
  • 作者
    Greenjay Reader
    Greenjay Reader
    I write once in a while. Read, too.

    My latest projects are Wikipedia-mimic "The Histories of Prokop Lini" and HighFleet fanfiction "The Commoner of the High Fleet". I'm also working on two unlisted works called "The Kind Of Tired Sleep Won't Fix" and "We All Die At Lutkevice". No promises.

    Most of the stuff on my profile is from when I was in high school and/or early college. To be honest, the stuff I wrote and shared kinda makes me cringe these days, but I guess that's just a part of growing up. I disagree with almost all of the opinions and writing styles I had when I was younger, but I'll keep those on my profile for honesty's sake. All the stuff from then is now considered by me to be either complete or discontinued.
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Just a Series of Short Stories
PG-13 已完結

Erebus: the Battle for Paningard
1 喜歡
1082 閱讀
2 留言
Capsule 9560 #1
1 喜歡
927 閱讀
0 留言
A Dialogue: Everyone is a Someone
1 喜歡
1141 閱讀
0 留言
"Humanity at Its Finest."
1 喜歡
1210 閱讀
9 留言
A Bloody Tale of a Young Fighter
1 喜歡
1321 閱讀
0 留言
Unconditional Love
2 喜歡
969 閱讀
2 留言
Gaiden Fort
0 喜歡
995 閱讀
0 留言
1 喜歡
1250 閱讀
0 留言
The Plane of Unexisting
0 喜歡
1030 閱讀
0 留言
A Short Story of Soldiers in Terror
0 喜歡
913 閱讀
0 留言
A Dialogue of Assumptions
1 喜歡
1014 閱讀
1 留言
A Short Story of a Boy and His Decision in Love
1 喜歡
879 閱讀
0 留言
Shadows (and Faces)
1 喜歡
1049 閱讀
0 留言
(Shadows and) Faces
1 喜歡
958 閱讀
1 留言
A Very Short Story of Thoughtful Flowers
1 喜歡
926 閱讀
0 留言
A Cold Room
1 喜歡
920 閱讀
0 留言
Use a Knife
1 喜歡
1051 閱讀
3 留言
A Look Back on Things...
0 喜歡
1084 閱讀
0 留言
日本人 IAAM 「Trust Troop」 -Dispatch XVII
0 喜歡
996 閱讀
0 留言
I Forgot to Mention
3 喜歡
983 閱讀
1 留言
For the last time, man...
1 喜歡
858 閱讀
1 留言
Literal Language
2 喜歡
810 閱讀
0 留言
CO2 Problems
0 喜歡
821 閱讀
0 留言
Alone, alone, alone
0 喜歡
884 閱讀
0 留言
Weh... curry mash poe-tay-toes.
0 喜歡
1002 閱讀
0 留言
If we get caught
1 喜歡
818 閱讀
0 留言
0 喜歡
893 閱讀
0 留言
Nishimura-ue's Speech at Buzen
0 喜歡
965 閱讀
0 留言
1 喜歡
846 閱讀
2 留言
We've dug this trench together
0 喜歡
791 閱讀
2 留言

Since my main cover for fiction is writing short stories, I've decided to just compile them all in one large collection. Eventually, I'll have a good number of stories here, and they'll all be unrelated. Sometimes, though, I may write several related stories, in which case I may or may not identify, and other times I may write two chapters for a short story, in which case I would identify or imply thus.

Ratings may vary, and so this collection is rated PG-13 for such reasons. Have a good reading.

A little backstory (you don't have to read this to get the feel of the stories):

Erebus: the Battle for Paningard is a short story of a greater lore that I may or may not start writing in a year or two, considering all the other stories I have going currently.

Capsule 9560 #1 was made because of an AMV called "In The Year 2525", found on YouTube.

A Dialogue: Everyone is a Someone was inspired by my own thoughts on current events a while ago. I believe that no human being should be punished for things they didn't do, such as the Salem witch trials, and no human being should be bullied beyond disrepair. Yet, it happens, and the murderers and bullies live on as famous celebrities.

"Humanity at its Finest."  was inspired by Ari-Ink98's story, Clone 1430.

A Bloody Tale of a Young Fighter was inspired by GratedPvtchris's A Light in the Shadow of Darkness series. Warning: my reviews are the reviews equivalent of a fanboy. Good series when I read it.

Unconditional Love was inspired by a homily a priest at my church said, telling the same story except in the woman's eyes.

Gaiden Fort was inspired by a dream I had. It's virtually how the dream went.

Hylophobia was created from my own thoughts, just randomly thinking of things. I thought of a scenario of a bunkhouse with different people from different ethnic groups working at a bar and teahouse.

The Plane of Unexisting is (actually, was) how I depicted time travel working. I have now reconsidered my thoughts due to my brother's theory.

