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Ravengrove, Book 1


There once was a small town known as Ravengrove. It was small and quiet, like most towns. There were very little crimes, and had a very good education system. Everything was so peaceful in Ravengrove. That was until the first body was found. Sirens blaring and people crying over the dearly departed corpse. On the Devil's Night, that small, peaceful town changed forever. There stood the 8 people that changed everything about the small town. This is our story.

My name is Jacob. It started on Summer Vacation, when I was moving from New Jersey to Ravengrove. It was a huge adjustment to endure. I had friends in New Jersey that I would be leaving for things "new and better". The education opportunity was amazing compared to the shit show that was New Jersey. It wasn't that much of a change in terms of schooling. It wasn't like I was moving from a public school to a private school. I had two goals that were more important than anything else. It was to write novels and make friends. It was orientation when I immediately saw the cliques that were cliche high school bullshit. The shy kids were in the back, the jocks were in a big group in the front, the socialites were in several different groups, and then there was me. I sat by myself, of course. I immediately saw someone that didn't fit a label. He was skinny like a jock, but kind of shy. It was like he was in a clique of his own.

After the long minutes that felt like an eternity of dread, were over we broke into groups for the touring. When I got up and walked to my group, I was staring at my phone, texting my friend Sara. I accidentally bumped into him and fell. I hit my head kind of hard on the ground, but I was going to live. I said sorry and felt so embarrassed because some people were chuckling and others were straight up laughing at me. He was nice though. During the tour, I slipped away from the group and saw a security checking the hallways for any stray students. I ducked to a sub hall and waited for him to go by. What a terrible security guard he was. After he went by, I went to the wing labeled G to see if I can find a bathroom that wasn't locked so I can die of embarrassment alone.

I saw a teacher and a student talking to each other about some kind of agreement. As I listened in more, I saw the same security guard coming back. I had nowhere to go except for an empty classroom, or maybe I could create a distraction and run, but I could have gotten caught by the teacher. I decided to run to an empty classroom and wait for him to go by. When he went past the classroom I was hiding in, I pulled my hood over my head then ran out the door silently and heard the name "Daemon '' and I looked to see that the teacher was looking directly at me. I gestured No, and ran. The teacher yelled to the guard "Ortiz! Get the kid! Why do we pay you." I quickly ran, beginning a chase with the guard. He was fast, but not as fast as me. I ran to a wing labeled E, then the C wing. There was a class taking a tour, and I saw the weird boy yet again. I ran, and a kid tripped me. I fell on my face in front of him. The weird boy helped me up and stared at me. I didn't know if he knew that I was blushing or if I had blood on my cheeks. I tried to say thank you but my words came out in a random noise that sounded like a "mur" and"hel". I exited the school and ran to my bike. 

But anyway, the rest of the Summer went fine. There was no summer work so I was extremely happy. I even started doing poetry to pass the time by.

On the first day at Ravengrove High, things were decent. I made some friends, at least. There was Gabe, who was extremely into computers, Gavin, who was nice even though we never really talked, Landon, who was amazing at drawing, and Jersey, the daredevil-esque type.

I met Gabe in gym class. It was hard to talk because we had to do a lot of work that day. We didn't get to know each other until after. He was kind of rude at first, but he got nicer. Then there was Gavin. He was cool, but we never talked. I only saw him in World History class. Landon. He was extremely nice to me on the first day. He was only in my Science Class. Jersey was so social and funny. Clarissa and I didn't hit it off immediately, but we were really good friends after she asked me if I was gay and I said no awkwardly.

2 Months later, things got boring. I was overwhelmed with all of the quizzes and work we had to do. It was the day before Devil's Night (Day Before Halloween) when I decided to go out of my comfort zone. I invited Clarissa, Gavin, Landon, Gabe, and Jersey to go to the diner near our school. It was called Ravengrove Diner, and it was notorious for being amazing. I wanted to test it out with my friends. Gavin and Jersey got very spicy hot wings, Gabe got 2 Slices Of Pizza, Landon got a hamburger, Clarissa got a Chicken Caesar Salad, and I got an Ice Cream Sundae. Typical teenage stuff. I asked them if they knew a kid in a higher grade named "Daemon", and I told them about the conversation I overheard. They knew about him, they just didn't tell me who he was. All Clarissa said was "That dude is fucking trouble. Don't mess with him. He is a drug dealer and probably a murderer. Not to mention that his family is rich and powerful." The day after, we were heading to school, and heard the sirens. We all headed to the crime scene. Clarissa was there first. I was there second. Then, Landon, Jersey, Gabe, and Gavin arrived. As the police were searching in the woods, we stood together in a group, worried as hell. Then, the search stopped, and a policeman yelled "We found it!" That was when all hell broke loose for the group of friends.

