
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Words have always fascinated me. I think and feel in pictures - curious I know, so reading and writing is the ultimate outlet. When I write I seek to create feelings within the reader, to summon an understanding of what I am trying to tell you through the story line.

    I like to help - so feel free to call me in for anything. Simply just to read your stories and give my opinion or advice is good with me!... and please do the same for me! :D

    Once in a blue moon? You'll be surprised what causes me to shine.
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 shnuffeluv挑戰者 Mr.Sniper挑戰者 Bobby挑戰者 Monos Alba挑戰者 Phade Thames挑戰者 Solomon挑戰者 jelly.jaybee
  • 剩餘時間
The Blood Pen Arena... bout 1

Come one come all to the competition of true pen rivals! 

This is just a little fun for those who wish to enter their pens and minds to battle it out! 

To win: 

Write a piece exactly 600 words about hatred- and how it either strengthened or weakened your character. 

Put your skills to the test! May the best gladiator win! 

Will Caesar be touched by your work?

(Likes will of course be considered)

Come one come all to the competition of true pen rivals! 

This is just a little fun for those who wish to enter their pens and minds to battle it out! 

To win: 

Write a piece exactly 600 words about hatred- and how it either strengthened or weakened your character. 

Put your skills to the test! May the best gladiator win! 

Will Caesar be touched by your work?

(Likes will of course be considered)