
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Conflagration Blitz
    Conflagration Blitz
    [Formerly Jess Rufus!]

    If you listen to the void for long enough, you can sometimes hear me yeeting myself out of oblivion to write something substantial.

    The query "uploading schedule" returned an error 404, though.

    I have a plot sometimes. Mostly, I'm planning and designing characters for no apparent reason other than "ooo look at these cool personality traiiiiits".

    I'm a hobbyist writer and (digital) artist! I've also coded three short games, somehow. I like to consider myself a jack of as many trades as possible, but I'll master something eventually. Other pasttimes include trying to become fluent in another three languages (Thai, Japanese, Latin) whilst also trying to remember my mother tongue, UK-English.

    A note for those looking through my portfolio: I've been on Penana for a long time, so please check the date of publication! Don't fall into the illusion that something from three years ago still accurately represents my writing skills nowadays. I like to think I've improved a little.
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 phosphenes挑戰者 Oltari 挑戰者 KittyCat挑戰者 Sarah Louise挑戰者 FilleEcrivé挑戰者 milkysky挑戰者 _curlyyy.vvibez_挑戰者 CatchMeIfYouCan挑戰者 PoisonPurple挑戰者 LMeoka挑戰者 Byargus挑戰者 TheGirlWhoseStillUnKnown挑戰者 aj3138111挑戰者 Wxllflower
  • 剩餘時間
And then there was silence

The title is one of my favourite endings!

When you hear it, what do you think of?

What I would like you to do is to create something - anything, any form, whatever you like - that either explains what you think of or includes it!

Your freedom is essential here, and I look forward to reading your entries!



The title is one of my favourite endings!

When you hear it, what do you think of?

What I would like you to do is to create something - anything, any form, whatever you like - that either explains what you think of or includes it!

Your freedom is essential here, and I look forward to reading your entries!

