow, It's deep in the flow,161Please respect copyright.PENANAg5JnSb4tvn
Healing to my potential, Been dealing with the confidential, Sin got them161Please respect copyright.PENANAbqfphTQayR
feeling presidential, Heaven is the ceiling for my financial, If it's leavened161Please respect copyright.PENANAXQxQB8GO6K
it ain't substantial.
All the music being streamed, Don't lose, it's your dreams,161Please respect copyright.PENANAaFa6lXLYfC
Diffuse it cause it's all schemes, Won't be used by these teams, The blues161Please respect copyright.PENANAnnQbmscnQS
don't come with memes, The rules keep the drum on beams, The news isn't what it161Please respect copyright.PENANAUNHSgPmDE2
seems, They can't cruise cause truth gleams.
Underground tunnel. Thunder found the sun glow, Discernment161Please respect copyright.PENANAvGKmwhHls2
in these times, This a sermon in my prime, I still got room to grow, They steal161Please respect copyright.PENANA9GgBzgXgpT
to rot in the tomb for the crow, Be real when they casting lots in the womb of161Please respect copyright.PENANAKgodJE1Y6b
the snow, The world is doomed in flow.
I'm trying to reach the finish line, They drying to teach me161Please respect copyright.PENANAPeSsbUTzoF
to diminish mine, They dying to breach me at the scrimmage line, I been crying161Please respect copyright.PENANA3Oifn4Onoq
cause the image blind, They been lying on the spinach grind, I'mma menace to161Please respect copyright.PENANAkPV1wOavxy
the illest kind, Love is the realest sign.
I live by grace, I give you space, That don't mean I sin161Please respect copyright.PENANAgd1ZNwaD2W
intentional, My tone in the scene is to win dimensional, The cornerstone ain't161Please respect copyright.PENANAMtsVZoatNs
conventional, It's the loaner that's growing the sun's vegetable, Be a owner161Please respect copyright.PENANACImTOpgdht
applying the one schedule.
Break out of that mentality, You break God's law and it's161Please respect copyright.PENANApYFf36bOD9
fatality, I ain't talking mortal kombat, The immortal you can't harm that, See161Please respect copyright.PENANAvjOqwhK5wu
the portal better psalm that, I ain't fear mongering, I can hear the hungering,161Please respect copyright.PENANAI4fJgsJhBR
I been known it, No fear of any opponent.
Clean out the skeletons out your closet, I know what it's161Please respect copyright.PENANA6uwpr84HIf
been since the elegant lost it, False prophets raise the cost of the rockets,161Please respect copyright.PENANAchPqe6Uygy
How long you gone be dreaming, Don't bow down to the scheming, They made a vow161Please respect copyright.PENANAer3ggYUSiu
to keep the game steaming.
Drinking tea and apricot. They thinking heaven gone rot, They161Please respect copyright.PENANAxjPjpXQtlw
trying to put me on the spot, They dying to get rich on the slot, They lying161Please respect copyright.PENANAlzTgWRUAG6
watch for the start, A lot of folks don't have heart, Break the yoke of the161Please respect copyright.PENANAK8HbBh3vwK
devil's part, Every level is unlocked.
I'm enjoying my peace, I'm annoying the beast, I'm anointing161Please respect copyright.PENANA0hWfIUv4Ia
the streets, God's correction is for your protection, The truth don't pretend,161Please respect copyright.PENANANbOEYeW2GU
Why don't you just repent, Jesus bled on that cross, Increase us cause they161Please respect copyright.PENANAsdEvHo05Le
want you in the frost.
The product of my actions, The conduct of the factions, This161Please respect copyright.PENANADIm7930G03
is my light, I know this ain't right, The glow of a saint in the night, Love161Please respect copyright.PENANAIVtAHWoX28
covers a multitude of sins, The dove covers the altitude of wins, Forgive our161Please respect copyright.PENANAXRSLBBxtvX
transgressions, God hear our confessions.
I am not with the undertakings, Give thanks cause the thunder161Please respect copyright.PENANAsOyMrGhf1n
isn't faking, Born again believers, Won't be torn again by deceivers, The worst161Please respect copyright.PENANAF1DRIx8v0b
is yet to happen, The verse you kept is mapping, Bringing you to the seat of161Please respect copyright.PENANAenKbt87eMf
mercy, Thinking can't defeat or verse me.
