"You go first"
"No you!" Nadessa giggles while trying to push me up the stairs.
"Okay wait wait" I laugh while gripping onto the railing for dear life.
"Shhhh!" Nadessa chimes "We're being to loud!"
"It's your fault!" I chuckle.
I almost forgot how early It was and how everyone else was still sleep. Right now we're making our way to the kitchen for some food. Well...... sort of...... Its dark In the hallway so we've been fighting for the past five minutes on who will go first.
"Go!" Nadessa says as she start's to jab me In the side.
"Okay Okay Okay!" I wine, Slapping her hands and trying my best to wiggle away from her.
"Okay then go" She threatens while holding her fingers to my side "I won't hesitate If you stop again"
I have to slap my hand over my mouth to keep myself from literally waking the whole house with my laughter. Nadessa does the same as we both break out In giggles as we collapse onto the carpet stairs.
Who does she think she Is?
"Okay" I mumble through my fingers as I turn around to look above us.
"But you HAVE to stay behind me!" I beg "And I am so serious."
Yes we have been playing and laughing about this but I am seriously scared. We BOTH are that's why neither of us has gone yet.
"Yeah yeah I will" she Insist "Now let's go I'm starving!!"
She pushes me twords the door again and I hesitate for a second before standing back up. I look back at her one last time before I start to walk up the stairs. She wraps her arms around my waist as I begin to move closer to the door. When I reach It I place my hand on the knob and twist slowly while I push.
Popping my head out then I look to my left as It catches my attention first. At the end of the hall I see light so I stop. Someone's In the living room?
"Who's up?" Nadessa whispers.
I look back and shrug then close my eyes and begin to listen for anyone. And at first I don't hear anything until someone speaks up.
"This Is giving me a fucking headache." A very deep, chest pounding voice claims.
"Damn that's tough" A familiar voice says with a chuckle. Wait... I think It's Donovan
"Is something fucking funny?" The other voice curses very aggressively "Cuz I'm not getting the fucking joke."
"Nothing Chris nothing" Donovan sighs "Goodness you just love to kill the vibe."
"Maybe your killing my vibe" The Chris guy says bluntly.
"I guess Chris" Donovan abides "I guess."
The light flicks off, Then I hear them start to walk so we duck back In the room. I hear them cross the hall and begin going up the stairs. They walk right above us and when their foot steps disappear It goes quiet again.
"I think they're gone" Nadessa whispers to me.
"Yea I think so too." I agree.
"let's go then" She urges, Gripping my waist tighter.
I open the door back up and turn right to start our way twords the kitchen. We hurry, Almost running and as soon as we enter the kitchen I flip the light on.
"Yes!" Nadessa whispers and high fives me.
We did all of that playing for nothing. Literally nothing but I don't care that was terrifying.
"Yea" I whisper back with a huff "Now food time."
I begin to make my way to the fridge. I swing It open and I stare In awe at all of the food. Foods that I've never seen before and my mouth begins to water.
"What should we eat?" I ask looking back at Nadessa. She's next to me going through the cabinets.
I was kind of hoping that there would be pizza In there. I love pizza now It my new favorite thing.
"Snacks for now" She says "We don't know how to cook yet so we should just wait until Catalina gets up for food food."
"That makes sense" I say while closing the doors to go and look In the others.
I go around the Island counter to the set of doors that sit opposite of the fridge and open them. And before I found the light I already knew that this Is were the food Is kept because of the sweet smell that Instantly hit my nose when I first entered. I walk In and reach up to pull the little string that hung from the ceiling. It burns my unprepared eyes but when I rub them for a little while I gasp In awe at my surroundings.
"Wow Nadessa come here!" I call.
A medium sized room filled with row's of food.
"There we go! Good job Honey!" She sings while starting to look.
We grab a couple of things and then go to sit at the tall chairs at the Island.
I start to snack on some 'Doritos' while Nadessa puts on a YouTube video for us to watch.
"You wanna know what I forgot about?"
"What?" I ask.
"My phone has a flashlight" She grins at me.
I look at her In confusion "A flashlight?"
She lifts the phone up to my face to send a blinding light In my eyes.
"Ow Nadessa!" I yelp and hit her shoulder but she only laughs.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry video time" She puts the phone down and presses play.
We watched a couple video's on what I found was natural hair like mine so that I could pick a style for myself when we start school on Monday. Nadessa watched a couple too and decided that she would ask Hailey and Donna to curl her hair for a "messy bun". It's weird that they call It messy being that It took a whole hour to do vs. A real messy bun that would normally take like 3 seconds but okay.
Throwing my head back, I let out a yawn. Sleepy again. I reach out and tap on the phone screen to see the time, It read 6:44 am.
"You getting sleepy?" I look over to Nadessa.
"Yea" she yawns "I was just about to ask you" She says while putting her arms up above her head to stretch.
"Yea let's go then" I suggest pretty groggily.
"Alright, I'll go ahead and make up the couch right quick" She says "Can you get us some water and Oreo's then bring them down?"
"Yea" I mumble through a stretch.
"Ight then"
She hops down from the stool then makes her way out of the kitchen as I began cleaning up our mess. First I gather our trash and take It to the trash can. Then I make my way over to the food closet. It took me a little while to find the Oreo's but when I did they ended up being right In my face, Turns out I overlooked the family sized blue holder multiple times. Shows how sleepy I am.
I grab the Oreo's and turn to leave but stop dead In my tracks when I hear footsteps entering the kitchen. My heart beat speeds up then my legs turn Into jelly while I take a step backwards clutching my stomach and trying to catch my breath.
I don't know why this Is happening It could just be Nadessa coming back to help, I have been gone for a while why am I scared?
