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    Greetings my friends and fellow creators, my name's Sky and this is my profile. I'm a young up and coming writer and I'm learning new things every day some significant others not so much, so what better way to channel that than writing? There's no equal.
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The world's nations are locked in constant and violent battles and skirmishes after humanity is just beginning to expand its interests onto the rest of the universe and colonizing their first planet, rendering Mother Earth a sad afterthought as new republics and regimes are rising some 20 light years away. 

After a bombing run through a burning and charred Shanghai, on behalf of the U.S. interplanetary council for the atmospheric invasion of a U.S.I.C. Colonized world by Chinese immigrants who are, As a whole, running out of places to run to after China's economic collapse and failed attempt at conquering Japan and Russia in a desperate attempt to regain its status as an economic powerhouse. 

Rookie fighter pilot, James Marshall, is returning from his fifth bombing run in his two week employment, flying over the New York skyline in hopes of a nice warm meal and a made bed. The evening sky was a euphoric tinge of purple, red, and yellow, a sudden barrage of light, blues, purples, and greens exploded into brilliant fruition, seemingly tearing the sky apart. That's when it all changed. 

It was about time that mankind found a way to piss off someone, or something else, atmospheric invasion perhaps? Huh. Maybe we're not so different than the inhabitants of the universe. James fell out of the sky in a free fall, systems quickly disengaged he parachuted into the sky, which was changing colors and swarming with black dots around the brilliant lights like moths around a latern, falling to the streets of New York, nearly rubbing shoulders with the Empire State Building. 

The brilliant light soon began to implode just before James touched down on the street leading up to the Empire State Building, and the swarming black dots entered a free fall similar to James's F-15 jet which was now somewhere in Manhattan ablaze, the black dots fell to the earth, letting out a horrible and ear piercing scream as they fell with streams of black smoke following them. 

That 'twas the day mankind learned the universe didn't belong to them. They were foolish to think that they would reign over the universe with no resistance or interference. 


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