They envy your heart, They saying this can't be you from the161Please respect copyright.PENANAeJYWum7dVW
start, They didn't want you to play your part, Now you made it on your own,161Please respect copyright.PENANAvUfKK24YSS
They want to fade like you're unknown, Only the real recognize, I hear heaven's161Please respect copyright.PENANAK1aqPbiVOL
cries, Now they feel the reckon eyes.
Right state of mind, Light state of mind, Blind fate ain't161Please respect copyright.PENANAsKikaXZuAz
mine, They sign hate of kind, Design a new slate of line, Fashion stance.161Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2Mmcj80uE
Passion in my hands, I ain't a fan in the stands, It's game time, It's the same161Please respect copyright.PENANAIF5IJf03sI
time, Healing therapy. Only God care for me.
I said a lot of things, Christ bled with a lot of wings, Not161Please respect copyright.PENANAEyXb3ifEr5
on a joy ride. God's gon destroy all that pride, Humble within, Don't fumble161Please respect copyright.PENANALktvTriSTw
with sin, We at the goal line. Check the stat we got the gold mind, Don't care161Please respect copyright.PENANAotkfw81pvc
for the game, Prayer for your name.
A righteous person is hated by the lifeless version, They161Please respect copyright.PENANAYwXXxWJGGN
wanted you to be wicked, But all you wanted was the ticket, Into the paradise,161Please respect copyright.PENANAoFdpGmhv4h
What I seen through these pair of eyes, What I been through they can't lease my161Please respect copyright.PENANAWrJ1pIMzpP
prayer cries, My life is where favor rise.
Correct your health, Protect your wealth, Return to your161Please respect copyright.PENANAwPJEO8QosN
first love, Don't burn the cursed dove, There's a gift in the presence, No myth161Please respect copyright.PENANAO9I6ASddHf
when you have the essence, They vexing and hexing souls, God's blessing souls,161Please respect copyright.PENANAHqlOSdIZCh
The pain is real, The rain will heal.
Trust in Jesus, It's a must for believers, Don't get it161Please respect copyright.PENANAksQvRgsM1t
twisted, For God's sake I'll risk it, The lips of Babylon don't kiss it, Find a161Please respect copyright.PENANA8H5hw4CjlO
virtuous woman, The lions are blind to a merciless human, Feel like Daniel in161Please respect copyright.PENANABUumwsM65M
the den, It's annual sin in the end.
They dribbled the nations to tribulations, It's all been a161Please respect copyright.PENANA3wNWlJh1rG
set up, Don't think they gon let up, New World Order like Tower of Babel,161Please respect copyright.PENANAxDpkz7HqVR
There's a camcorder in the power of where they dabble, You can't hide161Please respect copyright.PENANAcBxRgLqkwt
underground or in space, Thunder found me in grace.
History in my vein, Victory in the pain, Mystery in the rain,161Please respect copyright.PENANAqqypI26cQy
Misery in the lane, Fought through. I bought it new, My soul is for God, They161Please respect copyright.PENANAYYsKfhJVTi
stole from the poor call it fraud, The Creator of heaven and earth, There's161Please respect copyright.PENANAxnysZCkLGx
haters of the unleavened birth.
Nine eleven, The blind can't see heaven, Open the eyes of the161Please respect copyright.PENANAEly8BqFU4u
lost, Hoping I hear the cries of the cross, Jesus came for the world, Deceivers161Please respect copyright.PENANA1UtSetXQFe
with the ruby pearl, Thinking I need crystals, I don't dance in no disco, Grace161Please respect copyright.PENANAFq9rFPEgGj
is my portion, They praise extortion.
They want to see me fail, It only count when you got the161Please respect copyright.PENANAvFfWiXavtf
grail, They can't haunt me I ain't frail, What's in my cup is not ginger ale,161Please respect copyright.PENANA7X5GpOHdTT
This ain't made up they linger for the sale, Sipping on grace, Only God ripping161Please respect copyright.PENANA5Yskv546nW
up space.
I ain't part of the craft, The saint's heart is free of161Please respect copyright.PENANATB74jGii8U
wrath, First round pick in the draft, Talking Lamb's Book, Walking got the land161Please respect copyright.PENANAmATGL7C9UK
shook, You can live it up but I won't give it up, Better repent, The weather161Please respect copyright.PENANAF8AligQxae
been sent, The feather ain't bent.
I claim that Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith,161Please respect copyright.PENANA89bG1hfpM2
They claim the believers is the cause of the pure water to vintage the saved,161Please respect copyright.PENANAIBrhDxlgIC
Not afraid of the devil, What's your grade on this level, Academic scholarship,161Please respect copyright.PENANAuaKh9BrRmS
Pandemic cause a power shift.