Interactions with anyone else besides her Is why.
I don't like It.
I Inhale through my nose In attempt to calm myself down but panic when I catch the sent of Pinewood, honey, and citrus, The best combinations I have ever smelled In my life and I'm Instantly drawn to It. In the end I back away and push myself against the wall when the familiarity of It clicks within me. The guy from yesterday!? Could It really be him? Why would he be here though!??
Minutes go by as I struggle with my breathing an Irrational thoughts before deciding to suck It up and leave the food closet. He's just another person, If It even Is him. There's nothing to worry about I reassure myself as I reach up and pull the string to the light. I then take one last breath before pushing open the door.
And as soon as I step out I lock onto those hazel green eyes my body Instantly heats up. The guy from yesterday. I was right.
How was I right?
I break eye contact with him and start making my way over to the cup cabinet. I'm short so I have to pull my self up onto the counter then roll on my knees to get the cups. Once I grab them I slide down and walk over to the water thingy on the fridge. I hear him start to walk around but I don't acknowledge It.
I Instead bring my full focus to the cup In efforts to fill In with my now stupid shaky hand.
When stationed right I begin to fill up one of the cups while trying my best to Ignore the abrupt burning sensation that has unexpectedly began to run It's course through my body when all of a sudden I feel a big strong hand start to rub down my back. Sending a wave of soothing shivers up my spine. I throw my head back and an unexpected gasp escapes my throat as I feel something Inside of me begin to stir.
It was Intense, something deep Inside of me loved the feeling and It made me shiver as his hand slide from my back to wrap around my stomach and pull me twords him. My my back hits his chest and I melt Into his warmth.
"Mate" He growls at me.
It was a dangerous growl that would scare anyone normal to death and It takes a couple of seconds to even register what he says but when It does all I can do I repeat his weird word "Mate?" I whisper back lowly In a daze, To focused on the vibration from his growl that sent pleasure waves through my whole body. Goddess do It again.
"Mate" He reassures.
Another gasp escapes my throat as I feel his other hand start to go under my shirt. Why does this feel so good? It's almost like I'm not being felt up on by a complete stranger.
"What's your name mate?" He asked In his husky voice, It's harsh, he probably just woke up.
"Honey..." I whisper while closing my eyes and resting the back of my head on his hard chest. Oh his chest, the warmth, the sculpt.
"Honey..." He repeats, Sliding his hand further up my stomach and planting a kiss at the side of my head "I like It."
I don't know why but him saying that he likes my name sent a wave of angry butterflies to hammer at my Insides, It almost hurt and a shiver leaves my body. I swear that he It felt too as I could practically hear him smile.
"Your's?" I just barley manage to get out before his hand slides up to cup my left breast. I grab his hand In embarrassment because I forgot that I didn't have a bra on. Catalina didn't have any our size so we had to go without, we didn't pack because we weren't expecting to spend the night but we we're more than cool with It.
A deep growl emanates from his chest, Sending more vibrates against my whole back and I Instantly arch It with a gasp.
"Chris" He groans out, bending down to whisper In my ear "No bra baby?" The feeling of his breath on my ear and neck took my by surprise, causing and accidental wine to escape my lips. I guess he liked It though because he growled again and started to squeeze me.
"NOT In the kitchen!" A voice disturbs us.
I wiggle away from him In an Instant by unhooking his arms from around me then pushing him away. When I turn around and we meet eye's I see that he's giving me a pleading look.
"Honey..." He began while reaching one hand out to me but I continued to back away.
That was a bad move though, His jaw clenched, I watched as his eyes began to darken and his hands ball Into fist. My heart dropped. Is he going to hurt me? My heart drops agaim and I feel my eyes go wide with fear. This cannot be happening. I don't want to fight. I don't want to fight him.
Surprisingly though, he snapped his neck twords the door.
"Not In the kitchen Jesus" Donovan replies calmly while putting his hands up like he was surrendering.
I took that as my time to dip. I grabbed the the cup from the fridge door. The Oreo's were still In my hand so I clutched them harder then jetted out of the kitchen past Donovan.
"Wait wait wait!" I heard Chris say behind me but I kept going.
I ran down the hall but before I reached the door he was already In front of me with his hand on It.
"Wait please." He begged me.
I looked at him for a couple of seconds, His eyes are still dark but he's definitely calmer.
"I'm sleepy." I blurt out.
"Let me sleep with you then" He suggest, taking a step twords me as I take one back.
"I'm sleeping with someone all ready" I say.
He stops moving and growls at me, slamming his hand Into the wall and knocking down a couple of pictures.
"Who!?" He barks at me.
"My bestfreind Nadessa!" I yell back "Now leave me alone!" I push past him and swing open the theater door but before I got the chance to pull It closed he caught It.
"Wait I'm sorry" He says softly "Come sleep with me then."
"NOT In the theater room!" Donovan calls out behind us.
"CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" Tristan's undeniable voice booms through the hallway.
Chris let's go of the door Immediately and puts his hands up.
"I- I wasn't doing anything" He stutters.
"Mhm" I hear Donovan comment from the end of the hall.
"FUCK YOU!" Chris yells back.
All of this Is way to much for me. Before Anyone else got the chance to yell again I pull the door closed, lock It, Then speed down the stairs.
"Oh my god what happened??" Nadessa asked while grabbing the snacks out of my hands to pull me down onto the couch.
"I-I-I don't know" I reply honestly.
"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry for leaving you up there alone" She pulls me Into a tight hug.
"No no It's fine" I rub her back "Nothing happened."
"You sure?" She pulls me back to look at me.
"Yes" I lie.