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  • Writer
    Michi Watanabe
    Michi Watanabe
    I wish to become an avid writer and an illustrator that specializes in Light Novels.
    I want to unveil the world in my mind to as many people i can
    visit me on facebook at facebook.com/miwa1792
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I'll become the Number One and have my Wish Granted!
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Rene Ashia has lived in an orphanage for as long as he remembered. He was close friends with Eve who was loved by everyone in the orphanage. But Rene wasn't so fortunate. He wasn't smart, strong, nor talented. Everyday he worked hard and believes that someday all his hard work will pay off. All the while, he was always bullied because all he had going for him was his small frame and girly face.

It was then, a letter appeared telling him to immediately transfer in his 3rd year of middle school into a special school known as Helios Sanctum, a place where only the greatest talents in the world are gathered in.

At first he didn't think much of it, his only thought was that it was his chance to prove to the world that hard work does pay off!