The word hung in Lt. Col. Oliver Talbot’s mind. On the desk lay a classified memo. It arrived early that morning. Picking it up again, he studied it in consternation. The word “plague” stood out, stunning him. He believed the eradicated disease finally disappeared around 1959.
Sitting at the edge of his chair, Lt. Col. Talbot considered his knowledge concerning the malady. The illness consisted of three different types: the bubonic plague that infected the lymph glands. It received its name from the bulbous that grew beneath the armpits and on the groin. The bite of fleas by regurgitation of infected blood into the veins transmitted the pestilence. The Septicemic variety occurred when the lymphatics drained into the bloodstream, causing clots throughout the body. And finally, pneumonic plague occurs when the lungs become infected.
In 1347, the bubonic plague first appeared in Europe. Also known as the Black Death, it carried away nearly twenty million lives in the course of five years. Throughout history, it continued to appear, most notably in 1665. Its sudden reemergence took many by surprise.
The news broadcasts around the world grew alarming. The plague rapidly spread through San Francisco. Causing the death of nine people, it first appeared in the LBGTQ community. Swiftly, it moved into the general population.
In the City by the Bay, the pestilence took thirty-three lives. Another hundred and fifteen remained quarantined in local hospitals. In the United States, additional plague cases began appearing in New Orleans, Seattle, and Key West. From the world perspective, Liverpool, Lima, Marrakesh, and Hong Kong counted further victims.
Unofficially, hushed voices spoke the word Pandemic behind closed doors. Soon, John Q. Public would begin muttering it on an everyday basis. If the disease continued its speedy spread across the globe, world panic might set in.
What had suddenly caused the unexpected occurrence of the Plague? It was a question the Intelligence community grappled with during the weeks since the disease commenced.
Beginning with a port of entry in San Francisco, it apparently arrived on an incoming flight from Tokyo.
At first, fingers pointed toward the Japanese as the source of the epidemic. However, the theory swiftly terminated as the trail led back to Bangladesh and Ethiopia. Finally, a trajectory concluded in Iran, where the strain originated. Then, clandestinely, it purposely spread into the LBGTQ community of San Francisco.
Lt. Col. Talbot and his highly trained team stood ready to storm the facility. They awaited the final directive to arrive from the Pentagon.
Team Leader of Delta Force Squadron G, the Clandestine Operations Group, Lt. Col. Oliver Talbot, commanded an elite team. It consisted of Major Alberto Gonzalez and Master Sergeant Emil Hollister. Sergeants Bud Cassidy, Tyrone Jones, and Carl McMillian rounded up the group. Recently recruited from the Rangers, McMillian joined the team as the newest in the group. Capable and determined, they were warriors focused solely on their duties.
Receiving training at Ft. Bragg, a member engaged for Delta Force must be twenty-one years of age and a US Citizen. An officer achieving the rank of Captain or Major must accomplish twelve months of successful command, complete advanced courses and be a college graduate with a BA or a BS. With four years of minimum service/2 years of active duty remaining, NCOs must rank as an E5-E8 sergeant and receive a passing SQT score in primary MOS (Military Specialty) with a minimum GT (General Technical) score of 110. Furthermore, they must pass a HALO/SCUBA physical, have Airborne Qualifications, and pass security checks with no history of disciplinary action. A rigorous physical fitness test rounded out the qualifications.
“Plague, that’s a tough one,” Major Gonzalez’s voice broke the silence. He burst unannounced into the space Talbot used as a temporary office. Sgt Jones entered on his heels.
No matter how many missions they accomplished, the waiting seemed the most challenging part. Major Gonzalez showed his impatience. Each step in their formulated operation received approval from the Pentagon. However, they could not proceed without the support of the President. Until the final call came through, they waited in an undisclosed location.
“Does anyone know someone, a friend or family member, who has it?” Tyrone Jones asked.
They concurred on a negative response.
Trained to keep their private thoughts out of their assignments, no one entailed further details. What they were about to do would not affect anyone personally. Oliver felt relieved.
However, an incoming text message turned Lt. Col. Talbot’s attention to his private life.
