Deku sighed. He thought to himself, any sensible 16 year old doesn’t want to go to school, let alone high school.
*teleports to high school*
”Gosh darn!” Deku yelled.
”What?” His bestfriend Queen Elizabeth asked.
”Nothing.. I’m just so single and bored and no one knows i’m secretly y/n....”
”Deku, you’re so dramatic. Grow up loser.” Queen Elizabeth left Deku standing alone.
”Gosh, even my friends don’t care! brocken” Deku implied.
Suddenly, a masked man rushed towards Deku and scooped him up.
”Put me down you ravaging beast!” Deku yelled.
The man ran towards a black car, Deku still struggling to escape. Deku noticed the mans arms weren’t skin, but were... feathers? How could this be?
The man shoved Deku into the passengers seat. Deku kicked and screamed but the doors had locked. Suddenly, the man got in the drivers side and took of his mask.
The man had a well chiseled face, and a light blue complexion. His black beak protruded out of his face. His hair was black and pointy, and his eyes were a dark brown. He was handsome.. that’s for sure.
Maybe being kidnapped isn’t so bad, Deku thought.
“You can call me Mafia, Mafia Prince. It’s better if you don’t know my name..” The man spoke.
”I’m... Deku.” Deku blushed liked when he blushed when he goes diarrhea.
Mafia Prince begin to violently beat up Deku. Mafia Prince continued to punch Deku to a pulp.
”YOU FLINCHED... he hits you..... doesn’t he...” Mafia Prince signed.
”N-N-N-N-N-n-n-n-N-n-No...” Deku said.
Mafia Prince grabbed the steering wheel and swiftly drove the car off the side of the road into a deep, rocky ditch where they would both die.