The soft glow of several lit oil lamps in the distance provided the only light for miles around, penetrating the inky black darkness surrounding the city. Just outside the city walls stood a small squad of six royal soldiers, having no affiliation to any knightly order or the church. Hidden in the dark, Mathis and Drystan stood just to the side of the dirt road, staring at the guards. Mathis took a deep breath as Drystan put a hand on his shoulder. “Are you ready for this?” Drystan asked, his voice outwardly calm and composed.
Mathis nodded. “I’m not…but I’ll never truly be ready for such a task. We must proceed quickly though.” Taking out some leather bindings from a bag, Mathis handed them to Drystan. “”Do what you need to do.” 44Please respect copyright.PENANA9xA7eOCeA1
Drystan grabbed the bindings and gently placed Mathis’s arms behind his back, wrapping his wrists together with the leather bindings and tying a tight knot. Testing the restraints, Drystan nodded, satisfied. “Alright…follow me. I’ll need to make it convincing…so I promise that no matter what I say or do, it’s to convince them that I’ve captured you.”
Mathis nodded. “I understand. I swear I’ll hold no ill feelings towards you. Do what you must.” With that, the two walked towards the road, with Mathis visibly resisting against Drystan. Upon hearing the commotion, the guards stared into the darkness before Drystan appeared, forcibly dragging Mathis. “Halt! What business have you in Erith?! And who is that man you’ve apprehended?” 44Please respect copyright.PENANAK8ubKT7dkw
Drystan threw Mathis forward, causing Mathis to collapse on the ground. “This man is Mathis Rook. I met a group of knights earlier today searching for this heretic, who is wanted for heresy and preaching false teachings that have turned many against the true faith, perverting the worship of the goddess. I stumbled upon him as he was hiding in the forest while I was out hunting, and managed to subdue him without much resistance. I’m here to turn him in to the knights and collect a reward from the church.”
The guards looked Mathis over before one of them nodded. “So, this is the man we were informed to keep watch for. Very well, I’ll escort you to the knight’s barracks so that–”
“Actually, I’d like to turn him in personally to a priest that I know. Do any of you know of a Father Vonder?”
The guards looked amongst themselves before one of them nodded. “Aye…I know Father Vonder. Good man he is, always feeding and caring for the orphaned kids.”
Drystand nodded. “That’s him. He used to be a traveling priest and visited my village fairly often. I owe a lot to him, and thus I want to give him the honor of bringing this filthy heretic to the knights.”
The guards nodded, moving to the side with the exception of one. “Follow me. I’ll escort you two to the cathedral so that the heretic doesn’t get any false hopes about escaping from his punishment.”
Drystan smiled and nodded. “You have my thanks.” Reaching down, he grabbed on Mathis’s arm and roughly yanked him up. “Get a move on!” He yelled at Mathis as he pushed him forward, Mathis stumbling before regaining his balance. The guards who remained at their posts chuckled as they watched the three men walk through the entrance to the city, resuming their duties.
Upon entering the city, Drystan curiously looked around before tripping, not realizing that the dirt path had transformed into a stone road. While the stones were smoothed and worn from heavy use, there were still stones that stuck out higher than others. The guard looked back at Drystan. “Are you injured?”
Drystan chuckled and shook his head. “I’m unharmed. I just…wasn’t expecting the change from dirt to stone…” As the guard looked forward again, Drystan’s eyes scanned his surroundings, trying to memorize every detail he possibly could. Each alleyway between buildings and the twists and turns it might or might not have. The buildings that were still lively and thus were more prone to having witnesses. The streets that still had relatively heavy foot traffic despite how late it was at night to possibly blend into the crowd if need be.
After several silent minutes, the three men approached the tall cathedral as two members of the knights stood guard at the entrance. Upon seeing the three men, the knights approached them. “Greetings. What business have you at the cathedral at this late hour?” 44Please respect copyright.PENANAik75xdS0FQ
The guard motioned to Drystan and Mathis. “This man has managed to apprehend the heretic Mathis Rook. He is requesting to officially turn him in to Father Mathis, wanting him to get the honor.”
The knights nodded. “Understood. Return to your post. We’ll take it from here.” The guard nodded, shooting one last parting glare at Mathis before departing without another word. One of the knights opened the door to the cathedral. “Come. I shall escort you to the guest chambers and fetch Father Vonder.”
Drystan nudged Mathis forward as they entered into the cathedral. After being escorted down a hall, the knight opened the door to a darkened room. Walking over to an oil lamp, the knight lit the lamp as the room illuminated in a soft white glow. The knight glanced at Drystan. “I’ll now fetch Father Vonder. Be sure to not let the heretic escape as he may be desperate enough to attempt one.”
“I’ll remain vigilant.”
With that, the guard closed the door behind him, his footsteps echoing down the hall. Mathis looked around the room and sighed, keeping his voice low so that any potential eavesdroppers wouldn’t be able to listen. “I never thought I’d be in the cathedral as a criminal and not as a priest or member of the church.”
