
  • 作者
    K.Z Spencer
    K.Z Spencer
    -My full name is Kayla Zian Spencer, but my pen name is KZ Spencer
    -I live in Texas, United States
    -21 year-old sophomore in college
    -Follow me on my main instagram @thugs_be_like or my edit page @kayla_tingzz
    See more
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The Taunting (College Life #1)
R 已完結

Welcome to Berkekly University!
0 喜歡
110 閱讀
0 留言
Where the hell is she?
0 喜歡
92 閱讀
0 留言
College kids live nice
0 喜歡
82 閱讀
0 留言
Sweet Crib
0 喜歡
83 閱讀
0 留言
Meet the roommates
0 喜歡
66 閱讀
0 留言
I attacked Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
59 閱讀
0 留言
On accident, of course
0 喜歡
73 閱讀
0 留言
Fuck this college tour, I want a BLT
0 喜歡
73 閱讀
0 留言
There's something about Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
436 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy wants Elizabeth, I'm not suprised
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
The resurrection of Dean Carmichael
0 喜歡
62 閱讀
0 留言
I don't like Elizabeth Pratt, she's just pretty
0 喜歡
68 閱讀
0 留言
First day of class
0 喜歡
75 閱讀
0 留言
Oh no, please, not today
0 喜歡
60 閱讀
0 留言
Andreas Chen is seducing me, as is succeeding
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Let's have a little fun, shall we
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
Did he just- no way! No fucking way!!
0 喜歡
65 閱讀
0 留言
What's the point of math, anyway
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
Hello, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
Humpty Dumpty (Topolski) had a great fall
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
You better snatch her up, before I do
0 喜歡
60 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy- uh Teddy- it's not ringing a bell
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
Playing hard to get will always triumph
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy's Choice
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
You fucked up Dean, really fucked up
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Conversation with the Isley Brothers
0 喜歡
62 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth. . .you're full of wonders
0 喜歡
83 閱讀
0 留言
What a good girl you are
0 喜歡
72 閱讀
0 留言
Jessie Angello returns
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
Regina George or Jennifer Check
0 喜歡
104 閱讀
0 留言
I don't care about Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
77 閱讀
0 留言
Love is supposed to hurt, right?
0 喜歡
69 閱讀
0 留言
A clown and one Naomi Campbell, please
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
College is for the wild and untamed
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
I want Elizabeth to myself
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
His kisses are not like- like-
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
I need- no CRAVE Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
Do I really have to go?
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
You better beat Stanford's ass. . .or else
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
The Proposition
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
And the winner is...
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
I like my women like I like my ice cream
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt drives me insane, and I love it
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
This unimaginable feeling is unattaniable
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
I did not do what you think I did
0 喜歡
78 閱讀
0 留言
Who's underwear is?
0 喜歡
59 閱讀
0 留言
I think he made love to me, Jill
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Do you want me to touch you, Elizabeth?
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
Having a small chat with the Pratt's
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
Tana is back, but not better
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
We've got to win, losing isn't an option
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
What do you want to drink, Andreas Chen?
0 喜歡
48 閱讀
0 留言
You're the only women I want, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth, his voice warns
0 喜歡
65 閱讀
0 留言
Tell me what you think of me
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The wanting of one person can suffocate you
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
How do you know about my- I mean Elizabeth
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Did you, or did you not have a one night stand?
