On a normal school day, Mizuha, Elly, Shimizu, and their classmates were returning from the science laboratory to their classroom.
"Ah, one subject down! What's next? I'm so hungry right now," said Shimizu.
"Next is math," Mizuha replied.
"Ugh, not that! I really don't like math," Shimizu groaned.
"Hang in there, Shimizu-chan. Just one more class, then we'll have lunch," Elly said reassuringly. "I brought another one of my dishes today. I'll let you both try it."
"Really? That's great! I can't wait to taste it. That gives me a bit of motivation for the next class," Shimizu said excitedly.
"Food is what motivates you, huh?" Mizuha chuckled softly.
Suddenly, Mizuha bumped into a guy from another class.
"Ah, sorry about that," he said.
"It's okay, just a little bump," Mizuha replied. They went their separate ways afterward.
As Mizuha walked back toward her classroom, the guy turned to look at her again. Is that... her? Or is it just my imagination? he wondered.
The person walked to his class, which was actually the same as Hikaru's and Akemi's—Class 1B. Hikaru sat at the back, next to the window, while that person sat in front of him. Hikaru was spacing out, remembering the moment when Mizuha had tried to feed him tamagoyaki before Akemi interrupted them that day.
If Akemi hadn't interrupted... something awkward might have happened, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, Akemi approached Hikaru. "Hikaru-kun, what are you staring at outside while spacing out? Are you missing someone? Let me guess—you want Yuki-san to feed you like she did that day, right?" Akemi teased him.
Mizuha!? The person in front of Hikaru suddenly reacted with shock upon hearing that name.
"Akemi! How did you know about that?" Hikaru asked, blushing.
"So, I'm right, huh? It's written all over your face, you know," said Akemi.
"Really?" Hikaru asked.
"Anyway, what brings you to my seat all of a sudden?" he continued.
"Oh, I brought you some homemade cookies. I want you to try them later," Akemi said, smiling.
"Ah, thanks. I'll eat them later," Hikaru replied.
The person sitting in front of Hikaru suddenly stood up, knocking over the table. He turned around to face Hikaru. Both Akemi and Hikaru were startled.
"Hikaru-kun, right? Can I ask you something?" said Takeru.
"Yes, Takeru, what is it?" Hikaru responded.
"About the person you mentioned earlier—Mizuha, right? Can you tell me her full name?" Takeru asked.
"Oh, as I recall, her name is Yuki Mizuha," Hikaru replied.
"Really? That's her name?" Takeru asked for confirmation.
"Yes, that's her full name," Hikaru affirmed.
There's no mistake. The girl who bumped into me earlier—it was her. But why didn't she recognize me? Takeru wondered.
"What's going on, Takeru-kun? Do you know her?" Akemi asked curiously. "If you want to meet her, just follow Hikaru-kun during lunch break. He always eats with Yuki-san and her classmates," she added before walking away from Hikaru's desk.
"Akemi...!" Hikaru muttered, feeling a bit annoyed by her words.
"Really? Hikaru-kun, you always eat lunch with her and her classmates?" Takeru asked, surprised.
"Yes, because one of them is a close friend of mine," Hikaru replied, referring to Zul.
"Um, can I join you guys for lunch today?" Takeru asked hesitantly.
What's up with this guy? Why does he suddenly want to join us? What's his connection to Mizuha? Hikaru wondered, feeling uneasy.
Hikaru sighed. "Alright, you can join me, but just for today, okay?" he said, his annoyance showing.
"Really? Thanks, Hikaru-kun," Takeru replied gratefully.
After that, break time arrived, and Mizuha, along with her usual trio and Zul, reached their regular lunch spot.
"Ah, as usual, this place really makes me feel comfortable," said Mizuha.
"You know, it makes me feel sleepy... aaah..." Shimizu yawned.
"Don't fall asleep, Shimizu-chan, or you won't be able to taste this," said Elly, offering her bento as promised.
