Don't say that. As soon as Phayu and Rain appeared at the table together , the protagonist Chin burst into laughter. Because since they met , he just saw Phayu making a fierce face like this at someone for the first time
No , not fierce...jealous
As always , Phayu was goo natured , outspoken , and fearless person but he didn't talk as much as Saifah. There's no need to talk about it because when he is making a fierce face like this even if he doesn't do anything Rain toed the line. Phayu's beloved bike , Phayu rarely does allow anyone to ride in the back but this expression is full of concern , embarrassment , and so much affection that for someone who never ever saw it , felt funny
Well , this person is definitely serious in this relationship. And his boy is cute
The one who argued with Phayu clearly but as soon as he arrived at the table where he only knew Saifah , Rain secretly approached the young man's boyfriend. He put his hand on his wrist and lightly twitched to say that you should introduce me.
"This is Oat , my friend , and this is Chin , his boyfriend."
"Introduce me." With that , Saifah will cause trouble and cause Phayu to roll his eyes
"Introduce yourself."
"My name is Saifah , you can call me khun Saifah , right?" Saifah's hilarious , loud voice just introduced the new guys , and ended with a title he wanted everyone to call him the kind that Rain laughed out loud
"I have know you for a year now , phi Saifah."
"Can you introduce yourself?"
When he first received to call from Saifah , Rain was quite surprised but he was more concerned than phi Saifah saying that phi Phayu was drunk , and asked him to come to pick him up. But is there any truth in that? In addition to not being drunk , PHayu also sat with two strangers he had never met
Rain jus realized that apart from the senior in the faculty , phi Phai , and the guys at the competition , he doesn't know phi Phayu's friend at all. He could admit that he was very interested.
By the way this is a friend from high school , phi Phayu is close to phi Phai but it seems that he is more friendly when he is with these friend
I mean they are ruder than usually , so i know they are very close
At that moment , the beautiful colored liquor in clear glass was moved to the front.
"Newcomer , one shot."
Rain looked at Chin , then at the wine glass , and at Chin again.
Chin also nodded his head to say that newcomer had to drink. Come on. It's okay....maybe?
The boy shrugged once , not that he had never gone drinking with his friend , the more the drink the better ambiance. The glass didn't even reach his lips before a white hand reached forward to take the glass but...
Someone grabbed his glass and shook it down first
"Hey phi Phayu , that's mine."
"Rain , if you get drunk , who will drive back?" Phayu raised an eyebrow and asked
"Didn't you come on the big bike right? Im unlikely to be the driver."
"Whoa , who would believe Oat?" A man who speaks less still kicked his leg. Saifah laughed loudly because the whole table seemed to be having fun
"Rain , you drove here..."
"Ah? I didn't drive a car phi Phayu."
Before Phayu could finish cursing his own twin , Rain suddenly intervened until he turned to meet his clear , innocent eyes
"Well , phi Saifah said that i don't have to drive here , there's no parking , better take a taxi."
"Damn it Saifah!"
Phayu immediately glanced at the bastard who was born five minutes behind him. Wrong with the owner of the name who laughed loudly , and turned to hi five Chin in a very good manner with Oat laughing
And when he turned to meet the eyes of the most conscious person in the group
"When it was me , you did this." Oat said simply
That's right when Oat and Chin were boyfriends , Phayu wanted to know , this time it seemed like karma would reciprocate
"So that means i can drink alcohol today."
How about the cute boy who blurted out with enthusiastic look , didn't realize that he was now a lamb among the wolves until Phayu wanted to hold his temple. Upon returning home he will teach how to be afraid
"Com on , i'll concoct it for you."
"So strong phi , seeing this my throat stiffens."
Throat stiff you left nut. Phayu said to himself in his heart , looking at the joyful boy who had fallen while Chin filled the door. Sigh , this time he will be tired again.
"Oh , i never thought i'd get a chance to see my brother like this."
"Since first year or second year huh."
"Second year , i didn't throw up at the pub either. I know you , Oat."
"So its means he has my thanks."