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
This is our little secret
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
You're a pro in disguise, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
74 閱讀
0 留言
Broken pencils and anger doesn't bode well together
0 喜歡
58 閱讀
0 留言
PTSD is real, and so is pain in the ass sisters
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Eavesdropping on Elizabeth's conversation
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
Grocery shopping is so soothing, who knew
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
She trusts me, she likes me, she wants more than I can give her
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
The origin story of Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Mr. Pratt does not approve, what to do, what to do
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
Doug's Match
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
I don't love him, you're talking rubbish
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Who knew Andreas Chen could be so cruel
0 喜歡
46 閱讀
0 留言
Once upon a kidnap, in a Kappa house far, far away
0 喜歡
48 閱讀
0 留言
I know he did, I could feel it in his touch
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
I don’t want to talk of it, it’s unnecessary
0 喜歡
54 閱讀
0 留言
The worst has come to past
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
I always knew you were a dumbass, said Katherine
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Don't let the past dictate your future
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Tana Morgenstrotter is back- and is a little better
0 喜歡
41 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt's dorm warming party is mid
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
I met someone Andreas, and he's great
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
Until you met Adam, everything was different
0 喜歡
128 閱讀
0 留言
The universe has a weird way of putting two people together
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
I'm the good luck charm for Doug Johnson
0 喜歡
40 閱讀
0 留言
The fight that we've all been waiting for
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
Pain is something that turns us away from what's in front of us
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
A blast from the past would do you some good
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Jace Storme is trapped and needs to be saved
0 喜歡
72 閱讀
0 留言
I saved Jace Storme from his torment
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
My emotional TED Talk with Jessie pt. 1
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
My emotional TED Talk with Jessie pt. 2
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The crucifixion of Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The "maybe" death of Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
If you want me, you need to fight for me
0 喜歡
42 閱讀
0 留言
The obsession over Andreas Chen is becoming alarmingly comforting
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
The gift that keeps on giving
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
I think I officially lost Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
38 閱讀
0 留言
Jill Del Campo is a slut shamer!
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Yet again, he confesses his love for me, in a closet
0 喜歡
43 閱讀
0 留言
I'm late for my date and it's all Cross's fault
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Let's make new and happy memories, ok?
0 喜歡
41 閱讀
0 留言
The dark secret of Daniel Robinson
0 喜歡
36 閱讀
0 留言
Jazz music and beautiful flowers work well together
0 喜歡
387 閱讀
0 留言
I just can't help myself, loving you makes me happy
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
My body is on fire, my brain has turned to mush
0 喜歡
46 閱讀
0 留言
The truth has risen from the surface
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
Why did he do what he did? What was the reason.
0 喜歡
43 閱讀
0 留言
Alone with you in the ether
0 喜歡
41 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt, hurry your ass
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
Meet the parents. . .and the seductive sister
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
James Logan better count his blessings
0 喜歡
42 閱讀
0 留言
Not everything ends off on a high note
0 喜歡
37 閱讀
0 留言
Fear is the new blood
0 喜歡
29 閱讀
0 留言
The lengths that some people will take for revenge
0 喜歡
34 閱讀
0 留言
I'm not enough for him, I always thought I was
0 喜歡
35 閱讀
0 留言
I had a pleasant conversation with my imaginary enemy
0 喜歡
369 閱讀
0 留言
And the winner of the 2022 championship game is. . .
0 喜歡
324 閱讀
0 留言
The apology that was healed by love kisses
0 喜歡
39 閱讀
0 留言
Love conquers all, you know
0 喜歡
36 閱讀
0 留言
You're my home, Andreas- no middle name- Chen
0 喜歡
28 閱讀
0 留言
What's in the fucking box!
0 喜歡
34 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth is a force to be reckoned with
0 喜歡
31 閱讀
0 留言
I flashed by boyfriend's teammate, on accident!
0 喜歡
40 閱讀
0 留言
Happy Birthday to our dear Elizabeth Jane Pratt!
0 喜歡
33 閱讀
0 留言
It starts with us
0 喜歡
172 閱讀
0 留言
It ends with us
0 喜歡
95 閱讀
0 留言
Acknowledgment Page
0 喜歡
38 閱讀
0 留言
The Vixen (College Life #2)
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
0 喜歡
42 閱讀
0 留言

Elizabeth Pratt is new to The University of California, Berkeley
Ready to take on the world, everything is put on hold once she realizes she doesn't have a dorm room
Stranded, she has no choice but to stay with her sister and roommates
She comes into contact with her sister's hot and athletic roommate, Andreas Chen, who loves to play around with her
But what she doesn't count on, is falling for his charm

Andreas Chen, a star athlete, and the sexist guy on campus
He sleeps and fools around, but doesn't make any of them his girlfriend, not after what happened with Jessie
When his roommate's sister stays with him, he can't get her out of his mind
He doesn't want to date her but has no problem taunting her

They both are attracted to each other, but which one will cave first? Let the taunting begin.