There's a dove trapped in your heart, There's a love that's161Please respect copyright.PENANAqZB5FpzMcC
wrapped in the stars, What are you made of when they aiming odds, Will you fade161Please respect copyright.PENANABO3GNmpQQV
when you see the flaming laws, If it wasn't for God I just don't know, Now I'm161Please respect copyright.PENANACx4fqpjfpe
buzzing when I start cause I glow.
Be thankful and stop complaining, Free the angel cause where161Please respect copyright.PENANAhlG5ASipTX
I'm from it's raining, See the bengal and know there's some explaining, Water161Please respect copyright.PENANAr2mWRRYLok
and mango keep it ancient, I don't tango with the drum of satan, Watch the pain161Please respect copyright.PENANApiG0zUc1rN
go in the plum of payment.
Love is the living waters, The dove is the giving authors,161Please respect copyright.PENANADSosyWEGA8
Writing all our actions on their wings, A lot of people hiding cause they161Please respect copyright.PENANA2jMj9ybExf
losing rings, The world is crumbling, The word is humbling, Walk in your161Please respect copyright.PENANA7NrLW9TLxP
purpose and watch the evil they do in curses.
Last time I checked God is in charge, Past dime trekked the161Please respect copyright.PENANAg2ccn3ySGT
heart of sin in large, Repentance is vital, Free sentence in the idol, Scoffers161Please respect copyright.PENANAOG5YHj3OaI
and mockers, Offers in the lockers, Devils masquerading, Every level they cast161Please respect copyright.PENANASYtXmL6dzU
the operating.
Credit is due to God, They can't edit what's true to God,161Please respect copyright.PENANA82LHbL21Tu
They bet it cause there's a few to God, If you ain't loving who you calling on,161Please respect copyright.PENANAXJ0gr43qEO
The saints govern whoever think they balling on, My thankful soul is sovereign,161Please respect copyright.PENANAmdEq13YJqc
I ain't falling on.
I can tell who you are, I won't sell who I am to be a star,161Please respect copyright.PENANA3QfFKDN8Yj
You laugh but you try it and be marked with wrath, I want my life stamped by161Please respect copyright.PENANAL8B4Fjl4Qm
God, You can't haunt my life my lamp is the heart, I can do all things through161Please respect copyright.PENANAyBETwFuB3A
Christ, The Gospel I know the price.
Smile for the victory of Christ Jesus, Walked miles for the161Please respect copyright.PENANAtPQmUuHeLx
mystery of the price of believers, They talked for a while to sacrifice souls161Please respect copyright.PENANACENzObJEi8
to deceive us, Yoked simulation, Broke the humiliation, My blood is ancient, My161Please respect copyright.PENANAes76Oy5L6h
love is patient.
Where's the reciprocation, There's no wish in this161Please respect copyright.PENANAnQ0qG7lJjr
simulation, My prayers work just fine, My paper is just grind, I ain't worried161Please respect copyright.PENANAZ7yBY4z9fk
about food and clothing or drink, My vision ain't blurry I keep it good no161Please respect copyright.PENANAzIRzuOZHxs
loathing when I think, I don't act new, I been true.
I ain't affiliated, I really made it, I ain't talking161Please respect copyright.PENANAEEy2LmWDn9
hollywood, If I wasn't in peace they probably could. Spiritual on guard, So161Please respect copyright.PENANAjHKXktG1yl
much biblical fraud, Misinterpretation of the verses, The kiss entered the161Please respect copyright.PENANAH0XsMj2I5D
nations for the curses, Repent with intent.
There's two types, They say I'm 2 hyped, The world in a161Please respect copyright.PENANAgozuXnHXDj
cypher of cyber, The word is fiber to destroy the viper, Be not ignorant of the161Please respect copyright.PENANA3qMG3j5rSc
devices, Be vigilant cause sin ain't a license, Be militant cause to win is161Please respect copyright.PENANAqwlwSEOLYK
silence, I can't fake it, I won't take it.
The world need a intervention, The word ain't man's161Please respect copyright.PENANAkZ4RzPdJEC
invention, I don't pay them attention, Ain't nobody tapped into ascension, They161Please respect copyright.PENANA8PcnLPeHyq
can't change my perception, It's strange with all this inception, The game is161Please respect copyright.PENANA3UYs5QAAaj
ain't a myth with all the deception.