A Short Story of Soldiers in Terror was made partly because of dreams, but also current events at the time, books, and conversations.

A Dialogue of Assumptions... I really forget how I came up with this one. Just sat down and thought about a story.

A Short Story of a Boy and His Decision in Love was inspired by my lack of understanding how love even happens and how it works. Seriously, how does this emotion even happen? I can't even fabricate a thought on it. It doesn't make sense to me, but maybe that's just because it hasn't happened to me yet.

Shadows (and Faces) and (Shadows and) Faces were inspired by creepypasta, folklore, etc. and was a story of four chapters until I fell into lack of inspiration to continue it. It is currently on FanFiction.net under Jonathan Jas.

A Very Short Story of Thoughtful Flowers is obviously about 9-11. The Earth cares about the dead, too. Not only those who died in 9-11, but those who die everyday.

A Cold Room is a fanfiction of A Dark Room, sort of. A good game.

Use a Knife . . . ? When did I write this? ... Huh. I wrote this. I wrote this? ... I  wrote this?! Geez, 2bloody5me.

A Look Back on Things... 2015. 'Nuff said.

日本人 IAAM 「Trust Troop」 -Dispatch XVII "sorE"is about a man writing a letter to family, then he's killed in combat and the soldier that killed him decides to try to apologize to the family being written to, and the letter was sent to the address of the family.

I Forgot to Mention is about two identical men, with the same morals, physical looks, interests, etc., but they are treated vastly differently for dying in a certain shameful way.

For the last time, man... is about how stupid people can be.

Literal Language is literally about the German language.

CO2 Problems is something about the IAAM universe, I think.

Alone, alone, alone is a short that is the product of boredom.

Weh... curry mash poe-tay-toes. is another thing about the IAAM universe... I think. It's the embodiment of America's arrogance, I'd like to think. (Or, at least, the not-so-great parts of America. Go 'Merica.)

If we get caught is yet another part of the IAAM universe. Stay in school, kids.

DAADAAAAA!!             :3

Nishimura-ue's Speech at Buzen is a sneak-peek into the Nishimura universe. Check it out on my Showcase page.

Matrices is to be interpreted by the reader.

We've dug this trench together is here to show the pointlessness of the Great War, World War I. Perhaps it is to show the pointlessness of war itself, or to show how history will continue to have war, or to show why there must be war, but that is to be interpreted by our reader.

Erebus: the Battle for Paningard
1 喜歡
1082 閱讀
2 留言
Capsule 9560 #1
1 喜歡
927 閱讀
0 留言
A Dialogue: Everyone is a Someone
1 喜歡
1141 閱讀
0 留言
"Humanity at Its Finest."
1 喜歡
1210 閱讀
9 留言
A Bloody Tale of a Young Fighter
1 喜歡
1321 閱讀
0 留言
Unconditional Love
2 喜歡
969 閱讀
2 留言
Gaiden Fort
0 喜歡
995 閱讀
0 留言
1 喜歡
1250 閱讀
0 留言
The Plane of Unexisting
0 喜歡
1030 閱讀
0 留言
A Short Story of Soldiers in Terror
0 喜歡
913 閱讀
0 留言
A Dialogue of Assumptions
1 喜歡
1014 閱讀
1 留言
A Short Story of a Boy and His Decision in Love
1 喜歡
879 閱讀
0 留言
Shadows (and Faces)
1 喜歡
1049 閱讀
0 留言
(Shadows and) Faces
1 喜歡
958 閱讀
1 留言
A Very Short Story of Thoughtful Flowers
1 喜歡
926 閱讀
0 留言
A Cold Room
1 喜歡
920 閱讀
0 留言
Use a Knife
1 喜歡
1051 閱讀
3 留言
A Look Back on Things...
0 喜歡
1084 閱讀
0 留言
日本人 IAAM 「Trust Troop」 -Dispatch XVII
0 喜歡
996 閱讀
0 留言
I Forgot to Mention
3 喜歡
983 閱讀
1 留言
For the last time, man...
1 喜歡
858 閱讀
1 留言
Literal Language
2 喜歡
810 閱讀
0 留言
CO2 Problems
0 喜歡
821 閱讀
0 留言
Alone, alone, alone
0 喜歡
884 閱讀
0 留言
Weh... curry mash poe-tay-toes.
0 喜歡
1002 閱讀
0 留言
If we get caught
1 喜歡
818 閱讀
0 留言
0 喜歡
893 閱讀
0 留言
Nishimura-ue's Speech at Buzen
0 喜歡
965 閱讀
0 留言
1 喜歡
846 閱讀
2 留言
We've dug this trench together
0 喜歡
791 閱讀
2 留言