"Hank arrived at 1340 hours,” his mother announced.
Dammit! Oliver chucked his personal cell phone onto the desk. It clattered noisily.
It occurred every time a crucial assignment arose. Where had Elizabeth gone this time? Why did his wife feel free to disappear with her clique of girlfriends? However, his mother had sense enough to inform him of his son’s whereabouts.
Continually, Oliver found himself in similar situations. In the face of an imminent deployment, his wife forced him to halt his activities to locate his only child. Was Hank with one of his grandmothers? a friend of Liz's? or was he with an enlisted man's wife? His spouse knew how to wheedle favors. On her worst day, she could sell snow to Santa Claus.
Spending precious time searching for the whereabouts of his child did not top his priority list. Finally, after finding Hank in the care of an enlisted man’s thirteen-year-old daughter, he put his foot down.
“PFC Rodrigez had transfer orders, Liz,” Oliver confronted his wife. At the time, fury filled him. “What did you think Inez would do with Hank? Was she supposed to take him with her?”
“She could have remained behind. I paid her enough,” Elizabeth petulantly responded.
“What?!” Oliver advanced on her. For a moment, he believed he would strike his wife. Then, he stayed his upraised hand. “Are you out of your mind? Inez is thirteen.”
For the first time in their marriage, Liz held her tongue.
“If you have to play truant,” Ollie patiently stated, “Hank goes to one of his grandparents and no one else.”
Frequently, his mother messaged him far too often.
From the beginning, the marriage failed. The second of General Thomas Amberley's three daughters, Elizabeth Ann pinged his parents' radar. Highly suited as the wife of an upcoming Army Officer, they pushed for a relationship between their son and their long-time friend’s daughter. However, Oliver feigned interest. Someone else appeared in his sights, someone equally as qualified.
Beautiful and charming, Nicola Prescott had a calming personality. Oliver Talbot fell head over heels in love. Meeting by chance on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, they instantly hit it off. On many occasions, they met in different European settings. He enjoyed biking through the Cotswolds with her and skiing in Switzerland.
Nicola provided a breath of fresh air. Joyfully, she took him away from his everyday life. Military concerns weighed him down. He grew up an army brat and, as an adult, transitioned into an officer's position. A graduate of West Point, service to his country flowed in his blood.
Oliver required the occasional distraction. During his leave time, he wished to forget the Army. Nicola planned fantastic excursions for him. When he left her, he felt refreshed, alive. Finally, Ollie made up his mind to propose. However, before he finalized his decision, he planned a family introduction.
"Mom, Dad, this is Nicola Prescott," Oliver introduced, stepping up to his waiting parents. Deplaning at Dulles Airport, the couple brimmed over with joy. Entwining their hands between them, they stood hip-to-hip.
The Talbots arrived at the air terminal to greet their son. Inadvertently squeezing her husband's arm, Beatrice worried her lower lip. An unexpected companion unnerved her. In her mind, she counted ten. Then, she held out her hand to Nicola. They exchanged warm, friendly greetings.
“Pleased to meet you,” Nicola remarked, smiling pleasantly. “Ollie speaks highly of both of you.”
"Thank you, Ms. Prescott," the mother curtly responded. She nearly added, "Funny, he never mentioned you." However, a swift glance from General Jeff Talbot halted her tongue.
Cordially, the Talbots accepted Nicola’s presence. However, other thoughts filled their mind. Beatrice intended for Ollie to marry a woman well versed in Army life. The one in front of her arrived with no apparent connections. Oliver’s rigorous life required an experienced protégé. In her mind, Liz Amberley appeared as a much better choice.
“She’s unsuitable,” Beatrice hissed to Oliver when they were alone.
Once his mother hooked onto a subject, she didn't let off. For a thousand reasons, she urged Ollie to give Nicola up. First and foremost, she had no military affiliation. More than likely, she would not understand the rigorous lifestyle. Moving from place to place would become a chore. An inexperienced young woman would bog him down. Upheaving children and placing them in new schools presented difficulties. And so on and so on.
Finally, Oliver agreed. His mother won her argument. With a heavy heart, he informed Nicola that the marriage was off. He took the coward’s way out; he emailed her. Then, he blocked her.