0 喜歡
Welcome to Berkekly University!
0 喜歡
110 閱讀
0 留言
Where the hell is she?
0 喜歡
92 閱讀
0 留言
College kids live nice
0 喜歡
82 閱讀
0 留言
Sweet Crib
0 喜歡
83 閱讀
0 留言
Meet the roommates
0 喜歡
66 閱讀
0 留言
I attacked Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
59 閱讀
0 留言
On accident, of course
0 喜歡
73 閱讀
0 留言
Fuck this college tour, I want a BLT
0 喜歡
73 閱讀
0 留言
There's something about Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
436 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy wants Elizabeth, I'm not suprised
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
The resurrection of Dean Carmichael
0 喜歡
62 閱讀
0 留言
I don't like Elizabeth Pratt, she's just pretty
0 喜歡
68 閱讀
0 留言
First day of class
0 喜歡
75 閱讀
0 留言
Oh no, please, not today
0 喜歡
60 閱讀
0 留言
Andreas Chen is seducing me, as is succeeding
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Let's have a little fun, shall we
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
Did he just- no way! No fucking way!!
0 喜歡
65 閱讀
0 留言
What's the point of math, anyway
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
Hello, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
Humpty Dumpty (Topolski) had a great fall
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
You better snatch her up, before I do
0 喜歡
60 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy- uh Teddy- it's not ringing a bell
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
Playing hard to get will always triumph
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
Teddy's Choice
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
You fucked up Dean, really fucked up
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Conversation with the Isley Brothers
0 喜歡
62 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth. . .you're full of wonders
0 喜歡
83 閱讀
0 留言
What a good girl you are
0 喜歡
72 閱讀
0 留言
Jessie Angello returns
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
Regina George or Jennifer Check
0 喜歡
104 閱讀
0 留言
I don't care about Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
77 閱讀
0 留言
Love is supposed to hurt, right?
0 喜歡
69 閱讀
0 留言
A clown and one Naomi Campbell, please
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
College is for the wild and untamed
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
I want Elizabeth to myself
0 喜歡
70 閱讀
0 留言
His kisses are not like- like-
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
I need- no CRAVE Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
Do I really have to go?
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
You better beat Stanford's ass. . .or else
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
The Proposition
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
And the winner is...
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
I like my women like I like my ice cream
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt drives me insane, and I love it
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
This unimaginable feeling is unattaniable
0 喜歡
67 閱讀
0 留言
I did not do what you think I did
0 喜歡
78 閱讀
0 留言
Who's underwear is?
0 喜歡
59 閱讀
0 留言
I think he made love to me, Jill
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Do you want me to touch you, Elizabeth?
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
Having a small chat with the Pratt's
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
Tana is back, but not better
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
We've got to win, losing isn't an option
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
What do you want to drink, Andreas Chen?
0 喜歡
48 閱讀
0 留言
You're the only women I want, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth, his voice warns
0 喜歡
65 閱讀
0 留言
Tell me what you think of me
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The wanting of one person can suffocate you
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
How do you know about my- I mean Elizabeth
0 喜歡
56 閱讀
0 留言
Did you, or did you not have a one night stand?