"Ah, I almost forgot about that! What is it? Show me!" Shimizu said excitedly.
"Tada... hamburger steak with some cheese," Elly announced.
"That's great! Hamburger! It's my favorite. Bon appétit!" Shimizu quickly took a piece with her chopsticks.
"Mmm, it's so delicious!" Shimizu exclaimed.
"Shimizu, watch your manners," Mizuha said.
"It's okay. Here, Mizuha-chan, take a taste," Elly offered.
"Thanks, Elly-chan. Bon appétit," Mizuha said as she tried the food with her chopsticks.
"How is it, Mizuha-chan?" Elly asked.
"It's delicious, Elly-chan. As always, your cooking never fails to impress," Mizuha replied.
"Here, this is for you too, Zul," Elly said, placing some food into Zul's bento box.
"Thanks. I'll give you this in return," Zul said, putting some karaage into Elly's bento box.
"Thanks, Zul," Elly said with a smile.
Suddenly, Hikaru arrived. "Ah, not fair! You guys are already eating without me," he said.
“You're too late. We cannot wait just because of you,” replied Shimizu.
Takeru, who had followed Hikaru, was shocked to see Mizuha and her group enjoying their lunch. Wow, this place is so nice, with the comfortable breeze, he thought. His eyes then focused on Mizuha's group. So, this is the group Hikaru always hangs out with, and there she is, he thought, looking at Mizuha.
"Um, Hikaru, who's the guy behind you? Is he your acquaintance?" Shimizu asked.
Mizuha then noticed Takeru and thought, That's the guy who bumped into me earlier.
"This is Takeru. He's my classmate and somehow wants to join us for lunch today," Hikaru explained.
"Nice to meet you all. I'm Takeru, Hikaru-kun's classmate," Takeru introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you too, Takeru," said Shimizu.
Takeru slowly approached Mizuha. Hikaru noticed and wondered, What does this guy want with Mizuha?
"Your name is Mizuha, right? Yuki Mizuha?" Takeru asked.
"Um... yes, but how do you know my name?" Mizuha asked, confused.
Takeru suddenly hugged Mizuha. "Mizuha-chan! It's been a while. I've missed you so much." All of Mizuha's group was shocked by Takeru's actions.
"Mizuha-chan?" Shimizu asked.
Mizuha, confused, replied, "Um, who are you, exactly?"
"How could you forget me? It's me, Takeru. We grew up together from kindergarten until the first year of middle school before I moved away. You're my childhood friend," Takeru explained.
"Takeru?" Mizuha tried to recall her past but still couldn't remember him.
"Sorry, I don't remember you. Maybe you have the wrong person," Mizuha said.
"No, there's no mistake. I'm sure you're the one," Takeru insisted. "Please wait a moment while I find a photo of us playing together." He started searching his smartphone.
"Hey, we're here for lunch, not to hear your past story!" Hikaru said, annoyed.
"Oh, looks like someone here is jealous," Shimizu teased Hikaru.
"Shut up, Shimizu," Hikaru said, starting to eat his bento.
While Takeru searched for the photo, everyone continued enjoying their lunch. Some even finished their own meals.
"Ah, I found it. Here," Takeru said, holding up his phone.
"Let me see. Umm, ah, so cute!" Shimizu said, looking at a photo of a young Mizuha with Takeru.
"What is it? Can I see too? You're right; they're cute together," said Elly.
"Hmmm, a photo of me with you," Mizuha said, examining the picture. Is this me?! When was this photo taken, and why don't I remember him?
As Mizuha inspected the photo properly, suddenly, she heard a young boy's voice in her head saying,
"Goodbye, Mizuha-chan. Sorry, I have to move away with my parents!"
"Wait, please don’t leave me alone…!!" replied the voice of a young girl.
What is this voice? It’s similar to the one before, thought Mizuha, holding her forehead.
After that, her mind went blank, and her vision darkened. She immediately fainted.
"Mizuha-chan!" Elly shouted in panic. Everyone stop eating suddenly.