Taking his parents’ advice, Ollie courted Liz and proposed to her. He chose a romantic setting: Honolulu. The couple, brimming with joy, made the announcement. Immediately, his fiancée planned a huge ceremony. They took their vows and exited the church beneath an arch of swords.
Within six months, the newlywed Talbots’ were expecting their first baby, a boy. His wife christened the child Duff, utilizing her mother's maiden name. Since Ivan or Oliver traditionally appeared in the generations of the Talbot family, Ollie anticipated naming his son accordingly. Then, while he completed a mission, Liz gave birth. His mother-in-law's following text message shocked him. In his heart, he knew she did it for spite.
Lt. Col. Talbot flew home as soon as his mission ended. He discovered Liz snuggled up in bed with the baby at her breast.
"Never Duff," Oliver roughly stated. He refused to greet his wife, and he did not kiss her hello. The long flight home provided him plenty of time to incubate his anger.
Over the course of Liz’s pregnancy, the couple discussed names at many junctures. The name Duff never appeared in any of their conversations.
“It’s my mother’s maiden name,” the new mother countered. “I always intended to name him Duff.” Her temper rose to the occasion.
“You never mentioned it,” Ollie flatly mentioned.
“Why should I?” Liz pertly responded. “I carried this thing in my womb for nine months. I suffered and bloated up like a whale. Under the circumstances, it’s my choice.”
Sure, Liz bloated up. She spent six out of the nine months in bed. Under cover of supportive visits, her girlfriends kept her supplied with chocolate-covered cherries. Oliver confiscated gallons of Rocky Road ice cream. She refused all activity, claiming her pregnancy as an excuse.
Ollie kept long hours. Finding every excuse, he remained in his office long after everyone had left. He went home only when he had to.
"You keep your Duff," Oliver finally conceded, "but, from now on, we use his middle name, Henry."
After a time, Henry became Hank.
The marital relations between Oliver and Elizabeth Talbot ceased after the birth of Hank. While Ollie put all his energy into his career, Liz plotted a separate course. They shared a home and a child, but a thin line remained between them.
Oliver's heart raced when he bumped into Nicola Prescott in a DC hotel elevator. Following several dinner engagements, they renewed their old relationship. After completing challenging assignments, the couple met up in clandestine places. Nic arranged a rendezvous when he texted the code words ‘Elysian Fields’.
Dear sweet Nicola! Patient and kind, she never questioned him or expected the impossible. Oliver Talbot wished he had pledged his life to her. Instead, he shamefully caved to his parent’s wishes and linked himself with Liz.
Once he completed the current assignment, Ollie anticipated a flight to Naples. Nicola arranged her transportation and rented a villa.
Firmly ensconced in the military life, Oliver led an exceptional life. He attempted to keep his outstanding officer image as clean as possible. However, he found himself a fallible human being. He had needs and desires. Emotionally he felt attached to Nicola Prescott. Cold-hearted Liz could never comprehend his strong passions.
Nicola understood him. As his marriage worsened, Oliver realized how much he required her. He longed for their clandestine meetings. They thrilled him as much as his military missions.
“Colonel?” Master Sgt. Hollister broke into his personal thoughts.
“Yes,” Lt. Col. Talbot responded, dropping his feet to the floor. He sat up straight behind his desk.
“The European Union enforced a travel ban. No one in or out of any EU nation for the duration of the epidemic,” Hollister exclaimed. “A similar ban effective for the US by the end of the day. This thing is spreading and spreading fast.”
“Thank you, Sergeant,” Talbot stated, his tone dismissive.
Without a word, Hollister departed. Gonzalez and Jones, who stood by ready for orders, shadowed him.
Oh dear God, Nicola, Oliver thought, leaning back in his chair. He templed his fingers beneath his chin.
Lt. Col. Talbot hoped his lover had not reached her Italian destination. The declared EU travel ban would trap her on foreign soil. It would kill him if anything happened to her. In his most hidden places, he felt guilty for the distress he caused her over their breakup.
Liz’s name never entered his mind.