Christ coming back again, That's a price they can't161Please respect copyright.PENANAbfykagW935
comprehend, You playing making other plans, Jonah and the whale, Who's the161Please respect copyright.PENANAVvyZ9DWM1M
owner of the scale, They been knew your worth, Seen ain't nothing new in the161Please respect copyright.PENANA76auQE1EvZ
earth, Leaf of the sequoia, Don't believe the paranoia.
My glow ain't in secrecy, My soul is saint frequency, It's161Please respect copyright.PENANA5XRLy6dWMe
cold what the ego sees, Mind clear of toxic thoughts, The kind don't fear161Please respect copyright.PENANAZpNYEB3iJ4
closet hearts, Matter fact no person or beast, Scatter the lack of the version161Please respect copyright.PENANAqeC6nG8ZQ4
of feast, Love is elevated and validated.
I ain't babbling, I ain't dabbling, They feeling the power,161Please respect copyright.PENANAI85P4hwQaa
I'm healing every hour, Spiritual threat to the matrix, Biblical is not a bet161Please respect copyright.PENANAF3BEGsvFuC
to the ancient, The energy of earth is chaotic, The enemy of earth is161Please respect copyright.PENANAzPfUAsED9D
patriotic, Loyalty to God. Royalty in my heart.
Can't fake my heart, Can't take my heart, One day of worship161Please respect copyright.PENANAgjdL0RFNlF
and you think you saved, One day your purpose will be engraved, In the palms of161Please respect copyright.PENANAAaQjTYyjHu
God, Same time reading psalms of God, Continue to elevate, Revenue to educate.
The greater the call. The harder the fall, Thorn in my flesh,161Please respect copyright.PENANAzRPvdpRbpq
I was born blessed, Stay on fire, Pray on higher, They rigged the game, They161Please respect copyright.PENANAanGbJpDH5v
digged the name, God is the ultimate, Her heart is a compliment, The dark got a161Please respect copyright.PENANAgBHkBn1gio
document, Do my part I ain't bargaining.
My truth is on the level, I know the fruit of the devil, My161Please respect copyright.PENANAGZkZDRPLdX
roots makes them tremble, Whoever shook of the Bible, I knew better to look for161Please respect copyright.PENANAHqH2QyXQPT
the vital, The doves flew away from the idol, My loves grew everyday to receive161Please respect copyright.PENANA2aTNZ796ps
the title, Thorough flow, Earthly glow.
Principle over do what thou wilt, Invincible when I'm sober I161Please respect copyright.PENANATMtZ7pMzH3
won't quit, She my honeycomb, Watch the money foam, False claims, Pulse flames,161Please respect copyright.PENANAhu6MpoZ234
The matrix is deep, The spaceship is gon wake the sleep, Greatness is what I161Please respect copyright.PENANAKRD1xwxkhT
Love is contagious, The doves knows the sun rages, Saying the161Please respect copyright.PENANAt9Sc23jZcO
burning of evil, Praying I'm discerning the evil, Realizing that righteousness161Please respect copyright.PENANA0GXls4UqJ5
is not being in idleness, Be at work and mind your business, They lurk cause161Please respect copyright.PENANAPhVwQiZVNw
they want to find the witness.
Memory like a pager, Remember me in the majors Not that I161Please respect copyright.PENANA4WiEEA8Hp4
sold out, I just hold out, Until the atmosphere is conducive to my energy, His161Please respect copyright.PENANAFgDI4tekEO
blood spilled with no fear being crucified by the enemy, Talking about our Lord161Please respect copyright.PENANAirtEC7dREp
Jesus, Walking with no doubt in visas.
The game is taxed, Their name is waxed, I'm seeing miracles I161Please respect copyright.PENANA22d0aCCNmf
didn't even ask for, I'm seeing biblical cause they receiving the astral, Your161Please respect copyright.PENANAarN60Pj0MG
light they can't trap, The night is all mapped, I stay in my heart, Pray in my161Please respect copyright.PENANAKgCxQovWBM
heart, Repent this instant.
Charging for water, If you a Sargeant I'mma Martyr, Thank my161Please respect copyright.PENANAPUI8FcWhTV
Father, My rank is author, God elevated me on a new level, It's odd how they161Please respect copyright.PENANAxY9Toy2P4M
meditated for a new devil, Energy work cause the enemy knows my worth, The161Please respect copyright.PENANAQvt6UkpLsa
remedy is to cleanse the dirt.