"I have to say its all your doing , Chin."
After several hours , Rain was able to prove to himself that he could handle alcohol because in addition to the dizziness due to the alcohol in his blood stream. He was still able to walk , still supporting the collapsed young man beside him , unable to believe that phi Phayu was drunk
How could he not get drunk?
Every time Chin sent him a glass of hard liquor , Phayu drank it instead and every time Rain got up to go the the bathroom , he changed the glass
The sight of the whole table was entertaining but the person who was saved didn't know the story at all. When Phayu wake up , he must be scolded but tomorrow's matter , today is enough fun
Phayu's condition at this time was miserably different from phi Phayu who was the master of the architect kids. Not to mention walking straight , unable to even stand up until Oat had to support one shoulder , Rain the other , came out of the pub to call a taxi home
Regarding the owner of this get together , Chin stood and smiled , indifferent to the alcohol that drank equally. Knowing that his boyfriend could handle alcohol like that , as soon as Phayu saw Chin's face and Rain coming , he didn't think he would end up in lesser state anyway
"Get back safe youngster , Rain."
"Oh , phi Saifah , you are not coming together with us?"
As soon as the drunk person was sent to sit in the car. Saifah also prepared to excuse himself for Rain who thought he would get someone to help bring phi Phayu into the house and quickly turned to ask
"On day off like this , i'd rather show my face to my lover but you can go back alone , right?"
Rain turned to look toward Phayu , who had crashed against the car window before nodding vigorously
"We should be okay , trust me."
"Oh , take care , im going to see my lover."
Saifah closed the door for him and turned to bid farewell to his best friend who was still waiting. As the car moved away , Rain turned and smirked at the man who still had his head against the car window
"Phi you must be proud of me , see , i can take care of you , phi." Rain glanced at the driver who didn't care about them.
Then his watery eyes looked at Phayu's hand that had been left by his side , and slowly inserted his hand into his liquor palm tightly , smiling until his cheeks hurt. Is it wrong that he wants to take care of phi Phayu?
It was then that Rain flinched completely when it wasn't just his hot palm but this time a heavy head leaning on his shoulder that he let out a late cry of fright
"If you're going to throw up , tell me." The driver turned around and said it's like it's normal that he often saw when driving.
"I have bag for him , phi." Rain hurriedly siad , pulling up a plastic bag in the bag for the driver to take it lightly
"Phi Phayu , sleep well."
Rain tried to get Phayu to lied down nicely and not on the mountain's shoulder because he could wake up with a sore throat in the morning , while the bgi man mumbled something.
"What , phi Phayu."
"Hmm , did you call me ? Here i am." Rian tried to listen closely
Suddenly , the drunk man opened his eyes , speaking in louder voice. That wasn't enough , Phayu also tried to take off his fitted T shirt from his head , and his side hurriedly pulled it
"Wait , phi , this isn't home. Don't take it off now."
Rain was almost completely drunk when the drunk man grabbed the tip of his chin and forced him to look at him.
Its not that i don't want to kiss a drunk man. But is it okay for him to kiss other in a taxi?
While the pair of sharp eyes were flushed with a strange greasy smile , Rain don't be soft.
"No , phi , lets get home first." However , Rain's voice sounded strangely flirtatious.
The sharp face had already moved closer. And damn it , those succulent eyes were so heart meltingly sweet , the rugged facial features that shadowed one side were mysterious , and his liquor tainted breath didn't make Rain feel bad.
Well , on the contrary , it seemed to make him drunk too. Phi Phayu has that destructive power
"Phi Phayu..." Rain trembled , his lips only a breath away.
Or fuck the driver , tomorrow morning he won't recognize my face anymore. Once in a while , phi Phayu get drunk , are you going to pass this opportunity?
The distracted man tried to make excuses for themselves in their hearts because he also...wanted to kiss his boyfriend
"Just so , phi..."
"I am going to throw up."