"Hey, Mizuha-chan, what happened?" Takeru asked.
"Mizuha, wake up! Mizuha!" Shimizu said.
"Hey, what did you do to her?" Hikaru asked, looking a bit upset.
"I didn't do anything. I was just showing her the photo," Takeru said.
"Mizuha-chan! Wake up! Please—!" Elly cried, shaking her.
Zul stopped Elly to calm her down, “Elly, please calm down!! Don’t shake her so much!”
Elly replied, “But Mizuha-chan….she not going to…..that…right?”
Zul then approached Mizuha. "Step side, let me check her condition," he said, placing his hand on her forehead. "It's so hot. It looks like she has a fever," Zul observed.
"A fever? She seemed fine this morning and didn't show any symptoms," Shimizu said. "We need to take her to the nurse's office right away before it gets worse. Hikaru, can you carry Mizuha to the nurse's office?"
"Leave it to me. Shimizu, come with me," Hikaru instructed.
"Understood. Let's go," said Shimizu.
"Zul, Elly, please clean up here for us. I'll treat you guys afterward," Shimizu added.
Hikaru carried Mizuha to the nurse’s office, followed by Shimizu.
“What if I hadn’t shown her that photo? This wouldn’t have happened,” Takeru said.
Zul touched Takeru's shoulder. "Don't worry. It's not your fault. These things can happen suddenly. Don't blame yourself," Zul said, trying to calm him down.
"For now, let's clean up and return to our classes.Elly, take Shimizu’s bento box back to your class, while I’ll take care of Hikaru’s. Takeru, clean up yourself and return to your class," Zul instructed.
"Mizuha-chan..." Takeru said sadly before he left the rooftop immediately.
“Elly, we also need to return to our class. Let’s go…” said Zul.
But Elly looked pale and shook after seeing Mizuha faint suddenly.
"Elly, what’s wrong? Wait, don’t tell me, you…"said Zul.
"Yes, Zul... I... I was scared... What if Mizuha has a similar situation as ‘her’ back then?"
"Mizuha-chan... she will be okay... right?" Elly asked, shaking.
Zul pulled Elly’s arm and hugged her, while patting her head.
“Don’t worry, she will be okay. She’s just having a fever and she’s not going to become like ‘her’ back then. Please calm down, okay”
“Just left Mizuha to Hikaru and Shimizu. I’m sure they’ll take care of her” he added.
The cheerful lunch gathering turned to panic as Mizuha collapsed.
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In the nurse's office, Mizuha lay on the bed while the school nurse examined her. "She just has a fever. For now, let her rest. Thanks to both of you for bringing her here. You two must be good friends with her, right? But don't worry, she'll be alright. The school will call her parents to pick her up, so please bring her belongings here as well," the nurse said.
"Now, you two can return to your classes. I'll handle things from here," the nurse added.
"Thank you, Sensei," both Shimizu and Hikaru said before heading back to their classes.
Hikaru glanced back at Mizuha and whispered, "Mizuha..." He then stopped by Mizuha's class to pick up his bento box from Zul, while Shimizu took Mizuha's belongings back to the nurse's office. When Hikaru returned to his class, he noticed Takeru was missing. Where did this guy go? Hikaru wondered.
Takeru had gone to the nurse's office to check on Mizuha. The nurse asked him why he was there, and he requested permission to stay with Mizuha until her parents arrived.
"Please, Sensei, let me stay here until her parents come," Takeru asked.
"Understood, but don't do anything inappropriate while I'm away," the nurse said.
"Understood. I promise," Takeru replied.
The nurse left to handle other matters, and Takeru sat in the chair beside Mizuha's bed. He took her hand and spoke softly, "Mizuha-chan, I finally meet you again. But why don't you remember me? We used to play together when we were children," he said sadly.
After about 20 minutes, Mizuha's parents arrived. Her mother opened the nurse's office door and called out, "Mizuha!"
