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  • Writer
    Lee Lucas
    Lee Lucas
    My Online Store for Books Merch: https://lee-lucas-merch.printify.me/products/1

    Greetings, fabulous humans of the internet! How are you all doing? Quick heads up about me:

    Gender: Female (she/her)
    Native Language: Korean
    Language's spoke: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, (some) French
    Age: 15 :>
    Favorite Genre to Write: Dark Romance
    Favorite Genre to Read: Pride Love

    Oh yeah and, I'm more into fairy tales than sales pitches. So, if you're thinking of sweet-talking me into a marketing spiel, you might have better luck with a magic mirror.

    Plz contact me for collabs on stories. I would totally love to collaborate with you guys!
    Current collabs: None

    Your comments and likes are so much to me! I love reading interesting comments and even if its just a hello or starting up a convo, I will answer! My followers are the world to me aswell!

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 2:50pm

    -Lee Lucas :>
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  • Subscription plans
    The Worlds too Expensive for Me - Lee Lucas
    Don't worry guys, I get it. The world is too expensive for me too. \_(-_-)_/
    US$1.99 /month
    Low commitment plan - Lee Lucas
    Get's the same plan as the main plan - but with less free stories
    US$4.99 /month
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Hearts of Seoul: A Forbidden Love Story

Initially, when Dong-Geun Lee, a prominent businessman in Korea, and Seo-Hyeon Rhee, a tenacious journalist known for exposing corruption, first collide paths, friction arises due to their differing principles and opposing views on integrity. Seo-Hyeon’s investigation into a scandal directly involving Dong-Geun’s corporate entity catalyzes a clash of egos between them, fueling animosity and suspicion. 

Nevertheless, with the intensifying pressure of circumstances, Dong-Geun and Seo-Hyeon are reluctantly compelled to set aside their personal enmities and join forces, forming a tenuous partnership in a bid to untangle the intricate web of deceit veiling the scandal. Over the course of their collaborative efforts, a subtle transformation transpires, kindling an unexpected bond rooted in mutual admiration and an evolving sense of camaraderie.

As they immerse themselves deeper into the labyrinth of intrigue, the lines between commitment to their cause and burgeoning romantic sentiments blurs, fostering a delicate intimacy between them that defies the external threats and challenges looming ominously on the horizon. 

Escalating dangers and shadowy adversaries seeking to bury the truth test the strength of their newfound connection, enticing Dong-Geun and Seo-Hyeon to confront their personal demons and vulnerabilities head-on, forging a path toward mutual reliance and emotional catharsis. Through emergent revelations and unwavering loyalty, they navigate a transformative journey that shifts from animosity to understanding, unraveling the mysteries of their past grievances and paving the way for a future built on trust and acceptance.

In facing down adversity together, Dong-Geun and Seo-Hyeon navigate a precarious landscape fraught with peril, not only fighting for the ideals of justice and transparency but also for the fragile love that binds them, upending preconceived notions and entrenched biases to embrace a shared destiny forged in the crucible of their tumultuous experiences.

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