I looked at my Mom really nervously and grasped her hand tightly dreading every second of this moment. Though it was only 30 minutes to wherever they wanted to go it felt like hours upon hours.
When we got into the car it was silent and not one of us spoke to the other. The suspense was killing me, I had to know what they were talking about before. I don’t really listen to my parents when they're talking. That would make me nosy, I guess this isn't very different. I tapped Mom’s shoulder lightly.
I waited for some kind of response from her like a nod, a yes, or something. “Yes?” said my Mom not really paying attention to me. “Where are we going?” I asked. I wasn't really okay with being taken from my favourite event of the year, and worst of all I had told ALL my friends I would meet them there. “We are going to the Burrow,” said my Mom paying no attention to the fact that I was shaking.
I held the seat tightly hoping that we would stop soon so I could get out. Maybe converse with the ‘Weasels’ or whatever their name was.
The car pulled up and all I could think was, how is this house still standing? and, what is going on? As I was lost in my thoughts, a man about the same age as my Dad came out of the crooked house greeting my father like he was a long-lost friend. I immediately saw he was ginger and had many bandages. His children each had red fiery hair and freckles.
I watched as they all greeted us like family. I sneaked passed them and behind the house with my book, still bummed out that I missed the carnival. I sat there reading and marking random important things that I find. I hear rustling next to me and jumpily drop my book and stare at the grass next to me.
A girl popped her head out from around the corner and begins to speak. "Uh- I'm sorry for startling you. My name is Ginny." I responded with "I'm Nova, it's a pleasure to meet you" I picked up my book and clutched it in both my arms. "What're you reading?" she asked. "Oh, you probably do not know the book but it's called, 'Beuty and the Beast'. It's been my favourite story since I was young." she nodded. "I've never read that book before. What is it about?" she asked nearing closer to me.
"Well, it's about this girl named Belle. She lives in this small town with no adventure at all. One day her father goes out and his horse comes back without him. She goes on a journey to find her father. When she finds her father she finds a beast holding her father captive so she trades his life for hers so she goes free. Her father returns to town, still treated as an outcast, and searches for the man that pursues Belle. He was rejected by her but still pursues her. Gaston(the man) rejects her father and he is thrown in jail. Belle starts to fall in love with the cursed beast and then in the future, the castle is uncursed and everyone in it lives. Belle, her father, the beast(who turns human), and all the people and staff in it."
"Interesting, I would hope to read it later if possible," said Ginny. I nodded, "No problem at all" I responded back. "Well, we should go inside and meet my brothers, they'll be happy to see you. You can also meet our family friends, the girl Snape twins." I slowly started to walk with her into the house while clutching my book tightly. My breath is heavy and me slightly nervous. We entered the house.