Energy work cause the enemy knows my worth, Can't be frazzled161Please respect copyright.PENANA8x5YapGPdp
no matter the situation, She's dazzled cause she's ancient, I seen the wolves161Please respect copyright.PENANACtKdCeoZQL
amongst the goats, I been bull strong with the holy ghost, I say what I mean161Please respect copyright.PENANA09o6SKyM22
with the tongue to all goalie folks.
Dna of a champion, We don't play with mercury in the salmon,161Please respect copyright.PENANAwcqAnnwEsX
I'm not inferior, I know that sin is in the area, Give thanks to the Sovereign161Please respect copyright.PENANA3M6SYk4YVu
God, They can't give banks to the offering pod, Stop lying cause the cops ain't161Please respect copyright.PENANAdzKe5pyqUx
gon drop a real lion.
How I was brought up I wasn't caught up, Not by the closest,161Please respect copyright.PENANAwHwljuZpDu
Unlock the roses. Had to find out the hard way, Had to grind the hard way, They161Please respect copyright.PENANAKCeRdxRoFY
know my energy, I know they're my enemy, Now I see foes, That's how it goes,161Please respect copyright.PENANAvXiKdxnEhO
Check their vow and see the dose.
I know the game fraudulent, I glow with the flame what's the161Please respect copyright.PENANA3nFodeVF5n
argument, My flow the same any continent, It's a closed case, The rose in a161Please respect copyright.PENANAdynZjSfWWo
vase, I can't say anything to prove you wrong, I pray the dove sing to be the161Please respect copyright.PENANAoAMrLYeDeA
truth before the world gone.
Life's movie is what the earth is, My soul is not for161Please respect copyright.PENANAhWDnXAAp6U
purchase, My glow got them nervous, I know the youth ain't worthless, Won't bow161Please respect copyright.PENANAjmqnZg4ZAN
down, They don't know how, Keep my energy pure, Can't sleep on my enemy who is161Please respect copyright.PENANAhhzpsoYhYk
not cured, Peep the game and be sure.
I been blessed with wisdom, I seen them finesse the system,161Please respect copyright.PENANAQjD5zp8Miw
The truth is the cross, The youth is lost, Mistaken identity, Not forsakened161Please respect copyright.PENANAIomrqYIHE1
like the world pretend to be. What has happened to society, A lot of folks161Please respect copyright.PENANAym2f09gtYB
capping like social change is the priority.
I lied to myself, I cried to myself, I died to myself, The161Please respect copyright.PENANAejDrZotQkZ
world is ego driven, The world is evil driven, Love ain't forbidden it's161Please respect copyright.PENANAFPwnVbXYWV
forgiven, We need more giving. We need more living, Deception is out here,161Please respect copyright.PENANAocbU3KjbfR
Inception is doubt with fear. See crystal clear.
Pass the exam, Cash is the next ram, They know what they do,161Please respect copyright.PENANAxhnEMNCkvy
The glow is hot like truth, Unlock the ether flow, The reaper is not for show,161Please respect copyright.PENANASxgMUyr18o
Exposure is here, Keep your composure no fear, Jesus bled for the sins of the161Please respect copyright.PENANAXPRefRoxmX
world, It's been said in the Word.
Keep elevating, Peep the delegating, It's deep what's161Please respect copyright.PENANATk4NaaDyEv
emanating, Higher consciousness don't mean saved, The buyer not gon rest if161Please respect copyright.PENANAJAqFARdGNz
they lose their faith, The money don't faze me, The honey don't daze me,161Please respect copyright.PENANAcWdTWMzMWh
Dealing with every devil, I'm healing on every level.
The Word is logic, The world is toxic, Your heart finance has161Please respect copyright.PENANArpWb4vZ85k
to be rich in faith, The dark is a night stance of the glitch by the saved, Yes161Please respect copyright.PENANAc2PvN2Bi0F
I know you must endure until the end, I'm blessed to glow in trust for the pure161Please respect copyright.PENANAlslWMsE477
blend, Rest in the cure to repent.
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Victory pouring into my heart, Mystery is scoring since the161Please respect copyright.PENANAyBFZ1PSXDt
start, Can't crossover though, The sauce ain't sober in the know, Raising my161Please respect copyright.PENANAcKE3MVl6zh
vibration, Praising in hibernation, The roses smell like honey, The doses of161Please respect copyright.PENANA4mMGETNK2J
hell smell like money.