Before Rain had even finished speaking , Phayu intervened first , causing the man to widen his eyes. The romantic mood was fleeting and left only panic and survival instinct to grab the bag
Plastic impromptu lovers put on their mouths before the taxi wreck , which could lead to paying for car washes
"Phi Phayu , wait , hold it in , Phi...park the car!!"
Let's just say , Rian has completely lost his drunkenness
Don't blame Rian for throwing a big man in the middle of the bed , he's loved his house so much in the past.
When he had to support phi Phayu from the fron of the house , awkwardly opened the door of the house , and led through the beautiful garden into the house , plus before going up each step of the stairs , the handsome man had no help at all. So , by the time Rain was able to bring Phayu here , besides the alcohol evaporating , he was getting liters of sweat as a bonus.
Today is just one day , he will not have to exercise for two months. Rain wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the man who had fallen asleep. His heart wants to complain. But hey...he's smiling like that
As his stamina returned again , Rain sat down on his toes , chin toes at the red faced drubnk. The hair that was usually tied up in a cool style was messed up , and the clothes were all crumpled up , called worn out. But he was still handsome , so handsome that he thought he could sit and stare like this for days
"No Rain , at times like this you have to act like good boyfriend."
When phi Phayu is weak , he must be a refuge. The man who hadn't realized he had been rescued halfway through the night thought grudgingly , then got up , duking up the restroom to retrieve what he needed.
"First wipe him , change clothes , and then take a shower."
With a large damp towel , Rain returned to his bedroom , to find that...
"Hey phi Phayu , you have taken it all off"
Dont call him bad but he wants to strip his boyfriend because normally only he get stripped and here phi Phayu throws everything on the side of the bed leaving only dark underwear on.
"Huh , you screwed my joy tonight." Rian mumbled. But he went to collect Phayu's clothes and threw them into the basket , and moved up on the bed to wipe Phayu.
"Stubborn." The person who doesn't look at himself tells the drunk person who turns away
"Come here , i am wiping you."
Then , the second exercise began. Because it is said that a person who was drunk the most would turn over and run away , or would be the heaviest to wipe the whole body , Rain was panting
"Hey , if i didn't love you , i wouldn't do it this much!" The little guy hissed , throwing a towel over the bed
"Damn it , Rain , why are you smiling"
He was tired and sleepy , and wanted to take a shower but seeing phi Phayu like this , he smiled. He doesn't know , he just feels that it's cute when phi Phayu is like this
As the brothers said , how many times will he have the opportunity to see such a talented Phayu like this?
With a thought of a person brushing his messy hair out of his face , he couldn't help but play gently spreading the tip of his beautiful nose , and when he played , he couldn't stop because his fingertips began to spread to the brightly colored lips that seem to be redder than usual , the lightly poke
"Hey , you like kissing my mouth a lot , don't you?"
Rain poked him several times and even laughed at the drunk person frowning
"Oh , im not teasing you anymore. If you make that face , you'll get old quickly."
The person said that as he gently stroked his eyebrows , he wanted the other person to sleep as comfortably as possible but it seemed that something touching the face would annoy the drunk person. A large hand then brushed back and forth
"Hahahah , phi Phayu , you're funny like this."
The kind that can't compete. The little boy laughed , the more he wanted to pretend to play.
"If i touch another place , phi Phayu , will you get angry?"
And if anyone asks , Rain will say. im drunk!
The small figure though as he glanced at the tall and muscular body of the young man because phi Phayu usually did him more than he did phi Phayu. His eyes moved from his beautiful collarbone down to his tight chest muscles , his well exercised belly , to....the dark hair that disappeared in his underwear
"May i be naughty?"
Rian remembered even thought his face was bright red. The small hand then moves to touch the belly plate and then moves downward.
It was then that Rain felt the world do somersaults because he went under phi Phayu again , as the sharp eyes narrowed , a large hand touched the white cheek
"Oh , i am...are you awake phi Phayu." Rain smiled flatteringly
He thought he would get scolded but where? Phi Phayu was smiling. Its not a normal smile like begging!
"Wait a minute , phi Phayu , why are you smiling like that?"
