
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Hello, I'm Kat !!! I love to write stories and read as well. As I am still only a teenager, I hope that you will give me back helpful feedback and tips on how to improve my writing. I one day hope to be a published author so I need to get all the help I can now while I am still young.
    I have three cats, one boy and two girls, ans their names are Domenic, Molly, and Miley. Miley and Molly are sisters.
    I have the best singing voice. {Just ask my shower}
    I will update when I can figure out what to write next for my stories>>>
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 Jsanchez5197挑戰者 SilverSpoons挑戰者 Sarah Louise挑戰者 MarsianWarrior挑戰者 TylerDoak
  • 剩餘時間
Genre Mania

Write a simple short-story featuring either your favorite genre to read and/or to write.

It can feature one of your own book characters or a brand new one. It can even be from your point of view. Just make sure to have fun writing what you love the most!!

The winner will be decided by the amount of likes.  Be sure to share your story in order to ensure your win. 

Also I will read the stories of the winner and give feedback, as well as follow them. 

Happy Writing!! ;)

Write a simple short-story featuring either your favorite genre to read and/or to write.

It can feature one of your own book characters or a brand new one. It can even be from your point of view. Just make sure to have fun writing what you love the most!!

The winner will be decided by the amount of likes.  Be sure to share your story in order to ensure your win. 

Also I will read the stories of the winner and give feedback, as well as follow them. 

Happy Writing!! ;)