“Having second thoughts?”
“None whatsoever. You have my gratitude for not being excessively rough. I had mentally and physically prepared myself for the worst.”
Drystan smirked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, his heart beating quickly at the thought of the upcoming reunion. Trying to calm himself down, Drystan looked around the room. “Pretty fancy room for it only being one to talk with guests.”
“The church prides itself on…projecting prosperity to its guests. In theory, it’s supposed to make the more affluent guests more at ease and give the less fortunate a brief taste of luxury, or so says the–”
A knock on the door interrupted Mathis before it slowly swung open as a middle-aged man with a graying beard and eyepatch over his left eye entered the room. “My apologies for the delay.” 44Please respect copyright.PENANAC5FIKZSA7b
He said, closing the door behind him. “I was just about to retire for the night when–”
Father Vonder looked at Drystan, stunned silent with his mouth slightly agape. Drystan nervously scratched the back of his neck. “It’s…been a while, Father…two years to be exact. How…how have you been?”
Father Vonder remained silent for a few more moments before shaking his head slightly. “Of all the people that could have apprehended Mathis…you were the last person I would have expected it to be.” His voice was low and dripping with hostility.
Drystan sighed and shook his head. “It’s good to see you again too…” He sarcastically stated before stepping forward. “I see that you still believe that I’m responsible for what occurred.”
“Because you ARE responsible! There’s no one else it could have been! We all–”
Drystand raised his hand up, silencing Father Vonder before speaking. “I’m here to call in that favor that you told me you owed me for saving your life five years ago.”
Father Vonder’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Drystan and then at Mathis before realization dawned on him. “You have no intention of actually turning this man in, do you?”
Drystan shook his head. “None at all. In fact, I’m here to rescue his mother from the knights’ custody.”
“His mother? You must be mistaken. I was informed that his mother was being held under house arrest and being investigated for possibly enabling his heretical teachings. The latest update I was given just this evening stated that she had no involvement, and her house arrest is pending to be lifted.”
Drystan’s eyebrows were raised. “You’ve received updates about Mathis?”
“Why of course. I was one of many who had taken Mathis under my wing when he first arrived at the cathedral. He was so excitable and joyful to be selected to join the priesthood. Of course I would take a vested interest in the developments of the investigation into his misdeeds and requested updates.”
Mathis, who had been silent, finally spoke up. “Father Vonder, I assure you, my mother is not under house arrest. I daresay that she’s being held hostage so as to force my hand and return, and I regret that it was successful.”
“A bold accusation from one accused of abandoning the goddess and leading vulnerable sheep of our flock down a dark path.”
Drystan reached into his pouch and grabbed the letter that had arrived a few days prior. “This letter arrived at Mathis’s home village, demanding the return of Mathis. It would be wise of you to read this over before casting judgement on Mathis as a heretic and abandoning Seraphina.”
Father Vonder’s eyes widened slightly at Drystan’s calling Seraphina by her name before taking the letter from Drystan, unfolding the parchment and reading. Moments later, he glanced at Mathis. “I recognize this handwriting…it’s the captain’s…”
Mathis nodded. “I’m aware. He has a personal interest in keeping me quiet considering I was bringing his corruption and hypocrisy to light.”
Father Vonder sighed and handed the letter back to Drystan. “Or it could be that he’s just trying to bring a heretic to justice, and is just using some…rather unsavory measures to ensure your arrest, but I digress…if what’s written in that letter is indeed true, then a grave violation of rights has occurred. It is strictly forbidden by both the church and the kingdom to imprison relatives of wanted criminals to ensure an arrest.”
Looking back at Drystan, Father Vonder continued. “I’d rather you NOT consider this a favor, as I refuse to honor the favor of a ‘suspected’ murderer. I should actually turn you into the knights myself for questioning and subsequent execution, considering you’re a wanted man as well…but I cannot ignore the plight of Mathis’s mother. Come. We shall head for the dungeons and inquire about your mother, Mathis. As for you, Drystan, consider my not turning you in the last vestige of our previous friendship. Once this matter is settled, the next time I lay my eyes on you, I shall turn you in with all expediency. Do I make myself clear?”
“...Crystal clear…”
Shaking his head, Father Vonder opened the door and motioned for Mathis and Drystan to exit. “Come. We shall head to the dungeon immediately.” Snuffing out the oil lamp, Father Vonder exited the room and led the two to the entrance of the Cathedral. However, as they entered into the lobby, Drystan suddenly felt uneasy, his senses screaming that danger was close by. Suddenly, a female voice called out. “Father Vonder!”
The three men turned toward the direction of the voice, spotting a blonde-haired woman walking towards them, wearing a dusty skirt. “I had hoped you were still awake at this hour!” Father Vonder’s eyes widened before breaking out into a smile. “Elara Eldar…you’re certainly a sight to behold, even after your long journey!”
Drystan’s eyes widened as he realized just why his body had suddenly become so tense. Standing in front of him was a woman who he would need to fight in the future, to the death if necessary.
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