"Yep , its me."
"Rain khrap."
So what? You are the word khrap with me!
"Or Rain , Rain , my Rain."
Bastard , i am me. If you don't believe it , you have to believe it.
He's embarrassed by a drunk person , plus he's probably drunk because phi Phayu still rubs his cheeks
He called him in a very sweet tone , giving him an angelic smile
"Phi Phayu , i'll die of heart attack."
"Huh , i won't let you die." Even though he's slurred , he can hear it clearly in both ears!
"Rain , you must stay with me for a long time."
"I won't let you go anywhere."
"After that , Phayu buried his face in the crook of the white neck but was not always prone , just rubbed the tip of his nose , and used his cheek against the young man's neck until it tickled
"My Rain is so soft."
Damn , im going to die!!!
He mean that his heart was about to die with the cuteness of a drunk man
"Phi Phayu , let go of me first , let go first."
"Don't want to , i will not let go." Phayu said in a childish voice
"Please , let me grab my phone first." Rain looked at the mobile phone he had left on the bedside table as soon as he dragged phi PHayu upstairs , wanting it would break his heart.
What phone do you ask? Are thinking that he wants to call for help? Grea opportunities like this , who will miss it
He wanted to shoot a video clip of phi Phayu!
If Rain recounts and speak orally , phi Phayu would never believe that he was definitely begging him and he wouldn't believe it , he'll keep this moment for the rest of his life!
The little man thought as he reached the end of his hand but...
Phayu pulled his white hand to kiss his hand again.
"Rain , are you going to leave me?" Phyu's eyes were pleading
"Hey , no."
"So , Rain , you cant go anywhere." A handsome face sends a begging smile.
Huh , i want my mobile phone. Damn it , this is a very satisfying moment
As Rain wailed , Phayu transformed into a steel pliers koala. Kind of the more he squeezed , the more hugged , the more he moved , the tighter he tightened , the sharp face rubbed against you head , causing the person in his embrace to writhe
Mobile phone! I want mobile phone!
In the end , Rain just gave up , saying goodbye to his trusty phone through his eyes , and capturing the most satisfying moment with both eyes instead
Huh , the next time he's drunk , i set up a CCTV camera , is it good?
Believe me , if PHayu knew his thoughts , his boyfriend would stop drinking for the rest of his life
Prip prip
The first light of the morning shone through the heavy curtains into the dark bedroom , revealing a handsome boy , spread out on the bed. His bloodshot eyes flickered like moonless day , while on his flat stomach lay a heavy forearm draped over it
"Huh , sorry!"
As soon as his consciousness began to return to his body , the person who had slept for a few hours because he wanted to absorb the hunter who turned into lover covered his face with his hands because he didn't want to pick up his phone. Phi Phayu didn't even let him wiggle himself , just went to sleep a few hours ago.
And yes , he regrets it.
When phi Phayu wakes up , he will definitely look like a tiger again. Rain contemplated his life , pulling out a large hand that hung on his waist. Now that he's awake and extremely sticky , he wants to take a shower so badly.
And the effort finally paid off when the little figure came to stand beside the bed , and he did not hesitate to take off his shirt and throw it on the bed. Followed by the long trousers that he had worn since last night until only the small boxers were left to make him feel a little more comfortable.
"Thirsty." A hoarse voice murmured , and as soon as he thought about it , two legs dragged his broken body down to the first floor
Phi Saifah had told him to go to his boyfriend's room and did not return to his house of his. After finishing processing , Rain immediately walked toward the kitchen
"Oh , who are you?"
The door leading to the kitchen outside suddenly opened wide , and the person who greeted him was not a familiar housewife. Not phi Saifahh lover and his red eyes turned to look at the picture in front of the television table , instead of looking at the person standing still
"Damn it!"
Rain hurriedly raised his hand to slap his mouth casually. If thing weren't bad at first , Rain thought the situation was bad as soon as he exclaimed.
Because of this woman...phi Phayu's mother!
The same person in the photo. Rain in bad luck.
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