Takeru heard her and called her mother over to Mizuha's bed.
"Oh, thank you. Who are you? You're not someone I usually see with her," Mizuha's mother said.
"It's been a while, Mrs. Yuki. It's me, Takeru, the child of the Takahashi family. I used to be your neighbor," Takeru explained.
"Takeru? Child of Takahashi?" Mrs. Yuki thought for a moment.
"Ah, you're Tak-kun, right? It's been a while. How are you and your family?" Mrs. Yuki asked, remembering him.
"Oh, I'm glad you remember me. Yes, I'm fine, and my family is also doing well," Takeru said, relieved that Mrs. Yuki still remembered him.
"Wow, you've grown up so much. I didn't recognize you at first. I thought your family had moved to the countryside. How did you end up at this school?" Mrs. Yuki asked.
"I've been living around here alone while my parents are still in the countryside. They're doing well there," Takeru explained.
"I see. I'm glad to hear that. By the way, how is Mizuha? I heard she passed out suddenly during lunch and has a fever," Mrs. Yuki said.
"Mizuha is still sleeping. She took some medicine earlier, according to the nurse," Takeru replied.
"I'm sorry to ask this, Mrs. Yuki, but why doesn't Mizuha remember me? Did something happen to her after I moved away?" Takeru asked.
"Um, about that..." Mrs. Yuki hesitated.
"What is it, Mrs. Yuki?" Takeru asked, confused.
"Sorry, I can't tell you while she's here," Mrs. Yuki said. "How should I explain this... I know! Can we meet tomorrow at the nearest family restaurant? I promise I'll tell you everything then," Mrs. Yuki proposed.
"Understood. Thank you, Mrs. Yuki," Takeru said.
"Okay, you can wake her up now, and I'll inform the teacher that you're here to pick her up," Takeru added before leaving the nurse's office.
"Thanks, Tak-kun," Mrs. Yuki said. That boy hasn't changed. He's still the kind boy I knew back then, she thought.
"Mizuha, wake up. We're going home, honey," her mother said.
Mizuha opened her eyes groggily. "Mom? What are you doing here? What just happened?" she said sleepily. "Where am I?" she asked again.
"At the nurse's office at your school. You passed out suddenly because of a fever," her mother replied.
"Fever?" said Mizuha. She then recalled suddenly passing out during lunch break earlier. That's correct. I suddenly passed out after looking at my old photo on Takeru-kun's phone, she thought.
"Mizuha, can you stand or walk?" her mother asked.
"No, I can't. My body feels so weak right now," Mizuha said.
I see, so it happened again? her mother wondered.
"This is bad. How will I carry you to the car?" her mother said.
Mizuha spotted a wheelchair by the side of the room. "Mom, use that," she said, pointing to the wheelchair.
"Understood," her mother said. She brought the wheelchair to Mizuha's side. "Mizuha, slowly move from the bed to the wheelchair," her mother instructed.
Once Mizuha was settled in the wheelchair, her mother slowly pushed her out of the nurse's office and toward the car.
"Ah, it feels so weird sitting in this wheelchair during school," Mizuha chuckled. "It's been a while since you pushed me in a wheelchair like this in the past. Thanks, Mom," Mizuha said.
Her mother wiped away a tear upon hearing Mizuha's words.
Why did you mention that, Mizuha? I really don’t want to remember that. It still hurts me even now, she thought.
"Oh, it's nothing, my dear. Just some dust in my eyes. There's your father's car. We're almost there," her mother said.
Mizuha transferred from the wheelchair to the car's back seat, and her mother returned the wheelchair to the nurse's office.
With everything taken care of, Mizuha and her parents headed home. Takeru watched her car disappear down the road, his chest tightening.
Mizuha-chan, you used to be so strong… Why are you like this now? he thought, staring at the empty street.
The girl he’d grown up with—always laughing, always energetic—now looked pale and weak.
What happened after I moved away? Why aren’t you the same? He’d uncover the truth, no matter what.