A normal (?) young (?) man transferring bits of ephemera from my mind and my head to into words on a page. There won't be a lot of continuous works, and if there are, updates might be a bit s...
A normal (?) young (?) man transferring bits of ephemera from my mind and my head to into words on a page. There won't be a lot of continuous works, and if there are, updates might be a bit sparse compared to other writers on the platform. Grammar and vocabulary might be a bit lacking, structure might be a bit all over the place, but hopefully readers can look past these shortcomings and enjoy!
A normal (?) young (?) man transferring bits of ephemera from my mind and my head to into words on a page. There won't be a lot of continuous works, and if there are, updates might be a bit sparse compared to other writers on the platform. Grammar and vocabulary might be a bit lacking, structure might be a bit all over the place, but hopefully readers can look past these shortcomings and enjoy!