As the sun began to set over the horizon, the black haired man glanced around him. “I should start searching for a good camping spot.” He mumbled to himself as he plodded down the road. He was a good ways away from where the knights had been pursuing him, and as such didn’t feel the need to be as careful with concealing himself. Upon reaching a fork in the road, he turned left, heading towards a small meadow that appeared to have some berry bushes. Upon leaving the road, the man looked down, searching for some flat ground where he could lay.
Upon finding the spot, and gathering what he believed to be some edible berries from the nearby bushes, the man lay down on the ground, eating his supper and washing down the berries with water from a battered leather canteen.
After performing his nightly rituals, the man lay down in the dirt, resting his head on his arms. As he closed his eyes, suddenly a blinding flash of light illuminated the surrounding area, startling the man as he immediately shielded his eyes and began backing away from the source of the light.
“Do not be afraid…Drystan Alaric.” An ethereal yet distinctly womanly voice spoke, instantly evoking a sense of calm into Drystan. Standing up, Drystan lowered his arms and opened his eyes, spotting a young woman, standing directly in front of him, clothed in a shimmering white dress. Her hair, glowing without color, nearly reached the ground.
“Who…who are…” Drystan tried to speak, but his words caught in his throat. The woman gave him a loving smile.
“I am she who created the water and sky. I am she who created the fish of the sea and the birds of the air. I am she who has looked after this kingdom from its most humble beginnings and guided those who made this nation great. I am she who has watched the kingdom begin a slow and painful decline. I…am Seraphina.”
Drystan’s eyes widened. “S-S-Seraphina? Y-You mean…you’re…you’re the…goddess?”
“One of two…yes…my compatriot…Vakros…created the land you stand upon, and every beast of the earth is born from her.”
“W-what…what do you want from me?!” Drystan said, shock evident in his voice, the sense of calm he had felt vanishing.
“Drystan Alaric…I have watched over you your entire life. I have seen your struggles, your pain, your suffering. Yet, despite losing everything…despite losing the woman you loved with all your heart…you never lost hope. You never lost what made you…you. Rejoice, Drystan, for you have found favor in my sight.”
“Favor? You…you must be…mistaken. If you truly knew of my past, you would know that I have a man’s blood on my hands. You should know–” 129Please respect copyright.PENANAv81G3yPi71
“I am very much aware of what transpired in your past, Drystan Alaric. Born in the village of Halcen to a mother who had recently lost her husband to pestilence, you were being mentored to be the next village elder. Your work ethic and determination from when you were nothing but a small babe onwards inspired not only your closest friends, but the adults around you as well. You were engaged to your childhood friend, not for political schemes, but for love. Yet all that was stolen away from you, forced to live as a vagabond and rogue, stealing from others to survive.”
Drystan was silent as he listened to the goddess recount his past, proving that she was indeed who she claimed to be. Looking down and away, he shook his head. “If you know…then why…why come to me?”
“Because you have found favor. Because I have chosen you for a task of such great import, it will shake this kingdom to its very foundation. You, Drystan Alaric, will become the new hero of Serephea, replacing the descendants of my dear friend Caius Eldar.”
Drystan stood still, mouth agape as she spoke. Finally releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, Drystan spoke. “W-Wait…you mean…you want me to…to replace…the Eldar’s?! They’re the ones you blessed! They’re the ones who–”
“Who have become corrupted by their greed, hunger for power, and desire to be worshipped as gods amongst men. Cadoc is a man who does not hold the virtues or the desires that Caius enshrined. Caius fought for those who couldn’t fight for themselves. He struggled against an evil tyrant who enslaved his own people to fill his coffers. He desired nothing more than to improve the lives of all people. Cadoc, beginning with his great grandfather, brought about the slow decline of their morals. Any hope of change occurring from within died today, with the declaration that their words are infallible and not to be questioned, along with pressuring the king to become nothing more than a figurehead, giving Cadoc all the powers of the monarchy.”
“That’s…the first I’m hearing about all this.” 129Please respect copyright.PENANATzMRVHPzM1
“Word is still being spread throughout the land, and this secret agreement will not be brought to light for fear of destabilizing Serephea. I can no longer bide my time and watch this farce any longer. I had given every opportunity for Cadoc and his family to repent and turn from their ways, but alas, they are a foolish and stiff-necked family.”
“Then why not remove your blessing from them? You blessed Caius millennia ago, and that blessing was transferred to his descendants. Can’t you just remove your blessing?”
“If only it were that simple. Once blessed by either Vakros or myself, that blessing is impossible to remove, even by our own hands. The only method to remove my blessing…is through the death of each and every descendant who does not repent.” 129Please respect copyright.PENANA0wa36sKvdl
“You…you want me to…KILL them?!” Drystan shouted, shaking his head.
“Y-You can’t mean what you say. I could never–”
“It’s not a burden I’ll place upon you lightly. For Caius’s sake, I urge you to use peaceful means to bring about the end of their reign as the saviors of Serephea. While it is impossible for internal reform, there remains yet a small possibility for external pressures to enact necessary change. The only member who has no hope of reform is Cadoc, who must be eliminated for you to take your rightful place. The others may live if you’re able to convince them. They may keep their blessings, their roles as saviors will forever be stripped from them.”
“...I don’t know if I can do what you expect me to do…I’m not…I’m not a hero…as you said, I steal to eat. I lie to avoid being caught. I deceive others to keep going another day. I’m no hero…”
“I’ve watched over you every day, even when you were still in your mother’s womb as she grieved the loss of your father. You possess the same qualities Caius once possessed. The world may have trampled you down…but you will rise again.”
The goddess walked forward towards Drystan, raising her right arm. “I am she who was there upon the formation of the world. I am she who watches over all in Serephea. Drystan Alaric, thy body is a vessel for my powers to flow through you. Thy will is now one with mine. Rise, the hero of Serephea, and take your rightful place.”
Drystan’s body began to glow as something that he could only describe as energy flowed into him like a raging river. As if on its own, Drystan’s left arm raised, a sword manifesting out of nowhere, as his hand grabbed its hilt. As Seraphina lowered her arm, Drystan fell to his knees, his right arm propping him up while his body continued to glow, something he had only seen portraits of during his annual visits to the cathedral in years past.
“Head to Alderton.” Seraphina spoke as she started to become translucent. “The village elder there will receive a dream of your arrival. I have prepared someone who will be the first to aid you on your journey, though he is unaware. Remember, you have my blessing, and are the true hero of Serephea. I will be watching you always.”
The goddess disappeared, the bright light disappearing as the darkness of the night came flooding back in, except for around Drystan, who was still glowing, the power of the goddess flowing through him. Looking down at the sword in his hand, he shook his head. “I…can scarcely believe this is happening.” He spoke to himself as the light began to dissipate, the sword disappearing as he collapsed onto the ground, a supernatural sleep immediately claiming him.
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