The air was thick with tension, a palpable dread that hung over Victoria High like a storm cloud poised to burst. Students clustered in groups, their whispers punctuated by gasps as they pointed towards the seventh floor. Their eyes widened, reflecting the urgency of the situation unfolding above them.
“Someone call the police!” shouted Mrs Chen, her voice wavering as she pressed a hand against her chest, her eyes darting from the frantic students to the ledge where a solitary figure stood, precariously balanced, teetering on the edge.
“Don’t panic!” yelled Mr Li, the physical education teacher, as he pushed his way through the crowd. “We need to talk him down! Everyone stay back!”
But the chaos only escalated.
“Just jump, Jun Wei!” shouted a group of ignorant students from the back of the crowd. “You’ll be free!”
The comment hung in the air like a lead weight, and the boy on the ledge, Jun Wei, turned sharply. His face was a mixture of anguish and frustration, and for a fleeting moment, he seemed to reconsider.
“Stop it!” he cried, his voice cracking.
“I fucking hate you all!”
“Jun Wei, listen to me!” Mr Li called, stepping closer slowly, one hesitant step at a time.
“You have so much to live for! Think of your parents!”
“Don’t you dare bring them into this!” Jun Wei shouted, his fists clenched at his sides.
“You know nothing!”
“Just take a step back! You’re not thinking straight! Come on, you have to trust Mr Li; you’ll end up in hell if you jump!” Mr Li continued, his words only serving to stoke the flames of Jun Wei’s despair.
“Think about your future!” chimed in Ms Zhang, the science teacher, her voice high-pitched with anxiety.
“You can’t throw it all away! What about your grades? You’re doing so well in chemistry!”
“Yeah,” added Mr Wang, the history teacher, nervously adjusting his glasses.
“You wouldn’t want your last act to be failing your final exams, would you?”
From the corner of the crowd, a figure emerged, strikingly different from the panicked teachers and students. Dressed in a crisp Victoria High school uniform, complete with an oversized blazer, he exuded a quiet confidence. His Ray-Ban Wayfarers rested casually on his nose, giving him an air of nonchalance that was at odds with the chaos around him.
“Hey there, superstar!” he called out, his voice smooth and light as he approached the scene.
“What’s all the fuss about? Trying to get a better view of the school’s architectural flaws?”
The crowd fell silent, turning to the newcomer in confusion. Mr Li’s brow furrowed.
“Hey! Are you a new student?! Who are you?! This is no time for jokes!”
The “new student” grinned, unfazed.
“Teachers, I hear you’ve got a bit of a situation on your hands, and frankly, the way you’re talking to this distressed student is already the biggest joke.”
His eyes locked onto Jun Wei’s, a smile breaking through the tension.
“What’s going on, mate? You look like it’s the end of the world.”
Jun Wei blinked, momentarily distracted.
“What do you know about it?” he snapped, but a flicker of curiosity danced in his eyes.
“Try me,” the “new student” said, tilting his head slightly, a playful grin still on his face.
“I promise I won’t judge. Besides, I’d hate to explain to the headmaster why I’ve got a student splattered on the pavement. It’s not exactly a great way to start my first day.”
The “new student” took a deep breath, adrenaline coursing through him as he prepared to jump onto the ledge. With a graceful leap, he landed beside Jun Wei, the concrete beneath them seeming to tremble with the weight of the moment. He turned to Jun Wei, his expression calm and reassuring.
“Om Mani Padme Hum,” he murmured softly, his voice steady.
The words flowed from him like a gentle stream, imbued with intention. It was a mantra of compassion and peace, meant to soothe the soul and alleviate suffering. As the sound of the chant lingered in the air, a moment of stillness enveloped them, as if time itself had paused to listen.
“Just a little closer, mate,” he continued, his tone soothing.
“Let me see what’s really bothering you.”
**Hahahaha!! Chopstick arms!!!! Hahahaha!!!**
**Why don't you just stick to the sidelines? That's where you belong!**
**Nobody wants you on their team; you're just dead weight!**
**You should really consider a different sport... like watching!**
**You’re not even good enough to be a benchwarmer!**
**You’re a joke, Jun Wei! Even the basketballs are laughing at you!**
The painful memory of humiliation during a basketball team trial the day before, when Mr Li had uttered cruel words in front of his peers, flashed before the “new student’s” eyes. The weight of that moment bore down on Jun Wei, fuelling his desperation.
After a brief pause, the man took a deep breath and turned his head towards the P.E. teacher. “He’s jumping because of you, Mr Li!”
Panic flashed across Mr Li’s face.
“What… what nonsense are you on about?” he stammered, bewildered.
The crowd shifted uneasily, their attention now divided between Jun Wei on the ledge and the “new student” who had just thrown Mr Li under the bus.
Jun Wei turned his gaze to the “new student,” surprise etched across his features.
“How do you know that?” he whispered, disbelief mingling with an inkling of hope.
The “new student” flashed a reassuring smile and whispered back: “I see your pain, it’s weighing heavily on you. We all experience joy and sorrows and it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling right now.”
“I would love to chat with you more, shall we find a better place than standing up here?”
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“I am actually scared of heights. Please?”
With the “new student’s” words lingering in the air, Jun Wei took a tentative step back from the ledge. The crowd erupted in applause, relief washing over them as he descended to solid ground.
The “new student” jumped down beside him, maintaining a casual demeanour despite the weight of the moment. The teachers rushed to Jun Wei, their earlier panic replaced with confusion over what had just transpired.
“Who… What… what’s your name, new student?” one teacher exclaimed, her eyes wide with gratitude mixed with confusion.
The “new student” shrugged, a playful grin returning. “Haha… I am flattered that I still look young enough to pass off as a student in your eyes… haha…”
“I am Victoria High’s new school psychologist — Dr Kim. It’s nice to meet you all!”