
  • 創作挑戰發起人
    Lee Lucas
    Lee Lucas
    My Online Store for Books Merch: https://lee-lucas-merch.printify.me/products/1

    Greetings, fabulous humans of the internet! How are you all doing? Quick heads up about me:

    Gender: Female (she/her)
    Native Language: Korean
    Language's spoke: Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, (some) French
    Age: 15 :>
    Favorite Genre to Write: Dark Romance
    Favorite Genre to Read: Pride Love

    Oh yeah and, I'm more into fairy tales than sales pitches. So, if you're thinking of sweet-talking me into a marketing spiel, you might have better luck with a magic mirror.

    Plz contact me for collabs on stories. I would totally love to collaborate with you guys!
    Current collabs: None

    Your comments and likes are so much to me! I love reading interesting comments and even if its just a hello or starting up a convo, I will answer! My followers are the world to me aswell!

    Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 2:50pm

    -Lee Lucas :>
    See more
  • 挑戰者
    挑戰者 Quan挑戰者 燭火 (Akira)
  • 剩餘時間
Get To Know Me!

Hello all! It's great to connect with you here. Recently, I've been exploring social media writers who share the same passion as me. It's intriguing to see that many of them have been participating in a popular trend called "Get To Know Me!" I've decided to join in on the fun and create my own version of this activity. In doing so, I thought it would be a great opportunity for all of you to get to know me better as well. If you have any burning questions or simply want to strike up a conversation, I encourage you to ask away! You can leave your inquiries, comments, or even concerns right here in the comment section of this Hub/Contest. I'm open to all kinds of questions, but I kindly request that you keep them appropriate and respectful. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. Your participation means a lot to me, and I'm excited to see what you all come up with. Thank you in advance for taking the time to engage with me!

Hello all! It's great to connect with you here. Recently, I've been exploring social media writers who share the same passion as me. It's intriguing to see that many of them have been participating in a popular trend called "Get To Know Me!" I've decided to join in on the fun and create my own version of this activity. In doing so, I thought it would be a great opportunity for all of you to get to know me better as well. If you have any burning questions or simply want to strike up a conversation, I encourage you to ask away! You can leave your inquiries, comments, or even concerns right here in the comment section of this Hub/Contest. I'm open to all kinds of questions, but I kindly request that you keep them appropriate and respectful. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. Your participation means a lot to me, and I'm excited to see what you all come up with. Thank you in advance for taking the time to engage with me!