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Do you know how to make a Wikipedia page for an organization?


A collaborative project of the users - it is the basic principle of the Wikipedia which is in free access as well for reading as for writing. The articles are indeed developed and completed jointly by the users with their knowledge. Since Wikipedia contributions often appear at the top of search results on Google, it is understandable that many companies also want to benefit from the far reaching by contributing directly to the online encyclopedia. But how to make a Wikipedia page for an organization and what should you consider? Read this article and get to know everything about Wikipedia.

How to create a page?

Wikipedia is a participatory online encyclopedia powered by Internet users. Anyone can create a page but Wikipedia relies on founding principles that web users must respect to be published, to offer freely reusable, objective and verifiable content that everyone can modify and improve. Otherwise, your page may be deleted by one of the administrators.

The fact that every user can create his own Wikipedia page does not mean that they can write anything on any topic. Wikipedia carefully examines the written content, moreover the relevance of the subject also plays a vital role. So, before creating a Wikipedia page make sure that your topic is relevant.

The best way to successfully create a Wikipedia page is to consider the following principles:

  • Respect the criteria of relevance and notoriety.
  • Use themes and unique topics.
  • Adopt a neutral point of view and tone.
  • Writing content based on facts.
  • Do not advertise or promote yourself or your brand. 

Which subject to choose for page?

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a blog. The subject cannot be too personal, it must have a minimum of notoriety so that your information is sourced, via books, a study or articles of press. This allows readers who read you to measure the reliability of your information.

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