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
This is our little secret
0 喜歡
53 閱讀
0 留言
You're a pro in disguise, Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
74 閱讀
0 留言
Broken pencils and anger doesn't bode well together
0 喜歡
58 閱讀
0 留言
PTSD is real, and so is pain in the ass sisters
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Eavesdropping on Elizabeth's conversation
0 喜歡
61 閱讀
0 留言
Grocery shopping is so soothing, who knew
0 喜歡
64 閱讀
0 留言
She trusts me, she likes me, she wants more than I can give her
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
The origin story of Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Mr. Pratt does not approve, what to do, what to do
0 喜歡
55 閱讀
0 留言
Doug's Match
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
I don't love him, you're talking rubbish
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
Who knew Andreas Chen could be so cruel
0 喜歡
46 閱讀
0 留言
Once upon a kidnap, in a Kappa house far, far away
0 喜歡
48 閱讀
0 留言
I know he did, I could feel it in his touch
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
I don’t want to talk of it, it’s unnecessary
0 喜歡
54 閱讀
0 留言
The worst has come to past
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
I always knew you were a dumbass, said Katherine
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Don't let the past dictate your future
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Tana Morgenstrotter is back- and is a little better
0 喜歡
41 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt's dorm warming party is mid
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
I met someone Andreas, and he's great
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
Until you met Adam, everything was different
0 喜歡
128 閱讀
0 留言
The universe has a weird way of putting two people together
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
I'm the good luck charm for Doug Johnson
0 喜歡
40 閱讀
0 留言
The fight that we've all been waiting for
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
Pain is something that turns us away from what's in front of us
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
A blast from the past would do you some good
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Jace Storme is trapped and needs to be saved
0 喜歡
72 閱讀
0 留言
I saved Jace Storme from his torment
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
My emotional TED Talk with Jessie pt. 1
0 喜歡
57 閱讀
0 留言
My emotional TED Talk with Jessie pt. 2
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The crucifixion of Elizabeth Pratt
0 喜歡
50 閱讀
0 留言
The "maybe" death of Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
If you want me, you need to fight for me
0 喜歡
42 閱讀
0 留言
The obsession over Andreas Chen is becoming alarmingly comforting
0 喜歡
49 閱讀
0 留言
The gift that keeps on giving
0 喜歡
51 閱讀
0 留言
I think I officially lost Andreas Chen
0 喜歡
38 閱讀
0 留言
Jill Del Campo is a slut shamer!
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
Yet again, he confesses his love for me, in a closet
0 喜歡
43 閱讀
0 留言
I'm late for my date and it's all Cross's fault
0 喜歡
44 閱讀
0 留言
Let's make new and happy memories, ok?
0 喜歡
41 閱讀
0 留言
The dark secret of Daniel Robinson
0 喜歡
36 閱讀
0 留言
Jazz music and beautiful flowers work well together
0 喜歡
387 閱讀
0 留言
I just can't help myself, loving you makes me happy
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
My body is on fire, my brain has turned to mush
0 喜歡
46 閱讀
0 留言
The truth has risen from the surface
0 喜歡
45 閱讀
0 留言
Why did he do what he did? What was the reason.
0 喜歡
43 閱讀
0 留言
Alone with you in the ether
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41 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth Pratt, hurry your ass
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45 閱讀
0 留言
Meet the parents. . .and the seductive sister
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45 閱讀
0 留言
James Logan better count his blessings
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42 閱讀
0 留言
Not everything ends off on a high note
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37 閱讀
0 留言
Fear is the new blood
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29 閱讀
0 留言
The lengths that some people will take for revenge
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34 閱讀
0 留言
I'm not enough for him, I always thought I was
0 喜歡
35 閱讀
0 留言
I had a pleasant conversation with my imaginary enemy
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369 閱讀
0 留言
And the winner of the 2022 championship game is. . .
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324 閱讀
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The apology that was healed by love kisses
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39 閱讀
0 留言
Love conquers all, you know
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36 閱讀
0 留言
You're my home, Andreas- no middle name- Chen
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28 閱讀
0 留言
What's in the fucking box!
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34 閱讀
0 留言
Elizabeth is a force to be reckoned with
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31 閱讀
0 留言
I flashed by boyfriend's teammate, on accident!
0 喜歡
40 閱讀
0 留言
Happy Birthday to our dear Elizabeth Jane Pratt!
0 喜歡
33 閱讀
0 留言
It starts with us
0 喜歡
172 閱讀
0 留言
It ends with us
0 喜歡
95 閱讀
0 留言
Acknowledgment Page
0 喜歡
38 閱讀
0 留言
The Vixen (College Life #2)
0 喜歡
47 閱讀
0 留言
0 喜歡
42 閱讀
0 留言