Daemon's throat was slit, and he had been stabbed twice in the back of the head. Trust me, it gets worse. His eyes had been cut out. As his bloated corpse was bagged up, I went to my father, the sheriff.

No one was allowed to be Trick-Or-Treating after 9PM, but that rule did no good. Barely no one went Trick-Or-Treating that day due to the tragedy of the popular boy. Those who did go Trick-Or-Treating were usually the occasional dealers and their junkies. It was a good cover for dealings. Those innocent few that did go Trick-Or-Treating were the 7 friends. Not even the little kids went Trick-Or-Treating. I dressed up as a demon, Jersey was a high-end pirate, Gabe was a superhero, Gavin was a vampire, Landon was a king, and Clarissa was a zombie cheerleader. We got a lot of candy. When we went close to the diner, it was almost completely covered by posters and signs saying RIP Daemon. Those other few that went Trick-Or-Treating dressed up as a bloody and pale Daemon. It was quite disturbing, and I am pretty sure that it was to tantalize him from the grave.

When we went inside the diner to eat, it was barely empty. There was one table filled by a young group. We went to another table and ordered. I asked the waiter a question in the form of a whisper. "Who is that guy at that table?" The waiter answered quickly, "You don't know?! It's Chris Price, the dead kid's brother! What rock have you been living under?! You idiot!" I quickly stood up when he said that. I tuned into my inner rich bitch talk. "No, but I hope that the rock that you are under crushes you to oblivion! Now, Austin, can you please show some respect, go crawl into the hole you call a home, and go away before I go to prison for trying to murder you?! THANK YOU, GOODBYE!" Now I'm Causing A Scene, Great. Daemon's Brother and his friends look at me and the owner of the diner comes out of the kitchen. The man still stands there, and that is when I really get pissed. "What, do I need to press charges on you?! I will sue you for every little penny you have! Not that you have much. NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE!" He finally left, my face was red, and I had a pounding headache. Then, I sat down and exclaimed, loud enough so everyone could hear me. "And Scene!" Daemon's brother slowly comes to the table and claps. I stand, and bow. "Thank you, thank you!" I start to fake cry and wave like I was boujee. "It takes a lot for me to be fake rich!" He sits with us for the rest of the time. He was nice, despite his rough appearance. We were good friends. When it was close to curfew, we had to go quickly. When my friends left, me and Chris talked until after curfew. He was mostly talking about how he wants to find his brother's killer.

As I left, I made sure to flip off the waiter. He returned the gesture, but I stuck my tongue out to mock him. I even left a tip of $30. He was my age and he looked familiar. I went home and quickly went to bed. My dad was at work so he didn't know that I wasn't home. I couldn't stop thinking about three things: Daemon's Brother, The Mystery Guy, and Daemon's murder. I wanted to help, so I decided to investigate his murder. I quickly texted everyone. It was 2 in the morning when I got the courage to text them.

Jacob: Guys!

Gavin: What's up dude

Jersey: WTF

Clarissa: What the fuck

Gabe: What do you want

Landon: Yeah?

Chris: What's going on?

Jacob: Meet me at Ravengrove Park at 3 AM.

1 Hour Later

Everybody showed up at the park, and I quickly got up to the platform to be higher than all of them. I AM YOUR MASTER!!!

"As you all know, Daemon Price was killed. He was murdered, not accidental. The police have no clues and it has been 2 days! Aren't you tired of the police and their incompetence!?" I said this with great confidence. "Chris, don't you want to catch your brother's killer?" Chris looked like a mixture of shock and satisfaction. He shook his head with great enthusiasm and exclaimed "YES!"

Landon looked at me like I was crazy. "Jacob, are you saying what I think you are saying?"

I was no longer going to just sit there while more people were in danger. I was not kidding. I was dead serious. I jumped down from the platform and looked at Landon. Mad, I said the unthinkable. "Let's hijack this bitch."

"Are You Kidding Me?!" Landon yelled, while the rest of the group mumbled in shock. Landon was against it immediately. I told them the golden ticket that would ensure that they would come. "Imagine the feeling that Chris and his family is feeling right now, They want answers. Plus, the sheriff won't be there tomorrow. He is going to be in New York with his wife."

"How do you know that?" Chris Asks. "He is my father." I said calmly. They were caught off guard. Landon was still questioning the idea. "And what about the other cops there? They have guns, we have nothing."

"We have a plan", I said. "First, one person goes in." As I explained the plan, Gavin, Jersey, and Clarissa were all for it. Landon was more on the fence about the plan, but he was still trying to undermine my plan. "Well, there isn't enough of us. We need another person." Landon says as his final rebuttal. I gesture and whistle, and the bush shakes. Then, a familiar face appeared. It was Charlie, the waiter and the boy that I bumped into during Orientation.

