
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Welcome to my writing haven! I'm Tenzy, a fantasy enthusiast, anime aficionado, and Potterhead (proudly Ravenclaw). When I'm not weaving tales, you can find me exploring magical realms, cheering on beloved characters, binge-watching anime, or mostly just reading 'x reader' stories.

    I'm in too many fandoms, but my favorites are Harry Potter, How To Train Your Dragon, Miraculous Ladybug, Dragon Ball Super, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and My Hero Academia.

    As a leisure writer, I create stories for the joy of it. My passion for fantasy fuels my imagination, and I'm always eager to share my adventures with fellow book lovers.

    On this platform, you'll find Fantasy (obviously), Sci-Fi, Horror, and many other genres, including Poetry, of course. I'm excited to connect with like-minded readers and writers.

    『Please note that I'm not interested in collaborations or professional opportunities (Trying to 'improve' my works with art or something). I'm here to share my creative endeavors and enjoy the community.』

    Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!
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  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 SomethingSomethingSomethi挑戰者  Ashy_Haze挑戰者 燭火 (Akira)挑戰者 星守 / HoshiMori挑戰者 Charlotte Nelson挑戰者 Lamington 挑戰者 Raelynn挑戰者 INKYLORE挑戰者 chaithra_sree挑戰者 Ntando92Sibiya挑戰者 Isaac挑戰者 Gedeon Demoson挑戰者 Dear Naoko挑戰者 Bilue 挑戰者 Crimson_Knight挑戰者 Myko挑戰者 M.Lauren挑戰者 Seren Felin ነቻ.挑戰者 Godadi挑戰者 alex挑戰者 kelcat
  • 剩餘時間
Six-Word Story

Tell a complete story in six words.

Good luck!

Closing Remarks - By Tenzy
3 喜歡
159 閱讀
1 留言
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ《hobby》 - By kelcat
1 喜歡
142 閱讀
0 留言
The Child - By alex
3 喜歡
177 閱讀
0 留言
Dancing Magic - By Godadi
2 喜歡
145 閱讀
0 留言
Under the Moonlight's Spell - By Seren Felin ነቻ.
3 喜歡
137 閱讀
0 留言
Sweet Tooth - By M.Lauren
1 喜歡
149 閱讀
0 留言
Whispers of the Fallen Kings - By Myko
2 喜歡
186 閱讀
0 留言
It was too late... - By Crimson_Knight
1 喜歡
155 閱讀
0 留言
篇 17 - By Bilue
0 喜歡
163 閱讀
0 留言
When dreams bleeds into reality - By Dear Naoko
2 喜歡
142 閱讀
1 留言
The Light It Ends - By Gedeon Demoson
0 喜歡
157 閱讀
0 留言
Mytikas - By Isaac
2 喜歡
166 閱讀
0 留言
The Final Pull In This World - By Ntando92Sibiya
0 喜歡
176 閱讀
0 留言
篇 12 - By
2 喜歡
167 閱讀
0 留言
20 six word stories - By chaithra_sree
1 喜歡
185 閱讀
1 留言
篇 10 - By chaithra_sree
2 喜歡
161 閱讀
0 留言
1 喜歡
157 閱讀
0 留言
Unexpected Love - By Raelynn
1 喜歡
151 閱讀
1 留言
Surgery time - By Lamington
3 喜歡
149 閱讀
0 留言
Victorious - By Charlotte Nelson
1 喜歡
164 閱讀
2 留言
Behind you - By 星守 / HoshiMori
2 喜歡
199 閱讀
1 留言
Sayonara - By 燭火 (Akira)
4 喜歡
206 閱讀
0 留言
Mother - By Ashy_Haze
2 喜歡
269 閱讀
3 留言
At the start of the end - By
1 喜歡
196 閱讀
0 留言
Excuses excuses - By SomethingSomethingSomethi
1 喜歡
224 閱讀
0 留言

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