7 Hours Later

First, I went into the police station. I was sobbing, and my hair and clothes were drenched in a mixture of water and sweat. In order for the police to fall for our little mirage, we needed to sell this right. "Help Me! Please!" The tears rolled down my cheeks and onto the tiled floor of the police precinct.

"My friend tried to kiss me, I said no, and he- he...." The officer consoled me. "It will be ok. Just tell me what happened?"

"We were hanging out at his house, and he kissed me. I love him as a friend so I said no, and he was very angry! He punched me in the gut and tried to... to-"

The door suddenly opened to find Charlie in a leather jacket and jeans. He put on sunglasses and entered the building. "C'mon babe! We can work it out!" Charlie said. "I love you-." I punched him, and entered a fight stance like I was trained to. "Never again." I said. We faked a fight in front of all of the police officers. He hit me in the arm, and I punched him in the gut. I hope it didn't hurt. He tried to push me by dashing into me, but I dodged and kicked him.

The police officers broke the fight up. I had a bruised stomach, and Charlie had a bruised jaw. "Would you like to make a report against him?" The nice police officer asked. "No, I'm fine." As Charlie was leaving, I took off my shoe and threw it at him. What can I say? I like drama.

Meanwhile, Landon and Clarissa had to distract the cops. At the side of the precinct, they decided to spray paint a... lets say vulgar drawing. Then, Gavin had to steal his dad's car so he could drive them away from the scene to the crime scene. Clarissa quickly pulled out her phone and called 911. "911, how may I help you." Clarissa had to cover Landon's mouth from laughing really loud. She used a foolish voice. "Hi, yes, I would like to report a beautiful drawing of a pussy on your police precinct wall. I think it's the tagger all the cops are looking for." The 911 Operator wasn't even in shock. "That's odd. This has been happening a lot recently. Thanks, officers are on the way." Then, Gavin pulled up his dad's car. "Get in! Now!" Charlie is in the car as well. Landon and Clarissa start to leave, but then Landon stops. Landon sees a brick, picks it up and throws it at a police car. Then, he picks up another one and throws it through the precinct window.

Inside, as the nice officer talks to me about the Daemon case, a brick flies through the window. I am in complete shock, and so are the police officers. Jersey then makes a call using a voice modulation app. "Soon, you will be destroyed!" It was a bomb threat. Fake, but effective. As the police scramble to get ready for impact, a beeping sound starts to go off. It was loud and came from their loudspeaker. It was really just an audio track from the Internet that Gabe used by hacking into a computer in the precinct.

I run with the cops, but I fall behind, and wait for them all to go outside. I snatched one of their keycards,then, I hid in the bathroom. Then, when the coast is clear, I get out of the bathroom and go straight to the evidence locker. There, I open a small window, and Jersey climbs in. We see so much evidence from other cases, and only a box of it belonged to Daemon. His case was going cold, and it needed to be handled with caution.

I open the box, and see a finger, I assume to be Daemon's and his eyes. I nearly throw up and drop the box, but I can't. Jersey vomited in a different box. I hope that the evidence will get burned like it usually does. I take the bags that contain his eyes and finger, his clothes, and a gun that he had on him. Then, the track stops and the police enter the building. I run to the window, and Jersey follows. I remember that Jersey threw up in an evidence box. I have to do something terrible to protect my friend. I run to get a brick from the construction site next door, and throw it at the cop's window. Then, Jersey throws one too. "Jersey, do you have a match?" Jersey looked shocked, and said "Yeah. Obviously. You know I smoke."

"Ok, I need you to keep throwing bricks at the window to distract them. I saw gasoline in the evidence locker, so I'm gonna have to burn it all up." Jersey looked even more shocked. As Jersey threw her first brick at the police, I ran and dropped out of the window to the evidence locker. As Jersey threw bricks at the window, I grabbed the gas can from what I'm assuming to be evidence to another case. A gang related case, I believe. I start to pour the gasoline, and then the nice police officer comes in.

"What in the hell of it are you doing?! Put your hands in the air!" I had the match in my hand, already lit, and the officer was standing in gasoline. I also had the gun from Daemon's evidence box. I had to make a terrible decision. I had no other choice. I had to drop the match. It was the only thing I could do.

The room gets filled with fire, and the evidence is consumed by the inferno, I ran to the window but the police officer shot me in the arm. Then, his screams filled the room. Long screams were released from his mouth, and when I looked back, I saw that he was on fire. As I climb, the other police officers enter and see my legs and shoes. I run, as the cops start screaming at me. My blood oozed out of my arm, and I started feeling numb. I jumped the fence, and Jersey was on her dad's motorcycle she parked outside before the plan came into fruition.

"What happened!?" Jersey said in a mixture of shock, anger, and confusion. "Just drive!" I screamed! I felt dizzy and my body became cold. Then when Jersey stopped the bike, everything went black. 

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